Example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.linear RealVector toString

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.math3.linear RealVector toString


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.linear RealVector toString.


public String toString() 

Source Link


Returns a string representation of the object.


From source file:edu.stanford.cfuller.colocalization3d.Colocalization3DMain.java

public void go(Initializer in) {
    //initialize parameters

    this.parameters = in.initializeParameters();

    //load precomputed position data if needed

    List<ImageObject> imageObjects = this.loadExistingPositionData();

    //otherwise, do the fitting:

    if (imageObjects == null) {

        imageObjects = new java.util.ArrayList<ImageObject>();

        List<ImageAndMaskSet> allFilesToProcess = FileUtils.listFilesToProcess(this.parameters);

        for (ImageAndMaskSet iams : allFilesToProcess) {

            List<ImageObject> fittedObjects = this.fitObjectsInSingleImage(iams);

            for (ImageObject iobj : fittedObjects) {
                if (this.fitParametersOk(iobj)) {
                    //java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(LOGGER_NAME).finer("position for object " + iobj.getLabel() + " " + iobj.getPositionForChannel(0).getEntry(0) + " " + iobj.getPositionForChannel(0).getEntry(1) + " " + iobj.getPositionForChannel(0).getEntry(2));
                }/*w  ww . j a v a2  s .com*/





    //write the objects and their positions to disk now in case something goes wrong in subsequent steps so that we don't lose them
    try {
        FileUtils.writeFittedImageObjectsToDisk(imageObjects, this.parameters);
    } catch (java.io.IOException e) {
                .severe("Exception encountered while writing image objects to disk: " + e.getMessage());

    //get a correction, either by making one or reading from disk

    PositionCorrector pc = new PositionCorrector(this.parameters);

    Correction c = pc.getCorrection(imageObjects);

    //get or calculate the TRE

    double tre = 0;

    if (!(this.parameters.hasKeyAndTrue(DET_TRE_PARAM) && this.parameters.hasKeyAndTrue(DET_CORR_PARAM))) {
        tre = c.getTre();
    } else {
        tre = pc.determineTRE(imageObjects);

    //write the correction to disk

    try {
    } catch (java.io.IOException e) {
                .severe("Exception encountered while writing correction to disk: " + e.getMessage());

    //apply the correction, removing objects that cannot be corrected

    RealVector diffs = pc.applyCorrection(c, imageObjects);

    List<ImageObject> correctedImageObjects = new java.util.ArrayList<ImageObject>();

    for (ImageObject iobj : imageObjects) {
        if (iobj.getCorrectionSuccessful()) {

    imageObjects = correctedImageObjects;

    //write the objects and their positions to disk again now that they've been corrected and filtered
    try {
        FileUtils.writeFittedImageObjectsToDisk(imageObjects, this.parameters);
    } catch (java.io.IOException e) {
                .severe("Exception encountered while writing image objects to disk: " + e.getMessage());

    //fit the distribution of separations

    DistributionFitter df = new P3DFitter(this.parameters);

    RealVector fitparams = df.fit(imageObjects, diffs);

    java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(LOGGER_NAME).info("p3d fit parameters: " + fitparams.toString());

    //output plots and information

    if (this.parameters.hasKey(POS_OUTPUT_DIR_PARAM)) {
        this.outputPositionData(imageObjects, c);

    if (this.parameters.hasKey(IN_SITU_ABERR_NAME_PARAM)
            && this.parameters.hasKey(IN_SITU_ABERR_SECOND_CH_PARAM)) {

        RealVector slopes = pc.determineInSituAberrationCorrection();

        java.util.List<RealVector> vectorDiffs = pc.applyInSituAberrationCorrection(imageObjects, slopes);

        RealVector scalarDiffs = this.getScalarDifferencesFromVectorDifferences(vectorDiffs);

        RealVector corrFitParams = df.fit(imageObjects, scalarDiffs);

                .info("p3d fit parameters after in situ correction: " + corrFitParams.toString());



From source file:edu.stanford.cfuller.colocalization3d.correction.PositionCorrector.java

* Applies an existing correction to the positions of a set of objects, using a specified reference
* and correction channel.//w w  w . j a v  a2 s.c om
* @param imageObjects                  A Vector containing all the ImageObjects to be corrected.
* @param c                             The Correction object to be used, which could have been generated with determineCorrection, or loaded from disk.
* @return                              A RealVector with one entry per ImageObject, containing the corrected scalar distance between the object in the reference channel and the channel being corrected.
public RealVector applyCorrection(Correction c, java.util.List<ImageObject> imageObjects) {

    int referenceChannel = this.parameters.getIntValueForKey(REF_CH_PARAM);

    int channelToCorrect = this.parameters.getIntValueForKey(CORR_CH_PARAM);

