Example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.linear RealMatrix setColumnVector

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.math3.linear RealMatrix setColumnVector


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.linear RealMatrix setColumnVector.


void setColumnVector(int column, RealVector vector)
        throws OutOfRangeException, MatrixDimensionMismatchException;

Source Link


Sets the specified column of this matrix to the entries of the specified vector .


From source file:io.warp10.script.functions.TOMAT.java

public Object apply(WarpScriptStack stack) throws WarpScriptException {

    Object o = stack.pop();//from  w  w w . j a v  a2 s .c  o  m

    if (o instanceof RealVector) {

        RealMatrix matrix = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(((RealVector) o).getDimension(), 1);

        matrix.setColumnVector(0, (RealVector) o);


        return stack;

    if (!(o instanceof List)) {
        throw new WarpScriptException(getName() + " expects a 2D array onto the stack.");

    int rows = ((List) o).size();
    int cols = -1;

    for (Object oo : (List) o) {
        if (!(oo instanceof List)) {
            throw new WarpScriptException(getName() + " expects a 2D array onto the stack.");
        if (-1 == cols) {
            cols = ((List) oo).size();
        } else if (cols != ((List) oo).size()) {
            throw new WarpScriptException(
                    getName() + " expects a common number of columns throughout the 2D array.");

    double[][] doubles = new double[rows][cols];

    for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
        List<Object> row = (List<Object>) ((List) o).get(i);
        for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
            Object elt = row.get(j);
            if (!(elt instanceof Number)) {
                throw new WarpScriptException(getName() + " expects a numeric 2D array onto the stack.");
            doubles[i][j] = ((Number) elt).doubleValue();

    RealMatrix mat = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(doubles);


    return stack;

From source file:com.github.thorbenlindhauer.factor.CanonicalGaussianFactor.java

 * Transforms a conditional linear gaussian (i.e. a Gaussian of the form N(x; a + B^T * Y, C) into canonical form.
 * @param meanVector a//from   w w w  .  ja  v a2 s.  co  m
 * @param weightMatrix B
 * @param covarianceMatrix C
public static CanonicalGaussianFactor fromConditionalForm(Scope scope, Scope conditioningScope,
        RealVector meanVector, RealMatrix covarianceMatrix, RealMatrix weightMatrix) {

    // TODO: perform cardinality checks etc.

    // the following assumes that the resulting precision matrix (and mean vector) can be restructured as follows:
    // where X indicates variables that are part of the prediction scope and Y are variables being part of the conditioning scope

    // assuming
    //   meanVector: a; |x| vector
    //   covarianceMatrix: C; |x| cross |x| matrix
    //   weightMatrix: B;  |x| cross |y| matrix

    // XX = C^-1
    // XY = -C^-1 * B
    // YX = -B^T * C^-1
    // YY = B^T * C^-1 * B^T

    MathUtil mathUtil = new MathUtil(covarianceMatrix);

    // C^(-1)
    RealMatrix xxMatrix = null;

    xxMatrix = mathUtil.invert();

    //    if (!mathUtil.isZeroMatrix()) {
    //      xxMatrix = mathUtil.invert();
    //    } else {
    //      // this is a special case for convolution in which the "summing" variable has no variance itself
    //      // although a 0 variance is not valid in general
    //      xxMatrix = covarianceMatrix;
    //    }

    // B^T * C^(-1)
    RealMatrix weightedXXMatrix = weightMatrix.transpose().multiply(xxMatrix);

    // -B^T * C^(-1)
    RealMatrix yxMatrix = weightedXXMatrix.scalarMultiply(-1.0d);

    // -C^(-1)^T * B
    RealMatrix xyMatrix = xxMatrix.transpose().multiply(weightMatrix).scalarMultiply(-1.0d);

    // B^T * C^(-1) * B
    RealMatrix yyMatrix = weightedXXMatrix.multiply(weightMatrix);

    // K
    RealMatrix conditionedPrecisionMatrix = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(scope.size(), scope.size());

