Example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive StatisticalSummary getStandardDeviation

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive StatisticalSummary getStandardDeviation


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive StatisticalSummary getStandardDeviation.


double getStandardDeviation();

Source Link


Returns the standard deviation of the available values.


From source file:com.github.christofluyten.experiment.MeasureGendreau.java

 * @param args/*w  w w .  ja  va2  s.c o m*/
 * @throws IOException
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    final List<Gendreau06Scenario> scns = new ArrayList<>(

    Collections.sort(scns, new Comparator<Gendreau06Scenario>() {
        public int compare(Gendreau06Scenario o1, Gendreau06Scenario o2) {
            final int compare = o1.getProblemClass().getId().compareTo(o2.getProblemClass().getId());
            if (compare == 0) {
                return o1.getProblemInstanceId().compareTo(o2.getProblemInstanceId());
            return compare;

    final List<Map<Property, Object>> propsList = new ArrayList<>();
    for (final Gendreau06Scenario scen : scns) {
        final StatisticalSummary urgency = Metrics.measureUrgency(scen);
        final Multiset<Class<?>> counts = Metrics.getEventTypeCounts(scen);

        final long scenarioLength = scen.getProblemClass().duration * 60000;
        final double dyn = Metrics.measureDynamism(scen, scenarioLength);

        final ImmutableMap<Property, Object> prop = ImmutableMap.<Property, Object>builder()
                .put(Property.PROBLEM_CLASS, scen.getProblemClass().getId())
                .put(Property.INSTANCE_ID, scen.getProblemInstanceId()).put(Property.DYNAMISM, dyn)
                .put(Property.URGENCY_MEAN, urgency.getMean() / 60000d)
                .put(Property.URGENCY_SD, urgency.getStandardDeviation() / 60000d)
                .put(Property.NUM_ORDERS, counts.count(AddParcelEvent.class))
                .put(Property.NUM_VEHICLES, counts.count(AddVehicleEvent.class))
                .putAll(MAP.get(scen.getProblemInstanceId() + scen.getProblemClass().getId())).build();


    final File targetFile = new File(PROPS_FILE);
    write(propsList, targetFile, asList(Property.values()));
    System.out.println("Results written to " + targetFile.getAbsolutePath());

From source file:joinery.impl.Aggregation.java

public static <V> DataFrame<V> describe(final DataFrame<V> df) {
    final DataFrame<V> desc = new DataFrame<>();
    for (final Object col : df.columns()) {
        for (final Object row : df.index()) {
            final V value = df.get(row, col);
            if (value instanceof StatisticalSummary) {
                if (!desc.columns().contains(col)) {
                    desc.add(col);//from   w  ww  .j av  a 2  s .  c o m
                    if (desc.isEmpty()) {
                        for (final Object r : df.index()) {
                            for (final Object stat : Arrays.asList("count", "mean", "std", "var", "max",
                                    "min")) {
                                final Object name = name(df, r, stat);
                                desc.append(name, Collections.<V>emptyList());

                final StatisticalSummary summary = StatisticalSummary.class.cast(value);
                desc.set(name(df, row, "count"), col, (V) new Double(summary.getN()));
                desc.set(name(df, row, "mean"), col, (V) new Double(summary.getMean()));
                desc.set(name(df, row, "std"), col, (V) new Double(summary.getStandardDeviation()));
                desc.set(name(df, row, "var"), col, (V) new Double(summary.getVariance()));
                desc.set(name(df, row, "max"), col, (V) new Double(summary.getMax()));
                desc.set(name(df, row, "min"), col, (V) new Double(summary.getMin()));
    return desc;

From source file:com.github.rinde.dynurg.Generator.java

static void createScenarios(RandomGenerator rng, GeneratorSettings generatorSettings,
        ScenarioGenerator generator, double dynLb, double dynUb, int levels) {
    final List<Scenario> scenarios = newArrayList();

    final Multimap<Double, Scenario> dynamismScenariosMap = LinkedHashMultimap.create();
    while (scenarios.size() < levels * TARGET_NUM_INSTANCES) {
        final Scenario scen = generator.generate(rng, "temp");
        final StatisticalSummary urgency = Metrics.measureUrgency(scen);

        final long expectedUrgency = generatorSettings.urgency * 60000L;
        if (Math.abs(urgency.getMean() - expectedUrgency) < 0.01 && urgency.getStandardDeviation() < 0.01) {

            final int numParcels = Metrics.getEventTypeCounts(scen).count(PDPScenarioEvent.ADD_PARCEL);
            if (numParcels == NUM_ORDERS) {

                final double dynamism = Metrics.measureDynamism(scen, generatorSettings.officeHours);
                System.out.print(String.format("%1.3f ", dynamism));
                if ((dynamism % DYN_STEP_SIZE < DYN_BANDWIDTH
                        || dynamism % DYN_STEP_SIZE > DYN_STEP_SIZE - DYN_BANDWIDTH) && dynamism <= dynUb
                        && dynamism >= dynLb) {

                    final double targetDyn = Math.round(dynamism / DYN_STEP_SIZE) * DYN_STEP_SIZE;

                    final int numInstances = dynamismScenariosMap.get(targetDyn).size();

                    if (numInstances < TARGET_NUM_INSTANCES) {

                        final String instanceId = "#" + Integer.toString(numInstances);
                        dynamismScenariosMap.put(targetDyn, scen);

