Example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.moment StandardDeviation StandardDeviation

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.moment StandardDeviation StandardDeviation


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.moment StandardDeviation StandardDeviation.


public StandardDeviation() 

Source Link


Constructs a StandardDeviation.


From source file:com.musicg.experiment.test.Test1.java

 * @param args//from w w  w .java2  s  . c  o  m
public static void main(String[] args) {

    String filename = "audio_work/lala.wav";

    // create a wave object
    Wave wave = null;
    try {
        wave = new Wave(filename);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block

    // TimeDomainRepresentations
    int fftSampleSize = 1024;
    int overlapFactor = 1;
    Spectrogram spectrogram = new Spectrogram(wave, fftSampleSize, overlapFactor);

    int fps = spectrogram.getFramesPerSecond();
    double unitFrequency = spectrogram.getUnitFrequency();

    // set boundary
    int highPass = 100;
    int lowerBoundary = (int) (highPass / unitFrequency);
    int lowPass = 4000;
    int upperBoundary = (int) (lowPass / unitFrequency);
    // end set boundary

    double[][] spectrogramData = spectrogram.getNormalizedSpectrogramData();
    double[][] absoluteSpectrogramData = spectrogram.getAbsoluteSpectrogramData();
    double[][] boundedSpectrogramData = new double[spectrogramData.length][];

    // SpectralCentroid sc=new SpectralCentroid();
    StandardDeviation sd = new StandardDeviation();
    ArrayRankDouble arrayRankDouble = new ArrayRankDouble();

    // zrc
    short[] amps = wave.getSampleAmplitudes();
    int numFrame = amps.length / 1024;
    double[] zcrs = new double[numFrame];

    for (int i = 0; i < numFrame; i++) {
        short[] temp = new short[1024];
        System.arraycopy(amps, i * 1024, temp, 0, temp.length);

        int numZC = 0;
        int size = temp.length;

        for (int j = 0; j < size - 1; j++) {
            if ((temp[j] >= 0 && temp[j + 1] < 0) || (temp[j] < 0 && temp[j + 1] >= 0)) {

        zcrs[i] = numZC;

    // end zcr

    for (int i = 0; i < spectrogramData.length; i++) {
        double[] temp = new double[upperBoundary - lowerBoundary + 1];
        System.arraycopy(spectrogramData[i], lowerBoundary, temp, 0, temp.length);

        int maxIndex = arrayRankDouble.getMaxValueIndex(temp);
        // sc.setValues(temp);

        double sdValue = sd.evaluate(temp);

        System.out.println(i + " " + (double) i / fps + "s\t" + maxIndex + "\t" + sdValue + "\t" + zcrs[i]);
        boundedSpectrogramData[i] = temp;

    // Graphic render
    GraphicRender render = new GraphicRender();
    render.renderSpectrogramData(boundedSpectrogramData, filename + ".jpg");

    PitchHandler ph = new PitchHandler();

    for (int frame = 0; frame < absoluteSpectrogramData.length; frame++) {

        System.out.print("frame " + frame + ": ");

        double[] temp = new double[upperBoundary - lowerBoundary + 1];

        double sdValue = sd.evaluate(temp);
        double passSd = 0.1;

        if (sdValue < passSd) {
            System.arraycopy(spectrogramData[frame], lowerBoundary, temp, 0, temp.length);
            double maxFrequency = arrayRankDouble.getMaxValueIndex(temp) * unitFrequency;

            double passFrequency = 400;
            int numRobust = 2;

            double[] robustFrequencies = new double[numRobust];
            double nthValue = arrayRankDouble.getNthOrderedValue(temp, numRobust, false);
            int count = 0;
            for (int b = lowerBoundary; b <= upperBoundary; b++) {
                if (spectrogramData[frame][b] >= nthValue) {
                    robustFrequencies[count++] = b * unitFrequency;
                    if (count >= numRobust) {

            double passIntensity = 1000;
            double intensity = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < absoluteSpectrogramData[frame].length; i++) {
                intensity += absoluteSpectrogramData[frame][i];
            intensity /= absoluteSpectrogramData[frame].length;
            System.out.print(" intensity: " + intensity + " pitch: " + maxFrequency);
            if (intensity > passIntensity && maxFrequency > passFrequency) {
                double p = ph.getHarmonicProbability(robustFrequencies);
                System.out.print(" P: " + p);
        System.out.print(" zcr:" + zcrs[frame]);

