Example usage for org.apache.commons.rdf.api Graph add

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.rdf.api Graph add


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.rdf.api Graph add.


void add(Triple triple);

Source Link


Add a triple to the graph, possibly mapping any of the components of the Triple to those supported by this Graph.


From source file:example.IntroToRDF.java

public static void main(String[] args) {
    RDF rdf = new SimpleRDF();

    IRI alice = rdf.createIRI("Alice");

    IRI knows = rdf.createIRI("knows");
    IRI bob = rdf.createIRI("Bob");

    Triple aliceKnowsBob = rdf.createTriple(alice, knows, bob);


    Graph graph = rdf.createGraph();

    IRI charlie = rdf.createIRI("Charlie");

    IRI plays = rdf.createIRI("plays");

    IRI football = rdf.createIRI("Football");
    IRI tennis = rdf.createIRI("Tennis");

    graph.add(alice, knows, charlie);//from   w  ww  . j  a v a 2s  .c om
    graph.add(alice, plays, tennis);
    graph.add(bob, knows, charlie);
    graph.add(bob, plays, football);
    graph.add(charlie, plays, tennis);

    System.out.println("Who plays Tennis?");
    for (Triple triple : graph.iterate(null, plays, tennis)) {

    System.out.println("Who does Alice know?");
    for (Triple triple : graph.iterate(alice, knows, null)) {

    System.out.println("Does Alice anyone that plays Football?");
    for (Triple triple : graph.iterate(alice, knows, null)) {
        RDFTerm aliceFriend = triple.getObject();
        if (!(aliceFriend instanceof BlankNodeOrIRI)) {
        if (graph.contains((BlankNodeOrIRI) aliceFriend, plays, football)) {
            System.out.println("Yes, it is " + aliceFriend);

    Literal aliceName = rdf.createLiteral("Alice W. Land");
    IRI name = rdf.createIRI("name");
    graph.add(alice, name, aliceName);

    Optional<? extends Triple> nameTriple = graph.stream(alice, name, null).findAny();
    if (nameTriple.isPresent()) {

    graph.stream(alice, name, null).findAny().map(Triple::getObject).filter(obj -> obj instanceof Literal)
            .map(literalName -> ((Literal) literalName).getLexicalForm()).ifPresent(System.out::println);

    IRI playerRating = rdf.createIRI("playerRating");
    Literal aliceRating = rdf.createLiteral("13.37", Types.XSD_FLOAT);
    graph.add(alice, playerRating, aliceRating);

    Literal footballInEnglish = rdf.createLiteral("football", "en");
    Literal footballInNorwegian = rdf.createLiteral("fotball", "no");
    graph.add(football, name, footballInEnglish);
    graph.add(football, name, footballInNorwegian);

    Literal footballInAmericanEnglish = rdf.createLiteral("soccer", "en-US");
    graph.add(football, name, footballInAmericanEnglish);

    BlankNode someone = rdf.createBlankNode();
    graph.add(charlie, knows, someone);
    graph.add(someone, plays, football);

    BlankNode someoneElse = rdf.createBlankNode();
    graph.add(charlie, knows, someoneElse);

    for (Triple heKnows : graph.iterate(charlie, knows, null)) {
        if (!(heKnows.getObject() instanceof BlankNodeOrIRI)) {
        BlankNodeOrIRI who = (BlankNodeOrIRI) heKnows.getObject();
        System.out.println("Charlie knows " + who);
        for (Triple whoPlays : graph.iterate(who, plays, null)) {
            System.out.println("  who plays " + whoPlays.getObject());

    // Delete previous BlankNode statements
    graph.remove(null, null, someone);
    graph.remove(someone, null, null);

    // no Java variable for the new BlankNode instance
    graph.add(charlie, knows, rdf.createBlankNode("someone"));
    // at any point later (with the same RDF instance)
    graph.add(rdf.createBlankNode("someone"), plays, football);

    for (Triple heKnows : graph.iterate(charlie, knows, null)) {
        if (!(heKnows.getObject() instanceof BlankNodeOrIRI)) {
        BlankNodeOrIRI who = (BlankNodeOrIRI) heKnows.getObject();
        System.out.println("Charlie knows " + who);
        for (Triple whoPlays : graph.iterate(who, plays, null)) {
            System.out.println("  who plays " + whoPlays.getObject());


