Example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.linear RealMatrix setColumn

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.math3.linear RealMatrix setColumn


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.linear RealMatrix setColumn.


void setColumn(int column, double[] array) throws OutOfRangeException, MatrixDimensionMismatchException;

Source Link


Sets the specified column of this matrix to the entries of the specified array .


From source file:hivemall.anomaly.SingularSpectrumTransform.java

public void update(@Nonnull final Object arg, @Nonnull final double[] outScores) throws HiveException {
    double x = PrimitiveObjectInspectorUtils.getDouble(arg, oi);
    xRing.add(x).toArray(xSeries, true /* FIFO */);

    // need to wait until the buffer is filled
    if (!xRing.isFull()) {
        outScores[0] = 0.d;/*from   w w  w  .j a  va 2 s .c om*/
    } else {
        // create past trajectory matrix and find its left singular vectors
        RealMatrix H = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(window, nPastWindow);
        for (int i = 0; i < nPastWindow; i++) {
            H.setColumn(i, Arrays.copyOfRange(xSeries, i, i + window));

        // create current trajectory matrix and find its left singular vectors
        RealMatrix G = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(window, nCurrentWindow);
        int currentHead = pastSize + currentOffset;
        for (int i = 0; i < nCurrentWindow; i++) {
            G.setColumn(i, Arrays.copyOfRange(xSeries, currentHead + i, currentHead + i + window));

        switch (scoreFunc) {
        case svd:
            outScores[0] = computeScoreSVD(H, G);
        case ika:
            outScores[0] = computeScoreIKA(H, G);
            throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected score function: " + scoreFunc);

From source file:com.caseystella.analytics.outlier.batch.rpca.AugmentedDickeyFuller.java

private void computeADFStatistics() {
    double[] y = diff(ts);
    RealMatrix designMatrix = null;
    int k = lag + 1;
    int n = ts.length - 1;

    RealMatrix z = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(laggedMatrix(y, k)); //has rows length(ts) - 1 - k + 1
    RealVector zcol1 = z.getColumnVector(0); //has length length(ts) - 1 - k + 1
    double[] xt1 = subsetArray(ts, k - 1, n - 1); //ts[k:(length(ts) - 1)], has length length(ts) - 1 - k + 1
    double[] trend = sequence(k, n); //trend k:n, has length length(ts) - 1 - k + 1
    if (k > 1) {
        RealMatrix yt1 = z.getSubMatrix(0, ts.length - 1 - k, 1, k - 1); //same as z but skips first column
        //build design matrix as cbind(xt1, 1, trend, yt1)
        designMatrix = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(ts.length - 1 - k + 1, 3 + k - 1);
        designMatrix.setColumn(0, xt1);
        designMatrix.setColumn(1, ones(ts.length - 1 - k + 1));
        designMatrix.setColumn(2, trend);
        designMatrix.setSubMatrix(yt1.getData(), 0, 3);

    } else {/* ww  w.j  a  v a  2s  .  c  o  m*/
        //build design matrix as cbind(xt1, 1, tt)
        designMatrix = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(ts.length - 1 - k + 1, 3);
        designMatrix.setColumn(0, xt1);
        designMatrix.setColumn(1, ones(ts.length - 1 - k + 1));
        designMatrix.setColumn(2, trend);
    /*OLSMultipleLinearRegression regression = new OLSMultipleLinearRegression();
    regression.newSampleData(zcol1.toArray(), designMatrix.getData());
    double[] beta = regression.estimateRegressionParameters();
    double[] sd = regression.estimateRegressionParametersStandardErrors();
    RidgeRegression regression = new RidgeRegression(designMatrix.getData(), zcol1.toArray());
    double[] beta = regression.getCoefficients();
    double[] sd = regression.getStandarderrors();

    double t = beta[0] / sd[0];
    if (t <= PVALUE_THRESHOLD) {
        this.needsDiff = true;
    } else {
        this.needsDiff = false;

