Java org.apache.commons.pool2.impl GenericKeyedObjectPoolConfig fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java org.apache.commons.pool2.impl GenericKeyedObjectPoolConfig fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for org.apache.commons.pool2.impl GenericKeyedObjectPoolConfig.

The text is from its open source code.


org.apache.commons.pool2.impl.GenericKeyedObjectPoolConfig has subclasses.
Click this link to see all its subclasses.


The default value for the maxTotalPerKey configuration attribute.
The default value for the minIdlePerKey configuration attribute.
The default value for the maxIdlePerKey configuration attribute.


Create a new configuration with default settings.


voidsetBlockWhenExhausted(boolean blockWhenExhausted)
Set the value for the blockWhenExhausted configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
voidsetEvictionPolicyClassName(String evictionPolicyClassName)
Set the value for the evictionPolicyClassName configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
voidsetFairness(boolean fairness)
Set the value for the fairness configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
voidsetJmxEnabled(boolean jmxEnabled)
Sets the value of the flag that determines if JMX will be enabled for pools created with this configuration instance.
voidsetJmxNameBase(String jmxNameBase)
Sets the value of the JMX name base that will be used as part of the name assigned to JMX enabled pools created with this configuration instance.
voidsetJmxNamePrefix(String jmxNamePrefix)
Sets the value of the JMX name prefix that will be used as part of the name assigned to JMX enabled pools created with this configuration instance.
voidsetLifo(boolean lifo)
Set the value for the lifo configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
voidsetMaxIdlePerKey(int maxIdlePerKey)
Set the value for the maxIdlePerKey configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
voidsetMaxTotal(int maxTotal)
Set the value for the maxTotal configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
voidsetMaxTotalPerKey(int maxTotalPerKey)
Set the value for the maxTotalPerKey configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
voidsetMaxWaitMillis(long maxWaitMillis)
Set the value for the maxWait configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
voidsetMinEvictableIdleTimeMillis(long minEvictableIdleTimeMillis)
Set the value for the minEvictableIdleTimeMillis configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
voidsetMinIdlePerKey(int minIdlePerKey)
Set the value for the minIdlePerKey configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
voidsetNumTestsPerEvictionRun(int numTestsPerEvictionRun)
Set the value for the numTestsPerEvictionRun configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
voidsetSoftMinEvictableIdleTimeMillis(long softMinEvictableIdleTimeMillis)
Set the value for the softMinEvictableIdleTimeMillis configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
voidsetTestOnBorrow(boolean testOnBorrow)
Set the value for the testOnBorrow configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
voidsetTestOnCreate(boolean testOnCreate)
Set the value for the testOnCreate configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
voidsetTestOnReturn(boolean testOnReturn)
Set the value for the testOnReturn configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
voidsetTestWhileIdle(boolean testWhileIdle)
Set the value for the testWhileIdle configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
voidsetTimeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis(long timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis)
Set the value for the timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.