Example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.linear RealVector toArray

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.math3.linear RealVector toArray


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.linear RealVector toArray.


public double[] toArray() 

Source Link


Convert the vector to an array of double s.


From source file:com.joptimizer.optimizers.NewtonLEConstrainedISPTest.java

public void testOptimize1() throws Exception {

    // START SNIPPET: NewtonLEConstrainedISP-1

    //commons-math client code
    RealMatrix Pmatrix = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(
            new double[][] { { 1.68, 0.34, 0.38 }, { 0.34, 3.09, -1.59 }, { 0.38, -1.59, 1.54 } });
    RealVector qVector = new ArrayRealVector(new double[] { 0.018, 0.025, 0.01 });

    // Objective function
    double theta = 0.01522;
    RealMatrix P = Pmatrix.scalarMultiply(theta);
    RealVector q = qVector.mapMultiply(-1);
    PDQuadraticMultivariateRealFunction objectiveFunction = new PDQuadraticMultivariateRealFunction(P.getData(),
            q.toArray(), 0);

    OptimizationRequest or = new OptimizationRequest();
    or.setF0(objectiveFunction);/*from   w  w w.  j a  va 2s.co  m*/
    or.setInitialPoint(new double[] { 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 });//LE-infeasible starting point
    or.setA(new double[][] { { 1, 1, 1 } });
    or.setB(new double[] { 1 });

    // optimization
    NewtonLEConstrainedISP opt = new NewtonLEConstrainedISP();
    int returnCode = opt.optimize();

    // END SNIPPET: NewtonLEConstrainedISP-1

    if (returnCode == OptimizationResponse.FAILED) {

    OptimizationResponse response = opt.getOptimizationResponse();
    double[] sol = response.getSolution();
    log.debug("sol   : " + ArrayUtils.toString(sol));
    log.debug("value : " + objectiveFunction.value(sol));
    assertEquals(0.04632311555988555, sol[0], 0.000000000000001);
    assertEquals(0.5086308460954377, sol[1], 0.000000000000001);
    assertEquals(0.44504603834467693, sol[2], 0.000000000000001);

From source file:com.joptimizer.optimizers.NewtonUnconstrainedTest.java

 * Quadratic objective./* w  w w . j a v a  2s.  c  om*/
public void testOptimize() throws Exception {
    // START SNIPPET: newtonUnconstrained-1

    RealMatrix PMatrix = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(
            new double[][] { { 1.68, 0.34, 0.38 }, { 0.34, 3.09, -1.59 }, { 0.38, -1.59, 1.54 } });
    RealVector qVector = new ArrayRealVector(new double[] { 0.018, 0.025, 0.01 });

    // Objective function.
    double theta = 0.01522;
    RealMatrix P = PMatrix.scalarMultiply(theta);
    RealVector q = qVector.mapMultiply(-1);
    PDQuadraticMultivariateRealFunction objectiveFunction = new PDQuadraticMultivariateRealFunction(P.getData(),
            q.toArray(), 0);

    OptimizationRequest or = new OptimizationRequest();
    or.setInitialPoint(new double[] { 0.04, 0.50, 0.46 });

    NewtonUnconstrained opt = new NewtonUnconstrained();
    int returnCode = opt.optimize();

    // END SNIPPET: newtonUnconstrained-1

    if (returnCode == OptimizationResponse.FAILED) {

    OptimizationResponse response = opt.getOptimizationResponse();
    double[] sol = response.getSolution();
    log.debug("sol   : " + ArrayUtils.toString(sol));
    log.debug("value : " + objectiveFunction.value(sol));

    // we know the analytic solution of the problem
    // sol = -PInv * q
    CholeskyDecomposition cFact = new CholeskyDecomposition(P);
    RealVector benchSol = cFact.getSolver().solve(q).mapMultiply(-1);
    log.debug("benchSol   : " + ArrayUtils.toString(benchSol.toArray()));
    log.debug("benchValue : " + objectiveFunction.value(benchSol.toArray()));

    assertEquals(benchSol.getEntry(0), sol[0], 0.00000000000001);
    assertEquals(benchSol.getEntry(1), sol[1], 0.00000000000001);
    assertEquals(benchSol.getEntry(2), sol[2], 0.00000000000001);

From source file:game.plugins.algorithms.RealFeaturesTree.java

protected double information(Dataset dataset) {
    RealVector prob = getProbabilities(dataset);
    double info = 0;
    for (double p : prob.toArray())
        if (p > 0)
            info -= p * Utils.log2(p);/*from w  w  w.  java2 s  .co  m*/
    return info;

