Example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.optim.nonlinear.vector.jacobian LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.math3.optim.nonlinear.vector.jacobian LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.optim.nonlinear.vector.jacobian LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer.


public LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer(double initialStepBoundFactor, double costRelativeTolerance,
        double parRelativeTolerance, double orthoTolerance, double threshold) 

Source Link


The arguments control the behaviour of the default convergence checking procedure.


From source file:gdsc.smlm.fitting.nonlinear.ApacheLVMFitter.java

public FitStatus fit(int n, double[] y, double[] y_fit, double[] a, double[] a_dev, double[] error,
        double noise) {
    numberOfFittedPoints = n;//from  w ww  . j  a va 2  s  . c o m

    try {
        // Different convergence thresholds seem to have no effect on the resulting fit, only the number of
        // iterations for convergence
        final double initialStepBoundFactor = 100;
        final double costRelativeTolerance = 1e-10;
        final double parRelativeTolerance = 1e-10;
        final double orthoTolerance = 1e-10;
        final double threshold = Precision.SAFE_MIN;

        // Extract the parameters to be fitted
        final double[] initialSolution = getInitialSolution(a);

        // TODO - Pass in more advanced stopping criteria.

        // Create the target and weight arrays
        final double[] yd = new double[n];
        final double[] w = new double[n];
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            yd[i] = y[i];
            w[i] = 1;

        LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer optimizer = new LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer(initialStepBoundFactor,
                costRelativeTolerance, parRelativeTolerance, orthoTolerance, threshold);
        PointVectorValuePair optimum = optimizer.optimize(new MaxIter(getMaxEvaluations()),
                new MaxEval(Integer.MAX_VALUE),
                new ModelFunctionJacobian(new MultivariateMatrixFunctionWrapper(f, a, n)),
                new ModelFunction(new MultivariateVectorFunctionWrapper(f, a, n)), new Target(yd),
                new Weight(w), new InitialGuess(initialSolution));

        final double[] parameters = optimum.getPoint();
        setSolution(a, parameters);
        iterations = optimizer.getIterations();
        evaluations = optimizer.getEvaluations();
        if (a_dev != null) {
            double[][] covar = optimizer.computeCovariances(parameters, threshold);
            setDeviations(a_dev, covar);
        // Compute fitted function if desired 
        if (y_fit != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                y_fit[i] = f.eval(i);

        residualSumOfSquares = error[0] = optimizer.getChiSquare();
        totalSumOfSquares = getSumOfSquares(n, y);
    } catch (TooManyEvaluationsException e) {
        return FitStatus.FAILED_TO_CONVERGE;
    } catch (ConvergenceException e) {
        // Occurs when QR decomposition fails - mark as a singular non-linear model (no solution)
        return FitStatus.SINGULAR_NON_LINEAR_MODEL;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // TODO - Find out the other exceptions from the fitter and add return values to match. 
        return FitStatus.UNKNOWN;

    return FitStatus.OK;

From source file:gdsc.smlm.ij.plugins.BlinkEstimator.java

 * Fit the dark time to counts of molecules curve. Only use the first n fitted points.
 * <p>/*ww w .  ja  va 2s .c  o  m*/
 * Calculates:<br/>
 * N = The number of photoblinking molecules in the sample<br/>
 * nBlink = The average number of blinks per flourophore<br/>
 * tOff = The off-time
 * @param td
 *            The dark time
 * @param ntd
 *            The counts of molecules
 * @param nFittedPoints
 * @param log
 *            Write the fitting results to the ImageJ log window
 * @return The fitted parameters [N, nBlink, tOff], or null if no fit was possible
public double[] fit(double[] td, double[] ntd, int nFittedPoints, boolean log) {
    blinkingModel = new BlinkingFunction();
    for (int i = 0; i < nFittedPoints; i++)
        blinkingModel.addPoint(td[i], ntd[i]);

    // Different convergence thresholds seem to have no effect on the resulting fit, only the number of
    // iterations for convergence
    double initialStepBoundFactor = 100;
    double costRelativeTolerance = 1e-6;
    double parRelativeTolerance = 1e-6;
    double orthoTolerance = 1e-6;
    double threshold = Precision.SAFE_MIN;
    LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer optimizer = new LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer(initialStepBoundFactor,
            costRelativeTolerance, parRelativeTolerance, orthoTolerance, threshold);
    try {
        double[] obs = blinkingModel.getY();

        PointVectorValuePair optimum = optimizer.optimize(new MaxIter(1000), new MaxEval(Integer.MAX_VALUE),
                new ModelFunctionJacobian(new MultivariateMatrixFunction() {
                    public double[][] value(double[] point) throws IllegalArgumentException {
                        return blinkingModel.jacobian(point);
                }), new ModelFunction(blinkingModel), new Target(obs), new Weight(blinkingModel.getWeights()),
                new InitialGuess(new double[] { ntd[0], 0.1, td[1] }));


        double[] parameters = optimum.getPoint();

        double[] exp = optimum.getValue();
        double mean = 0;
        for (double d : obs)
            mean += d;
        mean /= obs.length;
        double ssResiduals = 0, ssTotal = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < obs.length; i++) {
            ssResiduals += (obs[i] - exp[i]) * (obs[i] - exp[i]);
            ssTotal += (obs[i] - mean) * (obs[i] - mean);

        r2 = 1 - ssResiduals / ssTotal;
        adjustedR2 = getAdjustedCoefficientOfDetermination(ssResiduals, ssTotal, obs.length, parameters.length);

        if (log) {
            Utils.log("  Fit %d points. R^2 = %s. Adjusted R^2 = %s", obs.length, Utils.rounded(r2, 4),
                    Utils.rounded(adjustedR2, 4));
            Utils.log("  N=%s, nBlink=%s, tOff=%s (%s frames)", Utils.rounded(parameters[0], 4),
                    Utils.rounded(parameters[1], 4), Utils.rounded(parameters[2], 4),
                    Utils.rounded(parameters[2] / msPerFrame, 4));

        return parameters;
    } catch (TooManyIterationsException e) {
        if (log)
            Utils.log("  Failed to fit %d points: Too many iterations (%d)", blinkingModel.size(),
        return null;
    } catch (ConvergenceException e) {
        if (log)
            Utils.log("  Failed to fit %d points", blinkingModel.size());
        return null;