Example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.moment StandardDeviation evaluate

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.moment StandardDeviation evaluate


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.moment StandardDeviation evaluate.


public double evaluate(final double[] values, final double mean) throws MathIllegalArgumentException 

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Returns the Standard Deviation of the entries in the input array, using the precomputed mean value.


From source file:jp.ac.tohoku.ecei.sb.metabolomeqc.basiccorrector.helper.CoefficientOfVariation.java

public static double evaluate(double[] values) {
    double mean = DoubleStream.of(values).sum() / values.length;
    StandardDeviation standardDeviation = new StandardDeviation();
    double sd = standardDeviation.evaluate(values, mean);
    return sd / mean;

From source file:jp.ac.tohoku.ecei.sb.metabolomeqc.basiccorrector.CompoundCVFilter.java

public IntensityMatrix doCorrection(IntensityMatrix original) {
    List<Sample> globalQC = original.getGlobalQCSamples();
    if (globalQC.size() == 0)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("No global QC");
    Sample selectedGlobalQC = globalQC.get(0);

    log.info("selected global QC {}", selectedGlobalQC);

    Map<Integer, Map<Plate, Double>> compound2cv = new HashMap<>();
    Map<Integer, Compound> id2compound = new HashMap<>();

    for (Compound oneCompound : original.getRowKeys()) {
        compound2cv.put(oneCompound.getId(), new HashMap<>());
        id2compound.put(oneCompound.getId(), oneCompound);
    }/*from ww w  .  ja  v a 2 s .  co  m*/

    for (Compound oneCompound : original.getRowKeys()) {
        for (Map.Entry<Plate, List<Injection>> onePlate : original.getInjectionsByPlate().entrySet()) {
            double[] globalInjectionValues = onePlate.getValue().stream()
                    .filter(i -> i.getSample().equals(selectedGlobalQC) && !i.isIgnored())
                    .mapToDouble(i -> original.get(oneCompound, i)).toArray();
            double mean = DoubleStream.of(globalInjectionValues).sum() / globalInjectionValues.length;
            StandardDeviation standardDeviation = new StandardDeviation();
            double sd = standardDeviation.evaluate(globalInjectionValues, mean);
            double cv = sd / mean;

            compound2cv.get(oneCompound.getId()).put(onePlate.getKey(), cv);
            oneCompound.setAttribute(String.format("Plate-%d-CV", onePlate.getKey().getId()),

    Map<Integer, Double> maxcv = new HashMap<>();
    List<Compound> newCompounds = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Map.Entry<Integer, Map<Plate, Double>> one : compound2cv.entrySet()) {
        maxcv.put(one.getKey(), one.getValue().values().stream().max(Double::compare).get());
        id2compound.get(one.getKey()).setAttribute("MaxCV", maxcv.get(one.getKey()));
        if (maxcv.get(one.getKey()) < CVThreshold) {

    IntensityMatrixImpl newMatrix = new IntensityMatrixImpl(newCompounds.size(), original.getSize()[1]);

    for (Compound oneCompound : newCompounds) {
        for (Injection oneInjection : original.getColumnKeys()) {
            newMatrix.put(oneCompound, oneInjection, original.get(oneCompound, oneInjection));

    return newMatrix;

From source file:RequestStat.java

public void computeStat(double duration, int maxUsers) {
    double[] times = getDurationAsArray();
    min = (long) StatUtils.min(times);
    max = (long) StatUtils.max(times);
    double sum = 0;
    for (double d : times)
        sum += d;/* www. j  a v a2 s. co m*/
    avg = sum / times.length;
    p50 = (long) StatUtils.percentile(times, 50.0);
    p95 = (long) StatUtils.percentile(times, 95.0);
    p99 = (long) StatUtils.percentile(times, 99.0);
    StandardDeviation stdDev = new StandardDeviation();
    stddev = (long) stdDev.evaluate(times, avg);
    this.duration = duration;
    this.maxUsers = maxUsers;
    rps = (count - errorCount) / duration;
    startDate = getDateFromInstant(start);
    successCount = count - errorCount;

From source file:net.sf.javaml.clustering.AQBC.java

 * Normalizes the data to mean 0 and standard deviation 1. This method
 * discards all instances that cannot be normalized, i.e. they have the same
 * value for all attributes.//from   w ww.  j  av a 2 s.co  m
 * @param data
 * @return
private Vector<TaggedInstance> normalize(Dataset data) {
    Vector<TaggedInstance> out = new Vector<TaggedInstance>();

    for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
        Double[] old = data.instance(i).values().toArray(new Double[0]);
        double[] conv = new double[old.length];
        for (int j = 0; j < old.length; j++) {
            conv[j] = old[j];

        Mean m = new Mean();

        double MU = m.evaluate(conv);
        // System.out.println("MU = "+MU);
        StandardDeviation std = new StandardDeviation();
        double SIGM = std.evaluate(conv, MU);
        // System.out.println("SIGM = "+SIGM);
        if (!MathUtils.eq(SIGM, 0)) {
            double[] val = new double[old.length];
            for (int j = 0; j < old.length; j++) {
                val[j] = (float) ((old[j] - MU) / SIGM);

            // System.out.println("VAL "+i+" = "+Arrays.toString(val));
            out.add(new TaggedInstance(new DenseInstance(val, data.instance(i).classValue()), i));
    // System.out.println("FIRST = "+out.get(0));

    return out;