Example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.linear RealVector getEntry

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.math3.linear RealVector getEntry


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.linear RealVector getEntry.


public abstract double getEntry(int index) throws OutOfRangeException;

Source Link


Return the entry at the specified index.


From source file:edu.stanford.cfuller.imageanalysistools.fitting.NelderMeadMinimizer.java

 * Constructs the initial simplex that is the starting point of the optimization given an initial guess at the minimum.
 * This method will attempt to guess the scale of each parameters, but it is preferable to specify this manually using the other form of
 * generateInitialSimplex if any information about these scales is known.
 * @param initialPoint      The initial guess at the minimum, one component per parameter.
 * @return                  A matrix containing p + 1 rows, each of which is one set of p parameters, which specify the simplex.
 *///from  w ww .  j ava  2s  . co m
public RealMatrix generateInitialSimplex(RealVector initialPoint) {

    final double constantScale = 0.1;

    RealVector componentScales = initialPoint.mapMultiply(constantScale);

    //if the initial point has zeros in it, those entries will not be optimized
    //perturb slightly to allow optimization
    for (int i = 0; i < componentScales.getDimension(); i++) {
        if (componentScales.getEntry(i) == 0.0) {
            componentScales.setEntry(i, constantScale);

    return generateInitialSimplex(initialPoint, componentScales);


From source file:edu.stanford.cfuller.imageanalysistools.filter.LocalMaximumSeparabilityThresholdingFilter.java

 * Applies the filter to an Image, optionally turning on adaptive determination of the increment size used to find the threshold, and specifying a size for the threshold determination increment.
 * Turning on adaptive determination of the increment will generally make the threshold slightly less optimal, but can sometimes speed up the filtering, especially
 * for images with a large dynamic range.
 * <p>/*w  ww .ja  va2s . c  o  m*/
 * The increment size specified (in greylevels) will be used to determine the threshold only if adaptive determination is off; otherwise this parameter will be ignored.
 * @param im    The Image to be thresholded; this will be overwritten by the thresholded Image.
 * @param adaptiveincrement     true to turn on adaptive determination of the threshold increment; false to turn it off and use the default value
 * @param increment             the increment size (in greylevels) to use for determining the threshold; must be positive.
public void apply_ext(WritableImage im, boolean adaptiveincrement, int increment) {

    Histogram h = new Histogram(im);

    int thresholdValue = 0;

    final int numSteps = 1000;

    double best_eta = 0;
    int best_index = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

    int nonzerocounts = h.getTotalCounts() - h.getCounts(0);

    double meannonzero = h.getMeanNonzero();

    ArrayRealVector omega_v = new ArrayRealVector(h.getMaxValue());
    ArrayRealVector mu_v = new ArrayRealVector(h.getMaxValue());
    ArrayRealVector eta_v = new ArrayRealVector(h.getMaxValue());

    int c = 0;

    if (adaptiveincrement) {
        increment = (int) ((h.getMaxValue() - h.getMinValue() + 1) * 1.0 / numSteps);
        if (increment < 1)
            increment = 1;

    for (int k = h.getMinValue(); k < h.getMaxValue() + 1; k += increment) {

        if (k == 0)

        omega_v.setEntry(c, h.getCumulativeCounts(k) * 1.0 / nonzerocounts);

        if (c == 0) {
            mu_v.setEntry(c, k * omega_v.getEntry(c));
        } else {

            mu_v.setEntry(c, mu_v.getEntry(c - 1) + k * h.getCounts(k) * 1.0 / nonzerocounts);
            for (int i = k - increment + 1; i < k; i++) {
                mu_v.setEntry(c, mu_v.getEntry(c) + h.getCounts(i) * i * 1.0 / nonzerocounts);


        double omega = omega_v.getEntry(c);
        double mu = mu_v.getEntry(c);

        if (omega > 1e-8 && 1 - omega > 1e-8) {

            double eta = omega * (1 - omega) * Math.pow((meannonzero - mu) / (1 - omega) - mu / omega, 2);

            eta_v.setEntry(c, eta);

            if (eta >= best_eta) {
                best_eta = eta;
                best_index = k;

        } else {
            eta_v.setEntry(c, 0);



    int orig_method_best_index = best_index;

    c = 1;