From source file:hyperheuristics.main.comparisons.ComputeIndicators.java

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    int[] numberOfObjectivesArray = new int[] { 2, 4 };

    String[] problems = new String[] { "OO_MyBatis", "OA_AJHsqldb", "OA_AJHotDraw", "OO_BCEL", "OO_JHotDraw",
            //                "OA_TollSystems",
            "OO_JBoss" };

    String[] heuristicFunctions = new String[] { LowLevelHeuristic.CHOICE_FUNCTION,
            LowLevelHeuristic.MULTI_ARMED_BANDIT, LowLevelHeuristic.RANDOM };

    String[] algorithms = new String[] { "NSGA-II",
            //            "SPEA2"
    };// w  ww  .  j a v a 2  s.c o  m

    MetricsUtil metricsUtil = new MetricsUtil();
    DecimalFormat decimalFormatter = new DecimalFormat("0.00E0");
    Mean mean = new Mean();
    StandardDeviation standardDeviation = new StandardDeviation();

    InvertedGenerationalDistance igd = new InvertedGenerationalDistance();
    GenerationalDistance gd = new GenerationalDistance();
    Spread spread = new Spread();
    Coverage coverage = new Coverage();

    for (int objectives : numberOfObjectivesArray) {
        try (FileWriter IGDWriter = new FileWriter("experiment/IGD_" + objectives + ".tex");
                FileWriter spreadWriter = new FileWriter("experiment/SPREAD_" + objectives + ".tex");
                FileWriter GDWriter = new FileWriter("experiment/GD_" + objectives + ".tex");
                FileWriter coverageWriter = new FileWriter("experiment/COVERAGE_" + objectives + ".tex")) {

            StringBuilder latexTableBuilder = new StringBuilder();


            pfKnown: {

                        //                        .append("\t\\setlength{\\tabcolsep}{10pt}\n")
                        //                        .append("\t\\fontsize{8pt}{10pt}\\selectfont\n")
                        .append("\t\\caption{INDICATOR found for $PF_{known}$ for ").append(objectives)
                        .append(" objectives}\n").append("\t\\label{tab:INDICATOR ").append(objectives)
                        .append(" objectives}\n").append("\t\\begin{tabulary}{\\linewidth}{c");

                for (String algorithm : algorithms) {
                    for (String heuristicFunction : heuristicFunctions) {

                for (String algorithm : algorithms) {
                    latexTableBuilder.append(" & \\textbf{").append(algorithm).append("}");
                    for (String heuristicFunction : heuristicFunctions) {
                        latexTableBuilder.append(" & \\textbf{").append(algorithm).append("-")

                for (String problem : problems) {

                    NonDominatedSolutionList trueFront = new NonDominatedSolutionList();
                    pfTrueComposing: {
                        for (String algorithm : algorithms) {
                            SolutionSet mecbaFront = metricsUtil.readNonDominatedSolutionSet(
                                    "resultado/" + algorithm.toLowerCase().replaceAll("-", "") + "/" + problem
                                            + "_Comb_" + objectives + "obj/All_FUN_"
                                            + algorithm.toLowerCase().replaceAll("-", "") + "-" + problem);

                            for (String hyperHeuristic : heuristicFunctions) {
                                SolutionSet front = metricsUtil.readNonDominatedSolutionSet(
                                        "experiment/" + algorithm + "/" + objectives + "objectives/"
                                                + hyperHeuristic + "/" + problem + "/FUN.txt");
                    double[][] trueFrontMatrix = trueFront.writeObjectivesToMatrix();

                    HashMap<String, Double> igdMap = new HashMap<>();
                    HashMap<String, Double> gdMap = new HashMap<>();
                    HashMap<String, Double> spreadMap = new HashMap<>();
                    HashMap<String, Double> coverageMap = new HashMap<>();

