Example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.linear RealVector unitVector

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.math3.linear RealVector unitVector


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.linear RealVector unitVector.


public RealVector unitVector() throws MathArithmeticException 

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Creates a unit vector pointing in the direction of this vector.


From source file:hivemall.utils.math.MatrixUtils.java

static RealVector unitL2norm(@Nonnull final RealVector x) {
    double x0 = x.getEntry(0);
    double sign = MathUtils.sign(x0);
    x.setEntry(0, x0 + sign * x.getNorm());
    return x.unitVector();

From source file:edu.utexas.cs.tactex.tariffoptimization.OptimizerWrapperGradientAscent.java

public TreeMap<Double, TariffSpecification> findOptimum(TariffUtilityEstimate tariffUtilityEstimate,
        int NUM_RATES, int numEval) {

    double[] startingVertex = new double[NUM_RATES]; // start from the fixed-rate tariff's offset
    Arrays.fill(startingVertex, 0.0);

    // temporary solution - getting fixed rate tariff to determine step size and scaling STEP_SIZE proportionally
    TariffSpecification bestFixedRateSpec = tariffUtilityEstimate.getCorrespondingSpec(startingVertex);
    double bestFixedRate = bestFixedRateSpec.getRates().get(0).getValue();
    double rateRatio = bestFixedRate / REFERENCE_RATE;
    // Note: using rateRatio has not been good enough, so trying powers of it (remember it's > 1)
    //STEP_SIZE = Math.max(REFERENCE_STEP_SIZE, (rateRatio * rateRatio) * REFERENCE_STEP_SIZE);
    log.debug("STEP_SIZE = " + STEP_SIZE + " REFERENCE_STEP_SIZE=" + REFERENCE_STEP_SIZE + " bestFixedRate="
            + bestFixedRate + " REFERENCE_RATE=" + REFERENCE_RATE);

    evaluations = 0;/*w  w  w .j  ava 2  s . com*/
    TreeMap<Double, TariffSpecification> eval2TOUTariff = new TreeMap<Double, TariffSpecification>();

    //for( STEP_SIZE = 0.005; STEP_SIZE < 0.100; STEP_SIZE += 0.005) {
    //  log.info("STARTING A LOOP: STEP_SIZE=" + STEP_SIZE);

    // first compute numerical gradient
    RealVector gradient = new ArrayRealVector(NUM_RATES);
    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_RATES; ++i) {
        gradient.setEntry(i, computePartialDerivative(i, tariffUtilityEstimate, NUM_RATES, eval2TOUTariff));
    gradient = gradient.unitVector();

    // taking steps in the gradient direction
    double previousPointValue = -Double.MAX_VALUE;
    final double alpha = STEP_SIZE;
    RealVector rateOffsets = new ArrayRealVector(NUM_RATES); // initializes with 0s?
    double currentPointValue = evaluatePoint(tariffUtilityEstimate, rateOffsets.toArray());
    eval2TOUTariff.put(currentPointValue, tariffUtilityEstimate.getCorrespondingSpec(rateOffsets.toArray()));
    while (!converged(currentPointValue, previousPointValue) && evaluations < MAX_EVALUATIONS) {
        previousPointValue = currentPointValue;
        rateOffsets = rateOffsets.add(gradient.mapMultiply(alpha));
        currentPointValue = evaluatePoint(tariffUtilityEstimate, rateOffsets.toArray());

    log.info("gradient ascent finished after " + evaluations + " evaluations");


    // return map
    return eval2TOUTariff;