Example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.optimization SimpleVectorValueChecker SimpleVectorValueChecker

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.math3.optimization SimpleVectorValueChecker SimpleVectorValueChecker


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.optimization SimpleVectorValueChecker SimpleVectorValueChecker.


public SimpleVectorValueChecker(final double relativeThreshold, final double absoluteThreshold) 

Source Link


Build an instance with specified thresholds.


From source file:ffx.potential.nonbonded.ParticleMeshEwaldCart.java

 * ParticleMeshEwald constructor.//w ww .j  a  va2 s. c om
 * @param atoms the Atom array to do electrostatics on.
 * @param molecule the molecule number for each atom.
 * @param forceField the ForceField the defines the electrostatics
 * parameters.
 * @param crystal The boundary conditions.
 * @param elecForm The electrostatics functional form.
 * @param neighborList The NeighborList for both van der Waals and PME.
 * @param parallelTeam A ParallelTeam that delegates parallelization.
public ParticleMeshEwaldCart(Atom atoms[], int molecule[], ForceField forceField, Crystal crystal,
        NeighborList neighborList, ELEC_FORM elecForm, ParallelTeam parallelTeam) {
    this.atoms = atoms;
    this.molecule = molecule;
    this.forceField = forceField;
    this.crystal = crystal;
    this.parallelTeam = parallelTeam;
    this.neighborList = neighborList;
    this.elecForm = elecForm;
    neighborLists = neighborList.getNeighborList();
    permanentSchedule = neighborList.getPairwiseSchedule();
    nAtoms = atoms.length;
    nSymm = crystal.spaceGroup.getNumberOfSymOps();
    maxThreads = parallelTeam.getThreadCount();

    polsor = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.POLAR_SOR, 0.70);
    poleps = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.POLAR_EPS, 1e-5);
    if (elecForm == ELEC_FORM.PAM) {
        m12scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.MPOLE_12_SCALE, 0.0);
        m13scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.MPOLE_13_SCALE, 0.0);
        m14scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.MPOLE_14_SCALE, 0.4);
        m15scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.MPOLE_15_SCALE, 0.8);
    } else {
        double mpole14 = 0.5;
        String name = forceField.toString().toUpperCase();
        if (name.contains("AMBER")) {
            mpole14 = 1.0 / 1.2;
        m12scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.MPOLE_12_SCALE, 0.0);
        m13scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.MPOLE_13_SCALE, 0.0);
        m14scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.MPOLE_14_SCALE, mpole14);
        m15scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.MPOLE_15_SCALE, 1.0);
    d11scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.DIRECT_11_SCALE, 0.0);
    p12scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.POLAR_12_SCALE, 0.0);
    p13scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.POLAR_13_SCALE, 0.0);
    useCharges = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.USE_CHARGES, true);
    useDipoles = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.USE_DIPOLES, true);
    useQuadrupoles = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.USE_QUADRUPOLES, true);
    rotateMultipoles = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.ROTATE_MULTIPOLES, true);
    lambdaTerm = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.LAMBDATERM, false);

    if (!crystal.aperiodic()) {
        off = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.EWALD_CUTOFF, 7.0);
    } else {
        off = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.EWALD_CUTOFF, 1000.0);
    double ewaldPrecision = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.EWALD_PRECISION, 1.0e-8);
    aewald = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.EWALD_ALPHA, ewaldCoefficient(off, ewaldPrecision));
    setEwaldParameters(off, aewald);

    reciprocalSpaceTerm = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.RECIPTERM, true);

    String predictor = forceField.getString(ForceFieldString.SCF_PREDICTOR, "NONE");
    try {
        predictor = predictor.replaceAll("-", "_").toUpperCase();
        scfPredictor = SCFPredictor.valueOf(predictor);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        scfPredictor = SCFPredictor.NONE;

    if (scfPredictor != SCFPredictor.NONE) {
        predictorCount = 0;
        int defaultOrder = 6;
        predictorOrder = forceField.getInteger(ForceFieldInteger.SCF_PREDICTOR_ORDER, defaultOrder);
        if (scfPredictor == SCFPredictor.LS) {
            leastSquaresPredictor = new LeastSquaresPredictor();
            double eps = 1.0e-4;
            leastSquaresOptimizer = new LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer(new SimpleVectorValueChecker(eps, eps));
        } else if (scfPredictor == SCFPredictor.ASPC) {
            predictorOrder = 6;
        predictorStartIndex = 0;

    String algorithm = forceField.getString(ForceFieldString.SCF_ALGORITHM, "CG");
    try {
        algorithm = algorithm.replaceAll("-", "_").toUpperCase();
        scfAlgorithm = SCFAlgorithm.valueOf(algorithm);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        scfAlgorithm = SCFAlgorithm.CG;

     * The size of the preconditioner neighbor list depends on the size of
     * the preconditioner cutoff.
    if (scfAlgorithm == SCFAlgorithm.CG) {
        inducedDipolePreconditionerRegion = new InducedDipolePreconditionerRegion(maxThreads);
        pcgRegion = new PCGRegion(maxThreads);
        pcgInitRegion1 = new PCGInitRegion1(maxThreads);
        pcgInitRegion2 = new PCGInitRegion2(maxThreads);
        pcgIterRegion1 = new PCGIterRegion1(maxThreads);
        pcgIterRegion2 = new PCGIterRegion2(maxThreads);
        boolean preconditioner = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.USE_SCF_PRECONDITIONER, true);
        if (preconditioner) {
            preconditionerCutoff = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.CG_PRECONDITIONER_CUTOFF, 4.5);
            preconditionerEwald = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.CG_PRECONDITIONER_EWALD, 0.0);
        } else {
            preconditionerCutoff = 0.0;
    } else {
        preconditionerCutoff = 0.0;
        inducedDipolePreconditionerRegion = null;
        pcgRegion = null;
        pcgInitRegion1 = null;
        pcgInitRegion2 = null;
        pcgIterRegion1 = null;
        pcgIterRegion2 = null;