                    for (String algorithm : algorithms) {
                        double[][] mecbaFront = metricsUtil
                                .readFront("resultado/" + algorithm.toLowerCase().replaceAll("-", "") + "/"
                                        + problem + "_Comb_" + objectives + "obj/All_FUN_"
                                        + algorithm.toLowerCase().replaceAll("-", "") + "-" + problem);
                                igd.invertedGenerationalDistance(mecbaFront, trueFrontMatrix, objectives));
                        gdMap.put(algorithm, gd.generationalDistance(mecbaFront, trueFrontMatrix, objectives));
                        spreadMap.put(algorithm, spread.spread(mecbaFront, trueFrontMatrix, objectives));
                        coverageMap.put(algorithm, coverage.coverage(mecbaFront, trueFrontMatrix));
                        for (String heuristic : heuristicFunctions) {
                            double[][] heuristicFront = metricsUtil.readFront("experiment/" + algorithm + "/"
                                    + objectives + "objectives/" + heuristic + "/" + problem + "/FUN.txt");
                            igdMap.put(algorithm + "-" + heuristic, igd
                                    .invertedGenerationalDistance(heuristicFront, trueFrontMatrix, objectives));
                            gdMap.put(algorithm + "-" + heuristic,
                                    gd.generationalDistance(heuristicFront, trueFrontMatrix, objectives));
                            spreadMap.put(algorithm + "-" + heuristic,
                                    spread.spread(heuristicFront, trueFrontMatrix, objectives));
                            coverageMap.put(algorithm + "-" + heuristic,
                                    coverage.coverage(heuristicFront, trueFrontMatrix));


                    String latexTable = latexTableBuilder.toString();

                    latexTableBuilder = new StringBuilder();

                    latexTable = latexTable.replaceAll("O[OA]\\_", "").replaceAll("ChoiceFunction", "CF")
                            .replaceAll("MultiArmedBandit", "MAB");

                    IGDWriter.write(latexTable.replaceAll("INDICATOR", "IGD"));
                    spreadWriter.write(latexTable.replaceAll("INDICATOR", "Spread"));
                    GDWriter.write(latexTable.replaceAll("INDICATOR", "GD"));
                    coverageWriter.write(latexTable.replaceAll("INDICATOR", "Coverage"));

                    String bestHeuristicIGD = "NULL";
                    String bestHeuristicGD = "NULL";
                    String bestHeuristicSpread = "NULL";
                    String bestHeuristicCoverage = "NULL";

                    getBest: {
                        double bestMeanIGD = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
                        double bestMeanGD = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
                        double bestMeanSpread = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
                        double bestMeanCoverage = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;

                        for (String heuristic : igdMap.keySet()) {
                            double heuristicIGD = igdMap.get(heuristic);
                            double heuristicGD = gdMap.get(heuristic);
                            double heuristicSpread = spreadMap.get(heuristic);
                            double heuristicCoverage = coverageMap.get(heuristic);

                            if (heuristicIGD < bestMeanIGD) {
                                bestMeanIGD = heuristicIGD;
                                bestHeuristicIGD = heuristic;
                            if (heuristicGD < bestMeanGD) {
                                bestMeanGD = heuristicGD;
                                bestHeuristicGD = heuristic;
                            if (heuristicSpread > bestMeanSpread) {
                                bestMeanSpread = heuristicSpread;
                                bestHeuristicSpread = heuristic;
                            if (heuristicCoverage > bestMeanCoverage) {
                                bestMeanCoverage = heuristicCoverage;
                                bestHeuristicCoverage = heuristic;

                    StringBuilder igdBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                    StringBuilder gdBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                    StringBuilder spreadBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                    StringBuilder coverageBuilder = new StringBuilder();

                    String[] newHeuristicFunctions = new String[heuristicFunctions.length * algorithms.length
                            + algorithms.length];
                    fulfillNewHeuristics: {
                        int i = 0;
                        for (String algorithm : algorithms) {
                            newHeuristicFunctions[i++] = algorithm;
                            for (String heuristicFunction : heuristicFunctions) {
                                newHeuristicFunctions[i++] = algorithm + "-" + heuristicFunction;

                    for (String heuristic : newHeuristicFunctions) {
                        igdBuilder.append(" & ");
                        boolean bold = heuristic.equals(bestHeuristicIGD)
                                || igdMap.get(heuristic).equals(igdMap.get(bestHeuristicIGD));
                        if (bold) {
                        if (bold) {

                        gdBuilder.append(" & ");
                        bold = heuristic.equals(bestHeuristicGD)
                                || gdMap.get(heuristic).equals(gdMap.get(bestHeuristicGD));
                        if (bold) {
                        if (bold) {

                        spreadBuilder.append(" & ");
                        bold = heuristic.equals(bestHeuristicSpread)
                                || spreadMap.get(heuristic).equals(spreadMap.get(bestHeuristicSpread));
                        if (bold) {
                        if (bold) {