    RealVector diffs = new ArrayRealVector(imageObjects.size(), 0.0);
    RealVector averageVectorDiffs = null;

    for (int i = 0; i < imageObjects.size(); i++) {

        diffs.setEntry(i, imageObjects.get(i).getScalarDifferenceBetweenChannels(referenceChannel,
                channelToCorrect, this.pixelToDistanceConversions));

        if (i == 0) {
            averageVectorDiffs = imageObjects.get(i)
                    .getVectorDifferenceBetweenChannels(referenceChannel, channelToCorrect).copy();

        } else {
            averageVectorDiffs = averageVectorDiffs.add(imageObjects.get(i)
                    .getVectorDifferenceBetweenChannels(referenceChannel, channelToCorrect).map(new Abs()));


    averageVectorDiffs = averageVectorDiffs.ebeMultiply(this.pixelToDistanceConversions);

            .info("mean separation uncorrected = " + diffs.getL1Norm() / diffs.getDimension());
            .info("mean separation components uncorrected = " + averageVectorDiffs.toString());

    RealVector newDiffs = new ArrayRealVector(imageObjects.size(), 0.0);

    if (this.parameters.getBooleanValueForKey("correct_images")) {

        for (int i = 0; i < imageObjects.size(); i++) {

            try {

                newDiffs.setEntry(i, this.correctSingleObjectVectorDifference(c, imageObjects.get(i),
                        referenceChannel, channelToCorrect).getNorm());


            } catch (UnableToCorrectException e) {

                newDiffs.setEntry(i, -1.0 * Double.MAX_VALUE);




                .info("mean separation corrected = " + newDiffs.getL1Norm() / newDiffs.getDimension());

    } else {
        newDiffs = diffs;

    return newDiffs;

From source file:se.toxbee.sleepfighter.challenge.math.LinearEquationProblem.java

private void generateProblem() {

    this.A = createCoefficients();

    int attempts = 0;
    RealVector solution;
    boolean foundb = false;
    do {// w  ww .j a va 2s.  co  m

        Debug.d("try again");

        // if after 40 attempts we still can't find a good constants vector, we should give up on this 
        // coefficient matrix and try creating a new one.
        if (attempts == 40) {
            Debug.d("new coefficients matrix");

            this.A = createCoefficients();
            attempts = 0;

        // Generate a solution.
        solution = this.createSolutionVector();

        // Now compute Ax = b(where x is the solution)
        this.b = multiply(this.A, solution);

        // does b satisfy our requirements?
        if (isGoodb(b)) {
            foundb = true;


    } while (!foundb);

    Debug.d("solution: " + solution.toString());

    // solve for either x1 or x2
    this.variableToSolveFor = rng.nextBoolean() ? 0 : 1;
    this.solution = (int) solution.getEntry(this.variableToSolveFor);

From source file:universal.Calc.java

private void Lines(int p0init, int p1init, int check) {
    double[] d = new double[6];
    d[0] = paU[p0init].doubleValue();// w  ww  .java 2s.  com
    d[1] = paV[p0init].doubleValue();
    d[2] = paW[p0init].doubleValue();
    d[3] = paX[p0init].doubleValue();
    d[4] = paY[p0init].doubleValue();
    d[5] = paZ[p0init].doubleValue();
    RealVector p0 = new ArrayRealVector(d);
    d[0] = paU[p1init].doubleValue();
    d[1] = paV[p1init].doubleValue();
    d[2] = paW[p1init].doubleValue();
    d[3] = paX[p1init].doubleValue();
    d[4] = paY[p1init].doubleValue();
    d[5] = paZ[p1init].doubleValue();
    RealVector p1 = new ArrayRealVector(d);
    RealVector v = p0.subtract(p1);
    d[0] = paU[check].doubleValue();
    d[1] = paV[check].doubleValue();
    d[2] = paW[check].doubleValue();
    d[3] = paX[check].doubleValue();
    d[4] = paY[check].doubleValue();
    d[5] = paZ[check].doubleValue();
    RealVector p3 = new ArrayRealVector(d);
    RealVector v2 = p0.subtract(p3);
    Divisible(v, v2);