    ArrayList<Integer> maxima = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    Map<Integer, Integer> k_by_c = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
    Map<Integer, Integer> c_by_k = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();

    for (int k = h.getMinValue() + 1; k < h.getMaxValue(); k += increment) {

        //detect if this is a local maximum

        k_by_c.put(c, k);
        c_by_k.put(k, c);

        int lastEntryNotEqual = c - 1;
        int nextEntryNotEqual = c + 1;

        while (lastEntryNotEqual > 0 && eta_v.getEntry(lastEntryNotEqual) == eta_v.getEntry(c)) {
        while (nextEntryNotEqual < (eta_v.getDimension() - 1)
                && eta_v.getEntry(nextEntryNotEqual) == eta_v.getEntry(c)) {

        if (eta_v.getEntry(c) > eta_v.getEntry(lastEntryNotEqual)
                && eta_v.getEntry(c) > eta_v.getEntry(nextEntryNotEqual)) {





    //now that we have maxima, try doing a gaussian fit to find the positions.  If there's only one, we need to guess at a second

    RealVector parameters = new ArrayRealVector(6, 0.0);

    int position0 = 0;
    int position1 = h.getMaxValue();

    if (maxima.size() > 1) {

        double best_max = 0;
        double second_best_max = 0;

        int best_pos = 0;
        int second_best_pos = 0;

        for (Integer k : maxima) {

            int ck = c_by_k.get(k);

            double eta_k = eta_v.getEntry(ck);

            if (eta_k > best_max) {

                second_best_max = best_max;
                second_best_pos = best_pos;

                best_max = eta_k;
                best_pos = ck;

            } else if (eta_k > second_best_max) {

                second_best_max = eta_k;
                second_best_pos = ck;



        position0 = best_pos;

        position1 = second_best_pos;

    } else {

        position0 = c_by_k.get(maxima.get(0));
        position1 = (eta_v.getDimension() - position0) / 2 + position0;


    //make sure that position 1 is larger than position 0

    if (position1 < position0) {

        int temp = position0;
        position0 = position1;
        position1 = temp;


    double s = (position1 - position0) / 4.0;

    parameters.setEntry(0, eta_v.getEntry(position0));//*Math.sqrt(2*Math.PI)*s);
    parameters.setEntry(1, position0);
    parameters.setEntry(2, s);
    parameters.setEntry(3, eta_v.getEntry(position1));//*Math.sqrt(2*Math.PI)*s);
    parameters.setEntry(4, position1);
    parameters.setEntry(5, s);

    DoubleGaussianObjectiveFunction dgof = new DoubleGaussianObjectiveFunction();


    NelderMeadMinimizer nmm = new NelderMeadMinimizer();

    RealVector result = nmm.optimize(dgof, parameters);

    best_index = (int) result.getEntry(4);

    if (k_by_c.containsKey(best_index)) {
        best_index = k_by_c.get(best_index);
    } else {
        //fall back to the normal global maximum if the fitting seems to have found an invalid value.
        best_index = orig_method_best_index;


    thresholdValue = best_index;

    if (thresholdValue == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
        thresholdValue = 0;
    for (ImageCoordinate coord : im) {
        if (im.getValue(coord) < thresholdValue)
            im.setValue(coord, 0);


From source file:edu.duke.cs.osprey.tupexp.IterativeCGTupleFitter.java

double[] calcFitVals(RealVector rv) {
    double[] fitVals = new double[numSamp];
    for (int s = 0; s < numSamp; s++) {
        //if(isSampleRestrained(s)){//we need these for validation, if not for AtA aplication
        ArrayList<Integer> sampTup = tupIndMat.calcSampleTuples(samples.get(s));
        for (int t : sampTup)
            fitVals[s] += rv.getEntry(t);
        //}//from  w  w  w. j  av  a2s .com

    return fitVals;

From source file:com.datumbox.framework.core.machinelearning.regression.MatrixLinearRegression.java

/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override//from w w w .ja  va 2  s  .c o m
protected void _predict(Dataframe newData) {
    //read model params
    ModelParameters modelParameters = knowledgeBase.getModelParameters();

    Map<Object, Double> thitas = modelParameters.getThitas();
    Map<Object, Integer> featureIds = modelParameters.getFeatureIds();

    int d = thitas.size();