From source file:mase.app.allocation.AllocationProblem.java

private DescriptiveStatistics pairDistances(RealMatrix distMatrix) {
    DescriptiveStatistics ds = new DescriptiveStatistics();
    distMatrix = distMatrix.copy();//  ww w. j  ava  2s  .  com

    for (int k = 0; k < numAgents; k++) {
        // find closest pair
        double min = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
        int minI = -1, minJ = -1;
        for (int i = 0; i < numAgents; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < numAgents; j++) {
                double d = distMatrix.getEntry(i, j);
                if (!Double.isNaN(d) && d < min) {
                    min = d;
                    minI = i;
                    minJ = j;
        distMatrix.setRow(minI, nulify);
        distMatrix.setColumn(minJ, nulify);
    return ds;

From source file:lirmm.inria.fr.math.BigSparseRealMatrixTest.java

public void testSetColumn() {
    RealMatrix m = new BigSparseRealMatrix(subTestData);
    double[] mColumn3 = columnToArray(subColumn3);
    Assert.assertTrue(mColumn3[0] != m.getColumn(1)[0]);
    m.setColumn(1, mColumn3);
    checkArrays(mColumn3, m.getColumn(1));
    try {//  w  ww .j  a v  a  2s  .co m
        m.setColumn(-1, mColumn3);
        Assert.fail("Expecting OutOfRangeException");
    } catch (OutOfRangeException ex) {
        // expected
    try {
        m.setColumn(0, new double[5]);
        Assert.fail("Expecting MatrixDimensionMismatchException");
    } catch (MatrixDimensionMismatchException ex) {
        // expected

From source file:org.orekit.frames.TransformTest.java

public void testLinear() {

    RandomGenerator random = new Well19937a(0x14f6411217b148d8l);
    for (int n = 0; n < 100; ++n) {
        Transform t = randomTransform(random);

        // build an equivalent linear transform by extracting raw translation/rotation
        RealMatrix linearA = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(3, 4);
        linearA.setSubMatrix(t.getRotation().getMatrix(), 0, 0);
        Vector3D rt = t.getRotation().applyTo(t.getTranslation());
        linearA.setEntry(0, 3, rt.getX());
        linearA.setEntry(1, 3, rt.getY());
        linearA.setEntry(2, 3, rt.getZ());

        // build an equivalent linear transform by observing transformed points
        RealMatrix linearB = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(3, 4);
        Vector3D p0 = t.transformPosition(Vector3D.ZERO);
        Vector3D pI = t.transformPosition(Vector3D.PLUS_I).subtract(p0);
        Vector3D pJ = t.transformPosition(Vector3D.PLUS_J).subtract(p0);
        Vector3D pK = t.transformPosition(Vector3D.PLUS_K).subtract(p0);
        linearB.setColumn(0, new double[] { pI.getX(), pI.getY(), pI.getZ() });
        linearB.setColumn(1, new double[] { pJ.getX(), pJ.getY(), pJ.getZ() });
        linearB.setColumn(2, new double[] { pK.getX(), pK.getY(), pK.getZ() });
        linearB.setColumn(3, new double[] { p0.getX(), p0.getY(), p0.getZ() });

        // both linear transforms should be equal
        Assert.assertEquals(0.0, linearB.subtract(linearA).getNorm(), 1.0e-15 * linearA.getNorm());

        for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
            Vector3D p = randomVector(1.0e3, random);
            Vector3D q = t.transformPosition(p);

            double[] qA = linearA.operate(new double[] { p.getX(), p.getY(), p.getZ(), 1.0 });
            Assert.assertEquals(q.getX(), qA[0], 1.0e-13 * p.getNorm());
            Assert.assertEquals(q.getY(), qA[1], 1.0e-13 * p.getNorm());
            Assert.assertEquals(q.getZ(), qA[2], 1.0e-13 * p.getNorm());

            double[] qB = linearB.operate(new double[] { p.getX(), p.getY(), p.getZ(), 1.0 });
            Assert.assertEquals(q.getX(), qB[0], 1.0e-10 * p.getNorm());
            Assert.assertEquals(q.getY(), qB[1], 1.0e-10 * p.getNorm());
            Assert.assertEquals(q.getZ(), qB[2], 1.0e-10 * p.getNorm());