From source file:example.UserGuideTest.java

public void graph() throws Exception {
    IRI nameIri = factory.createIRI("http://example.com/name");
    BlankNode aliceBlankNode = factory.createBlankNode();
    Literal aliceLiteral = factory.createLiteral("Alice");
    Triple triple = factory.createTriple(aliceBlankNode, nameIri, aliceLiteral);

    Graph graph = factory.createGraph();


    IRI bob = factory.createIRI("http://example.com/bob");
    Literal bobName = factory.createLiteral("Bob");
    graph.add(bob, nameIri, bobName);/* w  w w. ja  v a2s . c  om*/


    System.out.println(graph.contains(null, nameIri, bobName));


    for (Triple t : graph.iterate()) {

    for (Triple t : graph.iterate(null, null, bobName)) {

    Stream<RDFTerm> subjects = graph.getTriples().map(t -> t.getObject());
    String s = subjects.map(RDFTerm::ntriplesString).collect(Collectors.joining(" "));

    Stream<? extends Triple> namedB = graph.getTriples(null, nameIri, null)
            .filter(t -> t.getObject().ntriplesString().contains("B"));
    System.out.println(namedB.map(t -> t.getSubject()).findAny().get());


    graph.remove(null, nameIri, null);

    System.out.println(graph.contains(null, null, null));


From source file:org.apache.jena.commonsrdf.JenaCommonsRDF.java

/** Convert a CommonsRDF Graph to a Jena Graph.
 * If the Graph was from Jena originally, return that original object else
 * create a copy using Jena objects. /*from www  . ja  v a  2 s  .c  om*/
public static org.apache.jena.graph.Graph toJena(Graph graph) {
    if (graph instanceof JenaGraph)
        return ((JenaGraph) graph).getGraph();
    org.apache.jena.graph.Graph g = GraphFactory.createGraphMem();
    graph.getTriples().forEach(t -> g.add(toJena(t)));
    return g;

From source file:org.apache.jena.commonsrdf.JenaCommonsRDF.java

/** Convert from Jena to any RDFCommons implementation.
 *  This is a copy, even if the factory is a RDFTermFactoryJena.
 *  Use {@link #fromJena(org.apache.jena.graph.Graph)} for a wrapper.
 *//*  ww  w .  j  a va  2s  .  c  om*/
public static Graph fromJena(RDFTermFactory factory, org.apache.jena.graph.Graph graph) {
    Graph g = factory.createGraph();
    graph.find(Node.ANY, Node.ANY, Node.ANY).forEachRemaining(t -> {
        g.add(fromJena(factory, t));
    return g;

From source file:org.trellisldp.http.impl.HttpUtilsTest.java

public void testSkolemize() {
    final String baseUrl = "http://example.org/";
    final Literal literal = rdf.createLiteral("A title");
    final BlankNode bnode = rdf.createBlankNode("foo");

            inv -> rdf.createIRI(TRELLIS_BNODE_PREFIX + ((BlankNode) inv.getArgument(0)).uniqueReference()));
    when(mockResourceService.unskolemize(any(IRI.class))).thenAnswer(inv -> {
        final String uri = ((IRI) inv.getArgument(0)).getIRIString();
        if (uri.startsWith(TRELLIS_BNODE_PREFIX)) {
            return bnode;
        }/*from w  w  w .ja v  a2 s  . c  om*/
        return (IRI) inv.getArgument(0);
    when(mockResourceService.toExternal(any(RDFTerm.class), eq(baseUrl))).thenAnswer(inv -> {
        final RDFTerm term = (RDFTerm) inv.getArgument(0);
        if (term instanceof IRI) {
            final String identifierString = ((IRI) term).getIRIString();
            if (identifierString.startsWith(TRELLIS_DATA_PREFIX)) {
                return rdf.createIRI(baseUrl + identifierString.substring(TRELLIS_DATA_PREFIX.length()));
        return term;
    when(mockResourceService.toInternal(any(RDFTerm.class), eq(baseUrl))).thenAnswer(inv -> {
        final RDFTerm term = (RDFTerm) inv.getArgument(0);
        if (term instanceof IRI) {
            final String identifierString = ((IRI) term).getIRIString();
            if (identifierString.startsWith(baseUrl)) {
                return rdf.createIRI(TRELLIS_DATA_PREFIX + identifierString.substring(baseUrl.length()));
        return term;


