Example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.linear RealVector set

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.math3.linear RealVector set


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.linear RealVector set.


public void set(double value) 

Source Link


Set all elements to a single value.


From source file:eu.crisis_economics.abm.markets.clearing.heterogeneous.BoundedQuadraticEstimationClearingAlgorithm.java

public double applyToNetwork(final MixedClearingNetwork network) {
    final int dimension = network.getNumberOfEdges();

    final ResidualCostFunction aggregateCostFunction = super.getResidualScalarCostFunction(network);
    final RealVector start = new ArrayRealVector(network.getNumberOfEdges());
    start.set(1.0); // Initial rate guess.

    final BOBYQAOptimizer optimizer = new BOBYQAOptimizer(2 * dimension + 1, 1.2, 1.e-8);
    final PointValuePair result = optimizer.optimize(new MaxEval(maximumEvaluations),
            new ObjectiveFunction(aggregateCostFunction), GoalType.MINIMIZE,
            new SimpleBounds(new double[dimension], ArrayUtil.ones(dimension)),
            new InitialGuess(start.toArray()));

    final double residualCost = result.getValue();
    System.out.println("Network cleared: residual cost: " + residualCost + ".");

    return residualCost;

From source file:eu.crisis_economics.abm.markets.clearing.heterogeneous.NelderMeadClearingAlgorithm.java

public double applyToNetwork(final MixedClearingNetwork network) {
    final SimplexOptimizer optimizer = new SimplexOptimizer(relErrorTarget, absErrorTarget);

    final ResidualCostFunction aggregateCostFunction = super.getResidualScalarCostFunction(network);
    final RealVector start = new ArrayRealVector(network.getNumberOfEdges());
    for (int i = 0; i < network.getNumberOfEdges(); ++i)
        start.setEntry(i, network.getEdges().get(i).getMaximumRateAdmissibleByBothParties());

    final PointValuePair result = optimizer.optimize(new MaxEval(maximumEvaluations),
            new ObjectiveFunction(aggregateCostFunction), GoalType.MINIMIZE, new InitialGuess(start.toArray()),
            new NelderMeadSimplex(network.getNumberOfEdges()));

    final double residualCost = result.getValue();
    System.out.println("Network cleared: residual cost: " + residualCost + ".");

    return residualCost;

From source file:org.grouplens.samantha.modeler.space.VariableSpace.java

default void initializeVector(RealVector vec, double initial, boolean randomize, boolean normalize) {
    if (randomize) {
        RandomInitializer randInit = new RandomInitializer();
        randInit.randInitVector(vec, normalize);
    } else {/* w w  w.  j a va 2  s. c om*/
        if (initial != 0.0) {

From source file:org.grouplens.samantha.modeler.svdfeature.SVDFeature.java

private double predict(SVDFeatureInstance ins, StochasticOracle outOrc, RealVector outUfactSum,
        RealVector outIfactSum) {/*from   www.j  a  v a 2 s . c  o  m*/
    double pred = 0.0;
    for (int i = 0; i < ins.gfeas.size(); i++) {
        int ind = ins.gfeas.get(i).getIndex();
        double val = ins.gfeas.get(i).getValue();
        if (outOrc != null) {
            outOrc.addScalarOracle(SVDFeatureKey.BIASES.get(), ind, val);
        pred += getScalarVarByNameIndex(SVDFeatureKey.BIASES.get(), ind) * val;

    for (int i = 0; i < ins.ufeas.size(); i++) {
        int index = ins.ufeas.get(i).getIndex();
        outUfactSum.combineToSelf(1.0, ins.ufeas.get(i).getValue(),
                getVectorVarByNameIndex(SVDFeatureKey.FACTORS.get(), index));

    for (int i = 0; i < ins.ifeas.size(); i++) {
        int index = ins.ifeas.get(i).getIndex();
        outIfactSum.combineToSelf(1.0, ins.ifeas.get(i).getValue(),
                getVectorVarByNameIndex(SVDFeatureKey.FACTORS.get(), index));

    pred += outUfactSum.dotProduct(outIfactSum);
    return pred;

