Example usage for org.apache.commons.rdf.api IRI equals

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.rdf.api IRI equals


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.rdf.api IRI equals.


public boolean equals(Object other);

Source Link


Check it this IRI is equal to another IRI.


From source file:example.IntroToRDF.java

public static void main(String[] args) {
    RDF rdf = new SimpleRDF();

    IRI alice = rdf.createIRI("Alice");

    IRI knows = rdf.createIRI("knows");
    IRI bob = rdf.createIRI("Bob");

    Triple aliceKnowsBob = rdf.createTriple(alice, knows, bob);


    Graph graph = rdf.createGraph();/*from   w  ww . j  a va 2 s.c  o m*/

    IRI charlie = rdf.createIRI("Charlie");

    IRI plays = rdf.createIRI("plays");

    IRI football = rdf.createIRI("Football");
    IRI tennis = rdf.createIRI("Tennis");

    graph.add(alice, knows, charlie);
    graph.add(alice, plays, tennis);
    graph.add(bob, knows, charlie);
    graph.add(bob, plays, football);
    graph.add(charlie, plays, tennis);

    System.out.println("Who plays Tennis?");
    for (Triple triple : graph.iterate(null, plays, tennis)) {

    System.out.println("Who does Alice know?");
    for (Triple triple : graph.iterate(alice, knows, null)) {

    System.out.println("Does Alice anyone that plays Football?");
    for (Triple triple : graph.iterate(alice, knows, null)) {
        RDFTerm aliceFriend = triple.getObject();
        if (!(aliceFriend instanceof BlankNodeOrIRI)) {
        if (graph.contains((BlankNodeOrIRI) aliceFriend, plays, football)) {
            System.out.println("Yes, it is " + aliceFriend);

    Literal aliceName = rdf.createLiteral("Alice W. Land");
    IRI name = rdf.createIRI("name");
    graph.add(alice, name, aliceName);

    Optional<? extends Triple> nameTriple = graph.stream(alice, name, null).findAny();
    if (nameTriple.isPresent()) {

    graph.stream(alice, name, null).findAny().map(Triple::getObject).filter(obj -> obj instanceof Literal)
            .map(literalName -> ((Literal) literalName).getLexicalForm()).ifPresent(System.out::println);

    IRI playerRating = rdf.createIRI("playerRating");
    Literal aliceRating = rdf.createLiteral("13.37", Types.XSD_FLOAT);
    graph.add(alice, playerRating, aliceRating);

    Literal footballInEnglish = rdf.createLiteral("football", "en");
    Literal footballInNorwegian = rdf.createLiteral("fotball", "no");
    graph.add(football, name, footballInEnglish);
    graph.add(football, name, footballInNorwegian);

    Literal footballInAmericanEnglish = rdf.createLiteral("soccer", "en-US");
    graph.add(football, name, footballInAmericanEnglish);

    BlankNode someone = rdf.createBlankNode();
    graph.add(charlie, knows, someone);
    graph.add(someone, plays, football);

    BlankNode someoneElse = rdf.createBlankNode();
    graph.add(charlie, knows, someoneElse);

    for (Triple heKnows : graph.iterate(charlie, knows, null)) {
        if (!(heKnows.getObject() instanceof BlankNodeOrIRI)) {
        BlankNodeOrIRI who = (BlankNodeOrIRI) heKnows.getObject();
        System.out.println("Charlie knows " + who);
        for (Triple whoPlays : graph.iterate(who, plays, null)) {
            System.out.println("  who plays " + whoPlays.getObject());

    // Delete previous BlankNode statements
    graph.remove(null, null, someone);
    graph.remove(someone, null, null);

    // no Java variable for the new BlankNode instance
    graph.add(charlie, knows, rdf.createBlankNode("someone"));
    // at any point later (with the same RDF instance)
    graph.add(rdf.createBlankNode("someone"), plays, football);

    for (Triple heKnows : graph.iterate(charlie, knows, null)) {
        if (!(heKnows.getObject() instanceof BlankNodeOrIRI)) {
        BlankNodeOrIRI who = (BlankNodeOrIRI) heKnows.getObject();
        System.out.println("Charlie knows " + who);
        for (Triple whoPlays : graph.iterate(who, plays, null)) {
            System.out.println("  who plays " + whoPlays.getObject());


From source file:example.UserGuideTest.java

public void ntriples() throws Exception {
    IRI iri = factory.createIRI("http://example.com/alice");

    IRI iri2 = factory.createIRI("http://example.com/alice");

