Example usage for org.apache.commons.net.ftp.parser DefaultFTPFileEntryParserFactory DefaultFTPFileEntryParserFactory

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.net.ftp.parser DefaultFTPFileEntryParserFactory DefaultFTPFileEntryParserFactory


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.net.ftp.parser DefaultFTPFileEntryParserFactory DefaultFTPFileEntryParserFactory.



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From source file:com.atomicleopard.thundr.ftp.commons.FTPClient.java

 * Default FTPClient constructor.  Creates a new FTPClient instance
 * with the data connection mode set to/* w w w.ja  v a2  s. c o  m*/
 * <code> ACTIVE_LOCAL_DATA_CONNECTION_MODE </code>, the file type
 * set to <code> FTP.ASCII_FILE_TYPE </code>, the
 * file format set to <code> FTP.NON_PRINT_TEXT_FORMAT </code>,
 * the file structure set to <code> FTP.FILE_STRUCTURE </code>, and
 * the transfer mode set to <code> FTP.STREAM_TRANSFER_MODE </code>.
 * <p>
 * The list parsing auto-detect feature can be configured to use lenient future
 * dates (short dates may be up to one day in the future) as follows:
 * <pre>
 * FTPClient ftp = new FTPClient();
 * FTPClientConfig config = new FTPClientConfig();
 * config.setLenientFutureDates(true);
 * ftp.configure(config );
 * </pre>
public FTPClient() {
    __dataTimeout = -1;
    __remoteVerificationEnabled = true;
    __parserFactory = new DefaultFTPFileEntryParserFactory();
    __configuration = null;
    __listHiddenFiles = false;
    __useEPSVwithIPv4 = false;
    __random = new Random();
    __passiveLocalHost = null;

From source file:org.apache.nutch.protocol.ftp.FtpResponse.java

public FtpResponse(URL url, CrawlDatum datum, Ftp ftp, Configuration conf) throws FtpException, IOException {

    this.orig = url.toString();
    this.base = url.toString();
    this.ftp = ftp;
    this.conf = conf;

    if (!"ftp".equals(url.getProtocol()))
        throw new FtpException("Not a ftp url:" + url);

    if (url.getPath() != url.getFile()) {
        if (Ftp.LOG.isWarnEnabled()) {
            Ftp.LOG.warn("url.getPath() != url.getFile(): " + url);
        }/*from  w  w w . j  ava2 s.co m*/

    String path = "".equals(url.getPath()) ? "/" : url.getPath();

    try {

        if (ftp.followTalk) {
            if (Ftp.LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {
                Ftp.LOG.info("fetching " + url);
        } else {
            if (Ftp.LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
                Ftp.LOG.trace("fetching " + url);

        InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getByName(url.getHost());
        if (addr != null && conf.getBoolean("store.ip.address", false) == true) {
            headers.add("_ip_", addr.getHostAddress());

        // idled too long, remote server or ourselves may have timed out,
        // should start anew.
        if (ftp.client != null && ftp.keepConnection && ftp.renewalTime < System.currentTimeMillis()) {
            if (Ftp.LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {
                Ftp.LOG.info("delete client because idled too long");
            ftp.client = null;

        // start anew if needed
        if (ftp.client == null) {
            if ((ftp.followTalk) && (Ftp.LOG.isInfoEnabled())) {
                Ftp.LOG.info("start client");
            // the real client
            ftp.client = new Client();
            // when to renew, take the lesser
            // ftp.renewalTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
            // + ((ftp.timeout<ftp.serverTimeout) ? ftp.timeout :
            // ftp.serverTimeout);

            // timeout for control connection
            // timeout for data connection

            // follow ftp talk?
            if (ftp.followTalk)
                ftp.client.addProtocolCommandListener(new PrintCommandListener(Ftp.LOG));

        // quit from previous site if at a different site now
        if (ftp.client.isConnected()) {
            InetAddress remoteAddress = ftp.client.getRemoteAddress();
            if (!addr.equals(remoteAddress)) {
                if ((ftp.followTalk) && (Ftp.LOG.isInfoEnabled())) {
                    Ftp.LOG.info("disconnect from " + remoteAddress + " before connect to " + addr);
                // quit from current site

