Example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.optimization.general LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.math3.optimization.general LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.optimization.general LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer.


public LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer(ConvergenceChecker<PointVectorValuePair> checker) 

Source Link


Constructor that allows the specification of a custom convergence checker.


From source file:ffx.potential.nonbonded.ParticleMeshEwaldCart.java

 * ParticleMeshEwald constructor.//  w  ww.  j av a  2 s  .c  o  m
 * @param atoms the Atom array to do electrostatics on.
 * @param molecule the molecule number for each atom.
 * @param forceField the ForceField the defines the electrostatics
 * parameters.
 * @param crystal The boundary conditions.
 * @param elecForm The electrostatics functional form.
 * @param neighborList The NeighborList for both van der Waals and PME.
 * @param parallelTeam A ParallelTeam that delegates parallelization.
public ParticleMeshEwaldCart(Atom atoms[], int molecule[], ForceField forceField, Crystal crystal,
        NeighborList neighborList, ELEC_FORM elecForm, ParallelTeam parallelTeam) {
    this.atoms = atoms;
    this.molecule = molecule;
    this.forceField = forceField;
    this.crystal = crystal;
    this.parallelTeam = parallelTeam;
    this.neighborList = neighborList;
    this.elecForm = elecForm;
    neighborLists = neighborList.getNeighborList();
    permanentSchedule = neighborList.getPairwiseSchedule();
    nAtoms = atoms.length;
    nSymm = crystal.spaceGroup.getNumberOfSymOps();
    maxThreads = parallelTeam.getThreadCount();

    polsor = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.POLAR_SOR, 0.70);
    poleps = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.POLAR_EPS, 1e-5);
    if (elecForm == ELEC_FORM.PAM) {
        m12scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.MPOLE_12_SCALE, 0.0);
        m13scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.MPOLE_13_SCALE, 0.0);
        m14scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.MPOLE_14_SCALE, 0.4);
        m15scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.MPOLE_15_SCALE, 0.8);
    } else {
        double mpole14 = 0.5;
        String name = forceField.toString().toUpperCase();
        if (name.contains("AMBER")) {
            mpole14 = 1.0 / 1.2;
        m12scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.MPOLE_12_SCALE, 0.0);
        m13scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.MPOLE_13_SCALE, 0.0);
        m14scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.MPOLE_14_SCALE, mpole14);
        m15scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.MPOLE_15_SCALE, 1.0);
    d11scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.DIRECT_11_SCALE, 0.0);
    p12scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.POLAR_12_SCALE, 0.0);
    p13scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.POLAR_13_SCALE, 0.0);
    useCharges = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.USE_CHARGES, true);
    useDipoles = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.USE_DIPOLES, true);
    useQuadrupoles = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.USE_QUADRUPOLES, true);
    rotateMultipoles = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.ROTATE_MULTIPOLES, true);
    lambdaTerm = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.LAMBDATERM, false);

    if (!crystal.aperiodic()) {
        off = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.EWALD_CUTOFF, 7.0);
    } else {
        off = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.EWALD_CUTOFF, 1000.0);
    double ewaldPrecision = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.EWALD_PRECISION, 1.0e-8);
    aewald = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.EWALD_ALPHA, ewaldCoefficient(off, ewaldPrecision));
    setEwaldParameters(off, aewald);

    reciprocalSpaceTerm = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.RECIPTERM, true);

    String predictor = forceField.getString(ForceFieldString.SCF_PREDICTOR, "NONE");
    try {
        predictor = predictor.replaceAll("-", "_").toUpperCase();
        scfPredictor = SCFPredictor.valueOf(predictor);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        scfPredictor = SCFPredictor.NONE;

    if (scfPredictor != SCFPredictor.NONE) {
        predictorCount = 0;
        int defaultOrder = 6;
        predictorOrder = forceField.getInteger(ForceFieldInteger.SCF_PREDICTOR_ORDER, defaultOrder);
        if (scfPredictor == SCFPredictor.LS) {
            leastSquaresPredictor = new LeastSquaresPredictor();
            double eps = 1.0e-4;
            leastSquaresOptimizer = new LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer(new SimpleVectorValueChecker(eps, eps));
        } else if (scfPredictor == SCFPredictor.ASPC) {
            predictorOrder = 6;
        predictorStartIndex = 0;

    String algorithm = forceField.getString(ForceFieldString.SCF_ALGORITHM, "CG");
    try {
        algorithm = algorithm.replaceAll("-", "_").toUpperCase();
        scfAlgorithm = SCFAlgorithm.valueOf(algorithm);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        scfAlgorithm = SCFAlgorithm.CG;

     * The size of the preconditioner neighbor list depends on the size of
     * the preconditioner cutoff.
    if (scfAlgorithm == SCFAlgorithm.CG) {
        inducedDipolePreconditionerRegion = new InducedDipolePreconditionerRegion(maxThreads);
        pcgRegion = new PCGRegion(maxThreads);
        pcgInitRegion1 = new PCGInitRegion1(maxThreads);
        pcgInitRegion2 = new PCGInitRegion2(maxThreads);
        pcgIterRegion1 = new PCGIterRegion1(maxThreads);
        pcgIterRegion2 = new PCGIterRegion2(maxThreads);
        boolean preconditioner = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.USE_SCF_PRECONDITIONER, true);
        if (preconditioner) {
            preconditionerCutoff = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.CG_PRECONDITIONER_CUTOFF, 4.5);
            preconditionerEwald = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.CG_PRECONDITIONER_EWALD, 0.0);
        } else {
            preconditionerCutoff = 0.0;
    } else {
        preconditionerCutoff = 0.0;
        inducedDipolePreconditionerRegion = null;
        pcgRegion = null;
        pcgInitRegion1 = null;
        pcgInitRegion2 = null;
        pcgIterRegion1 = null;
        pcgIterRegion2 = null;

