Example usage for org.apache.hadoop.fs FileContext util

List of usage examples for org.apache.hadoop.fs FileContext util


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.hadoop.fs FileContext util.


Util util

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From source file:com.datatorrent.common.util.AsyncFSStorageAgentTest.java

License:Apache License

public void testDelete() throws IOException {
    testLoad();//w ww  .  ja  v  a 2 s .  co  m
    testMeta.storageAgent.delete(1, 1);
    Path appPath = new Path(testMeta.applicationPath);
    FileContext fileContext = FileContext.getFileContext();
    Assert.assertTrue("operator 2 window 1", fileContext.util().exists(new Path(appPath + "/" + 2 + "/" + 1)));
    Assert.assertFalse("operator 1 window 1", fileContext.util().exists(new Path(appPath + "/" + 1 + "/" + 1)));

From source file:com.datatorrent.common.util.FSStorageAgentTest.java

License:Apache License

public void testDelete() throws IOException {
    testLoad();/*from  ww  w  . j a v a  2s  .  c o m*/

    testMeta.storageAgent.delete(1, 1);
    Path appPath = new Path(testMeta.applicationPath);
    FileContext fileContext = FileContext.getFileContext();
    Assert.assertTrue("operator 2 window 1", fileContext.util().exists(new Path(appPath + "/" + 2 + "/" + 1)));
    Assert.assertFalse("operator 1 window 1", fileContext.util().exists(new Path(appPath + "/" + 1 + "/" + 1)));

From source file:com.datatorrent.stram.FSRecoveryHandler.java

License:Apache License

public Object restore() throws IOException {
    FileContext fc = FileContext.getFileContext(fs.getUri());

    // recover from wherever it was left
    if (fc.util().exists(snapshotBackupPath)) {
        LOG.warn("Incomplete checkpoint, reverting to {}", snapshotBackupPath);
        fc.rename(snapshotBackupPath, snapshotPath, Rename.OVERWRITE);

        // combine logs (w/o append, create new file)
        Path tmpLogPath = new Path(basedir, "log.combined");
        FSDataOutputStream fsOut = fc.create(tmpLogPath, EnumSet.of(CreateFlag.CREATE, CreateFlag.OVERWRITE));
        try {//  w  w w  .ja va  2s .c  o m
            FSDataInputStream fsIn = fc.open(logBackupPath);
            try {
                IOUtils.copy(fsIn, fsOut);
            } finally {

            fsIn = fc.open(logPath);
            try {
                IOUtils.copy(fsIn, fsOut);
            } finally {
        } finally {

        fc.rename(tmpLogPath, logPath, Rename.OVERWRITE);
        fc.delete(logBackupPath, false);
    } else {
        // we have log backup, but no checkpoint backup
        // failure between log rotation and writing checkpoint
        if (fc.util().exists(logBackupPath)) {
            LOG.warn("Found {}, did checkpointing fail?", logBackupPath);
            fc.rename(logBackupPath, logPath, Rename.OVERWRITE);

    if (!fc.util().exists(snapshotPath)) {
        LOG.debug("No existing checkpoint.");
        return null;

    LOG.debug("Reading checkpoint {}", snapshotPath);
    InputStream is = fc.open(snapshotPath);
    // indeterministic class loading behavior
    // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9110677/readresolve-not-working-an-instance-of-guavas-serializedform-appears
    final ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
    ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(is) {
        protected Class<?> resolveClass(ObjectStreamClass objectStreamClass)
                throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
            return Class.forName(objectStreamClass.getName(), true, loader);
    //ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(is);
    try {
        return ois.readObject();
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
        throw new IOException("Failed to read checkpointed state", cnfe);
    } finally {

From source file:com.ikanow.aleph2.analytics.hadoop.services.BeJobLauncher.java

License:Open Source License

/** Cache the system and user classpaths
 * @param job//w w  w .ja va2 s.  co m
 * @param context
 * @throws IOException 
 * @throws ExecutionException 
 * @throws InterruptedException 
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException 
protected static void cacheJars(final Job job, final DataBucketBean bucket, final IAnalyticsContext context)
        throws IllegalArgumentException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException, IOException {
    final FileContext fc = context.getServiceContext().getStorageService()
            .getUnderlyingPlatformDriver(FileContext.class, Optional.empty()).get();
    final String rootPath = context.getServiceContext().getStorageService().getRootPath();