    if (lambdaTerm) {
         * Values of PERMANENT_LAMBDA_ALPHA below 2 can lead to unstable
         * trajectories.
        permLambdaAlpha = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.PERMANENT_LAMBDA_ALPHA, 2.0);
        if (permLambdaAlpha < 0.0 || permLambdaAlpha > 3.0) {
            permLambdaAlpha = 2.0;
         * A PERMANENT_LAMBDA_EXPONENT of 1 gives linear charging of the
         * permanent electrostatics, which is most efficient. A quadratic
         * schedule (PERMANENT_LAMBDA_EXPONENT) also works, but the dU/dL
         * forces near lambda=1 are may be larger by a factor of 2.
        permLambdaExponent = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.PERMANENT_LAMBDA_EXPONENT, 1.0);
        if (permLambdaExponent < 1.0) {
            permLambdaExponent = 1.0;
         * A POLARIZATION_LAMBDA_EXPONENT of 2 gives a non-zero d2U/dL2 at
         * the beginning of the polarization schedule. Choosing a power of 3
         * or greater ensures a smooth dU/dL and d2U/dL2 over the schedule.
        polLambdaExponent = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.POLARIZATION_LAMBDA_EXPONENT, 3.0);
        if (polLambdaExponent < 0.0) {
            polLambdaExponent = 0.0;
         * The POLARIZATION_LAMBDA_START defines the point in the lambda
         * schedule when the condensed phase polarization of the ligand
         * begins to be turned on. If the condensed phase polarization is
         * considered near lambda=0, then SCF convergence is slow, even with
         * Thole damping. In addition, 2 (instead of 1) condensed phase SCF
         * calculations are necessary from the beginning of the window to
         * lambda=1.
        polLambdaStart = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.POLARIZATION_LAMBDA_START, 0.75);
        if (polLambdaStart < 0.0 || polLambdaStart > 0.9) {
            polLambdaStart = 0.75;
         * The POLARIZATION_LAMBDA_END defines the point in the lambda
         * schedule when the condensed phase polarization of ligand has been
         * completely turned on. Values other than 1.0 have not been tested.
        polLambdaEnd = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.POLARIZATION_LAMBDA_END, 1.0);
        if (polLambdaEnd < polLambdaStart || polLambdaEnd > 1.0 || polLambdaEnd - polLambdaStart < 0.3) {
            polLambdaEnd = 1.0;

         * The LAMBDA_VAPOR_ELEC defines if intramolecular electrostatics of
         * the ligand in vapor will be considered.
        doLigandVaporElec = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.LIGAND_VAPOR_ELEC, true);
        doNoLigandCondensedSCF = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.NO_LIGAND_CONDENSED_SCF, true);

         * Flag to indicate application of an intermolecular softcore
         * potential.
        intermolecularSoftcore = forceField.getBoolean(ForceField.ForceFieldBoolean.INTERMOLECULAR_SOFTCORE,
        intramolecularSoftcore = forceField.getBoolean(ForceField.ForceFieldBoolean.INTRAMOLECULAR_SOFTCORE,

    String polar = forceField.getString(ForceFieldString.POLARIZATION, "MUTUAL");
    if (elecForm == ELEC_FORM.FIXED_CHARGE) {
        polar = "NONE";
    boolean polarizationTerm = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.POLARIZETERM, true);
    if (polarizationTerm == false || polar.equalsIgnoreCase("NONE")) {
        polarization = Polarization.NONE;
    } else if (polar.equalsIgnoreCase("DIRECT")) {
        polarization = Polarization.DIRECT;
    } else {
        polarization = Polarization.MUTUAL;

    String temp = forceField.getString(ForceField.ForceFieldString.FFT_METHOD, "PJ");
    FFTMethod method;
    try {
        method = ReciprocalSpace.FFTMethod.valueOf(temp.toUpperCase().trim());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        method = ReciprocalSpace.FFTMethod.PJ;
    gpuFFT = method != FFTMethod.PJ;

    if (lambdaTerm) {
        shareddEdLambda = new SharedDouble();
        sharedd2EdLambda2 = new SharedDouble();
    } else {
        shareddEdLambda = null;
        sharedd2EdLambda2 = null;
        lambdaGrad = null;
        lambdaTorque = null;
        vaporCrystal = null;
        vaporLists = null;
        vaporPermanentSchedule = null;
        vaporEwaldSchedule = null;
        vacuumRanges = null;

    if (logger.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("\n Electrostatics\n");
        sb.append(format("  Polarization:                        %8s\n", polarization.toString()));
        if (polarization == Polarization.MUTUAL) {
            sb.append(format("   SCF Convergence Criteria:          %8.3e\n", poleps));
            sb.append(format("   SCF Predictor:                      %8s\n", scfPredictor));
            sb.append(format("   SCF Algorithm:                      %8s\n", scfAlgorithm));
            if (scfAlgorithm == SCFAlgorithm.SOR) {
                sb.append(format("   SOR Parameter:                      %8.3f\n", polsor));
            } else {
                sb.append(format("   CG Preconditioner Cut-Off:          %8.3f\n", preconditionerCutoff));
                sb.append(format("   CG Preconditioner Ewald Coefficient:%8.3f\n", preconditionerEwald));
        if (aewald > 0.0) {
            sb.append("  Particle-mesh Ewald\n");
            sb.append(format("   Ewald Coefficient:                  %8.3f\n", aewald));
            sb.append(format("   Particle Cut-Off:                   %8.3f (A)", off));
        } else {
            sb.append(format("   Electrostatics Cut-Off:             %8.3f (A)\n", off));