        }//from   w w  w . j  a  v a  2s .c  o  m



From source file:put.ci.cevo.framework.algorithms.ApacheCMAES.java

 * {@inheritDoc}/*w ww.j a  v a  2 s  . co  m*/
protected PointValuePair doOptimize() {
    // -------------------- Initialization --------------------------------

    isMinimize = getGoalType().equals(GoalType.MINIMIZE);
    final double[] guess = getStartPoint();
    // number of objective variables/problem dimension
    dimension = guess.length;
    iterations = 0;
    double bestValue = (isMinimize ? Double.MAX_VALUE : Double.MIN_VALUE);
    push(fitnessHistory, bestValue);
    PointValuePair optimum = new PointValuePair(getStartPoint(), isMinimize ? bestValue : -bestValue);
    PointValuePair lastResult = null;

    // -------------------- Generation Loop --------------------------------
    EvaluatedPopulation<double[]> evaluatedPopulation = null;

    Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createUnstarted();
    generationLoop: for (iterations = 1; iterations <= maxIterations; iterations++) {

        // Generate and evaluate lambda offspring
        final RealMatrix arz = randn1(dimension, lambda);
        final RealMatrix arx = zeros(dimension, lambda);
        final double[] fitness = new double[lambda];
        // generate random offspring
        for (int k = 0; k < lambda; k++) {
            RealMatrix arxk = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < checkFeasableCount + 1; i++) {
                if (diagonalOnly <= 0) {
                    arxk = xmean.add(BD.multiply(arz.getColumnMatrix(k)).scalarMultiply(sigma)); // m + sig * Normal(0,C)
                } else {
                    arxk = xmean.add(times(diagD, arz.getColumnMatrix(k)).scalarMultiply(sigma));
                //if (i >= checkFeasableCount ||
                //      fitfun.isFeasible(arxk.getColumn(0))) {
                //   break;
                // regenerate random arguments for row
                arz.setColumn(k, randn(dimension));
            copyColumn(arxk, 0, arx, k);
            //try {
            //   valuePenaltyPairs[k] = fitfun.value(arx.getColumn(k)); // compute fitness
            //} catch (TooManyEvaluationsException e) {
            //   break generationLoop;

        double newPopTime = stopwatch.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) / 1000.0;
        ArrayList<double[]> population = new ArrayList<>(lambda);
        // This is mine. I ignore constraints.
        for (int k = 0; k < lambda; ++k) {

        evaluatedPopulation = populationEvaluator.evaluate(population, iterations - 1, random);
        final ValuePenaltyPair[] valuePenaltyPairs = new ValuePenaltyPair[lambda];
        for (int k = 0; k < lambda; ++k) {
            valuePenaltyPairs[k] = new ValuePenaltyPair(evaluatedPopulation.getPopulation().get(k).getFitness(),

        // Compute fitnesses by adding value and penalty after scaling by value range.
        double valueRange = valueRange(valuePenaltyPairs);
        for (int iValue = 0; iValue < valuePenaltyPairs.length; iValue++) {
            fitness[iValue] = valuePenaltyPairs[iValue].value + valuePenaltyPairs[iValue].penalty * valueRange;
            if (!isMinimize)
                fitness[iValue] = -fitness[iValue];
        double evalTime = stopwatch.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) / 1000.0;