From source file:gamlss.utilities.WLSMultipleLinearRegression.java

* {@inheritDoc}//from   w  w w  .j  a v  a2 s .  co m
* return null if not applicable
public double[] estimateResiduals() {
    if (this.copyOriginal) {
        RealVector e = this.y.subtract(this.X.operate(beta));
        return e.toArray();
    return null;

From source file:eagle.security.userprofile.model.eigen.UserProfileEigenModeler.java

private void computeStats(RealMatrix m) {

    if (m.getColumnDimension() != this.cmdTypes.length) {
        LOG.error("Please fix the commands list in config file");
        return;//from   w ww .ja v a2s. c  om
    statistics = new UserCommandStatistics[m.getColumnDimension()];
    for (int i = 0; i < m.getColumnDimension(); i++) {
        UserCommandStatistics stats = new UserCommandStatistics();
        RealVector colData = m.getColumnVector(i);
        StandardDeviation deviation = new StandardDeviation();
        double stddev = deviation.evaluate(colData.toArray());
        //LOG.info("stddev is nan?" + (stddev == Double.NaN? "yes":"no"));
        if (stddev <= lowVarianceVal)
        Mean mean = new Mean();
        double mu = mean.evaluate(colData.toArray());
        //LOG.info("mu is nan?" + (mu == Double.NaN? "yes":"no"));
        statistics[i] = stats;

From source file:com.joptimizer.algebra.CholeskySparseFactorizationTest.java

 * Tests vector and matrix solve method.
 *///  w ww  . ja  v  a 2 s . c  om
public void testFromFile3() throws Exception {
    String matrixId = "3";
    double[][] G = Utils
            .loadDoubleMatrixFromFile("factorization" + File.separator + "matrix" + matrixId + ".csv");
    RealMatrix Q = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(G);
    int dim = Q.getRowDimension();

    CholeskySparseFactorization myc = new CholeskySparseFactorization(new SparseDoubleMatrix2D(G));

    //solve for a vector
    RealVector b = new ArrayRealVector(Utils.randomValuesVector(dim, -0.5, 0.5, new Long(dim)).toArray());
    RealVector x = new ArrayRealVector(myc.solve(F1.make(b.toArray())).toArray());

    //b - Q.x
    double n1 = b.subtract(Q.operate(x)).getNorm();
    double sr1 = Utils.calculateScaledResidual(G, x.toArray(), b.toArray());
    log.debug("||b - Q.x||: " + n1);
    log.debug("scaled res : " + sr1);
    assertTrue(n1 < 1.E-8);
    assertTrue(sr1 < Utils.getDoubleMachineEpsilon());

    //solve for a matrix
    RealMatrix B = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(
            Utils.randomValuesMatrix(dim, 10, -0.5, 0.5, new Long(dim)).toArray());
    RealMatrix X = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(myc.solve(F2.make(B.getData())).toArray());

    //B - Q.X
    double n2 = B.subtract(Q.multiply(X)).getNorm();
    double sr2 = Utils.calculateScaledResidual(G, X.getData(), B.getData());
    log.debug("||B - Q.X||: " + n2);
    log.debug("scaled res : " + sr2);
    assertTrue(n2 < 1.E-8);
    assertTrue(sr2 < Utils.getDoubleMachineEpsilon());

From source file:com.joptimizer.algebra.CholeskyFactorizationTest.java

 * This test shows that the correct check of the inversion accuracy must be done with
 * the scaled residual, not with the simple norm ||A.x-b||
 *///from w  w  w.  ja  v a 2 s . com
public void testScaledResidual() throws Exception {

    String matrixId = "1";
    double[][] A = Utils
            .loadDoubleMatrixFromFile("factorization" + File.separator + "matrix" + matrixId + ".csv");
    RealMatrix Q = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(A);
    int dim = Q.getRowDimension();

    RealVector b = new ArrayRealVector(new double[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 });

    CholeskyFactorization cs = new CholeskyFactorization(DoubleFactory2D.dense.make(Q.getData()));
    RealVector x = new ArrayRealVector(cs.solve(DoubleFactory1D.dense.make(b.toArray())).toArray());

    //scaledResidual = ||Ax-b||_oo/( ||A||_oo . ||x||_oo + ||b||_oo )
    // with ||x||_oo = max(x[i])
    double scaledResidual = Utils.calculateScaledResidual(Q.getData(), x.toArray(), b.toArray());
    log.debug("scaledResidual: " + scaledResidual);
    assertTrue(scaledResidual < Utils.getDoubleMachineEpsilon());

