Example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.special BesselJ value

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.math3.special BesselJ value


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.special BesselJ value.


public double value(double x) throws MathIllegalArgumentException, ConvergenceException 

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Returns the value of the constructed Bessel function of the first kind, for the passed argument.


From source file:ch.epfl.leb.sass.models.psfs.internal.GibsonLanniPSF.java

 * Computes a digital representation of the PSF.
 * //  ww  w  .j  a v a2s  . c  om
 * @param z The stage displacement.
 * @return An image stack of the PSF.
private void computeDigitalPSF(double z) {

    // Has a PSF has already been computed for this emitter's z-plane?
    Long zDiscrete = getNearestZPlane(this.eZ);
    if (interpolators.containsKey(zDiscrete)) {
        // PSF already computed for this z-plane, so don't do anything.

    // Otherwise, compute the PSF and store the result in the hash map
    double x0 = (this.sizeX - 1) / 2.0D;
    double y0 = (this.sizeY - 1) / 2.0D;

    double xp = x0;
    double yp = y0;

    //ImageStack stack = new ImageStack(this.sizeX, this.sizeY);

    int maxRadius = (int) Math
            .round(Math.sqrt((this.sizeX - x0) * (this.sizeX - x0) + (this.sizeY - y0) * (this.sizeY - y0)))
            + 1;
    double[] r = new double[maxRadius * this.oversampling];
    double[] h = new double[r.length];

    double a = 0.0D;
    double b = Math.min(1.0D, this.ns / this.NA);

    double k0 = 2 * Math.PI / this.wavelength;
    double factor1 = this.MINWAVELENGTH / this.wavelength;
    double factor = factor1 * this.NA / 1.4;
    double deltaRho = (b - a) / (this.numSamples - 1);

    // basis construction
    double rho = 0.0D;
    double am = 0.0;
    double[][] Basis = new double[this.numSamples][this.numBasis];

    BesselJ bj0 = new BesselJ(0);
    BesselJ bj1 = new BesselJ(1);

    for (int m = 0; m < this.numBasis; m++) {
        am = (3 * m + 1) * factor;
        //                am = (3 * m + 1);
        for (int rhoi = 0; rhoi < this.numSamples; rhoi++) {
            rho = rhoi * deltaRho;
            Basis[rhoi][m] = bj0.value(am * rho);

    // compute the function to be approximated

    double ti = 0.0D;
    double OPD = 0;
    double W = 0;

    double[][] Coef = new double[1][this.numBasis * 2];
    double[][] Ffun = new double[this.numSamples][2];

    // Oil thickness.
    ti = (this.ti0 + z);
    double sqNA = this.NA * this.NA;
    double rhoNA2;
    for (int rhoi = 0; rhoi < this.numSamples; rhoi++) {
        rho = rhoi * deltaRho;
        rhoNA2 = rho * rho * sqNA;

        // OPD in the sample
        OPD = this.eZ * Math.sqrt(this.ns * this.ns - rhoNA2);

        // OPD in the immersion medium
        OPD += ti * Math.sqrt(this.ni * this.ni - rhoNA2) - this.ti0 * Math.sqrt(this.ni0 * this.ni0 - rhoNA2);

        // OPD in the coverslip
        OPD += this.tg * Math.sqrt(this.ng * this.ng - rhoNA2)
                - this.tg0 * Math.sqrt(this.ng0 * this.ng0 - rhoNA2);

        W = k0 * OPD;

        Ffun[rhoi][0] = Math.cos(W);
        Ffun[rhoi][1] = Math.sin(W);

    // solve the linear system
    // begin....... (Using Common Math)
    RealMatrix coefficients = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(Basis, false);
    RealMatrix rhsFun = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(Ffun, false);

    DecompositionSolver solver = null;
    if (this.solverName.equals("svd")) {
        // slower but more accurate
        solver = new SingularValueDecomposition(coefficients).getSolver();
    } else {
        // faster, less accurate
        solver = new QRDecomposition(coefficients).getSolver();

    RealMatrix solution = solver.solve(rhsFun);
    Coef = solution.getData();

    // end.......

