Example usage for org.apache.hadoop.fs FileSystem getConf

List of usage examples for org.apache.hadoop.fs FileSystem getConf


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.hadoop.fs FileSystem getConf.


    public Configuration getConf() 

Source Link


From source file:org.apache.accumulo.test.CountNameNodeOpsBulkIT.java

License:Apache License

public void compareOldNewBulkImportTest() throws Exception {
    try (AccumuloClient c = Accumulo.newClient().from(getClientProperties()).build()) {
        getCluster().getClusterControl().kill(ServerType.GARBAGE_COLLECTOR, "localhost");
        final String tableName = getUniqueNames(1)[0];
        // turn off compactions
        c.tableOperations().setProperty(tableName, Property.TABLE_MAJC_RATIO.getKey(), "2000");
        c.tableOperations().setProperty(tableName, Property.TABLE_FILE_MAX.getKey(), "2000");
        // splits to slow down bulk import
        SortedSet<Text> splits = new TreeSet<>();
        for (int i = 1; i < 0xf; i++) {
            splits.add(new Text(Integer.toHexString(i)));
        }//from   www .j  av a  2s. com
        c.tableOperations().addSplits(tableName, splits);

        MasterMonitorInfo stats = getCluster().getMasterMonitorInfo();
        assertEquals(1, stats.tServerInfo.size());

        log.info("Creating lots of bulk import files");
        final FileSystem fs = getCluster().getFileSystem();
        final Path basePath = getCluster().getTemporaryPath();

        final Path base = new Path(basePath, "testBulkLoad" + tableName);
        fs.delete(base, true);

        ExecutorService es = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(5);
        List<Future<String>> futures = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            final int which = i;
            futures.add(es.submit(() -> {
                Path files = new Path(base, "files" + which);
                for (int i1 = 0; i1 < 100; i1++) {
                    FileSKVWriter writer = FileOperations.getInstance().newWriterBuilder()
                            .forFile(files + "/bulk_" + i1 + "." + RFile.EXTENSION, fs, fs.getConf(),
                    for (int j = 0x100; j < 0xfff; j += 3) {
                        writer.append(new Key(Integer.toHexString(j)), new Value(new byte[0]));
                return files.toString();
        List<String> dirs = new ArrayList<>();
        for (Future<String> f : futures) {
        long startOps = getStat(getStats(), "FileInfoOps");
        long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
        List<Future<Object>> errs = new ArrayList<>();
        for (String dir : dirs) {
            errs.add(es.submit(() -> {
                return null;
        for (Future<Object> err : errs) {
        es.awaitTermination(2, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
        log.info(String.format("Completed in %.2f seconds", (System.currentTimeMillis() - now) / 1000.));
        sleepUninterruptibly(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
        Map<?, ?> map = getStats();
        map.forEach((k, v) -> {
            try {
                if (v != null && Double.parseDouble(v.toString()) > 0.0)
                    log.debug("{}:{}", k, v);
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                // only looking for numbers
        long getFileInfoOpts = getStat(map, "FileInfoOps") - startOps;
        log.info("New bulk import used {} opts, vs old using 2060", getFileInfoOpts);
        // counts for old bulk import:
        // Expected number of FileInfoOps was between 1000 and 2100
        // new bulk import is way better :)
        assertEquals("unexpected number of FileInfoOps", 20, getFileInfoOpts);

From source file:org.apache.accumulo.test.functional.BulkLoadIT.java

License:Apache License

private String writeData(String file, AccumuloConfiguration aconf, int s, int e) throws Exception {
    FileSystem fs = getCluster().getFileSystem();
    String filename = file + RFile.EXTENSION;
    try (FileSKVWriter writer = FileOperations.getInstance().newWriterBuilder()
            .forFile(filename, fs, fs.getConf()).withTableConfiguration(aconf).build()) {
        for (int i = s; i <= e; i++) {
            writer.append(new Key(new Text(String.format("%04d", i))),
                    new Value(Integer.toString(i).getBytes(UTF_8)));
        }//from   w ww  . j  a  va  2 s. c o m

    return hash(filename);

From source file:org.apache.accumulo.test.GetFileInfoBulkIT.java

License:Apache License

public void test() throws Exception {
    final Connector c = getConnector();
    getCluster().getClusterControl().kill(ServerType.GARBAGE_COLLECTOR, "localhost");
    final String tableName = getUniqueNames(1)[0];
    // turn off compactions
    c.tableOperations().setProperty(tableName, Property.TABLE_MAJC_RATIO.getKey(), "2000");
    c.tableOperations().setProperty(tableName, Property.TABLE_FILE_MAX.getKey(), "2000");
    // splits to slow down bulk import
    SortedSet<Text> splits = new TreeSet<>();
    for (int i = 1; i < 0xf; i++) {
        splits.add(new Text(Integer.toHexString(i)));
    }//w  w  w. j  a  va2  s.co m
    c.tableOperations().addSplits(tableName, splits);