    if (lambdaTerm) {
         * Values of PERMANENT_LAMBDA_ALPHA below 2 can lead to unstable
         * trajectories.
        permLambdaAlpha = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.PERMANENT_LAMBDA_ALPHA, 2.0);
        if (permLambdaAlpha < 0.0 || permLambdaAlpha > 3.0) {
            permLambdaAlpha = 2.0;
         * A PERMANENT_LAMBDA_EXPONENT of 1 gives linear charging of the
         * permanent electrostatics, which is most efficient. A quadratic
         * schedule (PERMANENT_LAMBDA_EXPONENT) also works, but the dU/dL
         * forces near lambda=1 are may be larger by a factor of 2.
        permLambdaExponent = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.PERMANENT_LAMBDA_EXPONENT, 1.0);
        if (permLambdaExponent < 1.0) {
            permLambdaExponent = 1.0;
         * A POLARIZATION_LAMBDA_EXPONENT of 2 gives a non-zero d2U/dL2 at
         * the beginning of the polarization schedule. Choosing a power of 3
         * or greater ensures a smooth dU/dL and d2U/dL2 over the schedule.
        polLambdaExponent = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.POLARIZATION_LAMBDA_EXPONENT, 3.0);
        if (polLambdaExponent < 0.0) {
            polLambdaExponent = 0.0;
         * The POLARIZATION_LAMBDA_START defines the point in the lambda
         * schedule when the condensed phase polarization of the ligand
         * begins to be turned on. If the condensed phase polarization is
         * considered near lambda=0, then SCF convergence is slow, even with
         * Thole damping. In addition, 2 (instead of 1) condensed phase SCF
         * calculations are necessary from the beginning of the window to
         * lambda=1.
        polLambdaStart = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.POLARIZATION_LAMBDA_START, 0.75);
        if (polLambdaStart < 0.0 || polLambdaStart > 0.9) {
            polLambdaStart = 0.75;
         * The POLARIZATION_LAMBDA_END defines the point in the lambda
         * schedule when the condensed phase polarization of ligand has been
         * completely turned on. Values other than 1.0 have not been tested.
        polLambdaEnd = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.POLARIZATION_LAMBDA_END, 1.0);
        if (polLambdaEnd < polLambdaStart || polLambdaEnd > 1.0 || polLambdaEnd - polLambdaStart < 0.3) {
            polLambdaEnd = 1.0;

         * The LAMBDA_VAPOR_ELEC defines if intramolecular electrostatics of
         * the ligand in vapor will be considered.
        doLigandVaporElec = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.LIGAND_VAPOR_ELEC, true);
        doNoLigandCondensedSCF = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.NO_LIGAND_CONDENSED_SCF, true);

         * Flag to indicate application of an intermolecular softcore
         * potential.
        intermolecularSoftcore = forceField.getBoolean(ForceField.ForceFieldBoolean.INTERMOLECULAR_SOFTCORE,
        intramolecularSoftcore = forceField.getBoolean(ForceField.ForceFieldBoolean.INTRAMOLECULAR_SOFTCORE,

    String polar = forceField.getString(ForceFieldString.POLARIZATION, "MUTUAL");
    if (elecForm == ELEC_FORM.FIXED_CHARGE) {
        polar = "NONE";
    boolean polarizationTerm = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.POLARIZETERM, true);
    if (polarizationTerm == false || polar.equalsIgnoreCase("NONE")) {
        polarization = Polarization.NONE;
    } else if (polar.equalsIgnoreCase("DIRECT")) {
        polarization = Polarization.DIRECT;
    } else {
        polarization = Polarization.MUTUAL;

    String temp = forceField.getString(ForceField.ForceFieldString.FFT_METHOD, "PJ");
    FFTMethod method;
    try {
        method = ReciprocalSpace.FFTMethod.valueOf(temp.toUpperCase().trim());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        method = ReciprocalSpace.FFTMethod.PJ;
    gpuFFT = method != FFTMethod.PJ;

    if (lambdaTerm) {
        shareddEdLambda = new SharedDouble();
        sharedd2EdLambda2 = new SharedDouble();
    } else {
        shareddEdLambda = null;
        sharedd2EdLambda2 = null;
        lambdaGrad = null;
        lambdaTorque = null;
        vaporCrystal = null;
        vaporLists = null;
        vaporPermanentSchedule = null;
        vaporEwaldSchedule = null;
        vacuumRanges = null;

    if (logger.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("\n Electrostatics\n");
        sb.append(format("  Polarization:                        %8s\n", polarization.toString()));
        if (polarization == Polarization.MUTUAL) {
            sb.append(format("   SCF Convergence Criteria:          %8.3e\n", poleps));
            sb.append(format("   SCF Predictor:                      %8s\n", scfPredictor));
            sb.append(format("   SCF Algorithm:                      %8s\n", scfAlgorithm));
            if (scfAlgorithm == SCFAlgorithm.SOR) {
                sb.append(format("   SOR Parameter:                      %8.3f\n", polsor));
            } else {
                sb.append(format("   CG Preconditioner Cut-Off:          %8.3f\n", preconditionerCutoff));
                sb.append(format("   CG Preconditioner Ewald Coefficient:%8.3f\n", preconditionerEwald));
        if (aewald > 0.0) {
            sb.append("  Particle-mesh Ewald\n");
            sb.append(format("   Ewald Coefficient:                  %8.3f\n", aewald));
            sb.append(format("   Particle Cut-Off:                   %8.3f (A)", off));
        } else {
            sb.append(format("   Electrostatics Cut-Off:             %8.3f (A)\n", off));