    double[][] RM = new double[this.numBasis][r.length];
    double beta = 0.0D;

    double rm = 0.0D;
    for (int n = 0; n < r.length; n++) {
        r[n] = (n * 1.0 / this.oversampling);
        beta = k0 * this.NA * r[n] * this.resPSF;

        for (int m = 0; m < this.numBasis; m++) {
            am = (3 * m + 1) * factor;
            rm = am * bj1.value(am * b) * bj0.value(beta * b) * b;
            rm = rm - beta * b * bj0.value(am * b) * bj1.value(beta * b);
            RM[m][n] = rm / (am * am - beta * beta);


    // obtain one component
    double maxValue = 0.0D;

    for (int n = 0; n < r.length; n++) {
        double realh = 0.0D;
        double imgh = 0.0D;
        for (int m = 0; m < this.numBasis; m++) {
            realh = realh + RM[m][n] * Coef[m][0];
            imgh = imgh + RM[m][n] * Coef[m][1];

        h[n] = realh * realh + imgh * imgh;

    // Interpolate the PSF onto a 2D grid of physical coordinates
    double[] pixel = new double[this.sizeX * this.sizeY];

    for (int x = 0; x < this.sizeX; x++) {
        for (int y = 0; y < this.sizeY; y++) {
            // Distance in pixels from the center of the array
            double rPixel = Math.sqrt((x - xp) * (x - xp) + (y - yp) * (y - yp));

            // Find the index of the PSF h array that matches this distance
            int index = (int) Math.floor(rPixel * this.oversampling);

            // Perform a linear interpolation from h onto the current point.
            // (1 / this.oversampling) is the distance between samples in
            // the h array in units of pixels in the final output array.
            double value = h[index] + (h[(index + 1)] - h[index]) * (rPixel - r[index]) * this.oversampling;
            pixel[(x + this.sizeX * y)] = value;

    // Compute the constant that normalizes the PSF to its area
    double normConst = 0;
    for (int x = 0; x < this.sizeX; x++) {
        for (int y = 0; y < this.sizeY; y++) {
            normConst += pixel[x + this.sizeX * y] * this.resPSF * this.resPSF;

    // Compute the (discrete) cumulative distribution function.
    // First, compute the sums in the y-direction.
    double[] CDF = new double[this.sizeX * this.sizeY];
    double sum = 0;
    for (int x = 0; x < this.sizeX; x++) {
        sum = 0;
        for (int y = 0; y < this.sizeY; y++) {
            // Normalize to the integrated area
            pixel[x + this.sizeX * y] /= normConst;

            // Increment the sum in the y-direction and the CDF
            sum += pixel[x + this.sizeX * y] * this.resPSF;
            CDF[x + this.sizeX * y] = sum;

    // Next, compute the sums in the x-direction.
    for (int y = 0; y < this.sizeY; y++) {
        sum = 0;
        for (int x = 0; x < this.sizeX; x++) {
            // Increment the sum in the x-direction
            sum += CDF[x + y * this.sizeX] * this.resPSF;
            CDF[x + y * this.sizeX] = sum;

    // Construct the x-coordinates
    double[] mgridX = new double[this.sizeX];
    for (int x = 0; x < this.sizeX; x++) {
        mgridX[x] = (x - 0.5 * (this.sizeX - 1)) * this.resPSF;

    // Construct the y-coordinates
    double[] mgridY = new double[this.sizeY];
    for (int y = 0; y < this.sizeY; y++) {
        mgridY[y] = (y - 0.5 * (this.sizeY - 1)) * this.resPSF;

    //stack.addSlice(new FloatProcessor(this.sizeX, this.sizeY, pixel));
    //stack.addSlice(new FloatProcessor(this.sizeX, this.sizeY, CDF));

    // Reshape CDF for interpolation
    double[][] rCDF = new double[this.sizeY][this.sizeX];
    for (int x = 0; x < this.sizeX; x++) {
        for (int y = 0; y < this.sizeY; y++) {
            rCDF[y][x] = CDF[x + y * this.sizeX];

    // Compute the interpolating spline for this PSF.
    this.interpCDF = new PiecewiseBicubicSplineInterpolatingFunction(mgridX, mgridY, rCDF);

    interpolators.put(zDiscrete, new PiecewiseBicubicSplineInterpolatingFunction(mgridX, mgridY, rCDF));