    //b - A.x
    //checking the simple norm, this will fail
    double n1 = b.subtract(Q.operate(x)).getNorm();
    log.debug("||b - A.x||: " + n1);
    //assertTrue(n1 < 1.E-8);

From source file:com.joptimizer.functions.SOCPLogarithmicBarrier.java

 * Create the barrier function for the Phase I.
 * It is an instance of this class for the constraints: 
 * <br>||Ai.x+bi|| < ci.x+di+t, i=1,...,m
 * @see "S.Boyd and L.Vandenberghe, Convex Optimization, 11.6.2"
 *///from   ww  w. j a  v a 2  s.  c  om
public BarrierFunction createPhase1BarrierFunction() {

    final int dimPh1 = dim + 1;
    List<SOCPConstraintParameters> socpConstraintParametersPh1List = new ArrayList<SOCPConstraintParameters>();
    SOCPLogarithmicBarrier bfPh1 = new SOCPLogarithmicBarrier(socpConstraintParametersPh1List, dimPh1);

    for (int i = 0; i < socpConstraintParametersList.size(); i++) {
        SOCPConstraintParameters param = socpConstraintParametersList.get(i);
        RealMatrix A = param.getA();
        RealVector b = param.getB();
        RealVector c = param.getC();
        double d = param.getD();

        RealMatrix APh1 = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(A.getRowDimension(), dimPh1);
        APh1.setSubMatrix(A.getData(), 0, 0);
        RealVector bPh1 = b;
        RealVector cPh1 = new ArrayRealVector(c.getDimension() + 1);
        cPh1.setSubVector(0, c);
        cPh1.setEntry(c.getDimension(), 1);
        double dPh1 = d;

        SOCPConstraintParameters paramsPh1 = new SOCPConstraintParameters(APh1.getData(), bPh1.toArray(),
                cPh1.toArray(), dPh1);
        socpConstraintParametersPh1List.add(socpConstraintParametersPh1List.size(), paramsPh1);

    return bfPh1;

From source file:eu.crisis_economics.abm.markets.clearing.heterogeneous.NelderMeadClearingAlgorithm.java

public double applyToNetwork(final MixedClearingNetwork network) {
    final SimplexOptimizer optimizer = new SimplexOptimizer(relErrorTarget, absErrorTarget);

    final ResidualCostFunction aggregateCostFunction = super.getResidualScalarCostFunction(network);
    final RealVector start = new ArrayRealVector(network.getNumberOfEdges());
    for (int i = 0; i < network.getNumberOfEdges(); ++i)
        start.setEntry(i, network.getEdges().get(i).getMaximumRateAdmissibleByBothParties());
    start.set(1.);//from  w  ww .  j  ava 2s .c o m

    final PointValuePair result = optimizer.optimize(new MaxEval(maximumEvaluations),
            new ObjectiveFunction(aggregateCostFunction), GoalType.MINIMIZE, new InitialGuess(start.toArray()),
            new NelderMeadSimplex(network.getNumberOfEdges()));

    final double residualCost = result.getValue();
    System.out.println("Network cleared: residual cost: " + residualCost + ".");

    return residualCost;

From source file:com.github.thorbenlindhauer.factor.GaussianFactorTest.java

public void testFactorMarginalCase2() {
    Scope variables = newScope(new ContinuousVariable("A"));

    GaussianFactor aMarginal = abcFactor.marginal(variables);

    // then/*w w  w  .j a v a2  s .com*/
    Collection<Variable> newVariables = aMarginal.getVariables().getVariables();
    assertThat(newVariables).contains(new ContinuousVariable("A"));

    // precision matrix: K_xx - K_xy * K_yy^(-1) * K_yx
    RealMatrix precisionMatrix = aMarginal.getPrecisionMatrix();

    double precision = precisionMatrix.getRowVector(0).toArray()[0];
    assertThat(precision).isEqualTo(-(14.0d / 3.0d), TestConstants.DOUBLE_VALUE_TOLERANCE);

    // scaled mean vector: h_x - K_xy * K_yy^(-1) * h_y
    RealVector scaledMeanVector = aMarginal.getScaledMeanVector();

    double meanValue = scaledMeanVector.toArray()[0];
    assertThat(meanValue).isEqualTo(4.0d / 3.0d, TestConstants.DOUBLE_VALUE_TOLERANCE);

    // normalization constant: g + 0.5 * (log( det( 2 * PI * K_yy^(-1))) + h_y * K_yy^(-1) * h_y)