    // Matrix to generate h
    RealMatrix conditionedMeanTransformationMatrix = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(scope.size(), scope.size());

    Scope predictionScope = scope.reduceBy(conditioningScope);
    int[] predictionMapping = scope.createContinuousVariableMapping(predictionScope);
    int[] conditioningMapping = scope.createContinuousVariableMapping(conditioningScope);

    for (int i = 0; i < scope.size(); i++) {
        RealVector precisionColumn = conditionedPrecisionMatrix.getColumnVector(i);

        if (predictionMapping[i] >= 0) {
            precisionColumn = precisionColumn.add(
                    padVector(xxMatrix.getColumnVector(predictionMapping[i]), scope.size(), predictionMapping));

            conditionedMeanTransformationMatrix.setColumnVector(i, precisionColumn);

            precisionColumn = precisionColumn.add(padVector(yxMatrix.getColumnVector(predictionMapping[i]),
                    scope.size(), conditioningMapping));

            conditionedPrecisionMatrix.setColumnVector(i, precisionColumn);

        if (conditioningMapping[i] >= 0) {
            precisionColumn = precisionColumn.add(padVector(xyMatrix.getColumnVector(conditioningMapping[i]),
                    scope.size(), predictionMapping));

            conditionedMeanTransformationMatrix.setColumnVector(i, precisionColumn);

            precisionColumn = precisionColumn.add(padVector(yyMatrix.getColumnVector(conditioningMapping[i]),
                    scope.size(), conditioningMapping));

            conditionedPrecisionMatrix.setColumnVector(i, precisionColumn);

    // h = (a, 0)^T * (XX, XY; 0, 0)
    RealMatrix scaledMeanMatrix = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(1, scope.size());
    scaledMeanMatrix.setRowVector(0, padVector(meanVector, scope.size(), predictionMapping));

    scaledMeanMatrix = scaledMeanMatrix.multiply(conditionedMeanTransformationMatrix);
    RealVector scaledMeanVector = scaledMeanMatrix.getRowVector(0);

    // g = a^T * C^-1 * a - log((2 * PI) ^ m/2 * det(C)^0.5) where m is the size of the prediction scope
    RealMatrix meanMatrix = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(predictionScope.size(), 1);
    meanMatrix.setColumnVector(0, meanVector);
    double normalizationConstant = -0.5d * meanVector.dotProduct(xxMatrix.operate(meanVector)) - Math.log(
            Math.pow(2 * Math.PI, (double) predictionScope.size() / 2.0d) * Math.sqrt(mathUtil.determinant()));

    return new CanonicalGaussianFactor(scope, conditionedPrecisionMatrix, scaledMeanVector,


From source file:cooccurrence.Omer_Levy.java

 * Method that will extract top D singular values from CoVariance Matrix 
 * It will then identify the corresponding columns from U and V and add it to new matrices 
 * @param U/*from   w  w w  .  ja  v a 2s  .c om*/
 * @param V
 * @param coVariance
 * @param matrixUd
 * @param matrixVd
 * @param coVarD
 * @param indicesD 
private static void getTopD(RealMatrix U, RealMatrix V, RealMatrix coVariance, RealMatrix matrixUd,
        RealMatrix matrixVd, RealMatrix coVarD, ArrayList<Integer> indicesD) {
    TreeMap<Double, Set<Integer>> tmap = new TreeMap<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < coVariance.getRowDimension(); i++) {
        double val = coVariance.getEntry(i, i);
        if (tmap.containsKey(val)) {
            Set<Integer> temp = tmap.get(val);
        } else {
            Set<Integer> temp = new HashSet<>();
            tmap.put(val, temp);
    Iterator iter = tmap.keySet().iterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
        Double val = (Double) iter.next();
        Set<Integer> indices = tmap.get(val);
        for (int i = 0; i < indices.size(); i++) {
            Iterator iterIndices = indices.iterator();
            while (iterIndices.hasNext()) {
                int index = (Integer) iterIndices.next();
                coVarD.addToEntry(index, index, val);
                matrixUd.setColumnVector(index, U.getColumnVector(index));
                matrixVd.setColumnVector(index, V.getColumnVector(index));