    // Aleph2 libraries: need to cache them
    context.getAnalyticsContextLibraries(Optional.empty()).stream().map(f -> new File(f))
            .map(f -> Tuples._2T(f, new Path(rootPath + "/" + f.getName()))).map(Lambdas.wrap_u(f_p -> {
                final FileStatus fs = Lambdas.get(() -> {
                    try {
                        return fc.getFileStatus(f_p._2());
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        return null;
                if (null == fs) { //cache doesn't exist
                    // Local version
                    Path srcPath = FileContext.getLocalFSFileContext()
                            .makeQualified(new Path(f_p._1().toString()));
                    fc.util().copy(srcPath, f_p._2());
                return f_p._2();
            })).forEach(Lambdas.wrap_consumer_u(path -> job.addFileToClassPath(path)));

    // User libraries: this is slightly easier since one of the 2 keys
    // is the HDFS path (the other is the _id)
    context.getAnalyticsLibraries(Optional.of(bucket), bucket.analytic_thread().jobs()).get().entrySet()
            .stream().map(kv -> kv.getKey()).filter(path -> path.startsWith(rootPath))
            .forEach(Lambdas.wrap_consumer_u(path -> job.addFileToClassPath(new Path(path))));

From source file:com.ikanow.aleph2.analytics.services.AnalyticsContext.java

License:Apache License

public List<String> getInputPaths(final Optional<DataBucketBean> bucket, final AnalyticThreadJobBean job,
        final AnalyticThreadJobInputBean job_input) {

    final DataBucketBean my_bucket = bucket.orElseGet(() -> _mutable_state.bucket.get());

    final AuthorizationBean auth_bean = new AuthorizationBean(my_bucket.owner_id());
    final ICrudService<DataBucketBean> secured_bucket_crud = _core_management_db.readOnlyVersion()
            .getDataBucketStore().secured(_service_context, auth_bean);

    return Optional.of(job_input).filter(i -> null != i.data_service())
            .filter(i -> "batch".equalsIgnoreCase(i.data_service())
                    || DataSchemaBean.StorageSchemaBean.name.equalsIgnoreCase(i.data_service()))
            .map(Lambdas.wrap_u(i -> {
                if ("batch".equalsIgnoreCase(i.data_service())) {
                    final String[] bucket_subchannel = Lambdas.<String, String[]>wrap_u(s -> {

                        // 1) If the resource starts with "/" then must point to an intermediate batch result of an external bucket
                        // 2) If the resource is a pointer then

                        if (s.startsWith("/")) { //1.*
                            if (s.endsWith(":")) {
                                return new String[] { s.substring(0, s.length() - 1), "" }; // (1.2a)
                            } else {
                                final String[] b_sc = s.split(":");
                                if (1 == b_sc.length) {
                                    return new String[] { my_bucket.full_name(), "" };
                                } else {
                                    return b_sc; //(1.1)
                                }// w ww  .jav a2 s  . c o  m
                        } else { //2.*
                            return new String[] { my_bucket.full_name(), s };

                    final Optional<DataBucketBean> bucket_to_check = Lambdas.get(Lambdas.wrap_u(() -> {
                        if (bucket_subchannel[0] == my_bucket.full_name()) {
                            return Optional.of(my_bucket);
                        } else {
                            return secured_bucket_crud.getObjectBySpec(CrudUtils.allOf(DataBucketBean.class)
                                    .when(DataBucketBean::full_name, bucket_subchannel[0])).get();
                    return Lambdas.get(() -> {
                        if (!bucket_subchannel[0].equals(my_bucket.full_name())
                                || !bucket_subchannel[1].isEmpty()) {
                            bucket_to_check.map(input_bucket -> input_bucket.analytic_thread())
                                            a_thread -> Optional.ofNullable(a_thread.jobs()))
                                    .flatMap(jobs -> jobs.stream()
                                            .filter(j -> bucket_subchannel[1].equals(j.name()))
                                            .filter(j -> _batch_types
                                                    .contains(Optionals.of(() -> j.output().transient_type())
                                            .filter(j -> Optionals.of(() -> j.output().is_transient())
                                    .orElseThrow(() -> new RuntimeException(ErrorUtils.get(
                                            ErrorUtils.INPUT_PATH_NOT_A_TRANSIENT_BATCH, my_bucket.full_name(),
                                            job.name(), bucket_subchannel[0], bucket_subchannel[1])));