    if (gpuFFT) {
        sectionThreads = 2;
        realSpaceThreads = parallelTeam.getThreadCount();
        reciprocalThreads = 1;
        sectionTeam = new ParallelTeam(sectionThreads);
        realSpaceTeam = parallelTeam;
        fftTeam = new ParallelTeam(reciprocalThreads);
    } else {
        boolean concurrent;
        int realThreads = 1;
        try {
            realThreads = forceField.getInteger(ForceField.ForceFieldInteger.PME_REAL_THREADS);
            if (realThreads >= maxThreads || realThreads < 1) {
                throw new Exception("pme-real-threads must be < ffx.nt and greater than 0");
            concurrent = true;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            concurrent = false;
        if (concurrent) {
            sectionThreads = 2;
            realSpaceThreads = realThreads;
            reciprocalThreads = maxThreads - realThreads;
            sectionTeam = new ParallelTeam(sectionThreads);
            realSpaceTeam = new ParallelTeam(realSpaceThreads);
            fftTeam = new ParallelTeam(reciprocalThreads);
        } else {
             * If pme-real-threads is not defined, then do real and
             * reciprocal space parts sequentially.
            sectionThreads = 1;
            realSpaceThreads = maxThreads;
            reciprocalThreads = maxThreads;
            sectionTeam = new ParallelTeam(sectionThreads);
            realSpaceTeam = parallelTeam;
            fftTeam = parallelTeam;

    realSpaceRanges = new Range[maxThreads];
    initializationRegion = new InitializationRegion(maxThreads);
    expandInducedDipolesRegion = new ExpandInducedDipolesRegion(maxThreads);

     * Note that we always pass on the unit cell crystal to ReciprocalSpace
     * instance even if the real space calculations require a
     * ReplicatesCrystal.
    if (aewald > 0.0 && reciprocalSpaceTerm) {
        reciprocalSpace = new ReciprocalSpace(this, crystal.getUnitCell(), forceField, atoms, aewald, fftTeam,
        reciprocalEnergyRegion = new ReciprocalEnergyRegion(maxThreads);
    } else {
        reciprocalSpace = null;
        reciprocalEnergyRegion = null;
    permanentFieldRegion = new PermanentFieldRegion(realSpaceTeam);
    inducedDipoleFieldRegion = new InducedDipoleFieldRegion(realSpaceTeam);
    directRegion = new DirectRegion(maxThreads);
    sorRegion = new SORRegion(maxThreads);
    realSpaceEnergyRegion = new RealSpaceEnergyRegion(maxThreads);
    reduceRegion = new ReduceRegion(maxThreads);
    realSpacePermTime = new long[maxThreads];
    realSpaceEnergyTime = new long[maxThreads];
    realSpaceSCFTime = new long[maxThreads];

     * Generalized Kirkwood currently requires aperiodic Ewald. The GK
     * reaction field is added to the intra-molecular to give a
     * self-consistent reaction field.
    generalizedKirkwoodTerm = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.GKTERM, false);
    if (generalizedKirkwoodTerm) {
        generalizedKirkwood = new GeneralizedKirkwood(forceField, atoms, this, crystal, parallelTeam);
    } else {
        generalizedKirkwood = null;

    if (lambdaTerm) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(" Lambda Parameters\n");
        sb.append(format(" Permanent Multipole Softcore Alpha:      %5.3f\n", permLambdaAlpha));
        sb.append(format(" Permanent Multipole Lambda Exponent:     %5.3f\n", permLambdaExponent));
        if (polarization != Polarization.NONE) {
            sb.append(format(" Polarization Lambda Exponent:            %5.3f\n", polLambdaExponent));
                    format(" Polarization Lambda Range:      %5.3f .. %5.3f\n", polLambdaStart, polLambdaEnd));
            sb.append(format(" Condensed SCF Without Ligand:            %B\n", doNoLigandCondensedSCF));
        sb.append(format(" Vapor Electrostatics:                    %B\n", doLigandVaporElec));

From source file:ffx.potential.nonbonded.ParticleMeshEwald.java

 * ParticleMeshEwald constructor./*from  ww  w .  j  a  v a 2  s  . co  m*/
 * @param atoms the Atom array to do electrostatics on.
 * @param molecule the molecule number for each atom.
 * @param forceField the ForceField the defines the electrostatics
 * parameters.
 * @param crystal The boundary conditions.
 * @param elecForm The electrostatics functional form.
 * @param neighborList The NeighborList for both van der Waals and PME.
 * @param parallelTeam A ParallelTeam that delegates parallelization.
public ParticleMeshEwald(Atom atoms[], int molecule[], ForceField forceField, Crystal crystal,
        NeighborList neighborList, ELEC_FORM elecForm, ParallelTeam parallelTeam) {
    this.atoms = atoms;
    this.molecule = molecule;
    this.forceField = forceField;
    this.crystal = crystal;
    this.parallelTeam = parallelTeam;
    this.neighborList = neighborList;
    this.elecForm = elecForm;
    neighborLists = neighborList.getNeighborList();
    permanentSchedule = neighborList.getPairwiseSchedule();
    nAtoms = atoms.length;
    nSymm = crystal.spaceGroup.getNumberOfSymOps();
    maxThreads = parallelTeam.getThreadCount();

    polsor = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.POLAR_SOR, 0.70);
    poleps = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.POLAR_EPS, 1e-5);
    if (elecForm == ELEC_FORM.PAM) {
        m12scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.MPOLE_12_SCALE, 0.0);
        m13scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.MPOLE_13_SCALE, 0.0);
        m14scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.MPOLE_14_SCALE, 0.4);
        m15scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.MPOLE_15_SCALE, 0.8);
    } else {
        m12scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.MPOLE_12_SCALE, 0.0);
        m13scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.MPOLE_13_SCALE, 0.0);
        m14scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.MPOLE_14_SCALE, 0.5);
        m15scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.MPOLE_15_SCALE, 1.0);
    d11scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.DIRECT_11_SCALE, 0.0);
    p12scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.POLAR_12_SCALE, 0.0);
    p13scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.POLAR_13_SCALE, 0.0);
    useCharges = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.USE_CHARGES, true);
    useDipoles = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.USE_DIPOLES, true);
    useQuadrupoles = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.USE_QUADRUPOLES, true);
    rotateMultipoles = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.ROTATE_MULTIPOLES, true);
    lambdaTerm = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.LAMBDATERM, false);