        // connect to current site if needed
        if (!ftp.client.isConnected()) {

            if ((ftp.followTalk) && (Ftp.LOG.isInfoEnabled())) {
                Ftp.LOG.info("connect to " + addr);

            if (!FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(ftp.client.getReplyCode())) {
                if (Ftp.LOG.isWarnEnabled()) {
                    Ftp.LOG.warn("ftp.client.connect() failed: " + addr + " " + ftp.client.getReplyString());
                this.code = 500; // http Internal Server Error

            if ((ftp.followTalk) && (Ftp.LOG.isInfoEnabled())) {
                Ftp.LOG.info("log into " + addr);

            if (!ftp.client.login(ftp.userName, ftp.passWord)) {
                // login failed.
                // please note that some server may return 421 immediately
                // after USER anonymous, thus ftp.client.login() won't return false,
                // but throw exception, which then will be handled by caller
                // (not dealt with here at all) .
                if (Ftp.LOG.isWarnEnabled()) {
                    Ftp.LOG.warn("ftp.client.login() failed: " + addr);
                this.code = 401; // http Unauthorized

            // insist on binary file type
            if (!ftp.client.setFileType(FTP.BINARY_FILE_TYPE)) {
                if (Ftp.LOG.isWarnEnabled()) {
                    Ftp.LOG.warn("ftp.client.setFileType() failed: " + addr);
                this.code = 500; // http Internal Server Error

            if ((ftp.followTalk) && (Ftp.LOG.isInfoEnabled())) {
                Ftp.LOG.info("set parser for " + addr);

            // SYST is valid only after login
            try {
                ftp.parser = null;
                String parserKey = ftp.client.getSystemName();
                // some server reports as UNKNOWN Type: L8, but in fact UNIX Type: L8
                if (parserKey.startsWith("UNKNOWN Type: L8"))
                    parserKey = "UNIX Type: L8";
                ftp.parser = (new DefaultFTPFileEntryParserFactory()).createFileEntryParser(parserKey);
            } catch (FtpExceptionBadSystResponse e) {
                if (Ftp.LOG.isWarnEnabled()) {
                    Ftp.LOG.warn("ftp.client.getSystemName() failed: " + addr + " " + e);
                ftp.parser = null;
            } catch (ParserInitializationException e) {
                // ParserInitializationException is RuntimeException defined in
                // org.apache.commons.net.ftp.parser.ParserInitializationException
                if (Ftp.LOG.isWarnEnabled()) {
                    Ftp.LOG.warn("createFileEntryParser() failed. " + addr + " " + e);
                ftp.parser = null;
            } finally {
                if (ftp.parser == null) {
                    // do not log as severe, otherwise
                    // FetcherThread/RequestScheduler will abort
                    if (Ftp.LOG.isWarnEnabled()) {
                        Ftp.LOG.warn("ftp.parser is null: " + addr);
                    this.code = 500; // http Internal Server Error

        } else {
            if ((ftp.followTalk) && (Ftp.LOG.isInfoEnabled())) {
                Ftp.LOG.info("use existing connection");

        this.content = null;

        path = java.net.URLDecoder.decode(path, "UTF-8");

        if (path.endsWith("/")) {
            getDirAsHttpResponse(path, datum.getModifiedTime());
        } else {
            getFileAsHttpResponse(path, datum.getModifiedTime());

        // reset next renewalTime, take the lesser
        if (ftp.client != null && ftp.keepConnection) {
            ftp.renewalTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
                    + ((ftp.timeout < ftp.serverTimeout) ? ftp.timeout : ftp.serverTimeout);
            if ((ftp.followTalk) && (Ftp.LOG.isInfoEnabled())) {
                Ftp.LOG.info("reset renewalTime to " + HttpDateFormat.toString(ftp.renewalTime));

        // getDirAsHttpResponse() or getFileAsHttpResponse() above
        // may have deleted ftp.client
        if (ftp.client != null && !ftp.keepConnection) {
            if ((ftp.followTalk) && (Ftp.LOG.isInfoEnabled())) {
                Ftp.LOG.info("disconnect from " + addr);

    } catch (Exception e) {
        if (Ftp.LOG.isWarnEnabled()) {
            Ftp.LOG.warn("Error: ", e);
        // for any un-foreseen exception (run time exception or not),
        // do ultimate clean and leave ftp.client for garbage collection
        if ((ftp.followTalk) && (Ftp.LOG.isInfoEnabled())) {
            Ftp.LOG.info("delete client due to exception");
        ftp.client = null;
        // or do explicit garbage collection?
        // System.gc();
        // can we be less dramatic, using the following instead?
        // probably unnecessary for our practical purpose here
        // try {
        // ftp.client.logout();
        // ftp.client.disconnect();
        // }
        throw new FtpException(e);
        // throw e;