From source file:com.joptimizer.functions.SOCPLogarithmicBarrier.java

private RealMatrix buildJ(SOCPConstraintParameters param, RealVector X) {
    RealMatrix J = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(dim, param.getA().getRowDimension() + 1);
    J.setSubMatrix(param.getA().transpose().getData(), 0, 0);
    J.setColumnVector(param.getA().getRowDimension(), param.getC());
    return J;/* w  ww  . j a va2  s.c  om*/

From source file:com.github.thorbenlindhauer.math.MathUtil.java

public RealMatrix invert() {
    if (!matrix.isSquare()) {
        throw new FactorOperationException("Cannot invert non-square matrix");
    }//w w  w  . j ava  2  s .  co  m

    int matrixDimension = matrix.getRowDimension();

    RealMatrix inverseMatrix = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(matrixDimension, matrixDimension);
    RealMatrix identityMatrix = MatrixUtils.createRealIdentityMatrix(matrixDimension);

    DecompositionSolver solver = luDecomposition.getSolver();

    for (int i = 0; i < matrixDimension; i++) {
        RealVector identityColumn = identityMatrix.getColumnVector(i);
        RealVector inverseColumn = solver.solve(identityColumn);

        inverseMatrix.setColumnVector(i, inverseColumn);

    return inverseMatrix;


From source file:edu.stanford.cfuller.imageanalysistools.fitting.BisquareLinearFit.java

* Calculates the leverages of data points for least squares fitting (assuming equal variances).
* @param indVarValues The values of the independent variable used for the fitting.
* @return a RealVector containing a leverage value for each independent variable value.
*///from www  .j a v  a  2  s .  co m
protected RealVector calculateLeverages(RealVector indVarValues) {

    RealMatrix indVarMatrix = null;

    if (this.noIntercept) {
        indVarMatrix = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(indVarValues.getDimension(), 1);
    } else {
        indVarMatrix = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(indVarValues.getDimension(), 2);

    indVarMatrix.setColumnVector(0, indVarValues);

    if (!this.noIntercept) {
        indVarMatrix.setColumnVector(1, indVarValues.mapMultiply(0).mapAdd(1));

    RealVector leverages = new ArrayRealVector(indVarValues.getDimension());

    QRDecomposition xQR = new QRDecomposition(indVarMatrix);

    RealMatrix xR = xQR.getR();

    int smallerDim = xR.getRowDimension() < xR.getColumnDimension() ? xR.getRowDimension()
            : xR.getColumnDimension();

    RealMatrix xRSq = xR.getSubMatrix(0, smallerDim - 1, 0, smallerDim - 1);

    QRDecomposition xRQR = new QRDecomposition(xRSq);

    RealMatrix xRInv = xRQR.getSolver().getInverse();

    RealMatrix xxRInv = indVarMatrix.multiply(xRInv);

    for (int i = 0; i < indVarValues.getDimension(); i++) {
        double sum = 0;
        for (int j = 0; j < xxRInv.getColumnDimension(); j++) {
            sum += Math.pow(xxRInv.getEntry(i, j), 2);
        leverages.setEntry(i, sum);

    return leverages;


From source file:edu.stanford.cfuller.colocalization3d.correction.Correction.java

 * Applies an existing correction to a single x-y position in the Image plane.
 * @param x     The x-position at which to apply the correction.
 * @param y     The y-position at which to apply the correction.
 * @return      A RealVector containing 3 elements-- the magnitude of the correction in the x, y, and z dimensions, in that order.
 *///from  ww  w  .ja  v a2  s .co m
public RealVector correctPosition(double x, double y) throws UnableToCorrectException {

    RealVector corrections = new ArrayRealVector(3, 0.0);