    RealVector coefficients = new OpenMapRealVector(d);
    for (Map.Entry<Object, Double> entry : thitas.entrySet()) {
        Integer featureId = featureIds.get(entry.getKey());
        coefficients.setEntry(featureId, entry.getValue());

    Map<Integer, Integer> recordIdsReference = new HashMap<>(); //use a mapping between recordIds and rowIds in Matrix
    DataframeMatrix matrixDataset = DataframeMatrix.parseDataset(newData, recordIdsReference, featureIds);

    RealMatrix X = matrixDataset.getX();

    RealVector Y = X.operate(coefficients);
    for (Map.Entry<Integer, Record> e : newData.entries()) {
        Integer rId = e.getKey();
        Record r = e.getValue();
        int rowId = recordIdsReference.get(rId);
                new Record(r.getX(), r.getY(), Y.getEntry(rowId), r.getYPredictedProbabilities()));

    //recordIdsReference = null;
    //matrixDataset = null;

From source file:com.github.thorbenlindhauer.factor.GaussianFactorTest.java

public void testValueObservation() {
    GaussianFactor reducedVector = abcFactor.observation(newScope(new ContinuousVariable("A")),
            new double[] { 2.5d });

    // then// www.j  a  v a  2 s . c om
    Collection<Variable> newVariables = reducedVector.getVariables().getVariables();
    assertThat(newVariables).contains(new ContinuousVariable("B"), new ContinuousVariable("C"));

    //  B     C    A
    //6.0d, 7.0d, 3.0d
    //3.0d, 5.5d, 10.0d
    //4.0d, 6.0d, 3.0d
    // X = {B, C}, Y = {A}

    // precision matrix: K_xx
    RealMatrix precisionMatrix = reducedVector.getPrecisionMatrix();

    double precision = precisionMatrix.getEntry(0, 0);
    assertThat(precision).isEqualTo(6.0d, TestConstants.DOUBLE_VALUE_TOLERANCE);

    precision = precisionMatrix.getEntry(0, 1);
    assertThat(precision).isEqualTo(7.0d, TestConstants.DOUBLE_VALUE_TOLERANCE);

    precision = precisionMatrix.getEntry(1, 0);
    assertThat(precision).isEqualTo(3.0d, TestConstants.DOUBLE_VALUE_TOLERANCE);

    precision = precisionMatrix.getEntry(1, 1);
    assertThat(precision).isEqualTo(5.5d, TestConstants.DOUBLE_VALUE_TOLERANCE);

    // scaled mean vector: h_x - K_xy * y
    RealVector scaledMeanVector = reducedVector.getScaledMeanVector();

    double meanValue = scaledMeanVector.getEntry(0);
    assertThat(meanValue).isEqualTo(-5.5d, TestConstants.DOUBLE_VALUE_TOLERANCE);

    meanValue = scaledMeanVector.getEntry(1);
    assertThat(meanValue).isEqualTo(-23.5d, TestConstants.DOUBLE_VALUE_TOLERANCE);

    // normalization constant: g + h_y * y - 0.5 * (y * K_yy * y)
    //                         8.5 + 7.5 - 9,375

From source file:com.github.thorbenlindhauer.factor.CanonicalGaussianFactor.java

protected RealVector getSubVector(RealVector vector, int[] entriesToKeep) {
    RealVector subVector = new ArrayRealVector(entriesToKeep.length);

    for (int i = 0; i < entriesToKeep.length; i++) {
        subVector.setEntry(i, vector.getEntry(entriesToKeep[i]));
    }/*from w w  w . j  a v  a2 s  .  c  o m*/

    return subVector;

From source file:com.datumbox.framework.core.common.dataobjects.MapRealVector.java

/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override/*from w  w  w.  jav a 2 s  . c om*/
public RealMatrix outerProduct(RealVector v) {
    final int m = this.getDimension();
    final int n = v.getDimension();
    final RealMatrix product;
    if (m > 1000000) { //use only in big values
        product = new MapRealMatrix(m, n);
    } else {
        product = new OpenMapRealMatrix(m, n);
    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
            product.setEntry(i, j, this.getEntry(i) * v.getEntry(j));
    return product;

From source file:edu.stanford.cfuller.imageanalysistools.clustering.ObjectClustering.java