    IRI iri3 = factory.createIRI("http://example.com/alice/./");



From source file:org.trellisldp.http.impl.BaseTestHandler.java

protected Stream<Executable> checkLdpType(final Response res, final IRI type) {
    final Set<String> types = HttpUtils.ldpResourceTypes(type).map(IRI::getIRIString).collect(toSet());
    final Set<String> responseTypes = res.getLinks().stream().filter(link -> TYPE.equals(link.getRel()))
            .map(link -> link.getUri().toString()).collect(toSet());
    return of(LDP.Resource, LDP.RDFSource, LDP.NonRDFSource, LDP.Container, LDP.BasicContainer,
            LDP.DirectContainer, LDP.IndirectContainer).map(t -> checkLdpType(types, responseTypes, t));

From source file:org.trellisldp.http.impl.PostHandler.java

 * Create a new resource/*  w  ww.  java  2s. c  o m*/
 * @return the response builder
public ResponseBuilder createResource() {
    final String baseUrl = getBaseUrl();
    final String identifier = baseUrl + req.getPartition() + req.getPath() + id;
    final String contentType = req.getContentType();
    final Session session = ofNullable(req.getSession()).orElseGet(HttpSession::new);

    LOGGER.info("Creating resource as {}", identifier);

    final Optional<RDFSyntax> rdfSyntax = ofNullable(contentType).flatMap(RDFSyntax::byMediaType)

    final IRI defaultType = nonNull(contentType) && !rdfSyntax.isPresent() ? LDP.NonRDFSource : LDP.RDFSource;
    final IRI internalId = rdf.createIRI(TRELLIS_PREFIX + req.getPartition() + req.getPath() + id);

    // Add LDP type (ldp:Resource results in the defaultType)
    final IRI ldpType = ofNullable(req.getLink()).filter(l -> "type".equals(l.getRel())).map(Link::getUri)
            .map(URI::toString).filter(l -> l.startsWith(LDP.URI)).map(rdf::createIRI)
            .filter(l -> !LDP.Resource.equals(l)).orElse(defaultType);

    if (ldpType.equals(LDP.NonRDFSource) && rdfSyntax.isPresent()) {
        return status(BAD_REQUEST).type(TEXT_PLAIN).entity("Cannot save a NonRDFSource with RDF syntax");

    try (final TrellisDataset dataset = TrellisDataset.createDataset()) {

        // Add Audit quads
        audit.ifPresent(svc -> svc.creation(internalId, session).stream()
                .map(skolemizeQuads(resourceService, baseUrl)).forEachOrdered(dataset::add));

        dataset.add(rdf.createQuad(PreferServerManaged, internalId, RDF.type, ldpType));

        // Add user-supplied data
        if (ldpType.equals(LDP.NonRDFSource)) {
            // Check the expected digest value
            final Digest digest = req.getDigest();
            if (nonNull(digest) && !getDigestForEntity(digest).equals(digest.getDigest())) {
                return status(BAD_REQUEST);

            final Map<String, String> metadata = singletonMap(CONTENT_TYPE,
            final IRI binaryLocation = rdf
            dataset.add(rdf.createQuad(PreferServerManaged, internalId, DC.hasPart, binaryLocation));
            dataset.add(rdf.createQuad(PreferServerManaged, binaryLocation, DC.modified,
                    rdf.createLiteral(now().toString(), XSD.dateTime)));
            dataset.add(rdf.createQuad(PreferServerManaged, binaryLocation, DC.format,
            dataset.add(rdf.createQuad(PreferServerManaged, binaryLocation, DC.extent,
                    rdf.createLiteral(Long.toString(entity.length()), XSD.long_)));

            // Persist the content
            persistContent(binaryLocation, metadata);
        } else {
            readEntityIntoDataset(identifier, baseUrl, PreferUserManaged, rdfSyntax.orElse(TURTLE), dataset);

            // Check for any constraints
            checkConstraint(dataset, PreferUserManaged, ldpType, TRELLIS_PREFIX + req.getPartition(),

        if (resourceService.put(internalId, dataset.asDataset())) {
            final ResponseBuilder builder = status(CREATED).location(create(identifier));

            // Add LDP types
            ldpResourceTypes(ldpType).map(IRI::getIRIString).forEach(type -> builder.link(type, "type"));

            return builder;

    LOGGER.error("Unable to persist data to location at {}", internalId.getIRIString());
    return serverError().type(TEXT_PLAIN)
            .entity("Unable to persist data. Please consult the logs for more information");