    RealVector distsToCentroids = this.getPositionsForCorrection().getColumnVector(0).mapSubtract(x)
            .mapToSelf(new Power(2));
    distsToCentroids = distsToCentroids
            .add(this.getPositionsForCorrection().getColumnVector(1).mapSubtract(y).mapToSelf(new Power(2)));
    distsToCentroids.mapToSelf(new Sqrt());

    RealVector distRatio = distsToCentroids.ebeDivide(this.getDistanceCutoffs());

    RealVector distRatioBin = new ArrayRealVector(distRatio.getDimension(), 0.0);

    for (int i = 0; i < distRatio.getDimension(); i++) {
        if (distRatio.getEntry(i) <= 1)
            distRatioBin.setEntry(i, 1.0);

    RealVector weights = distRatio.map(new Power(2.0)).mapMultiplyToSelf(-3).mapAddToSelf(1)
            .add(distRatio.map(new Power(3.0)).mapMultiplyToSelf(2));

    weights = weights.ebeMultiply(distRatioBin);

    double sumWeights = 0;

    int countWeights = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < weights.getDimension(); i++) {
        if (weights.getEntry(i) > 0) {
            sumWeights += weights.getEntry(i);

    if (countWeights == 0) { // this means there were no points in the correction dataset near the position being corrected.
        throw (new UnableToCorrectException(
                "Incomplete coverage in correction dataset at (x,y) = (" + x + ", " + y + ")."));

    RealMatrix cX = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(countWeights, this.getCorrectionX().getColumnDimension());
    RealMatrix cY = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(countWeights, this.getCorrectionX().getColumnDimension());
    RealMatrix cZ = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(countWeights, this.getCorrectionX().getColumnDimension());

    RealVector xVec = new ArrayRealVector(countWeights, 0.0);
    RealVector yVec = new ArrayRealVector(countWeights, 0.0);

    RealVector keptWeights = new ArrayRealVector(countWeights, 0.0);

    int keptCounter = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < weights.getDimension(); i++) {
        if (weights.getEntry(i) > 0) {

            cX.setRowVector(keptCounter, this.getCorrectionX().getRowVector(i));
            cY.setRowVector(keptCounter, this.getCorrectionY().getRowVector(i));
            cZ.setRowVector(keptCounter, this.getCorrectionZ().getRowVector(i));

            xVec.setEntry(keptCounter, x - this.getPositionsForCorrection().getEntry(i, 0));
            yVec.setEntry(keptCounter, y - this.getPositionsForCorrection().getEntry(i, 1));

            keptWeights.setEntry(keptCounter, weights.getEntry(i));


    double xCorr = 0;
    double yCorr = 0;
    double zCorr = 0;

    RealMatrix allCorrectionParameters = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(countWeights, numberOfCorrectionParameters);

    RealVector ones = new ArrayRealVector(countWeights, 1.0);

    allCorrectionParameters.setColumnVector(0, ones);
    allCorrectionParameters.setColumnVector(1, xVec);
    allCorrectionParameters.setColumnVector(2, yVec);
    allCorrectionParameters.setColumnVector(3, xVec.map(new Power(2)));
    allCorrectionParameters.setColumnVector(4, yVec.map(new Power(2)));
    allCorrectionParameters.setColumnVector(5, xVec.ebeMultiply(yVec));

    for (int i = 0; i < countWeights; i++) {

        xCorr += allCorrectionParameters.getRowVector(i).dotProduct(cX.getRowVector(i))
                * keptWeights.getEntry(i);
        yCorr += allCorrectionParameters.getRowVector(i).dotProduct(cY.getRowVector(i))
                * keptWeights.getEntry(i);
        zCorr += allCorrectionParameters.getRowVector(i).dotProduct(cZ.getRowVector(i))
                * keptWeights.getEntry(i);


    xCorr /= sumWeights;
    yCorr /= sumWeights;
    zCorr /= sumWeights;

    corrections.setEntry(0, xCorr);
    corrections.setEntry(1, yCorr);
    corrections.setEntry(2, zCorr);

    return corrections;