    if (!crystal.aperiodic()) {
        off = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.EWALD_CUTOFF, 7.0);
    } else {
        off = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.EWALD_CUTOFF, 100.0);
    double ewald_precision = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.EWALD_PRECISION, 1.0e-8);
    aewald = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.EWALD_ALPHA, ewaldCoefficient(off, ewald_precision));
    setEwaldParameters(off, aewald);

    String predictor = forceField.getString(ForceFieldString.SCF_PREDICTOR, "NONE");
    try {
        predictor = predictor.replaceAll("-", "_").toUpperCase();
        scfPredictor = SCFPredictor.valueOf(predictor);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        scfPredictor = SCFPredictor.NONE;

    if (scfPredictor != SCFPredictor.NONE) {
        predictorCount = 0;
        int defaultOrder = 6;
        predictorOrder = forceField.getInteger(ForceFieldInteger.SCF_PREDICTOR_ORDER, defaultOrder);
        if (scfPredictor == SCFPredictor.LS) {
            leastSquaresPredictor = new LeastSquaresPredictor();
            double eps = 1.0e-4;
            leastSquaresOptimizer = new LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer(new SimpleVectorValueChecker(eps, eps));
        } else if (scfPredictor == SCFPredictor.ASPC) {
            predictorOrder = 6;
        predictorStartIndex = 0;

    String algorithm = forceField.getString(ForceFieldString.SCF_ALGORITHM, "CG");
    try {
        algorithm = algorithm.replaceAll("-", "_").toUpperCase();
        scfAlgorithm = SCFAlgorithm.valueOf(algorithm);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        scfAlgorithm = SCFAlgorithm.CG;

     * The size of the preconditioner neighbor list depends on the size of
     * the preconditioner cutoff.
    if (scfAlgorithm == SCFAlgorithm.CG) {
        inducedDipolePreconditionerRegion = new InducedDipolePreconditionerRegion(maxThreads);
        pcgRegion = new PCGRegion(maxThreads);
        pcgInitRegion1 = new PCGInitRegion1(maxThreads);
        pcgInitRegion2 = new PCGInitRegion2(maxThreads);
        pcgIterRegion1 = new PCGIterRegion1(maxThreads);
        pcgIterRegion2 = new PCGIterRegion2(maxThreads);
        boolean preconditioner = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.USE_SCF_PRECONDITIONER, true);
        if (preconditioner) {
            preconditionerCutoff = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.CG_PRECONDITIONER_CUTOFF, 4.5);
            preconditionerEwald = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.CG_PRECONDITIONER_EWALD, 0.0);
        } else {
            preconditionerCutoff = 0.0;
    } else {
        preconditionerCutoff = 0.0;
        inducedDipolePreconditionerRegion = null;
        pcgRegion = null;
        pcgInitRegion1 = null;
        pcgInitRegion2 = null;
        pcgIterRegion1 = null;
        pcgIterRegion2 = null;

    if (lambdaTerm) {
         * Values of PERMANENT_LAMBDA_ALPHA below 2 can lead to unstable
         * trajectories.
        permLambdaAlpha = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.PERMANENT_LAMBDA_ALPHA, 2.0);
        if (permLambdaAlpha < 0.0 || permLambdaAlpha > 3.0) {
            permLambdaAlpha = 2.0;
         * A PERMANENT_LAMBDA_EXPONENT of 1 gives linear charging of the
         * permanent electrostatics, which is most efficient. A quadratic
         * schedule (PERMANENT_LAMBDA_EXPONENT) also works, but the dU/dL
         * forces near lambda=1 are may be larger by a factor of 2.
        permLambdaExponent = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.PERMANENT_LAMBDA_EXPONENT, 1.0);
        if (permLambdaExponent < 1.0) {
            permLambdaExponent = 1.0;
         * A POLARIZATION_LAMBDA_EXPONENT of 2 gives a non-zero d2U/dL2 at
         * the beginning of the polarization schedule. Choosing a power of 3
         * or greater ensures a smooth dU/dL and d2U/dL2 over the schedule.
        polLambdaExponent = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.POLARIZATION_LAMBDA_EXPONENT, 3.0);
        if (polLambdaExponent < 0.0) {
            polLambdaExponent = 0.0;
         * The POLARIZATION_LAMBDA_START defines the point in the lambda
         * schedule when the condensed phase polarization of the ligand
         * begins to be turned on. If the condensed phase polarization is
         * considered near lambda=0, then SCF convergence is slow, even with
         * Thole damping. In addition, 2 (instead of 1) condensed phase SCF
         * calculations are necessary from the beginning of the window to
         * lambda=1.
        polLambdaStart = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.POLARIZATION_LAMBDA_START, 0.75);
        if (polLambdaStart < 0.0 || polLambdaStart > 0.9) {
            polLambdaStart = 0.75;
         * The POLARIZATION_LAMBDA_END defines the point in the lambda
         * schedule when the condensed phase polarization of ligand has been
         * completely turned on. Values other than 1.0 have not been tested.
        polLambdaEnd = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.POLARIZATION_LAMBDA_END, 1.0);
        if (polLambdaEnd < polLambdaStart || polLambdaEnd > 1.0 || polLambdaEnd - polLambdaStart < 0.3) {
            polLambdaEnd = 1.0;

