Example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.linear RealVector getL1Norm

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.math3.linear RealVector getL1Norm


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.linear RealVector getL1Norm.


public double getL1Norm() 

Source Link


Returns the L1 norm of the vector.


From source file:com.opengamma.strata.math.impl.matrix.CommonsMatrixAlgebra.java

public double getNorm1(Matrix m) {
    ArgChecker.notNull(m, "m");
    if (m instanceof DoubleArray) {
        RealVector temp = CommonsMathWrapper.wrap((DoubleArray) m);
        return temp.getL1Norm();
    } else if (m instanceof DoubleMatrix) {
        RealMatrix temp = CommonsMathWrapper.wrap((DoubleMatrix) m);
        // TODO find if commons implements this anywhere, so we are not doing it
        // by hand
        double max = 0.0;
        for (int col = temp.getColumnDimension() - 1; col >= 0; col--) {
            max = Math.max(max, temp.getColumnVector(col).getL1Norm());
        }/*from w  ww  .ja  va2s.c om*/
        return max;

    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can only find norm1 of DoubleMatrix; have " + m.getClass());

From source file:edu.cuhk.hccl.cmd.CosineDocumentSimilarity.java

private RealVector toRealVector(Map<String, Integer> map) {
    RealVector vector = new ArrayRealVector(terms.size());
    int i = 0;/*  www .j a  v  a2s  .  c om*/
    for (String term : terms) {
        int value = map.containsKey(term) ? map.get(term) : 0;
        vector.setEntry(i++, value);
    return (RealVector) vector.mapDivide(vector.getL1Norm());

From source file:lucene.CosineDocumentSimilarity.java

RealVector toRealVector(Map<String, Integer> map) {
    RealVector vector = new ArrayRealVector(terms.size());
    int i = 0;/* www.ja  v a  2  s. c om*/
    for (String term : terms) {
        int value = map.containsKey(term) ? map.get(term) : 0;
        vector.setEntry(i++, value);
    return (RealVector) vector.mapDivide(vector.getL1Norm());

From source file:edu.stanford.cfuller.colocalization3d.fitting.P3DFitter.java

 * Fits the distances between the two channels of a set of objects to a p3d distribution.
 * /*from  w  ww.ja  v a  2  s.  c  om*/
 * @param objects the ImageObjects whose distances will be fit
 * @param diffs a RealVector containing the scalar distances between the channels of the ImageObjects, in the same order.
 * @return a RealVector containing the parameters for the distribution fit: first the mean parameter, second the standard deviation parameter
public RealVector fit(List<ImageObject> objects, RealVector diffs) {

    P3dObjectiveFunction of = new P3dObjectiveFunction();


    final double tol = 1e-12;

    NelderMeadMinimizer nmm = new NelderMeadMinimizer(tol);

    double initialMean = diffs.getL1Norm() / diffs.getDimension();

    double initialWidth = diffs.mapSubtract(initialMean)
            .map(new org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.function.Power(2)).getL1Norm() / diffs.getDimension();

    initialWidth = Math.sqrt(initialWidth);

    RealVector startingPoint = new ArrayRealVector(2, 0.0);

    startingPoint.setEntry(0, initialMean);
    startingPoint.setEntry(1, initialWidth);

    RealVector parametersMin = null;

    if (this.parameters.hasKey(ROBUST_P3D_FIT_PARAM)) {

        double cutoff = this.parameters.getDoubleValueForKey(ROBUST_P3D_FIT_PARAM);



    return nmm.optimize(of, startingPoint);


From source file:edu.stanford.cfuller.colocalization3d.correction.PositionCorrector.java

* Applies an existing correction to the positions of a set of objects, using a specified reference
* and correction channel./* www  .ja  v  a2  s  .  c o  m*/
* @param imageObjects                  A Vector containing all the ImageObjects to be corrected.
* @param c                             The Correction object to be used, which could have been generated with determineCorrection, or loaded from disk.
* @return                              A RealVector with one entry per ImageObject, containing the corrected scalar distance between the object in the reference channel and the channel being corrected.
public RealVector applyCorrection(Correction c, java.util.List<ImageObject> imageObjects) {

    int referenceChannel = this.parameters.getIntValueForKey(REF_CH_PARAM);

    int channelToCorrect = this.parameters.getIntValueForKey(CORR_CH_PARAM);

    RealVector diffs = new ArrayRealVector(imageObjects.size(), 0.0);
    RealVector averageVectorDiffs = null;

    for (int i = 0; i < imageObjects.size(); i++) {

        diffs.setEntry(i, imageObjects.get(i).getScalarDifferenceBetweenChannels(referenceChannel,
                channelToCorrect, this.pixelToDistanceConversions));

        if (i == 0) {
            averageVectorDiffs = imageObjects.get(i)
                    .getVectorDifferenceBetweenChannels(referenceChannel, channelToCorrect).copy();

