Example usage for org.apache.cordova CordovaResourceApi openOutputStream

List of usage examples for org.apache.cordova CordovaResourceApi openOutputStream


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.cordova CordovaResourceApi openOutputStream.


public OutputStream openOutputStream(Uri uri) throws IOException 

Source Link


From source file:com.adobe.phonegap.contentsync.Sync.java

License:Apache License

private boolean download(final String source, final File file, final JSONObject headers,
        final ProgressEvent progress, final CallbackContext callbackContext, final boolean trustEveryone) {
    Log.d(LOG_TAG, "download " + source);

    if (!Patterns.WEB_URL.matcher(source).matches()) {
        sendErrorMessage("Invalid URL", INVALID_URL_ERROR, callbackContext);
        return false;
    }//from w  w w. j a va2 s.  c o m

    final CordovaResourceApi resourceApi = webView.getResourceApi();
    final Uri sourceUri = resourceApi.remapUri(Uri.parse(source));

    int uriType = CordovaResourceApi.getUriType(sourceUri);
    final boolean useHttps = uriType == CordovaResourceApi.URI_TYPE_HTTPS;
    final boolean isLocalTransfer = !useHttps && uriType != CordovaResourceApi.URI_TYPE_HTTP;

    synchronized (progress) {
        if (progress.isAborted()) {
            return false;
    HttpURLConnection connection = null;
    HostnameVerifier oldHostnameVerifier = null;
    SSLSocketFactory oldSocketFactory = null;
    PluginResult result = null;
    TrackingInputStream inputStream = null;
    boolean cached = false;
    boolean retval = true;

    OutputStream outputStream = null;
    try {
        OpenForReadResult readResult = null;
        final Uri targetUri = resourceApi.remapUri(Uri.fromFile(file));


        Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Download file: " + sourceUri);
        Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Target file: " + file);
        Log.d(LOG_TAG, "size = " + file.length());

        if (isLocalTransfer) {
            readResult = resourceApi.openForRead(sourceUri);
            if (readResult.length != -1) {
            inputStream = new SimpleTrackingInputStream(readResult.inputStream);
        } else {
            // connect to server
            // Open a HTTP connection to the URL based on protocol
            connection = resourceApi.createHttpConnection(sourceUri);
            if (useHttps && trustEveryone) {
                // Setup the HTTPS connection class to trust everyone
                HttpsURLConnection https = (HttpsURLConnection) connection;
                oldSocketFactory = trustAllHosts(https);
                // Save the current hostnameVerifier
                oldHostnameVerifier = https.getHostnameVerifier();
                // Setup the connection not to verify hostnames


            // TODO: Make OkHttp use this CookieManager by default.
            String cookie = getCookies(sourceUri.toString());

            if (cookie != null) {
                connection.setRequestProperty("cookie", cookie);

            // This must be explicitly set for gzip progress tracking to work.
            connection.setRequestProperty("Accept-Encoding", "gzip");

            // Handle the other headers
            if (headers != null) {
                addHeadersToRequest(connection, headers);

            if (connection.getResponseCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED) {
                cached = true;
                sendErrorMessage("Resource not modified: " + source, CONNECTION_ERROR, callbackContext,
                retval = false;
                return retval;
            } else {
                if (connection.getContentEncoding() == null
                        || connection.getContentEncoding().equalsIgnoreCase("gzip")) {
                    // Only trust content-length header if we understand
                    // the encoding -- identity or gzip
                    int connectionLength = connection.getContentLength();
                    if (connectionLength != -1) {
                        if (connectionLength > getFreeSpace()) {
                            cached = true;
                            sendErrorMessage("Not enough free space to download", CONNECTION_ERROR,
                                    callbackContext, connection.getResponseCode());
                            retval = false;
                            return retval;
                        } else {
                inputStream = getInputStream(connection);

        if (!cached) {
            try {
                synchronized (progress) {
                    if (progress.isAborted()) {
                        retval = false;
                        return retval;
                    //progress.connection = connection;

                // write bytes to file
                byte[] buffer = new byte[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE];
                int bytesRead = 0;
                outputStream = resourceApi.openOutputStream(targetUri);
                while ((bytesRead = inputStream.read(buffer)) > 0) {
                    synchronized (progress) {
                        if (progress.isAborted()) {
                            retval = false;
                            return retval;
                    Log.d(LOG_TAG, "bytes read = " + bytesRead);
                    outputStream.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
                    // Send a progress event.