 * Applies basic clustering to an Image with objects.
 * This will use the long-range gaussian filtering approach to assign clusters; objects sufficiently near to each other will be smeared into a single object and assigned to the same cluster.
 * @param input             An Image mask labeled such that each object in the Image is assigned a unique nonzero greylevel value.  These should start at 1 and be consecutive.
 * @param original          The original image (not currently used... this is here to maintain the interface with a previous version that used this image)
 * @param gaussianFiltered  The mask with a long range Gaussian filter applied (as from {@link #gaussianFilterMask}).  This is an optional parameter;
 *                          input null to have this automatically generated by the method.  This parameter is
 *                          chiefly useful to save computation time when running the clutering multiple times.
 *                          This will be modified, so if planning to reuse the Gaussian filtered image, pass in a copy.
 *///from   w w w .  j  a v  a2  s  .  c om
public static Image doBasicClustering(WritableImage input, Image original, Image gaussianFiltered) {

    RelabelFilter rlf = new RelabelFilter();
    LabelFilter lf = new LabelFilter();
    MaskFilter mf = new MaskFilter();


    Histogram h_individualCentromeres = new Histogram(input);

    WritableImage origCopy = null;

    if (gaussianFiltered == null) {

        origCopy = gaussianFilterMask(input).getWritableInstance();

    } else {
        origCopy = gaussianFiltered.getWritableInstance();


    WritableImage mapped = ImageFactory.createWritable(origCopy);

    Histogram h_mapped_0 = new Histogram(origCopy);

    //first, find the centroid of each cluster

    org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealVector centroids_x = new ArrayRealVector(h_mapped_0.getMaxValue() + 1);
    org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealVector centroids_y = new ArrayRealVector(h_mapped_0.getMaxValue() + 1);

    org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealVector counts = new ArrayRealVector(h_mapped_0.getMaxValue() + 1);


    for (ImageCoordinate i : origCopy) {
        if (origCopy.getValue(i) > 0) {
            int value = (int) origCopy.getValue(i);
            centroids_x.setEntry(value, centroids_x.getEntry(value) + i.get(ImageCoordinate.X));
            centroids_y.setEntry(value, centroids_y.getEntry(value) + i.get(ImageCoordinate.Y));
            counts.setEntry(value, counts.getEntry(value) + 1);
    for (int i = 0; i < counts.getDimension(); i++) {
        if (counts.getEntry(i) == 0) {
            counts.setEntry(i, 1);
            centroids_x.setEntry(i, -1 * origCopy.getDimensionSizes().get(ImageCoordinate.X));
            centroids_y.setEntry(i, -1 * origCopy.getDimensionSizes().get(ImageCoordinate.Y));
        centroids_x.setEntry(i, centroids_x.getEntry(i) / counts.getEntry(i));
        centroids_y.setEntry(i, centroids_y.getEntry(i) / counts.getEntry(i));


    for (ImageCoordinate i : origCopy) {

        if (mapped.getValue(i) > 0 || input.getValue(i) == 0)

        double minDistance = Double.MAX_VALUE;
        int minIndex = 0;

        for (int j = 0; j < centroids_x.getDimension(); j++) {
            double dist = Math.hypot(centroids_x.getEntry(j) - i.get(ImageCoordinate.X),
                    centroids_y.getEntry(j) - i.get(ImageCoordinate.Y));
            if (dist < minDistance) {
                minDistance = dist;
                minIndex = j;

        mapped.setValue(i, minIndex);


    int[] centromereAssignments = new int[h_individualCentromeres.getMaxValue() + 1];
    java.util.Arrays.fill(centromereAssignments, 0);

    for (ImageCoordinate i : mapped) {

        if (input.getValue(i) > 0) {

            int value = (int) input.getValue(i);

            if (centromereAssignments[value] > 0) {
                mapped.setValue(i, centromereAssignments[value]);
            } else {
                centromereAssignments[value] = (int) mapped.getValue(i);




    return origCopy;

From source file:com.datumbox.framework.core.machinelearning.regression.MatrixLinearRegression.java

/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override//from  w ww  . java  2s.com
protected void _fit(Dataframe trainingData) {
    ModelParameters modelParameters = knowledgeBase.getModelParameters();
    int n = trainingData.size();
    int d = trainingData.xColumnSize();