        } else {
            averageVectorDiffs = averageVectorDiffs.add(imageObjects.get(i)
                    .getVectorDifferenceBetweenChannels(referenceChannel, channelToCorrect).map(new Abs()));


    averageVectorDiffs = averageVectorDiffs.ebeMultiply(this.pixelToDistanceConversions);

            .info("mean separation uncorrected = " + diffs.getL1Norm() / diffs.getDimension());
            .info("mean separation components uncorrected = " + averageVectorDiffs.toString());

    RealVector newDiffs = new ArrayRealVector(imageObjects.size(), 0.0);

    if (this.parameters.getBooleanValueForKey("correct_images")) {

        for (int i = 0; i < imageObjects.size(); i++) {

            try {

                newDiffs.setEntry(i, this.correctSingleObjectVectorDifference(c, imageObjects.get(i),
                        referenceChannel, channelToCorrect).getNorm());


            } catch (UnableToCorrectException e) {

                newDiffs.setEntry(i, -1.0 * Double.MAX_VALUE);




                .info("mean separation corrected = " + newDiffs.getL1Norm() / newDiffs.getDimension());

    } else {
        newDiffs = diffs;

    return newDiffs;

From source file:edu.stanford.cfuller.colocalization3d.correction.PositionCorrector.java

 * Determines the target registration error for a correction by successively leaving out each ImageObject in a set used to make a correction,
 * calculating a correction from the remaining objects, and assessing the error in correcting the object left out.
 * // ww w .  j ava2 s. co  m
 * @param imageObjects                  A Vector containing all the ImageObjects to be used for the correction
 *                                      or in the order it appears in a multiwavelength image file.
 * @return                              The average value of the error over all objects.
public double determineTRE(java.util.List<ImageObject> imageObjects) {

    int referenceChannel = this.parameters.getIntValueForKey(REF_CH_PARAM);

    int channelToCorrect = this.parameters.getIntValueForKey(CORR_CH_PARAM);

    RealVector treVector = new ArrayRealVector(imageObjects.size(), 0.0);
    RealVector treXYVector = new ArrayRealVector(imageObjects.size(), 0.0);

    java.util.Deque<TREThread> startedThreads = new java.util.LinkedList<TREThread>();
    int maxThreads = 1;
    if (this.parameters.hasKey(THREAD_COUNT_PARAM)) {
        maxThreads = this.parameters.getIntValueForKey(THREAD_COUNT_PARAM);
    final int threadWaitTime_ms = 1000;

    for (int removeIndex = 0; removeIndex < imageObjects.size(); removeIndex++) {

        if (removeIndex % 10 == 0) {

                    .finer("calulating TRE: point " + (removeIndex + 1) + " of " + imageObjects.size());

        TREThread nextFit = new TREThread(imageObjects, referenceChannel, channelToCorrect, removeIndex, this);

        if (startedThreads.size() < maxThreads) {
        } else {
            TREThread next = startedThreads.poll();
            try {


            } catch (InterruptedException e) {

            while (next.isAlive()) {
                next = startedThreads.poll();

                try {


                } catch (InterruptedException e) {

            treVector.setEntry(next.getRemoveIndex(), next.getTre());

            treXYVector.setEntry(next.getRemoveIndex(), next.getTreXY());



    java.util.List<Integer> unsuccessful_TRE = new java.util.ArrayList<Integer>();

    while (startedThreads.size() > 0) {
        TREThread next = startedThreads.poll();
        try {
            if (next.getSuccess()) {
                treVector.setEntry(next.getRemoveIndex(), next.getTre());
            } else {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {

    RealVector treVector_mod = new ArrayRealVector(treVector.getDimension() - unsuccessful_TRE.size());
    RealVector treXYVector_mod = new ArrayRealVector(treVector_mod.getDimension());

    int c = 0;

    //unsuccessful TRE calculation results when there is incomplete coverage in the correction dataset
    for (int i = 0; i < treVector.getDimension(); ++i) {
        if (!unsuccessful_TRE.contains(i)) {
            treVector_mod.setEntry(c, treVector.getEntry(i));
            treXYVector_mod.setEntry(c, treXYVector.getEntry(i));

    treVector = treVector_mod;
    treXYVector = treXYVector_mod;

    double tre = treVector.getL1Norm() / treVector.getDimension();
    double xy_tre = (treXYVector.getL1Norm() / treXYVector.getDimension());