         * The LAMBDA_VAPOR_ELEC defines if intramolecular electrostatics of
         * the ligand in vapor will be considered.
        doLigandVaporElec = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.LIGAND_VAPOR_ELEC, true);
        doNoLigandCondensedSCF = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.NO_LIGAND_CONDENSED_SCF, true);

         * Flag to indicate application of an intermolecular softcore
         * potential.
        intermolecularSoftcore = forceField.getBoolean(ForceField.ForceFieldBoolean.INTERMOLECULAR_SOFTCORE,

    String polar = forceField.getString(ForceFieldString.POLARIZATION, "MUTUAL");
    if (elecForm == ELEC_FORM.FIXED_CHARGE) {
        polar = "NONE";
    boolean polarizationTerm = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.POLARIZETERM, true);
    if (polarizationTerm == false || polar.equalsIgnoreCase("NONE")) {
        polarization = Polarization.NONE;
    } else if (polar.equalsIgnoreCase("DIRECT")) {
        polarization = Polarization.DIRECT;
    } else {
        polarization = Polarization.MUTUAL;

    cudaFFT = forceField.getBoolean(ForceField.ForceFieldBoolean.CUDAFFT, false);

    if (lambdaTerm) {
        shareddEdLambda = new SharedDouble();
        sharedd2EdLambda2 = new SharedDouble();
    } else {
        shareddEdLambda = null;
        sharedd2EdLambda2 = null;
        lambdaGrad = null;
        lambdaTorque = null;
        vaporCrystal = null;
        vaporLists = null;
        vaporPermanentSchedule = null;
        vaporEwaldSchedule = null;
        vacuumRanges = null;

    if (logger.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("\n Electrostatics\n");
        sb.append(format("  Polarization:                        %8s\n", polarization.toString()));
        if (polarization == Polarization.MUTUAL) {
            sb.append(format("   SCF Convergence Criteria:          %8.3e\n", poleps));
            sb.append(format("   SCF Predictor:                      %8s\n", scfPredictor));
            sb.append(format("   SCF Algorithm:                      %8s\n", scfAlgorithm));
            if (scfAlgorithm == SCFAlgorithm.SOR) {
                sb.append(format("   SOR Parameter:                      %8.3f\n", polsor));
            } else {
                sb.append(format("   CG Preconditioner Cut-Off:          %8.3f\n", preconditionerCutoff));
                sb.append(format("   CG Preconditioner Ewald Coefficient:%8.3f\n", preconditionerEwald));
        if (aewald > 0.0) {
            sb.append("  Particle-mesh Ewald\n");
            sb.append(format("   Ewald Coefficient:                  %8.3f\n", aewald));
            sb.append(format("   Particle Cut-Off:                   %8.3f (A)", off));
        } else {
            sb.append(format("   Electrostatics Cut-Off:             %8.3f (A)\n", off));

    if (cudaFFT) {
        sectionThreads = 2;
        realSpaceThreads = parallelTeam.getThreadCount();
        reciprocalThreads = 1;
        sectionTeam = new ParallelTeam(sectionThreads);
        realSpaceTeam = parallelTeam;
        fftTeam = new ParallelTeam(reciprocalThreads);
    } else {
        boolean concurrent;
        int realThreads = 1;
        try {
            realThreads = forceField.getInteger(ForceField.ForceFieldInteger.PME_REAL_THREADS);
            if (realThreads >= maxThreads || realThreads < 1) {
                throw new Exception("pme-real-threads must be < ffx.nt and greater than 0");
            concurrent = true;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            concurrent = false;
        if (concurrent) {
            sectionThreads = 2;
            realSpaceThreads = realThreads;
            reciprocalThreads = maxThreads - realThreads;
            sectionTeam = new ParallelTeam(sectionThreads);
            realSpaceTeam = new ParallelTeam(realSpaceThreads);
            fftTeam = new ParallelTeam(reciprocalThreads);
        } else {
             * If pme-real-threads is not defined, then do real and
             * reciprocal space parts sequentially.
            sectionThreads = 1;
            realSpaceThreads = maxThreads;
            reciprocalThreads = maxThreads;
            sectionTeam = new ParallelTeam(sectionThreads);
            realSpaceTeam = parallelTeam;
            fftTeam = parallelTeam;

    realSpaceRanges = new Range[maxThreads];
    initializationRegion = new InitializationRegion(maxThreads);
    expandInducedDipolesRegion = new ExpandInducedDipolesRegion(maxThreads);

     * Note that we always pass on the unit cell crystal to ReciprocalSpace
     * instance even if the real space calculations require a
     * ReplicatesCrystal.
    if (aewald > 0.0) {
        reciprocalSpace = new ReciprocalSpace(this, crystal.getUnitCell(), forceField, atoms, aewald, fftTeam,
        reciprocalEnergyRegion = new ReciprocalEnergyRegion(maxThreads);
    } else {
        reciprocalSpace = null;
        reciprocalEnergyRegion = null;
    permanentFieldRegion = new PermanentFieldRegion(realSpaceTeam);
    inducedDipoleFieldRegion = new InducedDipoleFieldRegion(realSpaceTeam);
    directRegion = new DirectRegion(maxThreads);
    sorRegion = new SORRegion(maxThreads);
    realSpaceEnergyRegion = new RealSpaceEnergyRegion(maxThreads);
    reduceRegion = new ReduceRegion(maxThreads);
    realSpacePermTime = new long[maxThreads];
    realSpaceEnergyTime = new long[maxThreads];
    realSpaceSCFTime = new long[maxThreads];