                        final String problemClassId = String.format("%d-%1.2f",
                                (long) (urgency.getMean() / 60000), targetDyn);
                        System.out.println(" > ACCEPT " + problemClassId);
                        final String fileName = DATASET_DIR + problemClassId + instanceId;
                        try {
                            Files.createParentDirs(new File(fileName));
                            writePropertiesFile(scen, urgency, dynamism, problemClassId, instanceId,
                                    generatorSettings, fileName);
                                    new File(fileName + ".points"));
                            MetricsIO.writeTimes(scen.getTimeWindow().end, Metrics.getArrivalTimes(scen),
                                    new File(fileName + ".times"));

                            final ProblemClass pc = new SimpleProblemClass(problemClassId);
                            final Scenario finalScenario = Scenario.builder(pc).copyProperties(scen)

                            ScenarioIO.write(finalScenario, new File(fileName + ".scen").toPath());
                        } catch (final IOException e) {
                            throw new IllegalStateException(e);
                        }/*w w  w. ja  v  a2  s .  co m*/

From source file:com.github.rinde.dynurg.Generator.java

static void writePropertiesFile(Scenario scen, StatisticalSummary urgency, double dynamism,
        String problemClassId, String instanceId, GeneratorSettings settings, String fileName) {
    final DateTimeFormatter formatter = ISODateTimeFormat.dateHourMinuteSecondMillis();

    final ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Object> properties = ImmutableMap.<String, Object>builder()
            .put("problem_class", problemClassId).put("id", instanceId).put("dynamism", dynamism)
            .put("urgency_mean", urgency.getMean()).put("urgency_sd", urgency.getStandardDeviation())
            .put("creation_date", formatter.print(System.currentTimeMillis()))
            .put("creator", System.getProperty("user.name")).put("day_length", settings.dayLength)
            .put("office_opening_hours", settings.officeHours);


    final ImmutableMultiset<Enum<?>> eventTypes = Metrics.getEventTypeCounts(scen);
    for (final Multiset.Entry<Enum<?>> en : eventTypes.entrySet()) {
        properties.put(en.getElement().name(), en.getCount());
    }/*from  w  w w . j a  v  a 2  s . c o m*/

    try {
        Files.write(Joiner.on("\n").withKeyValueSeparator(" = ").join(properties.build()),
                new File(fileName + ".properties"), Charsets.UTF_8);
    } catch (final IOException e) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(e);

From source file:com.github.rinde.datgen.pdptw.ScenarioCreator.java

@Override// www  .j  a  v a2  s .  co  m
public GeneratedScenario call() throws Exception {
    final RandomGenerator rng = new MersenneTwister(getSeed());
    final Scenario scen = getGenerator().generate(rng, Long.toString(getId()));


    // check that urgency matches expected urgency
    final StatisticalSummary urgency = Metrics.measureUrgency(scen);
    final long expectedUrgency = getSettings().getUrgency();
    if (!(Math.abs(urgency.getMean() - expectedUrgency) < URGENCY_THRESHOLD
            && urgency.getStandardDeviation() < URGENCY_THRESHOLD)) {
        System.out.println("Urgency too strict?");
        return null;

    // check num orders
    final int numParcels = Metrics.getEventTypeCounts(scen).count(AddParcelEvent.class);
    if (numParcels != getSettings().getNumOrders()) {
        System.out.println("Parcels wrong number!");
        return null;

    // check if dynamism fits in a bin
    final double dynamism = Metrics.measureDynamism(scen, getSettings().getOfficeHours());
    final Double dynamismBin = getSettings().getDynamismRangeCenters().get(dynamism);
    if (dynamismBin == null) {
        System.out.println("Dynamism " + dynamism + " is too strict");
        return null;

    return GeneratedScenario.create(scen, getSettings(), getId(), getSeed(), dynamismBin, dynamism);

From source file:be.ugent.maf.cellmissy.gui.view.table.model.SingleCellStatSummaryTableModel.java