            .info("TRE: " + tre);
            .info("x-y TRE: " + xy_tre);

    return tre;


From source file:org.apache.predictionio.examples.java.recommendations.tutorial4.FeatureBasedAlgorithm.java

public FeatureBasedModel train(PreparedData data) {
    Map<Integer, RealVector> userFeatures = new HashMap<Integer, RealVector>();
    Map<Integer, Integer> userActions = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();

    for (Integer uid : data.userInfo.keySet()) {
        userFeatures.put(uid, new ArrayRealVector(data.featureCount));
        userActions.put(uid, 0);/*from   ww w .  jav a 2s.c om*/

    for (TrainingData.Rating rating : data.ratings) {
        final int uid = rating.uid;
        final int iid = rating.iid;
        final double rate = rating.rating;

        // Skip features outside the range.
        if (!(params.min <= rate && rate <= params.max))

        final double actualRate = (rate - params.drift) * params.scale;
        final RealVector userFeature = userFeatures.get(uid);
        final RealVector itemFeature = data.itemFeatures.get(iid);
        userFeature.combineToSelf(1, actualRate, itemFeature);

        userActions.put(uid, userActions.get(uid) + 1);

    // Normalize userFeatures by l-inf-norm
    for (Integer uid : userFeatures.keySet()) {
        final RealVector feature = userFeatures.get(uid);

    // Normalize itemFeatures by weight
    Map<Integer, RealVector> itemFeatures = new HashMap<Integer, RealVector>();
    for (Integer iid : data.itemFeatures.keySet()) {
        final RealVector feature = data.itemFeatures.get(iid);
        final RealVector normalizedFeature = feature.mapDivide(feature.getL1Norm());
        itemFeatures.put(iid, normalizedFeature);

    return new FeatureBasedModel(userFeatures, userActions, itemFeatures);

From source file:org.grouplens.samantha.modeler.solver.L1Regularizer.java

public double getObjective(double l1coef, RealVector var) {
    double l1norm = var.getL1Norm();
    return l1coef * l1norm;

From source file:org.grouplens.samantha.modeler.solver.L1Regularizer.java

public double getObjective(double l1coef, List<RealVector> vars) {
    double objVal = 0.0;
    for (RealVector realVector : vars) {
        double l1norm = realVector.getL1Norm();
        objVal += l1norm;/*from   ww  w.  jav  a  2  s  . c o m*/
    return objVal * l1coef;

From source file:org.lenskit.mf.funksvd.FunkSVDModelBuilder.java

public FunkSVDModel get() {
    int userCount = snapshot.getUserIds().size();
    RealMatrix userFeatures = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(userCount, featureCount);

    int itemCount = snapshot.getItemIds().size();
    RealMatrix itemFeatures = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(itemCount, featureCount);

    logger.debug("Learning rate is {}", rule.getLearningRate());
    logger.debug("Regularization term is {}", rule.getTrainingRegularization());

    logger.info("Building SVD with {} features for {} ratings", featureCount, snapshot.getRatings().size());

    TrainingEstimator estimates = rule.makeEstimator(snapshot);

    List<FeatureInfo> featureInfo = new ArrayList<>(featureCount);

    // Use scratch vectors for each feature for better cache locality
    // Per-feature vectors are strided in the output matrices
    RealVector uvec = MatrixUtils.createRealVector(new double[userCount]);
    RealVector ivec = MatrixUtils.createRealVector(new double[itemCount]);

    for (int f = 0; f < featureCount; f++) {
        logger.debug("Training feature {}", f);
        StopWatch timer = new StopWatch();
        timer.start();/*from w  w w . j  a v  a  2s. c  o  m*/


        FeatureInfo.Builder fib = new FeatureInfo.Builder(f);
        trainFeature(f, estimates, uvec, ivec, fib);
        summarizeFeature(uvec, ivec, fib);

        // Update each rating's cached value to accommodate the feature values.
        estimates.update(uvec, ivec);

        // And store the data into the matrix
        userFeatures.setColumnVector(f, uvec);
        assert Math.abs(userFeatures.getColumnVector(f).getL1Norm()
                - uvec.getL1Norm()) < 1.0e-4 : "user column sum matches";
        itemFeatures.setColumnVector(f, ivec);
        assert Math.abs(itemFeatures.getColumnVector(f).getL1Norm()
                - ivec.getL1Norm()) < 1.0e-4 : "item column sum matches";

        logger.info("Finished feature {} in {}", f, timer);

    // Wrap the user/item matrices because we won't use or modify them again
    return new FunkSVDModel(userFeatures, itemFeatures, snapshot.userIndex(), snapshot.itemIndex(),