Example usage for org.apache.commons.scxml.model TransitionTarget getTransitionsList

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.scxml.model TransitionTarget getTransitionsList


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.scxml.model TransitionTarget getTransitionsList.


public final List<Transition> getTransitionsList() 

Source Link


Get the outgoing transitions for this state as a java.util.List.


From source file:alma.acs.nc.sm.generic.AcsScxmlEngine.java

 * Gets the signals that would trigger transitions for the current state.
 * <p>/*w ww.jav  a2 s . co m*/
 * When actually sending such signals later on, the SM may have moved to a different state.
 * To prevent this, you can synchronize on this AcsScxmlEngine, which will block concurrent calls to {@link #fireSignal(Enum)}.
 * <p>
 * This method can be useful for displaying applicable signals in a GUI,
 * or to reject signals (with exception etc) that do not "fit" the current state
 * (while normally such signals would be silently ignored). 
 * The latter gets used in {@link #fireSignalWithErrorFeedback(Enum)}.
 * @see org.apache.commons.scxml.semantics.SCXMLSemanticsImpl#enumerateReachableTransitions(SCXML, Step, ErrorReporter)
public synchronized Set<S> getApplicableSignals() {
    Set<String> events = new HashSet<String>();

    Set<TransitionTarget> stateSet = new HashSet<TransitionTarget>(exec.getCurrentStatus().getStates());
    LinkedList<TransitionTarget> todoList = new LinkedList<TransitionTarget>(stateSet);

    while (!todoList.isEmpty()) {
        TransitionTarget tt = todoList.removeFirst();
        List<Transition> transitions = tt.getTransitionsList();
        for (Transition t : transitions) {
            String event = t.getEvent();
        TransitionTarget parentTT = tt.getParent();
        if (parentTT != null && !stateSet.contains(parentTT)) {

    // convert signal names to enum constants
    Set<S> ret = new HashSet<S>();
    for (String signalName : events) {
        S signal = Enum.valueOf(signalType, signalName);
    return ret;

From source file:de.dfki.iui.mmds.scxml.engine.impl.SCXMLEngineImpl.java

public List<String> getAvailableEvents() {

    Set<TransitionTarget> states = engine.getCurrentStatus().getAllStates();
    // logInfo("found states: " + states.size());
    Set<Transition> transitions = new HashSet<Transition>();

    for (TransitionTarget state : states) {
        // logInfo("found state: " + state.getId());
    }/*from   w w w .j  a v a 2  s  . c o m*/

    List<String> events = new LinkedList<String>();
    for (Transition t : transitions) {
        // System.out.println("Available event: " + t.getEvent());
        if (t.getEvent() != null) {

    return events;

From source file:de.dfki.iui.mmds.scxml.engine.impl.SCXMLEngineImpl.java

public Map<String, Map<String, List<Object[]>>> getAvailableEventsStates() {
    Map<String, Map<String, List<Object[]>>> eventsStates = new HashMap<String, Map<String, List<Object[]>>>();
    if (engine.getCurrentStatus().isFinal())
        // stop the interpretation by sending an empty config/available
        // event states
        return eventsStates;

    String event, id;//from  w  w  w  . j  av  a  2s .  c  o  m
    Map<String, List<Object[]>> states;
    Map<String, Object> vars, rootVars;
    List<Object[]> state;
    int pos;
    SCInstance sci = engine.getSCInstance();
    Set<String> datas;

    for (TransitionTarget tt : engine.getCurrentStatus().getAllStates()) {
        id = tt.getId();
        pos = 0;
        for (Transition t : tt.getTransitionsList()) {
            event = t.getEvent();
            event = (event != null || engine.isSuperStep()) ? event : TriggerEvent.EMPTY_EVENT;
            if (event != null) {
                // 1. add all events to the configuration
                if (!eventsStates.containsKey(event)) {
                    eventsStates.put(event, new HashMap<String, List<Object[]>>());

                // 2. add all active source states to the config
                states = eventsStates.get(event);
                if (!states.containsKey(id)) {
                    states.put(id, new LinkedList<Object[]>());

                // 3. add the transition condition to the config
                state = states.get(id);