    MasterMonitorInfo stats = getCluster().getMasterMonitorInfo();
    assertEquals(1, stats.tServerInfo.size());

    log.info("Creating lots of bulk import files");
    final FileSystem fs = getCluster().getFileSystem();
    final Path basePath = getCluster().getTemporaryPath();

    final Path base = new Path(basePath, "testBulkLoad" + tableName);
    fs.delete(base, true);

    ExecutorService es = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(5);
    List<Future<Pair<String, String>>> futures = new ArrayList<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        final int which = i;
        futures.add(es.submit(new Callable<Pair<String, String>>() {
            public Pair<String, String> call() throws Exception {
                Path bulkFailures = new Path(base, "failures" + which);
                Path files = new Path(base, "files" + which);
                for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
                    FileSKVWriter writer = FileOperations.getInstance().newWriterBuilder()
                            .forFile(files.toString() + "/bulk_" + i + "." + RFile.EXTENSION, fs, fs.getConf())
                    for (int j = 0x100; j < 0xfff; j += 3) {
                        writer.append(new Key(Integer.toHexString(j)), new Value(new byte[0]));
                return new Pair<>(files.toString(), bulkFailures.toString());
    List<Pair<String, String>> dirs = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Future<Pair<String, String>> f : futures) {
    long startOps = getOpts();
    long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
    List<Future<Object>> errs = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Pair<String, String> entry : dirs) {
        final String dir = entry.getFirst();
        final String err = entry.getSecond();
        errs.add(es.submit(new Callable<Object>() {
            public Object call() throws Exception {
                c.tableOperations().importDirectory(tableName, dir, err, false);
                return null;
    for (Future<Object> err : errs) {
    es.awaitTermination(2, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
    log.info(String.format("Completed in %.2f seconds", (System.currentTimeMillis() - now) / 1000.));
    Uninterruptibles.sleepUninterruptibly(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
    long getFileInfoOpts = getOpts() - startOps;
    log.info("# opts: {}", getFileInfoOpts);
    assertTrue("unexpected number of getFileOps", getFileInfoOpts < 2100 && getFileInfoOpts > 1000);

From source file:org.apache.accumulo.test.ImportExportIT.java

License:Apache License

public void testExportImportThenScan() throws Exception {
    Connector conn = getConnector();/*from w  w w . j a va 2  s. com*/

    String[] tableNames = getUniqueNames(2);
    String srcTable = tableNames[0], destTable = tableNames[1];

    BatchWriter bw = conn.createBatchWriter(srcTable, new BatchWriterConfig());
    for (int row = 0; row < 1000; row++) {
        Mutation m = new Mutation(Integer.toString(row));
        for (int col = 0; col < 100; col++) {
            m.put(Integer.toString(col), "", Integer.toString(col * 2));


    conn.tableOperations().compact(srcTable, null, null, true, true);

    // Make a directory we can use to throw the export and import directories
    // Must exist on the filesystem the cluster is running.
    FileSystem fs = cluster.getFileSystem();
    Path tmp = cluster.getTemporaryPath();
    log.info("Using FileSystem: " + fs);
    Path baseDir = new Path(tmp, getClass().getName());
    if (fs.exists(baseDir)) {
        log.info("{} exists on filesystem, deleting", baseDir);
        assertTrue("Failed to deleted " + baseDir, fs.delete(baseDir, true));
    log.info("Creating {}", baseDir);
    assertTrue("Failed to create " + baseDir, fs.mkdirs(baseDir));
    Path exportDir = new Path(baseDir, "export");
    Path importDir = new Path(baseDir, "import");
    for (Path p : new Path[] { exportDir, importDir }) {
        assertTrue("Failed to create " + baseDir, fs.mkdirs(p));

    log.info("Exporting table to {}", exportDir);
    log.info("Importing table from {}", importDir);

    // Offline the table
    conn.tableOperations().offline(srcTable, true);
    // Then export it
    conn.tableOperations().exportTable(srcTable, exportDir.toString());

    // Make sure the distcp.txt file that exporttable creates is available
    Path distcp = new Path(exportDir, "distcp.txt");
    Assert.assertTrue("Distcp file doesn't exist", fs.exists(distcp));
    FSDataInputStream is = fs.open(distcp);
    BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));

    // Copy each file that was exported to the import directory
    String line;
    while (null != (line = reader.readLine())) {
        Path p = new Path(line.substring(5));
        Assert.assertTrue("File doesn't exist: " + p, fs.exists(p));