                        coverageBuilder.append(" & ");
                        bold = heuristic.equals(bestHeuristicCoverage)
                                || coverageMap.get(heuristic).equals(coverageMap.get(bestHeuristicCoverage));
                        if (bold) {
                        if (bold) {

                    IGDWriter.write(igdBuilder + "\\\\\n");
                    spreadWriter.write(spreadBuilder + "\\\\\n");
                    GDWriter.write(gdBuilder + "\\\\\n");
                    coverageWriter.write(coverageBuilder + "\\\\\n");
                latexTableBuilder = new StringBuilder();


            averages: {

                        //                        .append("\t\\setlength{\\tabcolsep}{10pt}\n")
                        //                        .append("\t\\fontsize{8pt}{10pt}\\selectfont\n")
                        .append("\t\\caption{INDICATOR averages found for ").append(objectives)
                        .append(" objectives}\n").append("\t\\label{tab:INDICATOR ").append(objectives)
                        .append(" objectives}\n").append("\t\\begin{tabulary}{\\linewidth}{c");

                for (String algorithm : algorithms) {
                    for (String heuristicFunction : heuristicFunctions) {

                for (String algorithm : algorithms) {
                    latexTableBuilder.append(" & \\textbf{").append(algorithm).append("}");
                    for (String heuristicFunction : heuristicFunctions) {
                        latexTableBuilder.append(" & \\textbf{").append(algorithm).append("-")

                for (String problem : problems) {

                    NonDominatedSolutionList trueFront = new NonDominatedSolutionList();
                    pfTrueComposing: {
                        for (String algorithm : algorithms) {
                            SolutionSet mecbaFront = metricsUtil.readNonDominatedSolutionSet(
                                    "resultado/" + algorithm.toLowerCase().replaceAll("-", "") + "/" + problem
                                            + "_Comb_" + objectives + "obj/All_FUN_"
                                            + algorithm.toLowerCase().replaceAll("-", "") + "-" + problem);

                            for (String hyperHeuristic : heuristicFunctions) {
                                SolutionSet front = metricsUtil.readNonDominatedSolutionSet(
                                        "experiment/" + algorithm + "/" + objectives + "objectives/"
                                                + hyperHeuristic + "/" + problem + "/FUN.txt");
                    double[][] trueFrontMatrix = trueFront.writeObjectivesToMatrix();

                    HashMap<String, double[]> igdMap = new HashMap<>();
                    HashMap<String, double[]> gdMap = new HashMap<>();
                    HashMap<String, double[]> spreadMap = new HashMap<>();
                    HashMap<String, double[]> coverageMap = new HashMap<>();

                    mocaito: {
                        for (String algorithm : algorithms) {
                            double[] mecbaIGDs = new double[EXECUTIONS];
                            double[] mecbaGDs = new double[EXECUTIONS];
                            double[] mecbaSpreads = new double[EXECUTIONS];
                            double[] mecbaCoverages = new double[EXECUTIONS];
                            for (int i = 0; i < EXECUTIONS; i++) {
                                double[][] mecbaFront = metricsUtil.readFront("resultado/"
                                        + algorithm.toLowerCase().replaceAll("-", "") + "/" + problem + "_Comb_"
                                        + objectives + "obj/FUN_" + algorithm.toLowerCase().replaceAll("-", "")
                                        + "-" + problem + "-" + i + ".NaoDominadas");

                                mecbaIGDs[i] = igd.invertedGenerationalDistance(mecbaFront, trueFrontMatrix,
                                mecbaGDs[i] = gd.generationalDistance(mecbaFront, trueFrontMatrix, objectives);
                                mecbaSpreads[i] = spread.spread(mecbaFront, trueFrontMatrix, objectives);
                                mecbaCoverages[i] = coverage.coverage(mecbaFront, trueFrontMatrix);
                            igdMap.put(algorithm, mecbaIGDs);
                            gdMap.put(algorithm, mecbaGDs);
                            spreadMap.put(algorithm, mecbaSpreads);
                            coverageMap.put(algorithm, mecbaCoverages);

                    for (String algorithm : algorithms) {
                        for (String heuristic : heuristicFunctions) {
                            double[] hhIGDs = new double[EXECUTIONS];
                            double[] hhGDs = new double[EXECUTIONS];
                            double[] hhSpreads = new double[EXECUTIONS];
                            double[] hhCoverages = new double[EXECUTIONS];
                            for (int i = 0; i < EXECUTIONS; i++) {
                                double[][] hhFront = metricsUtil
                                        .readFront("experiment/" + algorithm + "/" + objectives + "objectives/"
                                                + heuristic + "/" + problem + "/EXECUTION_" + i + "/FUN.txt");