    final IRI subject = rdf.createIRI("http://example.org/resource");
    final Graph graph = rdf.createGraph();
    graph.add(rdf.createTriple(subject, DC.title, literal));
    graph.add(rdf.createTriple(subject, DC.subject, bnode));
    graph.add(rdf.createTriple(bnode, DC.title, literal));

    final List<Triple> triples = graph.stream()
            .map(HttpUtils.skolemizeTriples(mockResourceService, "http://example.org/")).collect(toList());

    assertTrue(triples.stream().anyMatch(t -> t.getSubject().equals(identifier)),
            "subject not in triple stream!");
    assertTrue(triples.stream().anyMatch(t -> t.getObject().equals(literal)), "Literal not in triple stream!");
                    .anyMatch(t -> t.getSubject().ntriplesString().startsWith("<" + TRELLIS_BNODE_PREFIX)),
            "Skolemized bnode not in triple stream!");

    assertAll(triples.stream().map(HttpUtils.unskolemizeTriples(mockResourceService, "http://example.org/"))
            .map(t -> () -> assertTrue(graph.contains(t), "Graph doesn't include triple: " + t)));

From source file:org.trellisldp.http.impl.RdfUtilsTest.java

public void testSkolemize() {
    final IRI iri = rdf.createIRI("trellis:repository/resource");
    final String baseUrl = "http://example.org/";
    final IRI anonIri = rdf.createIRI(TRELLIS_BNODE_PREFIX + "foo");
    final Literal literal = rdf.createLiteral("A title");
    final BlankNode bnode = rdf.createBlankNode("foo");

            inv -> rdf.createIRI(TRELLIS_BNODE_PREFIX + ((BlankNode) inv.getArgument(0)).uniqueReference()));
    when(mockResourceService.unskolemize(any(IRI.class))).thenAnswer(inv -> {
        final String uri = ((IRI) inv.getArgument(0)).getIRIString();
        if (uri.startsWith(TRELLIS_BNODE_PREFIX)) {
            return bnode;
        }//from  w  w  w.  j a  va 2  s  .  c om
        return (IRI) inv.getArgument(0);
    when(mockResourceService.toExternal(any(RDFTerm.class), eq(baseUrl))).thenAnswer(inv -> {
        final RDFTerm term = (RDFTerm) inv.getArgument(0);
        if (term instanceof IRI) {
            final String iriString = ((IRI) term).getIRIString();
            if (iriString.startsWith(TRELLIS_PREFIX)) {
                return rdf.createIRI(baseUrl + iriString.substring(TRELLIS_PREFIX.length()));
        return term;
    when(mockResourceService.toInternal(any(RDFTerm.class), eq(baseUrl))).thenAnswer(inv -> {
        final RDFTerm term = (RDFTerm) inv.getArgument(0);
        if (term instanceof IRI) {
            final String iriString = ((IRI) term).getIRIString();
            if (iriString.startsWith(baseUrl)) {
                return rdf.createIRI(TRELLIS_PREFIX + iriString.substring(baseUrl.length()));
        return term;


    final IRI subject = rdf.createIRI("http://example.org/repository/resource");
    final Graph graph = rdf.createGraph();
    graph.add(rdf.createTriple(subject, DC.title, literal));
    graph.add(rdf.createTriple(subject, DC.subject, bnode));
    graph.add(rdf.createTriple(bnode, DC.title, literal));

    final List<Triple> triples = graph.stream()
            .map(RdfUtils.skolemizeTriples(mockResourceService, "http://example.org/")).collect(toList());

    assertTrue(triples.stream().anyMatch(t -> t.getSubject().equals(iri)));
    assertTrue(triples.stream().anyMatch(t -> t.getObject().equals(literal)));
            .anyMatch(t -> t.getSubject().ntriplesString().startsWith("<" + TRELLIS_BNODE_PREFIX)));

    triples.stream().map(RdfUtils.unskolemizeTriples(mockResourceService, "http://example.org/"))
            .forEach(t -> assertTrue(graph.contains(t)));