 * Initialize table/*  ww w .j  ava  2s .  c  o m*/
private void initTable() {
    // list of summaries from the analysis group: number of rows
    List<StatisticalSummary> statisticalSummaries = singleCellAnalysisGroup.getStatisticalSummaries();
    int size = statisticalSummaries.size();
    // columns: 1 + 6 for statistical numbers
    columnNames = new String[7];
    columnNames[0] = "";
    columnNames[1] = "Max";
    columnNames[2] = "Min";
    columnNames[3] = "Mean";
    columnNames[4] = "N";
    columnNames[5] = "SD";
    columnNames[6] = "Variance";
    data = new Object[size][columnNames.length];
    // fill in data
    for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < data.length; rowIndex++) {
        data[rowIndex][0] = "Cond "
                + (singleCellAnalysisGroup.getConditionDataHolders().get(rowIndex).getPlateCondition());
        // summary for a row
        StatisticalSummary statisticalSummary = statisticalSummaries.get(rowIndex);
        // distribute statistical objects per columns
        data[rowIndex][1] = statisticalSummary.getMax();
        data[rowIndex][2] = statisticalSummary.getMin();
        data[rowIndex][3] = statisticalSummary.getMean();
        data[rowIndex][4] = statisticalSummary.getN();
        data[rowIndex][5] = statisticalSummary.getStandardDeviation();
        data[rowIndex][6] = statisticalSummary.getVariance();


From source file:ijfx.core.stats.DefaultImageStatisticsService.java

public Map<String, Double> summaryStatisticsToMap(StatisticalSummary summaryStats) {

    Map<String, Double> statistics = new HashMap<>();
    statistics.put(LBL_MEAN, summaryStats.getMean());
    statistics.put(LBL_MIN, summaryStats.getMin());
    statistics.put(LBL_MAX, summaryStats.getMax());
    statistics.put(LBL_SD, summaryStats.getStandardDeviation());
    statistics.put(LBL_VARIANCE, summaryStats.getVariance());
    statistics.put(LBL_PIXEL_COUNT, (double) summaryStats.getN());
    return statistics;

From source file:net.sourceforge.jabm.gametheory.CompressedPayoffMatrix.java

public void export(DataWriter out) {
    Iterator<Entry> entries = orderedEntryIterator();
    while (entries.hasNext()) {
        Entry entry = entries.next();/*from w  w w. j  a v a2s  .c  o  m*/
        for (int s = 0; s < numStrategies; s++) {
        PayoffMap payoffs = getCompressedPayoffs(entry);
        for (int i = 0; i < payoffs.size(); i++) {
            StatisticalSummary payoffStats = payoffs.getPayoffDistribution(i);

From source file:org.briljantframework.data.dataframe.DataFrames.java

 * Presents a summary of the given data frame. For each column of {@code df} the returned summary
 * contains one row. Each row is described by four values, the {@code min}, {@code max},
 * {@code mean} and {@code mode}. The first three are presented for numerical columns and the
 * fourth for categorical./*from www .  ja va  2 s. co  m*/
 * <pre>
 * {@code
 * > DataFrame df = MixedDataFrame.of(
 *    "a", Vector.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6),
 *    "b", Vector.of("a", "b", "b", "b", "e", "f"),
 *    "c", Vector.of(1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6)
 *  );
 * > DataFrames.summary(df)
 *    mean   var    std    min    max    mode
 * a  3.500  3.500  1.871  1.000  6.000  6
 * b  NA     NA     NA     NA     NA     f
 * c  1.350  0.035  0.187  1.100  1.600  1.1
 * [3 rows x 6 columns]
 * }
 * </pre>
 * @param df the data frame
 * @return a data frame summarizing {@code df}
public static DataFrame summary(DataFrame df) {
    DataFrame.Builder builder = new MixedDataFrame.Builder();
    builder.set("mean", VectorType.DOUBLE).set("var", VectorType.DOUBLE).set("std", VectorType.DOUBLE)
            .set("min", VectorType.DOUBLE).set("max", VectorType.DOUBLE).set("mode", VectorType.OBJECT);

    for (Object columnKey : df.getColumnIndex().keySet()) {
        Vector column = df.get(columnKey);
        if (Is.numeric(column)) {
            StatisticalSummary summary = column.collect(Number.class, Collectors.statisticalSummary());
            builder.set(columnKey, "mean", summary.getMean()).set(columnKey, "var", summary.getVariance())
                    .set(columnKey, "std", summary.getStandardDeviation())
                    .set(columnKey, "min", summary.getMin()).set(columnKey, "max", summary.getMax());
        builder.set(columnKey, "mode", column.collect(Collectors.mode()));
    return builder.build();

From source file:org.briljantframework.data.dataframe.transform.ZNormalizer.java

public Transformer fit(DataFrame df) {
    Vector.Builder meanBuilder = Vector.Builder.of(Double.class);
    Vector.Builder stdBuilder = Vector.Builder.of(Double.class);
    for (Object columnKey : df) {
        StatisticalSummary stats = Vectors.statisticalSummary(df.get(columnKey));
        if (stats.getN() <= 0 || Is.NA(stats.getMean()) || Is.NA(stats.getStandardDeviation())) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal value for column " + columnKey);
        }/*from   w ww. ja v a2s  .  c  o  m*/
        meanBuilder.set(columnKey, stats.getMean());
        stdBuilder.set(columnKey, stats.getStandardDeviation());
    Vector mean = meanBuilder.build();
    Vector sigma = stdBuilder.build();

    return new ZNormalizerTransformer(mean, sigma);