    if (gpuFFT) {
        sectionThreads = 2;
        realSpaceThreads = parallelTeam.getThreadCount();
        reciprocalThreads = 1;
        sectionTeam = new ParallelTeam(sectionThreads);
        realSpaceTeam = parallelTeam;
        fftTeam = new ParallelTeam(reciprocalThreads);
    } else {
        boolean concurrent;
        int realThreads = 1;
        try {
            realThreads = forceField.getInteger(ForceField.ForceFieldInteger.PME_REAL_THREADS);
            if (realThreads >= maxThreads || realThreads < 1) {
                throw new Exception("pme-real-threads must be < ffx.nt and greater than 0");
            concurrent = true;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            concurrent = false;
        if (concurrent) {
            sectionThreads = 2;
            realSpaceThreads = realThreads;
            reciprocalThreads = maxThreads - realThreads;
            sectionTeam = new ParallelTeam(sectionThreads);
            realSpaceTeam = new ParallelTeam(realSpaceThreads);
            fftTeam = new ParallelTeam(reciprocalThreads);
        } else {
             * If pme-real-threads is not defined, then do real and
             * reciprocal space parts sequentially.
            sectionThreads = 1;
            realSpaceThreads = maxThreads;
            reciprocalThreads = maxThreads;
            sectionTeam = new ParallelTeam(sectionThreads);
            realSpaceTeam = parallelTeam;
            fftTeam = parallelTeam;

    realSpaceRanges = new Range[maxThreads];
    initializationRegion = new InitializationRegion(maxThreads);
    expandInducedDipolesRegion = new ExpandInducedDipolesRegion(maxThreads);

     * Note that we always pass on the unit cell crystal to ReciprocalSpace
     * instance even if the real space calculations require a
     * ReplicatesCrystal.
    if (aewald > 0.0 && reciprocalSpaceTerm) {
        reciprocalSpace = new ReciprocalSpace(this, crystal.getUnitCell(), forceField, atoms, aewald, fftTeam,
        reciprocalEnergyRegion = new ReciprocalEnergyRegion(maxThreads);
    } else {
        reciprocalSpace = null;
        reciprocalEnergyRegion = null;
    permanentFieldRegion = new PermanentFieldRegion(realSpaceTeam);
    inducedDipoleFieldRegion = new InducedDipoleFieldRegion(realSpaceTeam);
    directRegion = new DirectRegion(maxThreads);
    sorRegion = new SORRegion(maxThreads);
    realSpaceEnergyRegion = new RealSpaceEnergyRegion(maxThreads);
    reduceRegion = new ReduceRegion(maxThreads);
    realSpacePermTime = new long[maxThreads];
    realSpaceEnergyTime = new long[maxThreads];
    realSpaceSCFTime = new long[maxThreads];

     * Generalized Kirkwood currently requires aperiodic Ewald. The GK
     * reaction field is added to the intra-molecular to give a
     * self-consistent reaction field.
    generalizedKirkwoodTerm = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.GKTERM, false);
    if (generalizedKirkwoodTerm) {
        generalizedKirkwood = new GeneralizedKirkwood(forceField, atoms, this, crystal, parallelTeam);
    } else {
        generalizedKirkwood = null;

    if (lambdaTerm) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(" Lambda Parameters\n");
        sb.append(format(" Permanent Multipole Softcore Alpha:      %5.3f\n", permLambdaAlpha));
        sb.append(format(" Permanent Multipole Lambda Exponent:     %5.3f\n", permLambdaExponent));
        if (polarization != Polarization.NONE) {
            sb.append(format(" Polarization Lambda Exponent:            %5.3f\n", polLambdaExponent));
                    format(" Polarization Lambda Range:      %5.3f .. %5.3f\n", polLambdaStart, polLambdaEnd));
            sb.append(format(" Condensed SCF Without Ligand:            %B\n", doNoLigandCondensedSCF));
        sb.append(format(" Vapor Electrostatics:                    %B\n", doLigandVaporElec));

From source file:ffx.potential.nonbonded.ParticleMeshEwald.java

 * ParticleMeshEwald constructor.//ww  w  .  java  2  s. c  om
 * @param atoms the Atom array to do electrostatics on.
 * @param molecule the molecule number for each atom.
 * @param forceField the ForceField the defines the electrostatics
 * parameters.
 * @param crystal The boundary conditions.
 * @param elecForm The electrostatics functional form.
 * @param neighborList The NeighborList for both van der Waals and PME.
 * @param parallelTeam A ParallelTeam that delegates parallelization.
public ParticleMeshEwald(Atom atoms[], int molecule[], ForceField forceField, Crystal crystal,
        NeighborList neighborList, ELEC_FORM elecForm, ParallelTeam parallelTeam) {
    this.atoms = atoms;
    this.molecule = molecule;
    this.forceField = forceField;
    this.crystal = crystal;
    this.parallelTeam = parallelTeam;
    this.neighborList = neighborList;
    this.elecForm = elecForm;
    neighborLists = neighborList.getNeighborList();
    permanentSchedule = neighborList.getPairwiseSchedule();
    nAtoms = atoms.length;
    nSymm = crystal.spaceGroup.getNumberOfSymOps();
    maxThreads = parallelTeam.getThreadCount();