                 * the following 4 values in the Object array indicate: i)
                 * the position of the transition ii) the condition of the
                 * transition iii) that the evaluation of the transition's
                 * condition is not performed in the last step, i.e. it is
                 * 'UNKNOWN' // * iii) that the transition condition was not
                 * changed in the last step, i.e. no dynamical change and
                 * this is not a 'refresh' event
                state.add(new Object[] { pos, t.getCond() == null ? "" : t.getCond(), -1 });

                // 4. add all contexts to the config
                vars = new HashMap<String, Object>();
                while (tt != null) {
                    tt = tt.getParent();
                rootVars = sci.getRootContext().getVars();
                if (rootVars != null) {

                // to skip double entries the names of all datas in the
                // state config are needed
                // the following set/for-loop could be removed if the used
                // list would check double occurrences itself -> exchange
                // LinkedList by something else
                datas = new HashSet<String>();
                for (Object[] data : state) {
                    if (data[0] instanceof String) {
                        datas.add((String) data[0]);
                for (Entry<String, Object> e : vars.entrySet()) {
                     * the following 3 values in the Object array indicate:
                     * i) the name of the data ii) the current value of the
                     * data iii) that the data value was not changed in the
                     * last step, i.e. no dynamical change and this is not a
                     * 'refresh' event
                    if (!datas.contains(e.getKey())) {
                        state.add(new Object[] { e.getKey(), e.getValue(), false });
    return eventsStates;

From source file:de.dfki.iui.mmds.scxml.engine.impl.SCXMLEngineImpl.java

 * Instantiate and initialize the underlying executor instance.
 * /*w  ww . j  av  a  2  s .  c o m*/
 * @param stateMachine
 *            The state machine
 * @param topicInfix
 * @param rootCtx
 *            The root context
 * @param evaluator
 *            The expression evaluator
 * @param dispatcher
private void initialize(final SCXML stateMachine, String idSuffix, final Context rootCtx,
        final Evaluator evaluator, EventDispatcher dispatcher, final ErrorReporter errorReporter) {
    engine = new SCXMLExecutor(evaluator, dispatcher, new SimpleErrorReporter());
    engine.addListener(stateMachine, new EntryListener());
    engine.registerInvokerClass("scxml", SimpleSCXMLInvoker.class);

    // engine.registerInvokerClass("grounding", GroundingInvoker.class);

    // setId(stateMachine.getId());
    String topicId = stateMachine.getId() + idSuffix;
    EventHandler handler = new EventHandler() {

        public void handleEvent(Event event) {
            if (event instanceof SCXMLEventFiredEvent) {
                // logInfo( "Scxml event 'SCXMLEventFiredEvent' received!"
                // );
                fireEvent(((SCXMLEventFiredEvent) event).getEvent(), null);
    serviceRegs.add(SCXMLEngineActivator.registerEventHandler(handler, SCXMLEventFiredEvent.getTopic(topicId)));

    // One event handler to listen for macro/micro step instructions
    handler = new EventHandler() {
        public void handleEvent(Event event) {
            // logInfo( "Scxml event 'SCXMLMacroMicroStepEvent' received!"
            // );
            String ev = ((SCXMLMacroMicroStepEvent) event).getEvent();
            if (ev == null) {
            } else {
                fireEvent(ev, null);
            SCXMLMacroMicroStepEvent.getTopic(topicId, SCXMLMacroMicroStepEvent.TOPIC_SUFFIX_MACRO)));
            SCXMLMacroMicroStepEvent.getTopic(topicId, SCXMLMacroMicroStepEvent.TOPIC_SUFFIX_MICRO)));

    // a handler for the transition cond evaluation/change events
    handler = new EventHandler() {

        public Transition findTransition(SCXMLTransitionEvent ev) {
            String stateId = ev.getStateId();
            for (TransitionTarget tt : engine.getCurrentStatus().getAllStates()) {
                if (tt.getId().equals(stateId)) {
                    try {
                        // the state is found, now take a look at the
                        // transitions
                        return tt.getTransitionsList().get(ev.getTransPos());
                    } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
            return null;

        public void handleEvent(Event event) {
            if (SCXMLTransitionEvent.isEvalTransitionCondEvent(event)) {
                // logInfo( "Scxml event 'SCXMLTransitionEvent' received!"
                // );
                SCXMLTransitionEvent ev = (SCXMLTransitionEvent) event;
                Transition t = findTransition(ev);
                if (t != null) {
                    try {
                        String cond = t.getCond();
                        boolean evalResult = engine.getEvaluator()
                                .evalCond(engine.getSCInstance().getContext(t.getParent()), cond);