From source file:com.github.thorbenlindhauer.factor.CanonicalGaussianFactor.java

public GaussianFactor division(GaussianFactor other) {
    if (!scope.contains(other.getVariables().getVariableIds())) {
        throw new FactorOperationException("Divisor scope " + other.getVariables() + " is not a subset of"
                + " this factor's scope " + scope);
    }//  w  w w  . j a  v  a 2  s  . co m

    int[] otherMapping = scope.createContinuousVariableMapping(other.getVariables());

    RealMatrix newPrecisionMatrix = precisionMatrix.copy();

    RealMatrix otherPrecisionMatrix = other.getPrecisionMatrix();

    for (int i = 0; i < scope.size(); i++) {
        RealVector column = newPrecisionMatrix.getColumnVector(i);

        if (otherMapping[i] >= 0) {
            column = column.subtract(padVector(otherPrecisionMatrix.getColumnVector(otherMapping[i]),
                    scope.size(), otherMapping));
            newPrecisionMatrix.setColumnVector(i, column);

    RealVector newScaledMeanVector = scaledMeanVector.copy();
    RealVector otherScaledMeanVector = other.getScaledMeanVector();
    newScaledMeanVector = newScaledMeanVector
            .subtract(padVector(otherScaledMeanVector, scope.size(), otherMapping));

    double newNormalizationConstant = normalizationConstant - other.getNormalizationConstant();

    return new CanonicalGaussianFactor(scope, newPrecisionMatrix, newScaledMeanVector,

From source file:com.github.thorbenlindhauer.factor.CanonicalGaussianFactor.java

public GaussianFactor product(GaussianFactor other) {
    Scope newScope = scope.union(other.getVariables());

    int newFactorSize = newScope.size();

    int[] thisMapping = newScope.createContinuousVariableMapping(scope);
    int[] otherMapping = newScope.createContinuousVariableMapping(other.getVariables());

    RealMatrix newPrecisionMatrix = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(newScope.size(), newScope.size());

    RealMatrix otherPrecisionMatrix = other.getPrecisionMatrix();

    for (int i = 0; i < newFactorSize; i++) {
        RealVector column = new ArrayRealVector(newFactorSize);
        if (thisMapping[i] >= 0) {
            column = column.add(//w  w w . j  a  v a2  s  .  co  m
                    padVector(precisionMatrix.getColumnVector(thisMapping[i]), newFactorSize, thisMapping));

        if (otherMapping[i] >= 0) {
            column = column.add(padVector(otherPrecisionMatrix.getColumnVector(otherMapping[i]), newFactorSize,
        newPrecisionMatrix.setColumnVector(i, column);

    RealVector newScaledMeanVector = padVector(scaledMeanVector, newScope.size(), thisMapping);
    RealVector otherScaledMeanVector = other.getScaledMeanVector();
    newScaledMeanVector = newScaledMeanVector
            .add(padVector(otherScaledMeanVector, newFactorSize, otherMapping));

    double newNormalizationConstant = normalizationConstant + other.getNormalizationConstant();

    return new CanonicalGaussianFactor(newScope, newPrecisionMatrix, newScaledMeanVector,

From source file:lirmm.inria.fr.math.BigSparseRealMatrixTest.java

public void testSetColumnVector() {
    RealMatrix m = new BigSparseRealMatrix(subTestData);
    RealVector mColumn3 = columnToVector(subColumn3);
    Assert.assertNotSame(mColumn3, m.getColumnVector(1));
    m.setColumnVector(1, mColumn3);
    Assert.assertEquals(mColumn3, m.getColumnVector(1));
    try {//from   w  w w.j  a  v a2 s .c om
        m.setColumnVector(-1, mColumn3);
        Assert.fail("Expecting OutOfRangeException");
    } catch (OutOfRangeException ex) {
        // expected
    try {
        m.setColumnVector(0, new ArrayRealVector(5));
        Assert.fail("Expecting MatrixDimensionMismatchException");
    } catch (MatrixDimensionMismatchException ex) {
        // expected