Example usage for org.apache.hadoop.fs FileContext getDelegationTokens

List of usage examples for org.apache.hadoop.fs FileContext getDelegationTokens


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.hadoop.fs FileContext getDelegationTokens.


@InterfaceAudience.LimitedPrivate({ "HDFS", "MapReduce" })
public List<Token<?>> getDelegationTokens(Path p, String renewer) throws IOException 

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Get delegation tokens for the file systems accessed for a given path.


From source file:org.apache.twill.internal.yarn.YarnUtils.java

License:Apache License

 * Helper method to get delegation tokens for the given LocationFactory.
 * @param config The hadoop configuration.
 * @param locationFactory The LocationFactory for generating tokens.
 * @param credentials Credentials for storing tokens acquired.
 * @return List of delegation Tokens acquired.
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public static List<Token<?>> addDelegationTokens(Configuration config, LocationFactory locationFactory,
        Credentials credentials) throws IOException {
    if (!UserGroupInformation.isSecurityEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("Security is not enabled");
        return ImmutableList.of();

    LocationFactory factory = unwrap(locationFactory);
    String renewer = getYarnTokenRenewer(config);
    List<Token<?>> tokens = ImmutableList.of();

    if (factory instanceof HDFSLocationFactory) {
        FileSystem fs = ((HDFSLocationFactory) factory).getFileSystem();
        Token<?>[] fsTokens = fs.addDelegationTokens(renewer, credentials);
        if (fsTokens != null) {
            tokens = ImmutableList.copyOf(fsTokens);
    } else if (factory instanceof FileContextLocationFactory) {
        FileContext fc = ((FileContextLocationFactory) locationFactory).getFileContext();
        tokens = fc.getDelegationTokens(new Path(locationFactory.create("/").toURI()), renewer);

    for (Token<?> token : tokens) {
        credentials.addToken(token.getService(), token);

    return ImmutableList.copyOf(tokens);