                        // now send the complete current state
                        Map<String, Map<String, List<Object[]>>> currentState = getAvailableEventsStates();
                        for (Map<String, List<Object[]>> evVal : currentState.values()) {
                            for (List<Object[]> stateVal : evVal.values()) {
                                for (Object[] values : stateVal) {
                                    if (values[0] instanceof Integer && values[1].equals(cond)) {
                                        // set the evaluation result
                                        values[2] = evalResult ? 1 : 0;
                        // logInfo( "Send 'Active states'" );
                        SCXMLEngineActivator.sendActiveStates(id, getActiveStates(), getAllActiveStates());
                        // logInfo( "Send 'Scxml state'" );
                        SCXMLEngineActivator.sendScxmlState(id, State.IDLE, currentState);
                    } catch (SCXMLExpressionException e) {
            } else if (SCXMLChangeTransitionCondEvent.isChangeTransitionCondEvent(event)) {
                // logInfo(
                // "Scxml event 'SCXMLChangeTransitionCondEvent' received!"
                // );
                SCXMLChangeTransitionCondEvent ev = (SCXMLChangeTransitionCondEvent) event;
                Transition t = findTransition(ev);
                if (t != null) {
            SCXMLTransitionEvent.getTopic(topicId, SCXMLTransitionEvent.Sort.COND)));

    // a handler for the change of data values
    handler = new EventHandler() {

        public void handleEvent(Event event) {
            if (event instanceof SCXMLChangeDataValueEvent) {
                // logInfo(
                // "Scxml event 'SCXMLChangeDataValueEvent' received!" );
                SCXMLChangeDataValueEvent ev = (SCXMLChangeDataValueEvent) event;
                String stateId = ev.getStateId();
                for (TransitionTarget tt : engine.getCurrentStatus().getAllStates()) {
                    if (tt.getId().equals(stateId)) {
                        try {
                            // here comes a 'silent' change of the content,
                            // i.e. there is no event 'dataId.change' sent
                            Context ctxt = engine.getSCInstance().getContext(tt);
                            Object result = engine.getEvaluator().eval(ctxt, ev.getValueScript());
                            String dataId = ev.getDataId();
                            ctxt.set(dataId, result);

                            // now send the complete current state
                            Map<String, Map<String, List<Object[]>>> currentState = getAvailableEventsStates();
                            for (Map<String, List<Object[]>> val : currentState.values()) {
                                for (List<Object[]> state : val.values()) {
                                    for (Object[] values : state) {
                                        if (values[0].equals(dataId)) {
                                            // indicate that the value
                                            // changed
                                            values[2] = true;

                            // logInfo( "Send 'Active states'" );
                            SCXMLEngineActivator.sendActiveStates(id, getActiveStates(), getAllActiveStates());
                            // logInfo( "Send 'Scxml state'" );
                            SCXMLEngineActivator.sendScxmlState(id, State.IDLE, currentState);

                        } catch (SCXMLExpressionException e) {
            SCXMLEngineActivator.registerEventHandler(handler, SCXMLChangeDataValueEvent.getTopic(topicId)));

From source file:org.finra.datagenerator.engine.negscxml.NegSCXMLCommons.java

 * For a given state in the state chart, every transition out from that state is checked against every possible
 * variable assignment; those combinations satisfying the transition condition are added to the bootstrap list
 * @param nextState         the state whose transitions are checked and which was
 *                          expanded to get the variable assignments
 * @param product           a list of variable assignment maps
 * @param negativeVariables the variables with a negative value, or an empty set
 * @param bootStrap         the bootstrap list
 *//*from  w ww .ja  v a 2s  .  c  o m*/
public void checkTransitions(TransitionTarget nextState, List<Map<String, String>> product,
        Set<String> negativeVariables, List<NegPossibleState> bootStrap) {
    //go through every transition and see which of the products are valid, adding them to the list
    List<Transition> transitions = nextState.getTransitionsList();

    for (Transition transition : transitions) {
        String condition = transition.getCond();
        TransitionTarget target = ((List<TransitionTarget>) transition.getTargets()).get(0);

        for (Map<String, String> p : product) {
            //transition condition satisfied, add to bootstrap list
            if (checkTransition(p, condition, negativeVariables)) {
                NegPossibleState result = new NegPossibleState(target, p, negativeVariables);