    polsor = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.POLAR_SOR, 0.70);
    poleps = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.POLAR_EPS, 1e-5);
    if (elecForm == ELEC_FORM.PAM) {
        m12scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.MPOLE_12_SCALE, 0.0);
        m13scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.MPOLE_13_SCALE, 0.0);
        m14scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.MPOLE_14_SCALE, 0.4);
        m15scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.MPOLE_15_SCALE, 0.8);
    } else {
        m12scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.MPOLE_12_SCALE, 0.0);
        m13scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.MPOLE_13_SCALE, 0.0);
        m14scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.MPOLE_14_SCALE, 0.5);
        m15scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.MPOLE_15_SCALE, 1.0);
    d11scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.DIRECT_11_SCALE, 0.0);
    p12scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.POLAR_12_SCALE, 0.0);
    p13scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.POLAR_13_SCALE, 0.0);
    useCharges = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.USE_CHARGES, true);
    useDipoles = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.USE_DIPOLES, true);
    useQuadrupoles = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.USE_QUADRUPOLES, true);
    rotateMultipoles = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.ROTATE_MULTIPOLES, true);
    lambdaTerm = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.LAMBDATERM, false);

    if (!crystal.aperiodic()) {
        off = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.EWALD_CUTOFF, 7.0);
    } else {
        off = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.EWALD_CUTOFF, 100.0);
    double ewald_precision = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.EWALD_PRECISION, 1.0e-8);
    aewald = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.EWALD_ALPHA, ewaldCoefficient(off, ewald_precision));
    setEwaldParameters(off, aewald);

    String predictor = forceField.getString(ForceFieldString.SCF_PREDICTOR, "NONE");
    try {
        predictor = predictor.replaceAll("-", "_").toUpperCase();
        scfPredictor = SCFPredictor.valueOf(predictor);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        scfPredictor = SCFPredictor.NONE;

    if (scfPredictor != SCFPredictor.NONE) {
        predictorCount = 0;
        int defaultOrder = 6;
        predictorOrder = forceField.getInteger(ForceFieldInteger.SCF_PREDICTOR_ORDER, defaultOrder);
        if (scfPredictor == SCFPredictor.LS) {
            leastSquaresPredictor = new LeastSquaresPredictor();
            double eps = 1.0e-4;
            leastSquaresOptimizer = new LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer(new SimpleVectorValueChecker(eps, eps));
        } else if (scfPredictor == SCFPredictor.ASPC) {
            predictorOrder = 6;
        predictorStartIndex = 0;

    String algorithm = forceField.getString(ForceFieldString.SCF_ALGORITHM, "CG");
    try {
        algorithm = algorithm.replaceAll("-", "_").toUpperCase();
        scfAlgorithm = SCFAlgorithm.valueOf(algorithm);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        scfAlgorithm = SCFAlgorithm.CG;

     * The size of the preconditioner neighbor list depends on the size of
     * the preconditioner cutoff.
    if (scfAlgorithm == SCFAlgorithm.CG) {
        inducedDipolePreconditionerRegion = new InducedDipolePreconditionerRegion(maxThreads);
        pcgRegion = new PCGRegion(maxThreads);
        pcgInitRegion1 = new PCGInitRegion1(maxThreads);
        pcgInitRegion2 = new PCGInitRegion2(maxThreads);
        pcgIterRegion1 = new PCGIterRegion1(maxThreads);
        pcgIterRegion2 = new PCGIterRegion2(maxThreads);
        boolean preconditioner = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.USE_SCF_PRECONDITIONER, true);
        if (preconditioner) {
            preconditionerCutoff = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.CG_PRECONDITIONER_CUTOFF, 4.5);
            preconditionerEwald = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.CG_PRECONDITIONER_EWALD, 0.0);
        } else {
            preconditionerCutoff = 0.0;
    } else {
        preconditionerCutoff = 0.0;
        inducedDipolePreconditionerRegion = null;
        pcgRegion = null;
        pcgInitRegion1 = null;
        pcgInitRegion2 = null;
        pcgIterRegion1 = null;
        pcgIterRegion2 = null;

    if (lambdaTerm) {
         * Values of PERMANENT_LAMBDA_ALPHA below 2 can lead to unstable
         * trajectories.
        permLambdaAlpha = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.PERMANENT_LAMBDA_ALPHA, 2.0);
        if (permLambdaAlpha < 0.0 || permLambdaAlpha > 3.0) {
            permLambdaAlpha = 2.0;
         * A PERMANENT_LAMBDA_EXPONENT of 1 gives linear charging of the
         * permanent electrostatics, which is most efficient. A quadratic
         * schedule (PERMANENT_LAMBDA_EXPONENT) also works, but the dU/dL
         * forces near lambda=1 are may be larger by a factor of 2.
        permLambdaExponent = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.PERMANENT_LAMBDA_EXPONENT, 1.0);
        if (permLambdaExponent < 1.0) {
            permLambdaExponent = 1.0;
         * A POLARIZATION_LAMBDA_EXPONENT of 2 gives a non-zero d2U/dL2 at
         * the beginning of the polarization schedule. Choosing a power of 3
         * or greater ensures a smooth dU/dL and d2U/dL2 over the schedule.
        polLambdaExponent = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.POLARIZATION_LAMBDA_EXPONENT, 3.0);
        if (polLambdaExponent < 0.0) {
            polLambdaExponent = 0.0;
         * The POLARIZATION_LAMBDA_START defines the point in the lambda
         * schedule when the condensed phase polarization of the ligand
         * begins to be turned on. If the condensed phase polarization is
         * considered near lambda=0, then SCF convergence is slow, even with
         * Thole damping. In addition, 2 (instead of 1) condensed phase SCF
         * calculations are necessary from the beginning of the window to
         * lambda=1.
        polLambdaStart = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.POLARIZATION_LAMBDA_START, 0.75);
        if (polLambdaStart < 0.0 || polLambdaStart > 0.9) {
            polLambdaStart = 0.75;
         * The POLARIZATION_LAMBDA_END defines the point in the lambda
         * schedule when the condensed phase polarization of ligand has been
         * completely turned on. Values other than 1.0 have not been tested.
        polLambdaEnd = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.POLARIZATION_LAMBDA_END, 1.0);
        if (polLambdaEnd < polLambdaStart || polLambdaEnd > 1.0 || polLambdaEnd - polLambdaStart < 0.3) {
            polLambdaEnd = 1.0;