     * Generalized Kirkwood currently requires aperiodic Ewald. The GK
     * reaction field is added to the intra-molecular to give a
     * self-consistent reaction field.
    generalizedKirkwoodTerm = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.GKTERM, false);
    if (generalizedKirkwoodTerm) {
        generalizedKirkwood = new GeneralizedKirkwood(forceField, atoms, this, crystal, parallelTeam);
    } else {
        generalizedKirkwood = null;

    if (lambdaTerm) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(" Lambda Parameters\n");
        sb.append(format(" Permanent Multipole Softcore Alpha:      %5.3f\n", permLambdaAlpha));
        sb.append(format(" Permanent Multipole Lambda Exponent:     %5.3f\n", permLambdaExponent));
        if (polarization != Polarization.NONE) {
            sb.append(format(" Polarization Lambda Exponent:            %5.3f\n", polLambdaExponent));
                    format(" Polarization Lambda Range:      %5.3f .. %5.3f\n", polLambdaStart, polLambdaEnd));
            sb.append(format(" Condensed SCF Without Ligand:            %B\n", doNoLigandCondensedSCF));
        sb.append(format(" Vapor Electrostatics:                    %B\n", doLigandVaporElec));

From source file:ffx.potential.nonbonded.ParticleMeshEwaldQI.java

 * ParticleMeshEwald constructor./*from  www  .  j  av a  2s .  co  m*/
 * @param atoms the Atom array to do electrostatics on.
 * @param molecule the molecule number for each atom.
 * @param forceField the ForceField the defines the electrostatics
 * parameters.
 * @param crystal The boundary conditions.
 * @param elecForm The electrostatics functional form.
 * @param neighborList The NeighborList for both van der Waals and PME.
 * @param parallelTeam A ParallelTeam that delegates parallelization.
public ParticleMeshEwaldQI(Atom atoms[], int molecule[], ForceField forceField, Crystal crystal,
        NeighborList neighborList, ELEC_FORM elecForm, ParallelTeam parallelTeam) {
    /* REM
    Used to require the dlAlphaMode == FACTORED.
    ie. dlAlpha /= -2.0, d2lAlpha /= -2.0;
    bufferCoords = COORDINATES.QI;

    this.atoms = atoms;
    this.molecule = molecule;
    this.forceField = forceField;
    this.crystal = crystal;
    this.parallelTeam = parallelTeam;
    this.neighborList = neighborList;
    this.elecForm = elecForm;
    neighborLists = neighborList.getNeighborList();
    permanentSchedule = neighborList.getPairwiseSchedule();
    nAtoms = atoms.length;
    nSymm = crystal.spaceGroup.getNumberOfSymOps();
    maxThreads = parallelTeam.getThreadCount() + 1;

    polsor = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.POLAR_SOR, 0.70);
    poleps = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.POLAR_EPS, 1e-5);
    if (elecForm == ELEC_FORM.PAM) {
        m12scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.MPOLE_12_SCALE, 0.0);
        m13scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.MPOLE_13_SCALE, 0.0);
        m14scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.MPOLE_14_SCALE, 0.4);
        m15scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.MPOLE_15_SCALE, 0.8);
    } else {
        double mpole14 = 0.5;
        String name = forceField.toString().toUpperCase();
        if (name.contains("AMBER")) {
            mpole14 = 1.0 / 1.2;
        m12scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.MPOLE_12_SCALE, 0.0);
        m13scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.MPOLE_13_SCALE, 0.0);
        m14scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.MPOLE_14_SCALE, mpole14);
        m15scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.MPOLE_15_SCALE, 1.0);
    d11scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.DIRECT_11_SCALE, 0.0);
    p12scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.POLAR_12_SCALE, 0.0);
    p13scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.POLAR_13_SCALE, 0.0);
    useCharges = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.USE_CHARGES, true);
    useDipoles = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.USE_DIPOLES, true);
    useQuadrupoles = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.USE_QUADRUPOLES, true);
    rotateMultipoles = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.ROTATE_MULTIPOLES, true);
    lambdaTerm = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.LAMBDATERM, false);

    if (!crystal.aperiodic()) {
        off = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.EWALD_CUTOFF, 7.0);
    } else {
        off = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.EWALD_CUTOFF, 1000.0);
    double ewaldPrecision = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.EWALD_PRECISION, 1.0e-8);
    aewald = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.EWALD_ALPHA, ewaldCoefficient(off, ewaldPrecision));
    setEwaldParameters(off, aewald);

    reciprocalSpaceTerm = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.RECIPTERM, true);

    String predictor = forceField.getString(ForceFieldString.SCF_PREDICTOR, "NONE");
    try {
        predictor = predictor.replaceAll("-", "_").toUpperCase();
        scfPredictor = SCFPredictor.valueOf(predictor);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        scfPredictor = SCFPredictor.NONE;

    if (scfPredictor != SCFPredictor.NONE) {
        predictorCount = 0;
        int defaultOrder = 6;
        predictorOrder = forceField.getInteger(ForceFieldInteger.SCF_PREDICTOR_ORDER, defaultOrder);
        if (scfPredictor == SCFPredictor.LS) {
            leastSquaresPredictor = new LeastSquaresPredictor();
            double eps = 1.0e-4;
            leastSquaresOptimizer = new LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer(new SimpleVectorValueChecker(eps, eps));
        } else if (scfPredictor == SCFPredictor.ASPC) {
            predictorOrder = 6;
        predictorStartIndex = 0;

    String algorithm = forceField.getString(ForceFieldString.SCF_ALGORITHM, "CG");
    try {
        algorithm = algorithm.replaceAll("-", "_").toUpperCase();
        scfAlgorithm = SCFAlgorithm.valueOf(algorithm);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        scfAlgorithm = SCFAlgorithm.CG;

