Example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.special Beta logBeta

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.math3.special Beta logBeta


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.special Beta logBeta.


public static double logBeta(final double p, final double q) 

Source Link


Returns the value of log B(p, q) for 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 and p, q > 0.


From source file:gamlss.distributions.SST.java

 * Set m1, m2, s1, mu1 arrays./*from w  ww.  j a v  a  2 s.c o m*/
 * @param y - response variable
private void setInterimArrays(final ArrayRealVector y) {
    muV = distributionParameters.get(DistributionSettings.MU);
    sigmaV = distributionParameters.get(DistributionSettings.SIGMA);
    nuV = distributionParameters.get(DistributionSettings.NU);
    tauV = distributionParameters.get(DistributionSettings.TAU);

    size = y.getDimension();
    m1 = new double[size];
    m2 = new double[size];
    s1 = new double[size];
    mu1 = new double[size];
    sigma1 = new double[size];
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {

        //m1 <- (2*tau^(1/2)*(nu^2-1))/((tau-1)*beta(1/2, tau/2)*nu)
        m1[i] = (2 * (FastMath.sqrt(tauV.getEntry(i))) * (nuV.getEntry(i) * nuV.getEntry(i) - 1))
                / ((tauV.getEntry(i) - 1) * FastMath.exp(Beta.logBeta(0.5, tauV.getEntry(i) / 2))
                        * nuV.getEntry(i));

        //m2 <- (tau*(nu^3+(1/nu^3)))/((tau-2)*(nu+(1/nu)))
        m2[i] = (tauV.getEntry(i) * (nuV.getEntry(i) * nuV.getEntry(i) * nuV.getEntry(i)
                + (1 / (nuV.getEntry(i) * nuV.getEntry(i) * nuV.getEntry(i)))))
                / ((tauV.getEntry(i) - 2) * (nuV.getEntry(i) + (1 / nuV.getEntry(i))));

        //s1 <- sqrt(m2-m1^2)
        s1[i] = FastMath.sqrt(m2[i] - m1[i] * m1[i]);

        //mu1 <- mu- ((sigma*m1)/s1)
        mu1[i] = muV.getEntry(i) - ((sigmaV.getEntry(i) * m1[i]) / s1[i]);

        //sigma1 <- sigma/s1
        sigma1[i] = sigmaV.getEntry(i) / s1[i];

From source file:gamlss.distributions.SST.java

/** First derivative dldn = dl/dnu, where l - log-likelihood function.
 * @param y - vector of values of response variable
 * @return  a vector of First derivative dldn = dl/dnu
 *///from   w  w  w.j a  v  a2s  . co m
public final ArrayRealVector dldn(final ArrayRealVector y) {

    st3.setDistributionParameter(DistributionSettings.MU, new ArrayRealVector(mu1, false));
    st3.setDistributionParameter(DistributionSettings.SIGMA, new ArrayRealVector(sigma1, false));
    st3.setDistributionParameter(DistributionSettings.NU, nuV);
    st3.setDistributionParameter(DistributionSettings.TAU, tauV);

    //dl1dmu1 <- ST3()$dldm(y, mu1, sigma1, nu, tau)
    //dl1dd1 <- ST3()$dldd(y, mu1, sigma1, nu, tau)
    //dl1dv <- ST3()$dldv(y, mu1, sigma1, nu, tau)
    double[] dl1dmu1 = st3.firstDerivative(DistributionSettings.MU, y).getDataRef();
    double[] dl1dd1 = st3.firstDerivative(DistributionSettings.SIGMA, y).getDataRef();
    double[] dl1dv = st3.firstDerivative(DistributionSettings.NU, y).getDataRef();

    dldn = new double[size];
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {

        //dmu1dm1 <- -sigma/s1
        final double dmu1dm1 = -(sigmaV.getEntry(i) / s1[i]);

        //dmu1ds1 <- (sigma*m1)/(s1^2)
        final double dmu1ds1 = (sigmaV.getEntry(i) * m1[i]) / (s1[i] * s1[i]);

        //dd1ds1 <- -sigma/(s1^2)
        final double dd1ds1 = -(sigmaV.getEntry(i) / (s1[i] * s1[i]));

        //dm1dv <- ((2*tau^(1/2))/((tau-1)
        //*beta(1/2, tau/2)))*((nu^2+1)/(nu^2))
        final double dm1dv = ((2 * FastMath.sqrt(tauV.getEntry(i)))
                / ((tauV.getEntry(i) - 1) * FastMath.exp(Beta.logBeta(0.5, tauV.getEntry(i) / 2))))
                * ((nuV.getEntry(i) * nuV.getEntry(i) + 1) / (nuV.getEntry(i) * nuV.getEntry(i)));