         * The LAMBDA_VAPOR_ELEC defines if intramolecular electrostatics of
         * the ligand in vapor will be considered.
        doLigandVaporElec = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.LIGAND_VAPOR_ELEC, true);
        doNoLigandCondensedSCF = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.NO_LIGAND_CONDENSED_SCF, true);

         * Flag to indicate application of an intermolecular softcore
         * potential.
        intermolecularSoftcore = forceField.getBoolean(ForceField.ForceFieldBoolean.INTERMOLECULAR_SOFTCORE,

    String polar = forceField.getString(ForceFieldString.POLARIZATION, "MUTUAL");
    if (elecForm == ELEC_FORM.FIXED_CHARGE) {
        polar = "NONE";
    boolean polarizationTerm = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.POLARIZETERM, true);
    if (polarizationTerm == false || polar.equalsIgnoreCase("NONE")) {
        polarization = Polarization.NONE;
    } else if (polar.equalsIgnoreCase("DIRECT")) {
        polarization = Polarization.DIRECT;
    } else {
        polarization = Polarization.MUTUAL;

    cudaFFT = forceField.getBoolean(ForceField.ForceFieldBoolean.CUDAFFT, false);

    if (lambdaTerm) {
        shareddEdLambda = new SharedDouble();
        sharedd2EdLambda2 = new SharedDouble();
    } else {
        shareddEdLambda = null;
        sharedd2EdLambda2 = null;
        lambdaGrad = null;
        lambdaTorque = null;
        vaporCrystal = null;
        vaporLists = null;
        vaporPermanentSchedule = null;
        vaporEwaldSchedule = null;
        vacuumRanges = null;

    if (logger.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("\n Electrostatics\n");
        sb.append(format("  Polarization:                        %8s\n", polarization.toString()));
        if (polarization == Polarization.MUTUAL) {
            sb.append(format("   SCF Convergence Criteria:          %8.3e\n", poleps));
            sb.append(format("   SCF Predictor:                      %8s\n", scfPredictor));
            sb.append(format("   SCF Algorithm:                      %8s\n", scfAlgorithm));
            if (scfAlgorithm == SCFAlgorithm.SOR) {
                sb.append(format("   SOR Parameter:                      %8.3f\n", polsor));
            } else {
                sb.append(format("   CG Preconditioner Cut-Off:          %8.3f\n", preconditionerCutoff));
                sb.append(format("   CG Preconditioner Ewald Coefficient:%8.3f\n", preconditionerEwald));
        if (aewald > 0.0) {
            sb.append("  Particle-mesh Ewald\n");
            sb.append(format("   Ewald Coefficient:                  %8.3f\n", aewald));
            sb.append(format("   Particle Cut-Off:                   %8.3f (A)", off));
        } else {
            sb.append(format("   Electrostatics Cut-Off:             %8.3f (A)\n", off));

    if (cudaFFT) {
        sectionThreads = 2;
        realSpaceThreads = parallelTeam.getThreadCount();
        reciprocalThreads = 1;
        sectionTeam = new ParallelTeam(sectionThreads);
        realSpaceTeam = parallelTeam;
        fftTeam = new ParallelTeam(reciprocalThreads);
    } else {
        boolean concurrent;
        int realThreads = 1;
        try {
            realThreads = forceField.getInteger(ForceField.ForceFieldInteger.PME_REAL_THREADS);
            if (realThreads >= maxThreads || realThreads < 1) {
                throw new Exception("pme-real-threads must be < ffx.nt and greater than 0");
            concurrent = true;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            concurrent = false;
        if (concurrent) {
            sectionThreads = 2;
            realSpaceThreads = realThreads;
            reciprocalThreads = maxThreads - realThreads;
            sectionTeam = new ParallelTeam(sectionThreads);
            realSpaceTeam = new ParallelTeam(realSpaceThreads);
            fftTeam = new ParallelTeam(reciprocalThreads);
        } else {
             * If pme-real-threads is not defined, then do real and
             * reciprocal space parts sequentially.
            sectionThreads = 1;
            realSpaceThreads = maxThreads;
            reciprocalThreads = maxThreads;
            sectionTeam = new ParallelTeam(sectionThreads);
            realSpaceTeam = parallelTeam;
            fftTeam = parallelTeam;

    realSpaceRanges = new Range[maxThreads];
    initializationRegion = new InitializationRegion(maxThreads);
    expandInducedDipolesRegion = new ExpandInducedDipolesRegion(maxThreads);

     * Note that we always pass on the unit cell crystal to ReciprocalSpace
     * instance even if the real space calculations require a
     * ReplicatesCrystal.
    if (aewald > 0.0) {
        reciprocalSpace = new ReciprocalSpace(this, crystal.getUnitCell(), forceField, atoms, aewald, fftTeam,
        reciprocalEnergyRegion = new ReciprocalEnergyRegion(maxThreads);
    } else {
        reciprocalSpace = null;
        reciprocalEnergyRegion = null;
    permanentFieldRegion = new PermanentFieldRegion(realSpaceTeam);
    inducedDipoleFieldRegion = new InducedDipoleFieldRegion(realSpaceTeam);
    directRegion = new DirectRegion(maxThreads);
    sorRegion = new SORRegion(maxThreads);
    realSpaceEnergyRegion = new RealSpaceEnergyRegion(maxThreads);
    reduceRegion = new ReduceRegion(maxThreads);
    realSpacePermTime = new long[maxThreads];
    realSpaceEnergyTime = new long[maxThreads];
    realSpaceSCFTime = new long[maxThreads];