     * The size of the preconditioner neighbor list depends on the size of
     * the preconditioner cutoff.
    if (scfAlgorithm == SCFAlgorithm.CG) {
        inducedDipolePreconditionerRegion = new InducedDipolePreconditionerRegion(maxThreads);
        pcgRegion = new PCGRegion(maxThreads);
        pcgInitRegion1 = new PCGInitRegion1(maxThreads);
        pcgInitRegion2 = new PCGInitRegion2(maxThreads);
        pcgIterRegion1 = new PCGIterRegion1(maxThreads);
        pcgIterRegion2 = new PCGIterRegion2(maxThreads);
        boolean preconditioner = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.USE_SCF_PRECONDITIONER, true);
        if (preconditioner) {
            preconditionerCutoff = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.CG_PRECONDITIONER_CUTOFF, 4.5);
            preconditionerEwald = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.CG_PRECONDITIONER_EWALD, 0.0);
        } else {
            preconditionerCutoff = 0.0;
    } else {
        preconditionerCutoff = 0.0;
        inducedDipolePreconditionerRegion = null;
        pcgRegion = null;
        pcgInitRegion1 = null;
        pcgInitRegion2 = null;
        pcgIterRegion1 = null;
        pcgIterRegion2 = null;

    if (lambdaTerm || esvTerm) {
         * Values of PERMANENT_LAMBDA_ALPHA below 2 can lead to unstable
         * trajectories.
        permLambdaAlpha = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.PERMANENT_LAMBDA_ALPHA, 2.0);
        if (permLambdaAlpha < 0.0 || permLambdaAlpha > 3.0) {
            permLambdaAlpha = 2.0;
         * A PERMANENT_LAMBDA_EXPONENT of 1 gives linear charging of the
         * permanent electrostatics, which is most efficient. A quadratic
         * schedule (PERMANENT_LAMBDA_EXPONENT) also works, but the dU/dL
         * forces near lambda=1 are may be larger by a factor of 2.
        permLambdaExponent = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.PERMANENT_LAMBDA_EXPONENT, 1.0);
        if (permLambdaExponent < 1.0) {
            permLambdaExponent = 1.0;
         * A POLARIZATION_LAMBDA_EXPONENT of 2 gives a non-zero d2U/dL2 at
         * the beginning of the polarization schedule. Choosing a power of 3
         * or greater ensures a smooth dU/dL and d2U/dL2 over the schedule.
        polLambdaExponent = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.POLARIZATION_LAMBDA_EXPONENT, 3.0);
        if (polLambdaExponent < 0.0) {
            polLambdaExponent = 0.0;
         * The POLARIZATION_LAMBDA_START defines the point in the lambda
         * schedule when the condensed phase polarization of the ligand
         * begins to be turned on. If the condensed phase polarization is
         * considered near lambda=0, then SCF convergence is slow, even with
         * Thole damping. In addition, 2 (instead of 1) condensed phase SCF
         * calculations are necessary from the beginning of the window to
         * lambda=1.
        polLambdaStart = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.POLARIZATION_LAMBDA_START, 0.75);
        if (polLambdaStart < 0.0 || polLambdaStart > 0.9) {
            polLambdaStart = 0.75;
         * The POLARIZATION_LAMBDA_END defines the point in the lambda
         * schedule when the condensed phase polarization of ligand has been
         * completely turned on. Values other than 1.0 have not been tested.
        polLambdaEnd = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.POLARIZATION_LAMBDA_END, 1.0);
        if (polLambdaEnd < polLambdaStart || polLambdaEnd > 1.0 || polLambdaEnd - polLambdaStart < 0.3) {
            polLambdaEnd = 1.0;

         * The LAMBDA_VAPOR_ELEC defines if intramolecular electrostatics of
         * the ligand in vapor will be considered.
        doLigandVaporElec = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.LIGAND_VAPOR_ELEC, true);
        doNoLigandCondensedSCF = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.NO_LIGAND_CONDENSED_SCF, true);

         * Flag to indicate application of an intermolecular softcore
         * potential.
        intermolecularSoftcore = forceField.getBoolean(ForceField.ForceFieldBoolean.INTERMOLECULAR_SOFTCORE,
        intramolecularSoftcore = forceField.getBoolean(ForceField.ForceFieldBoolean.INTRAMOLECULAR_SOFTCORE,

    String polar = forceField.getString(ForceFieldString.POLARIZATION, "MUTUAL");
    if (elecForm == ELEC_FORM.FIXED_CHARGE) {
        polar = "NONE";
    boolean polarizationTerm = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.POLARIZETERM, true);
    if (polarizationTerm == false || polar.equalsIgnoreCase("NONE")) {
        polarization = Polarization.NONE;
    } else if (polar.equalsIgnoreCase("DIRECT")) {
        polarization = Polarization.DIRECT;
    } else {
        polarization = Polarization.MUTUAL;

    String temp = forceField.getString(ForceField.ForceFieldString.FFT_METHOD, "PJ");
    FFTMethod method;
    try {
        method = ReciprocalSpace.FFTMethod.valueOf(temp.toUpperCase().trim());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        method = ReciprocalSpace.FFTMethod.PJ;
    gpuFFT = method != FFTMethod.PJ;

    if (lambdaTerm) {
        shareddEdLambda = new SharedDouble();
        sharedd2EdLambda2 = new SharedDouble();
    } else {
        shareddEdLambda = null;
        sharedd2EdLambda2 = null;
        lambdaGrad = null;
        lambdaTorque = null;
        vaporCrystal = null;
        vaporLists = null;
        vaporPermanentSchedule = null;
        vaporEwaldSchedule = null;
        vacuumRanges = null;

