Example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.stat.correlation SpearmansCorrelation getRankCorrelation

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.math3.stat.correlation SpearmansCorrelation getRankCorrelation


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.stat.correlation SpearmansCorrelation getRankCorrelation.


public PearsonsCorrelation getRankCorrelation() 

Source Link


Returns a PearsonsCorrelation instance constructed from the ranked input data.


From source file:de.tudarmstadt.ukp.dkpro.c4corpus.hadoop.statistics.vocabulary.TopNWordsCorrelation.java

 * Computes Spearman correlation by comparing order of two corpora vocabularies
 * @param goldCorpus  gold corpus//from  ww  w .  j  a  v a2  s  . c o  m
 * @param otherCorpus other corpus
 * @param topN        how many entries from the gold corpus should be taken
 * @throws IOException I/O exception
public static void spearmanCorrelation(File goldCorpus, File otherCorpus, int topN) throws IOException {
    LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> gold = loadCorpusToRankedVocabulary(new FileInputStream(goldCorpus));
    LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> other = loadCorpusToRankedVocabulary(new FileInputStream(otherCorpus));

    double[][] matrix = new double[topN][];

    if (gold.size() < topN) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "topN (" + topN + ") cannot be greater than vocabulary size (" + gold.size() + ")");

    Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Integer>> iterator = gold.entrySet().iterator();
    int counter = 0;
    while (counter < topN) {
        Map.Entry<String, Integer> next = iterator.next();
        String goldWord = next.getKey();
        Integer goldValue = next.getValue();

        // look-up position in other corpus
        Integer otherValue = other.get(goldWord);
        if (otherValue == null) {
            //                System.err.println("Word " + goldWord + " not found in the other corpus");
            otherValue = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

        matrix[counter] = new double[2];
        matrix[counter][0] = goldValue;
        matrix[counter][1] = otherValue;


    RealMatrix realMatrix = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(matrix);

    SpearmansCorrelation spearmansCorrelation = new SpearmansCorrelation(realMatrix);
    double pValue = spearmansCorrelation.getRankCorrelation().getCorrelationPValues().getEntry(0, 1);
    double correlation = spearmansCorrelation.getRankCorrelation().getCorrelationMatrix().getEntry(0, 1);

    System.out.println("Gold: " + goldCorpus.getName());
    System.out.println("Other: " + otherCorpus.getName());
    System.out.printf(Locale.ENGLISH, "Top N:\n%d\nCorrelation\n%.3f\np-value\n%.3f\n", topN, correlation,

From source file:org.apache.solr.client.solrj.io.eval.CorrelationEvaluator.java

public Object doWork(Object... values) throws IOException {

    if (values.length == 2) {
        Object first = values[0];
        Object second = values[1];

        if (null == first) {
            throw new IOException(
                    String.format(Locale.ROOT, "Invalid expression %s - null found for the first value",
        }/*from   ww w  .  j  a  v a2s  .c  om*/
        if (null == second) {
            throw new IOException(
                    String.format(Locale.ROOT, "Invalid expression %s - null found for the second value",
        if (!(first instanceof List<?>)) {
            throw new IOException(String.format(Locale.ROOT,
                    "Invalid expression %s - found type %s for the first value, expecting a list of numbers",
                    toExpression(constructingFactory), first.getClass().getSimpleName()));
        if (!(second instanceof List<?>)) {
            throw new IOException(String.format(Locale.ROOT,
                    "Invalid expression %s - found type %s for the second value, expecting a list of numbers",
                    toExpression(constructingFactory), first.getClass().getSimpleName()));

        if (type.equals(CorrelationType.pearsons)) {
            PearsonsCorrelation pearsonsCorrelation = new PearsonsCorrelation();
            return pearsonsCorrelation.correlation(
                    ((List) first).stream().mapToDouble(value -> ((BigDecimal) value).doubleValue()).toArray(),
                    ((List) second).stream().mapToDouble(value -> ((BigDecimal) value).doubleValue())
        } else if (type.equals(CorrelationType.kendalls)) {
            KendallsCorrelation kendallsCorrelation = new KendallsCorrelation();
            return kendallsCorrelation.correlation(
                    ((List) first).stream().mapToDouble(value -> ((BigDecimal) value).doubleValue()).toArray(),
                    ((List) second).stream().mapToDouble(value -> ((BigDecimal) value).doubleValue())

        } else if (type.equals(CorrelationType.spearmans)) {
            SpearmansCorrelation spearmansCorrelation = new SpearmansCorrelation();
            return spearmansCorrelation.correlation(
                    ((List) first).stream().mapToDouble(value -> ((BigDecimal) value).doubleValue()).toArray(),
                    ((List) second).stream().mapToDouble(value -> ((BigDecimal) value).doubleValue())
        } else {
            return null;
    } else if (values.length == 1) {
        if (values[0] instanceof Matrix) {
            Matrix matrix = (Matrix) values[0];
            double[][] data = matrix.getData();
            if (type.equals(CorrelationType.pearsons)) {
                PearsonsCorrelation pearsonsCorrelation = new PearsonsCorrelation(data);
                RealMatrix corrMatrix = pearsonsCorrelation.getCorrelationMatrix();
                double[][] corrMatrixData = corrMatrix.getData();
                Matrix realMatrix = new Matrix(corrMatrixData);
                realMatrix.addToContext("corr", pearsonsCorrelation);
                return realMatrix;
            } else if (type.equals(CorrelationType.kendalls)) {
                KendallsCorrelation kendallsCorrelation = new KendallsCorrelation(data);
                RealMatrix corrMatrix = kendallsCorrelation.getCorrelationMatrix();
                double[][] corrMatrixData = corrMatrix.getData();
                Matrix realMatrix = new Matrix(corrMatrixData);
                realMatrix.addToContext("corr", kendallsCorrelation);
                return realMatrix;
            } else if (type.equals(CorrelationType.spearmans)) {
                SpearmansCorrelation spearmansCorrelation = new SpearmansCorrelation(
                        new Array2DRowRealMatrix(data));
                RealMatrix corrMatrix = spearmansCorrelation.getCorrelationMatrix();
                double[][] corrMatrixData = corrMatrix.getData();
                Matrix realMatrix = new Matrix(corrMatrixData);
                realMatrix.addToContext("corr", spearmansCorrelation.getRankCorrelation());
                return realMatrix;
            } else {
                return null;
        } else {
            throw new IOException(
                    "corr function operates on either two numeric arrays or a single matrix as parameters.");
    } else {
        throw new IOException(
                "corr function operates on either two numeric arrays or a single matrix as parameters.");