     * Generalized Kirkwood currently requires aperiodic Ewald. The GK
     * reaction field is added to the intra-molecular to give a
     * self-consistent reaction field.
    generalizedKirkwoodTerm = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.GKTERM, false);
    if (generalizedKirkwoodTerm) {
        generalizedKirkwood = new GeneralizedKirkwood(forceField, atoms, this, crystal, parallelTeam);
    } else {
        generalizedKirkwood = null;

    if (lambdaTerm) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(" Lambda Parameters\n");
        sb.append(format(" Permanent Multipole Softcore Alpha:      %5.3f\n", permLambdaAlpha));
        sb.append(format(" Permanent Multipole Lambda Exponent:     %5.3f\n", permLambdaExponent));
        if (polarization != Polarization.NONE) {
            sb.append(format(" Polarization Lambda Exponent:            %5.3f\n", polLambdaExponent));
                    format(" Polarization Lambda Range:      %5.3f .. %5.3f\n", polLambdaStart, polLambdaEnd));
            sb.append(format(" Condensed SCF Without Ligand:            %B\n", doNoLigandCondensedSCF));
        sb.append(format(" Vapor Electrostatics:                    %B\n", doLigandVaporElec));

From source file:ffx.potential.nonbonded.ParticleMeshEwaldQI.java

 * ParticleMeshEwald constructor.//from w  ww  . j av a 2s .co m
 * @param atoms the Atom array to do electrostatics on.
 * @param molecule the molecule number for each atom.
 * @param forceField the ForceField the defines the electrostatics
 * parameters.
 * @param crystal The boundary conditions.
 * @param elecForm The electrostatics functional form.
 * @param neighborList The NeighborList for both van der Waals and PME.
 * @param parallelTeam A ParallelTeam that delegates parallelization.
public ParticleMeshEwaldQI(Atom atoms[], int molecule[], ForceField forceField, Crystal crystal,
        NeighborList neighborList, ELEC_FORM elecForm, ParallelTeam parallelTeam) {
    /* REM
    Used to require the dlAlphaMode == FACTORED.
    ie. dlAlpha /= -2.0, d2lAlpha /= -2.0;
    bufferCoords = COORDINATES.QI;

    this.atoms = atoms;
    this.molecule = molecule;
    this.forceField = forceField;
    this.crystal = crystal;
    this.parallelTeam = parallelTeam;
    this.neighborList = neighborList;
    this.elecForm = elecForm;
    neighborLists = neighborList.getNeighborList();
    permanentSchedule = neighborList.getPairwiseSchedule();
    nAtoms = atoms.length;
    nSymm = crystal.spaceGroup.getNumberOfSymOps();
    maxThreads = parallelTeam.getThreadCount() + 1;

    polsor = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.POLAR_SOR, 0.70);
    poleps = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.POLAR_EPS, 1e-5);
    if (elecForm == ELEC_FORM.PAM) {
        m12scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.MPOLE_12_SCALE, 0.0);
        m13scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.MPOLE_13_SCALE, 0.0);
        m14scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.MPOLE_14_SCALE, 0.4);
        m15scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.MPOLE_15_SCALE, 0.8);
    } else {
        double mpole14 = 0.5;
        String name = forceField.toString().toUpperCase();
        if (name.contains("AMBER")) {
            mpole14 = 1.0 / 1.2;
        m12scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.MPOLE_12_SCALE, 0.0);
        m13scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.MPOLE_13_SCALE, 0.0);
        m14scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.MPOLE_14_SCALE, mpole14);
        m15scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.MPOLE_15_SCALE, 1.0);
    d11scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.DIRECT_11_SCALE, 0.0);
    p12scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.POLAR_12_SCALE, 0.0);
    p13scale = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.POLAR_13_SCALE, 0.0);
    useCharges = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.USE_CHARGES, true);
    useDipoles = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.USE_DIPOLES, true);
    useQuadrupoles = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.USE_QUADRUPOLES, true);
    rotateMultipoles = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.ROTATE_MULTIPOLES, true);
    lambdaTerm = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.LAMBDATERM, false);

    if (!crystal.aperiodic()) {
        off = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.EWALD_CUTOFF, 7.0);
    } else {
        off = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.EWALD_CUTOFF, 1000.0);
    double ewaldPrecision = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.EWALD_PRECISION, 1.0e-8);
    aewald = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.EWALD_ALPHA, ewaldCoefficient(off, ewaldPrecision));
    setEwaldParameters(off, aewald);

    reciprocalSpaceTerm = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.RECIPTERM, true);

    String predictor = forceField.getString(ForceFieldString.SCF_PREDICTOR, "NONE");
    try {
        predictor = predictor.replaceAll("-", "_").toUpperCase();
        scfPredictor = SCFPredictor.valueOf(predictor);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        scfPredictor = SCFPredictor.NONE;

    if (scfPredictor != SCFPredictor.NONE) {
        predictorCount = 0;
        int defaultOrder = 6;
        predictorOrder = forceField.getInteger(ForceFieldInteger.SCF_PREDICTOR_ORDER, defaultOrder);
        if (scfPredictor == SCFPredictor.LS) {
            leastSquaresPredictor = new LeastSquaresPredictor();
            double eps = 1.0e-4;
            leastSquaresOptimizer = new LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer(new SimpleVectorValueChecker(eps, eps));
        } else if (scfPredictor == SCFPredictor.ASPC) {
            predictorOrder = 6;
        predictorStartIndex = 0;

    String algorithm = forceField.getString(ForceFieldString.SCF_ALGORITHM, "CG");
    try {
        algorithm = algorithm.replaceAll("-", "_").toUpperCase();
        scfAlgorithm = SCFAlgorithm.valueOf(algorithm);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        scfAlgorithm = SCFAlgorithm.CG;