    if (logger.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("\n Electrostatics\n");
        sb.append(format("  Polarization:                        %8s\n", polarization.toString()));
        if (polarization == Polarization.MUTUAL) {
            sb.append(format("   SCF Convergence Criteria:          %8.3e\n", poleps));
            sb.append(format("   SCF Predictor:                      %8s\n", scfPredictor));
            sb.append(format("   SCF Algorithm:                      %8s\n", scfAlgorithm));
            if (scfAlgorithm == SCFAlgorithm.SOR) {
                sb.append(format("   SOR Parameter:                      %8.3f\n", polsor));
            } else {
                sb.append(format("   CG Preconditioner Cut-Off:          %8.3f\n", preconditionerCutoff));
                sb.append(format("   CG Preconditioner Ewald Coefficient:%8.3f\n", preconditionerEwald));
        if (aewald > 0.0) {
            sb.append("  Particle-mesh Ewald\n");
            sb.append(format("   Ewald Coefficient:                  %8.3f\n", aewald));
            sb.append(format("   Particle Cut-Off:                   %8.3f (A)", off));
        } else {
            sb.append(format("   Electrostatics Cut-Off:             %8.3f (A)\n", off));

    StringBuilder config = new StringBuilder();
    config.append(format("\n Quasi-Internal PME Settings\n"));
    config.append(format("  Debug,Verbose,dbgI&K: %5b %5b %5d %5d\n", DEBUG(), VERBOSE(),
            debugIntI().orElse(-1), debugIntK().orElse(-1)));
    config.append(format("  Buffer Coords:        %5s\n", bufferCoords.toString()));
    config.append(format("  Chrg,Dipl,Quad:       %5b %5b %5b\n", useCharges, useDipoles, useQuadrupoles));

    if (gpuFFT) {
        sectionThreads = 2;
        realSpaceThreads = parallelTeam.getThreadCount();
        reciprocalThreads = 1;
        sectionTeam = new ParallelTeam(sectionThreads);
        realSpaceTeam = parallelTeam;
        fftTeam = new ParallelTeam(reciprocalThreads);
    } else {
        boolean concurrent;
        int realThreads = 1;
        try {
            realThreads = forceField.getInteger(ForceField.ForceFieldInteger.PME_REAL_THREADS);
            if (realThreads >= maxThreads || realThreads < 1) {
                throw new Exception("pme-real-threads must be < ffx.nt and greater than 0");
            concurrent = true;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            concurrent = false;
        if (concurrent) {
            sectionThreads = 2;
            realSpaceThreads = realThreads;
            reciprocalThreads = maxThreads - realThreads;
            sectionTeam = new ParallelTeam(sectionThreads);
            realSpaceTeam = new ParallelTeam(realSpaceThreads);
            fftTeam = new ParallelTeam(reciprocalThreads);
        } else {
             * If pme-real-threads is not defined, then do real and
             * reciprocal space parts sequentially.
            sectionThreads = 1;
            realSpaceThreads = maxThreads;
            reciprocalThreads = maxThreads;
            sectionTeam = new ParallelTeam(sectionThreads);
            realSpaceTeam = parallelTeam;
            fftTeam = parallelTeam;

    realSpaceRanges = new Range[maxThreads];
    initializationRegion = new InitializationRegion(maxThreads);
    expandInducedDipolesRegion = new ExpandInducedDipolesRegion(maxThreads);

     * Note that we always pass on the unit cell crystal to ReciprocalSpace
     * instance even if the real space calculations require a
     * ReplicatesCrystal.
    if (aewald > 0.0 && reciprocalSpaceTerm) {
        reciprocalSpace = new ReciprocalSpace(this, crystal.getUnitCell(), forceField, atoms, aewald, fftTeam,
        reciprocalEnergyRegion = new ReciprocalEnergyRegion(maxThreads);
    } else {
        reciprocalSpace = null;
        reciprocalEnergyRegion = null;
    permanentFieldRegion = new PermanentFieldRegion(realSpaceTeam);
    inducedDipoleFieldRegion = new InducedDipoleFieldRegion(realSpaceTeam);
    directRegion = new DirectRegion(maxThreads);
    sorRegion = new SORRegion(maxThreads);
    realSpaceEnergyRegionQI = new RealSpaceEnergyRegionQI(maxThreads);
    reduceRegion = new ReduceRegion(maxThreads);
    realSpacePermTime = new long[maxThreads];
    realSpaceEnergyTime = new long[maxThreads];
    realSpaceSCFTime = new long[maxThreads];

     * Generalized Kirkwood currently requires aperiodic Ewald. The GK
     * reaction field is added to the intra-molecular to give a
     * self-consistent reaction field.
    generalizedKirkwoodTerm = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.GKTERM, false);
    if (generalizedKirkwoodTerm) {
        generalizedKirkwood = new GeneralizedKirkwood(forceField, atoms, this, crystal, parallelTeam);
    } else {
        generalizedKirkwood = null;

    if (lambdaTerm) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(" Lambda Parameters\n");
        sb.append(format(" Permanent Multipole Softcore Alpha:      %5.3f\n", permLambdaAlpha));
        sb.append(format(" Permanent Multipole Lambda Exponent:     %5.3f\n", permLambdaExponent));
        if (polarization != Polarization.NONE) {
            sb.append(format(" Polarization Lambda Exponent:            %5.3f\n", polLambdaExponent));
                    format(" Polarization Lambda Range:      %5.3f .. %5.3f\n", polLambdaStart, polLambdaEnd));
            sb.append(format(" Condensed SCF Without Ligand:            %B\n", doNoLigandCondensedSCF));
        sb.append(format(" Vapor Electrostatics:                    %B\n", doLigandVaporElec));
    if (esvTerm) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(" ESV Parameters\n");
        sb.append(format(" Permanent Multipole Softcore Alpha:      %5.3f\n", permLambdaAlpha));
        sb.append(format(" Permanent Multipole lambda exponent constrained to unity.\n"));
        if (polarization != Polarization.NONE) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();