        Path dest = new Path(importDir, p.getName());
        Assert.assertFalse("Did not expect " + dest + " to exist", fs.exists(dest));
        FileUtil.copy(fs, p, fs, dest, false, fs.getConf());


    log.info("Import dir: {}", Arrays.toString(fs.listStatus(importDir)));

    // Import the exported data into a new table
    conn.tableOperations().importTable(destTable, importDir.toString());

    // Get the table ID for the table that the importtable command created
    final String tableId = conn.tableOperations().tableIdMap().get(destTable);

    // Get all `file` colfams from the metadata table for the new table
    log.info("Imported into table with ID: {}", tableId);
    Scanner s = conn.createScanner(MetadataTable.NAME, Authorizations.EMPTY);

    // Should find a single entry
    for (Entry<Key, Value> fileEntry : s) {
        Key k = fileEntry.getKey();
        String value = fileEntry.getValue().toString();
        if (k.getColumnFamily().equals(MetadataSchema.TabletsSection.DataFileColumnFamily.NAME)) {
            // The file should be an absolute URI (file:///...), not a relative path (/b-000.../I000001.rf)
            String fileUri = k.getColumnQualifier().toString();
            Assert.assertFalse("Imported files should have absolute URIs, not relative: " + fileUri,
        } else if (k.getColumnFamily().equals(MetadataSchema.TabletsSection.ServerColumnFamily.NAME)) {
            Assert.assertFalse("Server directory should have absolute URI, not relative: " + value,
        } else {
            Assert.fail("Got expected pair: " + k + "=" + fileEntry.getValue());

    // Online the original table before we verify equivalence
    conn.tableOperations().online(srcTable, true);

    verifyTableEquality(conn, srcTable, destTable);

From source file:org.apache.accumulo.test.performance.metadata.FastBulkImportIT.java

License:Apache License

public void test() throws Exception {
    log.info("Creating table");
    final String tableName = getUniqueNames(1)[0];
    final Connector c = getConnector();
    log.info("Adding splits");
    SortedSet<Text> splits = new TreeSet<>();
    for (int i = 1; i < 0xfff; i += 7) {
        splits.add(new Text(Integer.toHexString(i)));
    }//from  w  ww .  j a  va2s  .  c o  m
    c.tableOperations().addSplits(tableName, splits);

    log.info("Creating lots of bulk import files");
    FileSystem fs = getCluster().getFileSystem();
    Path basePath = getCluster().getTemporaryPath();

    Path base = new Path(basePath, "testBulkFail_" + tableName);
    fs.delete(base, true);
    Path bulkFailures = new Path(base, "failures");
    Path files = new Path(base, "files");
    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
        FileSKVWriter writer = FileOperations.getInstance().newWriterBuilder()
                .forFile(files.toString() + "/bulk_" + i + "." + RFile.EXTENSION, fs, fs.getConf())
        for (int j = 0x100; j < 0xfff; j += 3) {
            writer.append(new Key(Integer.toHexString(j)), new Value(new byte[0]));
    log.info("Waiting for balance");

    log.info("Bulk importing files");
    long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
    c.tableOperations().importDirectory(tableName, files.toString(), bulkFailures.toString(), true);
    double diffSeconds = (System.currentTimeMillis() - now) / 1000.;
    log.info(String.format("Import took %.2f seconds", diffSeconds));
    assertTrue(diffSeconds < 30);

From source file:org.apache.accumulo.test.performance.scan.CollectTabletStats.java

License:Apache License

private static int readFiles(VolumeManager fs, AccumuloConfiguration aconf, List<FileRef> files, KeyExtent ke,
        String[] columns) throws Exception {

    int count = 0;

    HashSet<ByteSequence> columnSet = createColumnBSS(columns);

    for (FileRef file : files) {
        FileSystem ns = fs.getVolumeByPath(file.path()).getFileSystem();
        FileSKVIterator reader = FileOperations.getInstance().newReaderBuilder()
                .forFile(file.path().toString(), ns, ns.getConf()).withTableConfiguration(aconf).build();
        Range range = new Range(ke.getPrevEndRow(), false, ke.getEndRow(), true);
        reader.seek(range, columnSet, columnSet.size() == 0 ? false : true);
        while (reader.hasTop() && !range.afterEndKey(reader.getTopKey())) {
            count++;//www . j  av a2  s. c o  m

    return count;

From source file:org.apache.accumulo.test.performance.scan.CollectTabletStats.java

License:Apache License

private static int readFilesUsingIterStack(VolumeManager fs, ServerConfigurationFactory aconf,
        List<FileRef> files, Authorizations auths, KeyExtent ke, String[] columns, boolean useTableIterators)
        throws Exception {

    SortedKeyValueIterator<Key, Value> reader;