     * The size of the preconditioner neighbor list depends on the size of
     * the preconditioner cutoff.
    if (scfAlgorithm == SCFAlgorithm.CG) {
        inducedDipolePreconditionerRegion = new InducedDipolePreconditionerRegion(maxThreads);
        pcgRegion = new PCGRegion(maxThreads);
        pcgInitRegion1 = new PCGInitRegion1(maxThreads);
        pcgInitRegion2 = new PCGInitRegion2(maxThreads);
        pcgIterRegion1 = new PCGIterRegion1(maxThreads);
        pcgIterRegion2 = new PCGIterRegion2(maxThreads);
        boolean preconditioner = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.USE_SCF_PRECONDITIONER, true);
        if (preconditioner) {
            preconditionerCutoff = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.CG_PRECONDITIONER_CUTOFF, 4.5);
            preconditionerEwald = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.CG_PRECONDITIONER_EWALD, 0.0);
        } else {
            preconditionerCutoff = 0.0;
    } else {
        preconditionerCutoff = 0.0;
        inducedDipolePreconditionerRegion = null;
        pcgRegion = null;
        pcgInitRegion1 = null;
        pcgInitRegion2 = null;
        pcgIterRegion1 = null;
        pcgIterRegion2 = null;

    if (lambdaTerm || esvTerm) {
         * Values of PERMANENT_LAMBDA_ALPHA below 2 can lead to unstable
         * trajectories.
        permLambdaAlpha = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.PERMANENT_LAMBDA_ALPHA, 2.0);
        if (permLambdaAlpha < 0.0 || permLambdaAlpha > 3.0) {
            permLambdaAlpha = 2.0;
         * A PERMANENT_LAMBDA_EXPONENT of 1 gives linear charging of the
         * permanent electrostatics, which is most efficient. A quadratic
         * schedule (PERMANENT_LAMBDA_EXPONENT) also works, but the dU/dL
         * forces near lambda=1 are may be larger by a factor of 2.
        permLambdaExponent = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.PERMANENT_LAMBDA_EXPONENT, 1.0);
        if (permLambdaExponent < 1.0) {
            permLambdaExponent = 1.0;
         * A POLARIZATION_LAMBDA_EXPONENT of 2 gives a non-zero d2U/dL2 at
         * the beginning of the polarization schedule. Choosing a power of 3
         * or greater ensures a smooth dU/dL and d2U/dL2 over the schedule.
        polLambdaExponent = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.POLARIZATION_LAMBDA_EXPONENT, 3.0);
        if (polLambdaExponent < 0.0) {
            polLambdaExponent = 0.0;
         * The POLARIZATION_LAMBDA_START defines the point in the lambda
         * schedule when the condensed phase polarization of the ligand
         * begins to be turned on. If the condensed phase polarization is
         * considered near lambda=0, then SCF convergence is slow, even with
         * Thole damping. In addition, 2 (instead of 1) condensed phase SCF
         * calculations are necessary from the beginning of the window to
         * lambda=1.
        polLambdaStart = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.POLARIZATION_LAMBDA_START, 0.75);
        if (polLambdaStart < 0.0 || polLambdaStart > 0.9) {
            polLambdaStart = 0.75;
         * The POLARIZATION_LAMBDA_END defines the point in the lambda
         * schedule when the condensed phase polarization of ligand has been
         * completely turned on. Values other than 1.0 have not been tested.
        polLambdaEnd = forceField.getDouble(ForceFieldDouble.POLARIZATION_LAMBDA_END, 1.0);
        if (polLambdaEnd < polLambdaStart || polLambdaEnd > 1.0 || polLambdaEnd - polLambdaStart < 0.3) {
            polLambdaEnd = 1.0;

         * The LAMBDA_VAPOR_ELEC defines if intramolecular electrostatics of
         * the ligand in vapor will be considered.
        doLigandVaporElec = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.LIGAND_VAPOR_ELEC, true);
        doNoLigandCondensedSCF = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.NO_LIGAND_CONDENSED_SCF, true);

         * Flag to indicate application of an intermolecular softcore
         * potential.
        intermolecularSoftcore = forceField.getBoolean(ForceField.ForceFieldBoolean.INTERMOLECULAR_SOFTCORE,
        intramolecularSoftcore = forceField.getBoolean(ForceField.ForceFieldBoolean.INTRAMOLECULAR_SOFTCORE,

    String polar = forceField.getString(ForceFieldString.POLARIZATION, "MUTUAL");
    if (elecForm == ELEC_FORM.FIXED_CHARGE) {
        polar = "NONE";
    boolean polarizationTerm = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.POLARIZETERM, true);
    if (polarizationTerm == false || polar.equalsIgnoreCase("NONE")) {
        polarization = Polarization.NONE;
    } else if (polar.equalsIgnoreCase("DIRECT")) {
        polarization = Polarization.DIRECT;
    } else {
        polarization = Polarization.MUTUAL;

    String temp = forceField.getString(ForceField.ForceFieldString.FFT_METHOD, "PJ");
    FFTMethod method;
    try {
        method = ReciprocalSpace.FFTMethod.valueOf(temp.toUpperCase().trim());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        method = ReciprocalSpace.FFTMethod.PJ;
    gpuFFT = method != FFTMethod.PJ;

    if (lambdaTerm) {
        shareddEdLambda = new SharedDouble();
        sharedd2EdLambda2 = new SharedDouble();
    } else {
        shareddEdLambda = null;
        sharedd2EdLambda2 = null;
        lambdaGrad = null;
        lambdaTorque = null;
        vaporCrystal = null;
        vaporLists = null;
        vaporPermanentSchedule = null;
        vaporEwaldSchedule = null;
        vacuumRanges = null;