                                hhIGDs[i] = igd.invertedGenerationalDistance(hhFront, trueFrontMatrix,
                                hhGDs[i] = gd.generationalDistance(hhFront, trueFrontMatrix, objectives);
                                hhSpreads[i] = spread.spread(hhFront, trueFrontMatrix, objectives);
                                hhCoverages[i] = coverage.coverage(hhFront, trueFrontMatrix);
                            igdMap.put(algorithm + "-" + heuristic, hhIGDs);
                            gdMap.put(algorithm + "-" + heuristic, hhGDs);
                            spreadMap.put(algorithm + "-" + heuristic, hhSpreads);
                            coverageMap.put(algorithm + "-" + heuristic, hhCoverages);

                    HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Boolean>> igdResult = KruskalWallisTest.test(igdMap);
                    HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Boolean>> gdResult = KruskalWallisTest.test(gdMap);
                    HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Boolean>> spreadResult = KruskalWallisTest.test(spreadMap);
                    HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Boolean>> coverageResult = KruskalWallisTest


                    String latexTable = latexTableBuilder.toString();
                    latexTable = latexTable.replaceAll("O[OA]\\_", "").replaceAll("ChoiceFunction", "CF")
                            .replaceAll("MultiArmedBandit", "MAB");

                    IGDWriter.write(latexTable.replaceAll("INDICATOR", "IGD"));
                    spreadWriter.write(latexTable.replaceAll("INDICATOR", "Spread"));
                    GDWriter.write(latexTable.replaceAll("INDICATOR", "GD"));
                    coverageWriter.write(latexTable.replaceAll("INDICATOR", "Coverage"));

                    latexTableBuilder = new StringBuilder();

                    String bestHeuristicIGD = "NULL";
                    String bestHeuristicGD = "NULL";
                    String bestHeuristicSpread = "NULL";
                    String bestHeuristicCoverage = "NULL";

                    getBest: {
                        double bestMeanIGD = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
                        double bestMeanGD = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
                        double bestMeanSpread = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
                        double bestMeanCoverage = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;

                        for (String heuristic : igdMap.keySet()) {
                            double heuristicMeanIGD = mean.evaluate(igdMap.get(heuristic));
                            double heuristicMeanGD = mean.evaluate(gdMap.get(heuristic));
                            double heuristicMeanSpread = mean.evaluate(spreadMap.get(heuristic));
                            double heuristicMeanCoverage = mean.evaluate(coverageMap.get(heuristic));

                            if (heuristicMeanIGD < bestMeanIGD) {
                                bestMeanIGD = heuristicMeanIGD;
                                bestHeuristicIGD = heuristic;
                            if (heuristicMeanGD < bestMeanGD) {
                                bestMeanGD = heuristicMeanGD;
                                bestHeuristicGD = heuristic;
                            if (heuristicMeanSpread > bestMeanSpread) {
                                bestMeanSpread = heuristicMeanSpread;
                                bestHeuristicSpread = heuristic;
                            if (heuristicMeanCoverage > bestMeanCoverage) {
                                bestMeanCoverage = heuristicMeanCoverage;
                                bestHeuristicCoverage = heuristic;

                    StringBuilder igdBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                    StringBuilder gdBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                    StringBuilder spreadBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                    StringBuilder coverageBuilder = new StringBuilder();

                    String[] newHeuristicFunctions = new String[heuristicFunctions.length * algorithms.length
                            + algorithms.length];
                    fulfillNewHeuristics: {
                        int i = 0;
                        for (String algorithm : algorithms) {
                            newHeuristicFunctions[i++] = algorithm;
                            for (String heuristicFunction : heuristicFunctions) {
                                newHeuristicFunctions[i++] = algorithm + "-" + heuristicFunction;

                    for (String heuristic : newHeuristicFunctions) {
                        igdBuilder.append(" & ");
                        boolean bold = heuristic.equals(bestHeuristicIGD)
                                || !igdResult.get(heuristic).get(bestHeuristicIGD);
                        if (bold) {
                        igdBuilder.append(decimalFormatter.format(mean.evaluate(igdMap.get(heuristic))) + " ("
                                + decimalFormatter.format(standardDeviation.evaluate(igdMap.get(heuristic)))
                                + ")");
                        if (bold) {