                    updateProgress(callbackContext, progress);
            } finally {
                synchronized (progress) {
                    //progress.connection = null;

    } catch (Throwable e) {
        try {
            retval = false;
            sendErrorMessage(e.getLocalizedMessage(), CONNECTION_ERROR, callbackContext,
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
    } finally {
        if (connection != null) {
            // Revert back to the proper verifier and socket factories
            if (trustEveryone && useHttps) {
                HttpsURLConnection https = (HttpsURLConnection) connection;

    return retval;

From source file:com.filetransfer.baidu.bcs.FileTransferBCS.java

License:Apache License

 * Downloads a file form a given URL and saves it to the specified directory.
 * @param source        URL of the server to receive the file
 * @param target            Full path of the file on the file system
 *//*  w w  w.ja  v  a 2s.  c  o  m*/
private void download(final String source, final String target, JSONArray args, CallbackContext callbackContext)
        throws JSONException {
    Log.d(LOG_TAG, "download " + source + " to " + target);

    final CordovaResourceApi resourceApi = webView.getResourceApi();

    final boolean trustEveryone = args.optBoolean(2);
    final String objectId = args.getString(3);
    final JSONObject headers = args.optJSONObject(4);

    final Uri sourceUri = resourceApi.remapUri(Uri.parse(source));
    // Accept a path or a URI for the source.
    Uri tmpTarget = Uri.parse(target);
    final Uri targetUri = resourceApi
            .remapUri(tmpTarget.getScheme() != null ? tmpTarget : Uri.fromFile(new File(target)));

    int uriType = CordovaResourceApi.getUriType(sourceUri);
    final boolean useHttps = uriType == CordovaResourceApi.URI_TYPE_HTTPS;
    final boolean isLocalTransfer = !useHttps && uriType != CordovaResourceApi.URI_TYPE_HTTP;
    if (uriType == CordovaResourceApi.URI_TYPE_UNKNOWN) {
        JSONObject error = createFileTransferError(INVALID_URL_ERR, source, target, null, 0, null);
        Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Unsupported URI: " + targetUri);
        callbackContext.sendPluginResult(new PluginResult(PluginResult.Status.IO_EXCEPTION, error));

    // TODO: refactor to also allow resources & content:
    if (!isLocalTransfer) {
        Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Source URL is not in white list: '" + source + "'");
        JSONObject error = createFileTransferError(CONNECTION_ERR, source, target, null, 401, null);
        callbackContext.sendPluginResult(new PluginResult(PluginResult.Status.IO_EXCEPTION, error));

    final RequestContext context = new RequestContext(source, target, callbackContext);
    synchronized (activeRequests) {
        activeRequests.put(objectId, context);

    cordova.getThreadPool().execute(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            if (context.aborted) {
            HttpURLConnection connection = null;
            HostnameVerifier oldHostnameVerifier = null;
            SSLSocketFactory oldSocketFactory = null;
            File file = null;
            PluginResult result = null;
            TrackingInputStream inputStream = null;
            boolean cached = false;

            OutputStream outputStream = null;
            try {
                OpenForReadResult readResult = null;

                file = resourceApi.mapUriToFile(targetUri);
                context.targetFile = file;

                Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Download file:" + sourceUri);

                FileProgressBCSResult progress = new FileProgressBCSResult();

                if (isLocalTransfer) {
                    readResult = resourceApi.openForRead(sourceUri);
                    if (readResult.length != -1) {
                    inputStream = new SimpleTrackingInputStream(readResult.inputStream);
                } else {
                    // connect to server
                    // Open a HTTP connection to the URL based on protocol
                    connection = resourceApi.createHttpConnection(sourceUri);
                    if (useHttps && trustEveryone) {
                        // Setup the HTTPS connection class to trust everyone
                        HttpsURLConnection https = (HttpsURLConnection) connection;
                        oldSocketFactory = trustAllHosts(https);
                        // Save the current hostnameVerifier
                        oldHostnameVerifier = https.getHostnameVerifier();
                        // Setup the connection not to verify hostnames


                    // TODO: Make OkHttp use this CookieManager by default.
                    String cookie = CookieManager.getInstance().getCookie(sourceUri.toString());
                    if (cookie != null) {
                        connection.setRequestProperty("cookie", cookie);