        //dm2dv <- m2*((6*nu^5/(nu^6+1))-(2/nu)-(2*nu/(nu^2+1)))
        final double dm2dv = m2[i]
                * ((6.0 * FastMath.pow(nuV.getEntry(i), 5) / (FastMath.pow(nuV.getEntry(i), 6) + 1))
                        - (2.0 / nuV.getEntry(i))
                        - (2.0 * nuV.getEntry(i) / (nuV.getEntry(i) * nuV.getEntry(i) + 1.0)));

        //ds1dv <- (dm2dv - 2*m1*dm1dv)/(2*s1)
        final double ds1dv = (dm2dv - 2.0 * m1[i] * dm1dv) / (2 * s1[i]);

        //dldv <- dl1dmu1*dmu1dm1*dm1dv 
        //+ dl1dmu1*dmu1ds1*ds1dv + dl1dd1*dd1ds1*ds1dv + dl1dv
        dldn[i] = dl1dmu1[i] * dmu1dm1 * dm1dv + dl1dmu1[i] * dmu1ds1 * ds1dv + dl1dd1[i] * dd1ds1 * ds1dv
                + dl1dv[i];

    m1 = null;
    m2 = null;
    s1 = null;
    mu1 = null;
    sigma1 = null;
    return new ArrayRealVector(dldn, false);

From source file:gamlss.distributions.SST.java

/** Computes the probability density function (PDF) of this 
 * distribution evaluated at the specified point x.
 * @param x - value of response variable
 * @param mu - value of mu distribution parameter
 * @param sigma - value of sigma distribution parameter
 * @param nu - value of nu distribution parameter
 * @param tau - value of tau distribution parameter
 * @param isLog  - logical, whether to take log of the function or not
 * @return value of probability density function
 *//*from www . j av  a 2  s .  c o  m*/
public final double dSST(final double x, final double mu, final double sigma, final double nu, final double tau,
        final boolean isLog) {

    //m1 <- (2*tau^(1/2)*(nu^2-1))/((tau-1)*beta(1/2, tau/2)*nu)
    final double m1 = (2 * (FastMath.sqrt(tau)) * (nu * nu - 1))
            / ((tau - 1) * FastMath.exp(Beta.logBeta(0.5, tau / 2)) * nu);

    //m2 <- (tau*(nu^3+(1/nu^3)))/((tau-2)*(nu+(1/nu)))
    final double m2 = (tau * (nu * nu * nu + (1 / (nu * nu * nu)))) / ((tau - 2) * (nu + (1 / nu)));

    //s1 <- sqrt(m2-m1^2)
    final double s1 = FastMath.sqrt(m2 - m1 * m1);

    //mu1 <- mu- ((sigma*m1)/s1)
    final double mu1 = mu - ((sigma * m1) / s1);

    //sigma1 <- sigma/s1
    final double sigma1 = sigma / s1;

    return st3.dST3(x, mu1, sigma1, nu, tau, isLog);

From source file:gamlss.distributions.SST.java

/** Computes the cumulative distribution 
 * function P(X <= q) for a random variable X .
 * whose values are distributed according to this distribution
 * @param q - value of quantile/*  ww w.j a v a2  s. co m*/
 * @param mu - value of mu distribution parameter
 * @param sigma - value of sigma distribution parameter
 * @param nu - value of nu distribution parameter 
 * @param tau - value of tau distribution parameter 
 * @param lowerTail - logical, if TRUE (default), probabilities
 *  are P[X <= x] otherwise, P[X > x].
 * @param isLog - logical, if TRUE, probabilities p are given as log(p)
 * @return value of cumulative probability function values P(X <= q)
public final double pSST(final double q, final double mu, final double sigma, final double nu, final double tau,
        final boolean lowerTail, final boolean isLog) {

    //m1 <- (2*tau^(1/2)*(nu^2-1))/((tau-1)*beta(1/2, tau/2)*nu)
    final double m1 = (2 * (FastMath.sqrt(tau)) * (nu * nu - 1))
            / ((tau - 1) * FastMath.exp(Beta.logBeta(0.5, tau / 2)) * nu);

    //m2 <- (tau*(nu^3+(1/nu^3)))/((tau-2)*(nu+(1/nu)))
    final double m2 = (tau * (nu * nu * nu + (1 / (nu * nu * nu)))) / ((tau - 2) * (nu + (1 / nu)));