                            return Arrays.asList(_storage_service.getBucketRootPath() + bucket_subchannel[0]
                                    + IStorageService.TRANSIENT_DATA_SUFFIX_SECONDARY + bucket_subchannel[1]
                                    + IStorageService.PRIMARY_BUFFER_SUFFIX + "**/*");
                        } else { // This is my input directory
                            return Arrays.asList(_storage_service.getBucketRootPath() + my_bucket.full_name()
                                    + IStorageService.TO_IMPORT_DATA_SUFFIX + "*");
                } else { // storage service ... 3 options :raw, :json, :processed (defaults to :processed)
                    if (Optional.of(true).equals(
                            Optional.ofNullable(i.config()).map(cfg -> cfg.high_granularity_filter()))) {
                        throw new RuntimeException(ErrorUtils.get(
                                ErrorUtils.HIGH_GRANULARITY_FILTER_NOT_SUPPORTED, my_bucket.full_name(),
                                job.name(), Optional.ofNullable(i.name()).orElse("(no name)")));

                    final String bucket_name = i.resource_name_or_id().split(":")[0];

                    // Check we have authentication for this bucket:

                    final boolean found_bucket = secured_bucket_crud
                                    Collections.emptyList(), // (don't want any part of the bucket, just whether it exists or not)

                    if (!found_bucket) {
                        throw new RuntimeException(
                                ErrorUtils.get(ErrorUtils.BUCKET_NOT_FOUND_OR_NOT_READABLE, bucket_name));
                    final String sub_service = Patterns.match(i.resource_name_or_id()).<String>andReturn()
                            .when(s -> s.endsWith(":raw"), __ -> "raw/current/") // (input paths are always from primary)
                            .when(s -> s.endsWith(":json"), __ -> "json/current/")
                            .otherwise(__ -> "processed/current/");

                    final String base_path = _storage_service.getBucketRootPath() + bucket_name
                            + IStorageService.STORED_DATA_SUFFIX + sub_service;
                    return Optional.ofNullable(i.config())
                            .filter(cfg -> (null != cfg.time_min()) || (null != cfg.time_max())).map(cfg -> {
                                try {
                                    final FileContext fc = _storage_service
                                            .getUnderlyingPlatformDriver(FileContext.class, Optional.empty())

                                    //_logger.warn("Found1: " + Arrays.stream(fc.util().listStatus(new Path(base_path))).map(f -> f.getPath().toString()).collect(Collectors.joining(";")));                                                            
                                    //_logger.warn("Found2: " + TimeSliceDirUtils.annotateTimedDirectories(tmp_paths).map(t -> t.toString()).collect(Collectors.joining(";")));
                                    //_logger.warn("Found3: " + TimeSliceDirUtils.getQueryTimeRange(cfg, new Date()));

                                    final Stream<String> paths = Arrays
                                            .stream(fc.util().listStatus(new Path(base_path)))
                                            .filter(f -> f.isDirectory())
                                            .map(f -> f.getPath().toUri().getPath()) // (remove the hdfs:// bit, which seems to be breaking with HA)

                                    return TimeSliceDirUtils
                                                    TimeSliceDirUtils.getQueryTimeRange(cfg, new Date()))
                                            .map(s -> s + "/*").collect(Collectors.toList());
                                } catch (Exception e) {
                                    return null;
                                } // will fall through to...
                            }).orElseGet(() -> {
                                // No time based filtering possible
                                final String suffix = "**/*";
                                return Arrays.asList(base_path + suffix);