                    // This must be explicitly set for gzip progress tracking to work.
                    connection.setRequestProperty("Accept-Encoding", "gzip");

                    // Handle the other headers
                    if (headers != null) {
                        addHeadersToRequest(connection, headers);

                    if (connection.getResponseCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED) {
                        cached = true;
                        Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Resource not modified: " + source);
                        JSONObject error = createFileTransferError(NOT_MODIFIED_ERR, source, target, connection,
                        result = new PluginResult(PluginResult.Status.ERROR, error);
                    } else {
                        if (connection.getContentEncoding() == null
                                || connection.getContentEncoding().equalsIgnoreCase("gzip")) {
                            // Only trust content-length header if we understand
                            // the encoding -- identity or gzip
                            if (connection.getContentLength() != -1) {
                        inputStream = getInputStream(connection);

                if (!cached) {
                    try {
                        synchronized (context) {
                            if (context.aborted) {
                            context.connection = connection;

                        // write bytes to file
                        byte[] buffer = new byte[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE];
                        int bytesRead = 0;
                        outputStream = resourceApi.openOutputStream(targetUri);
                        while ((bytesRead = inputStream.read(buffer)) > 0) {
                            outputStream.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
                            // Send a progress event.
                            PluginResult progressResult = new PluginResult(PluginResult.Status.OK,
                    } finally {
                        synchronized (context) {
                            context.connection = null;

                    Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Saved file: " + target);

                    // create FileEntry object
                    Class webViewClass = webView.getClass();
                    PluginManager pm = null;
                    try {
                        Method gpm = webViewClass.getMethod("getPluginManager");
                        pm = (PluginManager) gpm.invoke(webView);
                    } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
                    } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
                    } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
                    if (pm == null) {
                        try {
                            Field pmf = webViewClass.getField("pluginManager");
                            pm = (PluginManager) pmf.get(webView);
                        } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
                        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
                    file = resourceApi.mapUriToFile(targetUri);
                    context.targetFile = file;
                    FileUtils filePlugin = (FileUtils) pm.getPlugin("File");
                    if (filePlugin != null) {
                        JSONObject fileEntry = filePlugin.getEntryForFile(file);
                        if (fileEntry != null) {
                            result = new PluginResult(PluginResult.Status.OK, fileEntry);
                        } else {
                            JSONObject error = createFileTransferError(CONNECTION_ERR, source, target,
                                    connection, null);
                            Log.e(LOG_TAG, "File plugin cannot represent download path");
                            result = new PluginResult(PluginResult.Status.IO_EXCEPTION, error);
                    } else {
                        Log.e(LOG_TAG, "File plugin not found; cannot save downloaded file");
                        result = new PluginResult(PluginResult.Status.ERROR,
                                "File plugin not found; cannot save downloaded file");

            } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
                JSONObject error = createFileTransferError(FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERR, source, target, connection, e);
                Log.e(LOG_TAG, error.toString(), e);
                result = new PluginResult(PluginResult.Status.IO_EXCEPTION, error);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                JSONObject error = createFileTransferError(CONNECTION_ERR, source, target, connection, e);
                Log.e(LOG_TAG, error.toString(), e);
                result = new PluginResult(PluginResult.Status.IO_EXCEPTION, error);
            } catch (JSONException e) {
                Log.e(LOG_TAG, e.getMessage(), e);
                result = new PluginResult(PluginResult.Status.JSON_EXCEPTION);
            } catch (Throwable e) {
                JSONObject error = createFileTransferError(CONNECTION_ERR, source, target, connection, e);
                Log.e(LOG_TAG, error.toString(), e);
                result = new PluginResult(PluginResult.Status.IO_EXCEPTION, error);
            } finally {
                synchronized (activeRequests) {

                if (connection != null) {
                    // Revert back to the proper verifier and socket factories
                    if (trustEveryone && useHttps) {
                        HttpsURLConnection https = (HttpsURLConnection) connection;

                if (result == null) {
                    result = new PluginResult(PluginResult.Status.ERROR,
                            createFileTransferError(CONNECTION_ERR, source, target, connection, null));
                // Remove incomplete download.
                if (!cached && result.getStatus() != PluginResult.Status.OK.ordinal() && file != null) {