                        gdBuilder.append(" & ");
                        bold = heuristic.equals(bestHeuristicGD)
                                || !gdResult.get(heuristic).get(bestHeuristicGD);
                        if (bold) {
                        gdBuilder.append(decimalFormatter.format(mean.evaluate(gdMap.get(heuristic))) + " ("
                                + decimalFormatter.format(standardDeviation.evaluate(gdMap.get(heuristic)))
                                + ")");
                        if (bold) {

                        spreadBuilder.append(" & ");
                        bold = heuristic.equals(bestHeuristicSpread)
                                || !spreadResult.get(heuristic).get(bestHeuristicSpread);
                        if (bold) {
                                + " ("
                                + decimalFormatter.format(standardDeviation.evaluate(spreadMap.get(heuristic)))
                                + ")");
                        if (bold) {

                        coverageBuilder.append(" & ");
                        bold = heuristic.equals(bestHeuristicCoverage)
                                || !coverageResult.get(heuristic).get(bestHeuristicCoverage);
                        if (bold) {
                                .append(" (")
                        if (bold) {

                    IGDWriter.write(igdBuilder + "\\\\\n");
                    spreadWriter.write(spreadBuilder + "\\\\\n");
                    GDWriter.write(gdBuilder + "\\\\\n");
                    coverageWriter.write(coverageBuilder + "\\\\\n");


            String latexTable = latexTableBuilder.toString();


From source file:jp.ac.tohoku.ecei.sb.metabolomeqc.basiccorrector.helper.CoefficientOfVariation.java

public static double evaluate(double[] values) {
    double mean = DoubleStream.of(values).sum() / values.length;
    StandardDeviation standardDeviation = new StandardDeviation();
    double sd = standardDeviation.evaluate(values, mean);
    return sd / mean;

From source file:com.facebook.presto.benchmark.driver.Stat.java

public Stat(double[] values) {
    mean = new Mean().evaluate(values);
    standardDeviation = new StandardDeviation().evaluate(values);
    median = new Median().evaluate(values);

From source file:com.itemanalysis.psychometrics.statistics.Bootstrap.java

public Bootstrap(double lower, double upper) {
    this.lower = lower;
    this.upper = upper;
    percentile = new Percentile();
    stdDev = new StandardDeviation();

From source file:com.biomeris.i2b2.export.engine.misc.ObservationAggregator.java

public ObservationAggregator() {
    super();/* w  w w  . ja va 2  s .c o m*/
    mean = new Mean();
    median = new Median();
    standardDeviation = new StandardDeviation();

    numericValues = new ArrayList<>();
    stringValues = new ArrayList<>();

From source file:com.itemanalysis.psychometrics.polycor.PearsonCorrelation.java

public PearsonCorrelation() {
    covariance = new Covariance();
    sdX = new StandardDeviation();
    sdY = new StandardDeviation();

From source file:com.itemanalysis.psychometrics.kernel.ScottsBandwidth.java

public double value() {
    StandardDeviation sd = new StandardDeviation();
    double q3 = pcntl.evaluate(x, 75.0);
    double q1 = pcntl.evaluate(x, 25.0);
    double IQR = (q3 - q1) / 1.34;
    double s = sd.evaluate(x);
    double N = (double) x.length;
    double m = Math.min(s, IQR);
    return 1.06 * m * Math.pow(N, -1.0 / 5.0) * adjustmentFactor;

From source file:com.cloudera.oryx.app.traffic.Endpoint.java

protected Endpoint(String path, double relativeProb) {
    Preconditions.checkArgument(relativeProb > 0.0);
    this.path = path;
    this.relativeProb = relativeProb;
    meanTimeMS = new Mean();
    stdevTimeMS = new StandardDeviation();

From source file:com.itemanalysis.psychometrics.kernel.SimplePluginBandwidthTest.java

public void testValue() throws Exception {
    System.out.print("SimplePluginBandwidthTest: ");
    StandardDeviation sd = new StandardDeviation();
    for (int i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
        sd.increment(x[i]);/*from ww  w.  j av  a2s . c om*/
    SimplePluginBandwidth bw = new SimplePluginBandwidth(sd, 1.0);
    assertEquals("Reference bandwidth test", 6.09603513572289, bw.value(), 1.0e-10);