    Map<Object, Double> thitas = modelParameters.getThitas();
    Map<Object, Integer> featureIds = modelParameters.getFeatureIds();
    //Map<Integer, Integer> recordIdsReference = null;
    DataframeMatrix matrixDataset = DataframeMatrix.newInstance(trainingData, true, null, featureIds);

    RealVector Y = matrixDataset.getY();
    RealMatrix X = matrixDataset.getX();

    RealMatrix Xt = X.transpose();
    LUDecomposition lud = new LUDecomposition(Xt.multiply(X));
    //W = (X'X)^-1 * X'Y
    RealMatrix XtXinv = lud.getSolver().getInverse();
    RealVector coefficients = XtXinv.multiply(Xt).operate(Y);
    // instead of matrix inversion calculate (X'X) * W = X'Y
    //RealVector coefficients = lud.getSolver().solve(Xt.operate(Y));
    //lud =null;

    //Xt = null;

    //put the features coefficients in the thita map
    thitas.put(Dataframe.COLUMN_NAME_CONSTANT, coefficients.getEntry(0));
    for (Map.Entry<Object, Integer> entry : featureIds.entrySet()) {
        Object feature = entry.getKey();
        Integer featureId = entry.getValue();

        thitas.put(feature, coefficients.getEntry(featureId));

    //get the predictions and subtact the Y vector. Sum the squared differences to get the error
    double SSE = 0.0;
    for (double v : X.operate(coefficients).subtract(Y).toArray()) {
        SSE += v * v;
    //Y = null;

    //standard error matrix
    double MSE = SSE / (n - (d + 1)); //mean square error = SSE / dfResidual
    RealMatrix SE = XtXinv.scalarMultiply(MSE);
    //XtXinv = null;

    //creating a flipped map of ids to features
    Map<Integer, Object> idsFeatures = PHPMethods.array_flip(featureIds);

    Map<Object, Double> pvalues = new HashMap<>(); //This is not small, but it does not make sense to store it in the storage
    for (int i = 0; i < (d + 1); ++i) {
        double error = SE.getEntry(i, i);
        Object feature = idsFeatures.get(i);
        if (error <= 0.0) {
            //double tstat = Double.MAX_VALUE;
            pvalues.put(feature, 0.0);
        } else {
            double tstat = coefficients.getEntry(i) / Math.sqrt(error);
            pvalues.put(feature, 1.0 - ContinuousDistributions.studentsCdf(tstat, n - (d + 1))); //n-d degrees of freedom
    //matrixDataset = null;



From source file:edu.stanford.cfuller.imageanalysistools.fitting.BisquareLinearFit.java

* Performs a weighted least squares fit with supplied weights to the supplied data.
* @param indVarValues A RealVector containing the values of the independent variable.
* @param depVarValues A RealVector containing the values of the dependent variable.
* @param weights A RealVector containing the weights for the data points.
* @return a RealVector containing two elements: the slope of the fit and the y-intercept of the fit.
*//* ww  w  . j  a  va2s  .  c  om*/
public RealVector wlsFit(RealVector indVarValues, RealVector depVarValues, RealVector weights) {

    //initial guess for the fit: unweighted regression.

    SimpleRegression unweighted = new SimpleRegression(!this.noIntercept);

    for (int i = 0; i < indVarValues.getDimension(); i++) {
        unweighted.addData(indVarValues.getEntry(i), depVarValues.getEntry(i));

    RealVector parameters = null;

    if (this.noIntercept) {
        parameters = new ArrayRealVector(1, 0.0);
    } else {
        parameters = new ArrayRealVector(2, 0.0);

    parameters.setEntry(0, unweighted.getSlope());

    if (!this.noIntercept) {
        parameters.setEntry(1, unweighted.getIntercept());

    NelderMeadMinimizer nmm = new NelderMeadMinimizer(1e-12);
    WlsObjectiveFunction wof = new WlsObjectiveFunction();

    parameters = nmm.optimize(wof, parameters);

    if (this.noIntercept) {
        RealVector output = new ArrayRealVector(2, 0.0);
        output.setEntry(0, parameters.getEntry(0));
        return output;

    return parameters;