From source file:com.ikanow.aleph2.core.shared.utils.DirUtils.java

License:Apache License

/** This method returns the path to the first subdirectory matching the subDirectoryName parameter or null if not found.
* @param fileContext// w  w w .  j a  va2  s .co  m
* @param start
* @param subDirectoryName
* @return
public static Path findOneSubdirectory(FileContext fileContext, Path start, String subDirectoryName) {
    Path p = null;
    try {
        logger.debug("findOneSubdirectory :" + start.toString());
        FileStatus[] statuss = fileContext.util().listStatus(start);
        for (int i = 0; i < statuss.length; i++) {
            FileStatus dir = statuss[i];
            logger.debug("FileStatus:" + statuss[i].getPath().toString());
            if (dir.isDirectory()) {
                if (dir.getPath().getName().contains(subDirectoryName)) {
                    logger.debug("findOneSubdirectory match:" + dir.getPath().getName());
                    return dir.getPath();
                } else {
                    p = findOneSubdirectory(fileContext, dir.getPath(), subDirectoryName);
                    if (p != null) {
                        return p;

    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.error("findOneSubdirectory Caught Exception", e);

    return p;

From source file:com.ikanow.aleph2.core.shared.utils.DirUtils.java

License:Apache License

/** Creates a directory in the storage servce
 * @param fileContext/*from  w  w  w.ja v  a 2 s  .co m*/
 * @param pathString
public static void createDirectory(FileContext fileContext, String pathString) {
    if (fileContext != null && pathString != null) {
        try {
            Path dir = new Path(pathString);
            if (!fileContext.util().exists(dir)) {
                fileContext.mkdir(dir, DEFAULT_DIR_PERMS, true); //(note perm is & with umask)
                try {
                    fileContext.setPermission(dir, DEFAULT_DIR_PERMS);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                } // (not supported in all FS)
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error("createFolderStructure Caught Exception", e);


From source file:com.ikanow.aleph2.core.shared.utils.DirUtils.java

License:Apache License

 * @param allPaths//from w w w  .j  a v  a2  s .  c  o  m
 * @param fileContext
 * @param start
 * @param subDirectoryName
 * @param includeMatched
public static void findAllSubdirectories(List<Path> allPaths, FileContext fileContext, Path start,
        String subDirectoryName, boolean includeMatched) {
    try {
        logger.debug("findAllSubdirectories :" + start.toString());
        FileStatus[] statuss = fileContext.util().listStatus(start);
        for (int i = 0; i < statuss.length; i++) {
            FileStatus dir = statuss[i];
            logger.debug("FileStatus:" + statuss[i].getPath().toString());
            if (dir.isDirectory()) {
                if (dir.getPath().getName().contains(subDirectoryName)) {
                    logger.debug("findOneSubdirectory match:" + dir.getPath().getName());
                    if (includeMatched) {
                    } else {
                } else {
                    findAllSubdirectories(allPaths, fileContext, dir.getPath(), subDirectoryName,

    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.error("findAllSubdirectories Caught Exception", e);

From source file:com.ikanow.aleph2.core.shared.utils.JarCacheUtils.java

License:Apache License

/** Moves a shared JAR into a local spot (if required)
 * @param library_bean// www  . j ava 2s  .c  o m
 * @param fs
 * @return either a basic message bean containing an error, or the fully qualified path of the cached JAR
public static <M> CompletableFuture<Validation<BasicMessageBean, String>> getCachedJar(
        final String local_cached_jar_dir, final SharedLibraryBean library_bean, final IStorageService fs,
        final String handler_for_errors, final M msg_for_errors) {
    try {
        final FileContext dfs = fs.getUnderlyingPlatformDriver(FileContext.class, Optional.empty()).get();
        final FileContext lfs = fs.getUnderlyingPlatformDriver(FileContext.class, IStorageService.LOCAL_FS)

        final Path cached_jar_file = lfs
                .makeQualified(new Path(local_cached_jar_dir + "/" + buildCachedJarName(library_bean)));
        final Path original_jar_file = dfs.makeQualified(new Path(library_bean.path_name()));

        final FileStatus file_status = dfs.getFileStatus(original_jar_file); // (this will exception out if it doesn't exist, as it should)

        try {
            final FileStatus local_file_status = lfs.getFileStatus(cached_jar_file); // (this will exception in to case 2 if it doesn't exist)