From source file:org.lenskit.mf.funksvd.FunkSVDModelBuilder.java

public FunkSVDModel get() {
    int userCount = snapshot.getUserIds().size();
    RealMatrix userFeatures = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(userCount, featureCount);

    int itemCount = snapshot.getItemIds().size();
    RealMatrix itemFeatures = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(itemCount, featureCount);

    logger.debug("Learning rate is {}", rule.getLearningRate());
    logger.debug("Regularization term is {}", rule.getTrainingRegularization());

    logger.info("Building SVD with {} features for {} ratings", featureCount, snapshot.getRatings().size());

    TrainingEstimator estimates = rule.makeEstimator(snapshot);

    List<FeatureInfo> featureInfo = new ArrayList<>(featureCount);

    // Use scratch vectors for each feature for better cache locality
    // Per-feature vectors are strided in the output matrices
    RealVector uvec = MatrixUtils.createRealVector(new double[userCount]);
    RealVector ivec = MatrixUtils.createRealVector(new double[itemCount]);

    for (int f = 0; f < featureCount; f++) {
        logger.debug("Training feature {}", f);
        StopWatch timer = new StopWatch();
        timer.start();//from   w w w  . j  av  a 2s .  co  m


        FeatureInfo.Builder fib = new FeatureInfo.Builder(f);
        trainFeature(f, estimates, uvec, ivec, fib);
        summarizeFeature(uvec, ivec, fib);

        // Update each rating's cached value to accommodate the feature values.
        estimates.update(uvec, ivec);

        // And store the data into the matrix
        userFeatures.setColumnVector(f, uvec);
        assert Math.abs(userFeatures.getColumnVector(f).getL1Norm()
                - uvec.getL1Norm()) < 1.0e-4 : "user column sum matches";
        itemFeatures.setColumnVector(f, ivec);
        assert Math.abs(itemFeatures.getColumnVector(f).getL1Norm()
                - ivec.getL1Norm()) < 1.0e-4 : "item column sum matches";

        logger.info("Finished feature {} in {}", f, timer);

    // Wrap the user/item matrices because we won't use or modify them again
    return new FunkSVDModel(userFeatures, itemFeatures, snapshot.userIndex(), snapshot.itemIndex(),

From source file:org.lenskit.mf.funksvd.FunkSVDModelProvider.java

public FunkSVDModel get() {
    int userCount = snapshot.getUserIds().size();
    RealMatrix userFeatures = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(userCount, featureCount);

    int itemCount = snapshot.getItemIds().size();
    RealMatrix itemFeatures = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(itemCount, featureCount);

    logger.debug("Learning rate is {}", rule.getLearningRate());
    logger.debug("Regularization term is {}", rule.getTrainingRegularization());

    logger.info("Building SVD with {} features for {} ratings", featureCount, snapshot.getRatings().size());

    TrainingEstimator estimates = rule.makeEstimator(snapshot);

    List<FeatureInfo> featureInfo = new ArrayList<>(featureCount);

    // Use scratch vectors for each feature for better cache locality
    // Per-feature vectors are strided in the output matrices
    RealVector uvec = MatrixUtils.createRealVector(new double[userCount]);
    RealVector ivec = MatrixUtils.createRealVector(new double[itemCount]);

    for (int f = 0; f < featureCount; f++) {
        logger.debug("Training feature {}", f);
        StopWatch timer = new StopWatch();
        timer.start();/*from   w  ww. j  a  va2  s .  c  o  m*/


        FeatureInfo.Builder fib = new FeatureInfo.Builder(f);
        double rmse = trainFeature(f, estimates, uvec, ivec, fib);
        summarizeFeature(uvec, ivec, fib);

        // Update each rating's cached value to accommodate the feature values.
        estimates.update(uvec, ivec);

        // And store the data into the matrix
        userFeatures.setColumnVector(f, uvec);
        assert Math.abs(userFeatures.getColumnVector(f).getL1Norm()
                - uvec.getL1Norm()) < 1.0e-4 : "user column sum matches";
        itemFeatures.setColumnVector(f, ivec);
        assert Math.abs(itemFeatures.getColumnVector(f).getL1Norm()
                - ivec.getL1Norm()) < 1.0e-4 : "item column sum matches";

        logger.info("Finished feature {} in {} (RMSE={})", f, timer, rmse);

    // Wrap the user/item matrices because we won't use or modify them again
    return new FunkSVDModel(userFeatures, itemFeatures, snapshot.userIndex(), snapshot.itemIndex(),