    if (logger.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("\n Electrostatics\n");
        sb.append(format("  Polarization:                        %8s\n", polarization.toString()));
        if (polarization == Polarization.MUTUAL) {
            sb.append(format("   SCF Convergence Criteria:          %8.3e\n", poleps));
            sb.append(format("   SCF Predictor:                      %8s\n", scfPredictor));
            sb.append(format("   SCF Algorithm:                      %8s\n", scfAlgorithm));
            if (scfAlgorithm == SCFAlgorithm.SOR) {
                sb.append(format("   SOR Parameter:                      %8.3f\n", polsor));
            } else {
                sb.append(format("   CG Preconditioner Cut-Off:          %8.3f\n", preconditionerCutoff));
                sb.append(format("   CG Preconditioner Ewald Coefficient:%8.3f\n", preconditionerEwald));
        if (aewald > 0.0) {
            sb.append("  Particle-mesh Ewald\n");
            sb.append(format("   Ewald Coefficient:                  %8.3f\n", aewald));
            sb.append(format("   Particle Cut-Off:                   %8.3f (A)", off));
        } else {
            sb.append(format("   Electrostatics Cut-Off:             %8.3f (A)\n", off));

    StringBuilder config = new StringBuilder();
    config.append(format("\n Quasi-Internal PME Settings\n"));
    config.append(format("  Debug,Verbose,dbgI&K: %5b %5b %5d %5d\n", DEBUG(), VERBOSE(),
            debugIntI().orElse(-1), debugIntK().orElse(-1)));
    config.append(format("  Buffer Coords:        %5s\n", bufferCoords.toString()));
    config.append(format("  Chrg,Dipl,Quad:       %5b %5b %5b\n", useCharges, useDipoles, useQuadrupoles));

    if (gpuFFT) {
        sectionThreads = 2;
        realSpaceThreads = parallelTeam.getThreadCount();
        reciprocalThreads = 1;
        sectionTeam = new ParallelTeam(sectionThreads);
        realSpaceTeam = parallelTeam;
        fftTeam = new ParallelTeam(reciprocalThreads);
    } else {
        boolean concurrent;
        int realThreads = 1;
        try {
            realThreads = forceField.getInteger(ForceField.ForceFieldInteger.PME_REAL_THREADS);
            if (realThreads >= maxThreads || realThreads < 1) {
                throw new Exception("pme-real-threads must be < ffx.nt and greater than 0");
            concurrent = true;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            concurrent = false;
        if (concurrent) {
            sectionThreads = 2;
            realSpaceThreads = realThreads;
            reciprocalThreads = maxThreads - realThreads;
            sectionTeam = new ParallelTeam(sectionThreads);
            realSpaceTeam = new ParallelTeam(realSpaceThreads);
            fftTeam = new ParallelTeam(reciprocalThreads);
        } else {
             * If pme-real-threads is not defined, then do real and
             * reciprocal space parts sequentially.
            sectionThreads = 1;
            realSpaceThreads = maxThreads;
            reciprocalThreads = maxThreads;
            sectionTeam = new ParallelTeam(sectionThreads);
            realSpaceTeam = parallelTeam;
            fftTeam = parallelTeam;

    realSpaceRanges = new Range[maxThreads];
    initializationRegion = new InitializationRegion(maxThreads);
    expandInducedDipolesRegion = new ExpandInducedDipolesRegion(maxThreads);

     * Note that we always pass on the unit cell crystal to ReciprocalSpace
     * instance even if the real space calculations require a
     * ReplicatesCrystal.
    if (aewald > 0.0 && reciprocalSpaceTerm) {
        reciprocalSpace = new ReciprocalSpace(this, crystal.getUnitCell(), forceField, atoms, aewald, fftTeam,
        reciprocalEnergyRegion = new ReciprocalEnergyRegion(maxThreads);
    } else {
        reciprocalSpace = null;
        reciprocalEnergyRegion = null;
    permanentFieldRegion = new PermanentFieldRegion(realSpaceTeam);
    inducedDipoleFieldRegion = new InducedDipoleFieldRegion(realSpaceTeam);
    directRegion = new DirectRegion(maxThreads);
    sorRegion = new SORRegion(maxThreads);
    realSpaceEnergyRegionQI = new RealSpaceEnergyRegionQI(maxThreads);
    reduceRegion = new ReduceRegion(maxThreads);
    realSpacePermTime = new long[maxThreads];
    realSpaceEnergyTime = new long[maxThreads];
    realSpaceSCFTime = new long[maxThreads];

     * Generalized Kirkwood currently requires aperiodic Ewald. The GK
     * reaction field is added to the intra-molecular to give a
     * self-consistent reaction field.
    generalizedKirkwoodTerm = forceField.getBoolean(ForceFieldBoolean.GKTERM, false);
    if (generalizedKirkwoodTerm) {
        generalizedKirkwood = new GeneralizedKirkwood(forceField, atoms, this, crystal, parallelTeam);
    } else {
        generalizedKirkwood = null;

    if (lambdaTerm) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(" Lambda Parameters\n");
        sb.append(format(" Permanent Multipole Softcore Alpha:      %5.3f\n", permLambdaAlpha));
        sb.append(format(" Permanent Multipole Lambda Exponent:     %5.3f\n", permLambdaExponent));
        if (polarization != Polarization.NONE) {
            sb.append(format(" Polarization Lambda Exponent:            %5.3f\n", polLambdaExponent));
                    format(" Polarization Lambda Range:      %5.3f .. %5.3f\n", polLambdaStart, polLambdaEnd));
            sb.append(format(" Condensed SCF Without Ligand:            %B\n", doNoLigandCondensedSCF));
        sb.append(format(" Vapor Electrostatics:                    %B\n", doLigandVaporElec));
    if (esvTerm) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(" ESV Parameters\n");
        sb.append(format(" Permanent Multipole Softcore Alpha:      %5.3f\n", permLambdaAlpha));
        sb.append(format(" Permanent Multipole lambda exponent constrained to unity.\n"));
        if (polarization != Polarization.NONE) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();