        // Sort by fitness and compute weighted mean into xmean
        final int[] arindex = sortedIndices(fitness);
        // Calculate new xmean, this is selection and recombination
        final RealMatrix xold = xmean; // for speed up of Eq. (2) and (3)
        final RealMatrix bestArx = selectColumns(arx, MathArrays.copyOf(arindex, mu));
        xmean = bestArx.multiply(weights);
        final RealMatrix bestArz = selectColumns(arz, MathArrays.copyOf(arindex, mu));
        final RealMatrix zmean = bestArz.multiply(weights);
        final boolean hsig = updateEvolutionPaths(zmean, xold);
        if (diagonalOnly <= 0) {
            updateCovariance(hsig, bestArx, arz, arindex, xold);
        } else {
            updateCovarianceDiagonalOnly(hsig, bestArz);
        // Adapt step size sigma - Eq. (5)
        sigma *= FastMath.exp(FastMath.min(1, (normps / chiN - 1) * cs / damps));
        final double bestFitness = fitness[arindex[0]];
        final double worstFitness = fitness[arindex[arindex.length - 1]];
        if (bestValue > bestFitness) {
            bestValue = bestFitness;
            lastResult = optimum;
            optimum = new PointValuePair(bestArx.getColumn(0), isMinimize ? bestFitness : -bestFitness);
            if (getConvergenceChecker() != null && lastResult != null
                    && getConvergenceChecker().converged(iterations, optimum, lastResult)) {
                break generationLoop;
        // handle termination criteria
        // Break, if fitness is good enough
        if (stopFitness != 0 && bestFitness < (isMinimize ? stopFitness : -stopFitness)) {
            break generationLoop;
        final double[] sqrtDiagC = sqrt(diagC).getColumn(0);
        final double[] pcCol = pc.getColumn(0);
        for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++) {
            if (sigma * FastMath.max(FastMath.abs(pcCol[i]), sqrtDiagC[i]) > stopTolX) {
            if (i >= dimension - 1) {
                break generationLoop;
        for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++) {
            if (sigma * sqrtDiagC[i] > stopTolUpX) {
                break generationLoop;
        final double historyBest = min(fitnessHistory);
        final double historyWorst = max(fitnessHistory);
        if (iterations > 2 && FastMath.max(historyWorst, worstFitness)
                - FastMath.min(historyBest, bestFitness) < stopTolFun) {
            break generationLoop;
        if (iterations > fitnessHistory.length && historyWorst - historyBest < stopTolHistFun) {
            break generationLoop;
        // condition number of the covariance matrix exceeds 1e14
        if (max(diagD) / min(diagD) > 1e7) {
            break generationLoop;
        // user defined termination
        if (getConvergenceChecker() != null) {
            final PointValuePair current = new PointValuePair(bestArx.getColumn(0),
                    isMinimize ? bestFitness : -bestFitness);
            if (lastResult != null && getConvergenceChecker().converged(iterations, current, lastResult)) {
                break generationLoop;
            lastResult = current;
        // Adjust step size in case of equal function values (flat fitness)
        if (bestValue == fitness[arindex[(int) (0.1 + lambda / 4.)]]) {
            sigma *= FastMath.exp(0.2 + cs / damps);
        if (iterations > 2
                && FastMath.max(historyWorst, bestFitness) - FastMath.min(historyBest, bestFitness) == 0) {
            sigma *= FastMath.exp(0.2 + cs / damps);
        // store best in history
        push(fitnessHistory, bestFitness);
        if (generateStatistics) {

        double cmaesTime = stopwatch.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) / 1000.0;
        double listernerTime = stopwatch.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) / 1000.0;
        logger.info(String.format("NewPop: %.2f, Eval: %.2f, CMAES: %.2f, Listerner: %.2f", newPopTime,
                evalTime, cmaesTime, listernerTime));

    return optimum;

From source file:stats.SpearmansCorrelation.java

 * Applies rank transform to each of the columns of <code>matrix</code> using
 * the current <code>rankingAlgorithm</code>.
 * @param matrix//from  ww  w.j a va2s . c  om
 *          matrix to transform
 * @return a rank-transformed matrix
private RealMatrix rankTransform(final RealMatrix matrix) {
    RealMatrix transformed = null;

    if (rankingAlgorithm instanceof NaturalRanking
            && ((NaturalRanking) rankingAlgorithm).getNanStrategy() == NaNStrategy.REMOVED) {
        final Set<Integer> nanPositions = new HashSet<Integer>();
        for (int i = 0; i < matrix.getColumnDimension(); i++) {

        // if we have found NaN values, we have to update the matrix size
        if (!nanPositions.isEmpty()) {
            transformed = new BlockRealMatrix(matrix.getRowDimension() - nanPositions.size(),
            for (int i = 0; i < transformed.getColumnDimension(); i++) {
                transformed.setColumn(i, removeValues(matrix.getColumn(i), nanPositions));

    if (transformed == null) {
        transformed = matrix.copy();

    for (int i = 0; i < transformed.getColumnDimension(); i++) {
        transformed.setColumn(i, rankingAlgorithm.rank(transformed.getColumn(i)));

    return transformed;