From source file:org.finra.datagenerator.engine.scxml.SCXMLEngine.java

 * Performs a partial BFS on model until the search frontier reaches the desired bootstrap size
 * @param min the desired bootstrap size
 * @return a list of found PossibleState
 * @throws ModelException if the desired bootstrap can not be reached
 *///  w w w.j a v a 2 s. c  om
public List<PossibleState> bfs(int min) throws ModelException {
    List<PossibleState> bootStrap = new LinkedList<>();

    TransitionTarget initial = model.getInitialTarget();
    PossibleState initialState = new PossibleState(initial, fillInitialVariables());

    while (bootStrap.size() < min) {
        PossibleState state = bootStrap.remove(0);
        TransitionTarget nextState = state.nextState;

        if (nextState.getId().equalsIgnoreCase("end")) {
            throw new ModelException("Could not achieve required bootstrap without reaching end state");

        //run every action in series
        List<Map<String, String>> product = new LinkedList<>();
        product.add(new HashMap<>(state.variables));

        OnEntry entry = nextState.getOnEntry();
        List<Action> actions = entry.getActions();

        for (Action action : actions) {
            for (CustomTagExtension tagExtension : tagExtensionList) {
                if (tagExtension.getTagActionClass().isInstance(action)) {
                    product = tagExtension.pipelinePossibleStates(action, product);

        //go through every transition and see which of the products are valid, adding them to the list
        List<Transition> transitions = nextState.getTransitionsList();

        for (Transition transition : transitions) {
            String condition = transition.getCond();
            TransitionTarget target = ((List<TransitionTarget>) transition.getTargets()).get(0);

            for (Map<String, String> p : product) {
                Boolean pass;

                if (condition == null) {
                    pass = true;
                } else {
                    //scrub the context clean so we may use it to evaluate transition conditional
                    Context context = this.getRootContext();

                    //set up new context
                    for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : p.entrySet()) {
                        context.set(e.getKey(), e.getValue());

                    //evaluate condition
                    try {
                        pass = (Boolean) this.getEvaluator().eval(context, condition);
                    } catch (SCXMLExpressionException ex) {
                        pass = false;

                //transition condition satisfied, add to bootstrap list
                if (pass) {
                    PossibleState result = new PossibleState(target, p);

    return bootStrap;

From source file:org.finra.datagenerator.engine.scxml.SCXMLFrontier.java

private void dfs(ProcessingStrategy processingStrategy, AtomicBoolean flag, PossibleState state) {
    if (flag.get()) {
        return;/*from   www  .j  a va  2s. com*/

    TransitionTarget nextState = state.nextState;

    //reached end of chart, valid assignment found
    if (nextState.getId().equalsIgnoreCase("end")) {


    //run every action in series
    List<Map<String, String>> product = new LinkedList<>();
    product.add(new HashMap<>(state.variables));

    OnEntry entry = nextState.getOnEntry();
    List<Action> actions = entry.getActions();

    for (Action action : actions) {
        for (CustomTagExtension tagExtension : tagExtensionList) {
            if (tagExtension.getTagActionClass().isInstance(action)) {
                product = tagExtension.pipelinePossibleStates(action, product);

    //go through every transition and see which of the products are valid, recursive searching on them
    List<Transition> transitions = nextState.getTransitionsList();

    for (Transition transition : transitions) {
        String condition = transition.getCond();
        TransitionTarget target = ((List<TransitionTarget>) transition.getTargets()).get(0);

        for (Map<String, String> p : product) {
            Boolean pass;

            if (condition == null) {
                pass = true;
            } else {
                //scrub the context clean so we may use it to evaluate transition conditional
                Context context = this.getRootContext();

                //set up new context
                for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : p.entrySet()) {
                    context.set(e.getKey(), e.getValue());

                //evaluate condition
                try {
                    pass = (Boolean) this.getEvaluator().eval(context, condition);
                } catch (SCXMLExpressionException ex) {
                    pass = false;

            //transition condition satisfied, continue search recursively
            if (pass) {
                PossibleState result = new PossibleState(target, p);
                dfs(processingStrategy, flag, result);