            // if the local version exists then overwrite it

            if (file_status.getModificationTime() > local_file_status.getModificationTime()) {
                // (it gets kinda complicated here so just invalidate the entire classloader cache..)
                // TODO (ALEPH-12): add a coverage test for this

                lfs.util().copy(original_jar_file, cached_jar_file, false, true);
        } catch (FileNotFoundException f) {

            // 2) if the local version doesn't exist then just copy the distributed file across
            // (note: don't need to do anything with the classloader cache here since the file doesn't exist so can't have a cache key)

            lfs.util().copy(original_jar_file, cached_jar_file);
        return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(Validation.success(cached_jar_file.toString()));

    } catch (Throwable e) {
        return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(
                Validation.fail(SharedErrorUtils.buildErrorMessage(handler_for_errors, msg_for_errors,
                        SharedErrorUtils.getLongForm(SharedErrorUtils.SHARED_LIBRARY_NAME_NOT_FOUND, e,

From source file:com.ikanow.aleph2.data_import_manager.batch_enrichment.actors.BeBucketActor.java

License:Apache License

public static List<String> launchReadyJobs(FileContext fileContext, String bucketFullName, String bucketPathStr,
        IManagementDbService managementDbService, ActorRef closingSelf) {
    List<String> jobNames = new ArrayList<String>();
    try {//from w  ww. ja  v  a 2s. c o m
        Path bucketReady = new Path(bucketPathStr + "/managed_bucket/import/ready");
        //Path bucketTmp = new Path(bucketPathStr + "/managed_bucket/import/temp");
        if (fileContext.util().exists(bucketReady)) {
            FileStatus[] statuss = fileContext.util().listStatus(bucketReady);
            if (statuss.length > 0) {
                logger.debug("Detected " + statuss.length + " ready files.");

                IManagementCrudService<DataBucketBean> dataBucketStore = managementDbService
                SingleQueryComponent<DataBucketBean> querydatBucketFullName = CrudUtils
                        .anyOf(DataBucketBean.class).when("full_name", bucketFullName);

                dataBucketStore.getObjectBySpec(querydatBucketFullName).thenAccept(odb -> {
                    if (odb.isPresent()) {
                        DataBucketBean dataBucketBean = odb.get();
                        List<EnrichmentControlMetadataBean> enrichmentConfigs = dataBucketBean
                        for (EnrichmentControlMetadataBean ec : enrichmentConfigs) {
                            if (ec.enabled()) {
                                logger.info("starting batch enhancment job: " + bucketFullName + " for "
                                        + ec.name());
                                // run enhancement job

                                //TODO (ALEPH-12): this now should communicate with the enrichment actors
                                //String jobName = beJobService.runEnhancementJob(bucketFullName, bucketPathStr, ec.name());
                                String jobName = Lambdas.get(() -> null);
                                if (jobName != null) {
                                    logger.info("Enrichment job for , no enrichment enabled:" + bucketFullName
                                            + " ec:" + ec.name() + " launched unsuccessfully, jobName = "
                                            + jobName);
                                } else {
                                    logger.error("Enrichment job for , no enrichment enabled:" + bucketFullName
                                            + " ec:" + ec.name() + " launch was unsuccessful");
                            } // if enabled
                            else {
                                logger.info("Skipping Enrichment, no enrichment enabled:" + bucketFullName
                                        + " ec:" + ec.name());
                        } // for
                    } else {
                        logger.info("Skipping Enrichment, no enrichment config found in db: " + bucketFullName);
                        if (closingSelf != null) {
                            closingSelf.tell(PoisonPill.getInstance(), closingSelf);
            } // status length
            else {
                logger.info("Skipping, no files found in ready folder: " + bucketReady);
        } else {
            logger.info("Skipping,  ready folder does not exist: " + bucketReady);

    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.error("checkReady caught Exception:", e);
    return jobNames;