    //s1 <- sqrt(m2-m1^2)
    final double s1 = FastMath.sqrt(m2 - m1 * m1);

    //mu1 <- mu- ((sigma*m1)/s1)
    final double mu1 = mu - ((sigma * m1) / s1);

    //sigma1 <- sigma/s1
    final double sigma1 = sigma / s1;

    return st3.pST3(q, mu1, sigma1, nu, tau, lowerTail, isLog);

From source file:gamlss.distributions.SST.java

/** Computes the quantile (inverse cumulative probability)
 *  function  of this distribution./* www.  java2  s  . c om*/
* @param p - value of cumulative probability
* @param mu -  value of mu distribution parameters
* @param sigma -  value of sigma distribution parameters
* @param nu -  value of nu distribution parameters 
* @param tau -  value of tau distribution parameters
* @param lowerTail - logical; if TRUE (default), probabilities 
* are P[X <= x] otherwise, P[X > x]
* @param isLog - logical; if TRUE, probabilities p are given as log(p).
* @return value of quantile function
public final double qSST(final double p, final double mu, final double sigma, final double nu, final double tau,
        final boolean lowerTail, final boolean isLog) {

    //if (any(tau <= 2)) stop(paste("tau must be greater than 2"))
    if (tau <= 2) {
        System.err.println("tau must be greater than 2");
        return -1.0;

    //m1 <- (2*tau^(1/2)*(nu^2-1))/((tau-1)*beta(1/2, tau/2)*nu)
    final double m1 = (2 * (FastMath.sqrt(tau)) * (nu * nu - 1))
            / ((tau - 1) * FastMath.exp(Beta.logBeta(0.5, tau / 2)) * nu);

    //m2 <- (tau*(nu^3+(1/nu^3)))/((tau-2)*(nu+(1/nu)))
    final double m2 = (tau * (nu * nu * nu + (1 / (nu * nu * nu)))) / ((tau - 2) * (nu + (1 / nu)));

    //s1 <- sqrt(m2-m1^2)
    final double s1 = FastMath.sqrt(m2 - m1 * m1);

    //mu1 <- mu- ((sigma*m1)/s1)
    final double mu1 = mu - ((sigma * m1) / s1);

    //sigma1 <- sigma/s1
    final double sigma1 = sigma / s1;

    return st3.qST3(p, mu1, sigma1, nu, tau, lowerTail, isLog);

From source file:nl.systemsgenetics.cellTypeSpecificAlleleSpecificExpression.LikelihoodFunctions.java

static double BetaBinomLogLik(double sigma, double alpha, double beta, int asRef, int asAlt) {

    int AS1 = asRef;
    int AS2 = asAlt;
    double hetp = GlobalVariables.hetProb;
    double error = GlobalVariables.seqError;

    double a;//from   w ww  .j  ava 2  s . co  m
    double b;

    a = Math.exp((Math.log(alpha) - Math.log(alpha + beta)) + Math.log((1.0 / Math.pow(sigma, 2)) - 1.0));
    b = Math.exp((Math.log(beta) - Math.log(alpha + beta)) + Math.log((1.0 / Math.pow(sigma, 2)) - 1.0));

    double part1 = 0.0;
    part1 += Beta.logBeta(AS1 + a, AS2 + b);
    part1 -= Beta.logBeta(a, b);

    if (GlobalVariables.hetProb == 1.0) {
        return -1.0 * part1;

    double e1 = Math.log(error) * AS1 + Math.log(1.0 - error) * AS2;
    double e2 = Math.log(error) * AS2 + Math.log(1.0 - error) * AS1;

    if (GlobalVariables.hetProb == 0.0) {
        return -1.0 * addlogs(e1, e2);

    return -1.0 * addlogs(Math.log(hetp) + part1, Math.log(1 - hetp) + addlogs(e1, e2));


From source file:uk.ac.diamond.scisoft.analysis.fitting.functions.PearsonVII.java

protected void calcCachedParameters() {
    pos = getParameterValue(POSN);/*from  w  w  w  .  j av a  2  s .  co m*/
    power = getParameterValue(POWER);
    halfwp = 0.5 * getParameterValue(FWHM) / Math.sqrt(Math.pow(2, 1. / power) - 1);
    double beta = Math.exp(Beta.logBeta(power - 0.5, 0.5));
    height = getParameterValue(AREA) / (beta * halfwp);