    List<SortedKeyValueIterator<Key, Value>> readers = new ArrayList<>(files.size());

    for (FileRef file : files) {
        FileSystem ns = fs.getVolumeByPath(file.path()).getFileSystem();
                .forFile(file.path().toString(), ns, ns.getConf())
    }//from   w  ww . j  ava  2s. c om

    List<IterInfo> emptyIterinfo = Collections.emptyList();
    Map<String, Map<String, String>> emptySsio = Collections.emptyMap();
    TableConfiguration tconf = aconf.getTableConfiguration(ke.getTableId());
    reader = createScanIterator(ke, readers, auths, new byte[] {}, new HashSet<Column>(), emptyIterinfo,
            emptySsio, useTableIterators, tconf);

    HashSet<ByteSequence> columnSet = createColumnBSS(columns);

    reader.seek(new Range(ke.getPrevEndRow(), false, ke.getEndRow(), true), columnSet,
            columnSet.size() == 0 ? false : true);

    int count = 0;

    while (reader.hasTop()) {

    return count;


From source file:org.apache.accumulo.test.proxy.SimpleProxyBase.java

License:Apache License

public void importExportTable() throws Exception {
    // Write some data
    String expected[][] = new String[10][];
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        client.updateAndFlush(creds, tableName, mutation("row" + i, "cf", "cq", "" + i));
        expected[i] = new String[] { "row" + i, "cf", "cq", "" + i };
        client.flushTable(creds, tableName, null, null, true);
    }//from  w  w w .  j a va  2 s .  c  o m
    assertScan(expected, tableName);

    // export/import
    MiniAccumuloClusterImpl cluster = SharedMiniClusterBase.getCluster();
    FileSystem fs = cluster.getFileSystem();
    Path base = cluster.getTemporaryPath();
    Path dir = new Path(base, "test");
    Path destDir = new Path(base, "test_dest");
    client.offlineTable(creds, tableName, false);
    client.exportTable(creds, tableName, dir.toString());
    // copy files to a new location
    FSDataInputStream is = fs.open(new Path(dir, "distcp.txt"));
    try (BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is, UTF_8))) {
        while (true) {
            String line = r.readLine();
            if (line == null)
            Path srcPath = new Path(line);
            FileUtil.copy(fs, srcPath, fs, destDir, false, fs.getConf());
    client.deleteTable(creds, tableName);
    client.importTable(creds, "testify", destDir.toString());
    assertScan(expected, "testify");
    client.deleteTable(creds, "testify");

    try {
        // ACCUMULO-1558 a second import from the same dir should fail, the first import moved the files
        client.importTable(creds, "testify2", destDir.toString());
    } catch (Exception e) {


From source file:org.apache.accumulo.test.proxy.SimpleProxyBase.java

License:Apache License

public void bulkImport() throws Exception {
    MiniAccumuloClusterImpl cluster = SharedMiniClusterBase.getCluster();
    FileSystem fs = cluster.getFileSystem();
    Path base = cluster.getTemporaryPath();
    Path dir = new Path(base, "test");
    assertTrue(fs.mkdirs(dir));/*  w w w.j a  v a 2 s .co  m*/

    // Write an RFile
    String filename = dir + "/bulk/import/rfile.rf";
    FileSKVWriter writer = FileOperations.getInstance().newWriterBuilder().forFile(filename, fs, fs.getConf())
    writer.append(new org.apache.accumulo.core.data.Key(new Text("a"), new Text("b"), new Text("c")),
            new Value("value".getBytes(UTF_8)));

    // Create failures directory
    fs.mkdirs(new Path(dir + "/bulk/fail"));

    // Run the bulk import
    client.importDirectory(creds, tableName, dir + "/bulk/import", dir + "/bulk/fail", true);

    // Make sure we find the data
    String scanner = client.createScanner(creds, tableName, null);
    ScanResult more = client.nextK(scanner, 100);
    assertEquals(1, more.results.size());
    ByteBuffer maxRow = client.getMaxRow(creds, tableName, null, null, false, null, false);
    assertEquals(s2bb("a"), maxRow);

From source file:org.apache.accumulo.test.randomwalk.bulk.BulkPlusOne.java

License:Apache License

static void bulkLoadLots(Logger log, State state, Environment env, Value value) throws Exception {
    final Path dir = new Path("/tmp", "bulk_" + UUID.randomUUID().toString());
    final Path fail = new Path(dir.toString() + "_fail");
    final DefaultConfiguration defaultConfiguration = AccumuloConfiguration.getDefaultConfiguration();
    final Random rand = (Random) state.get("rand");
    final FileSystem fs = (FileSystem) state.get("fs");
    fs.mkdirs(fail);//from   www .jav a 2 s  .co m
    final int parts = rand.nextInt(10) + 1;

    TreeSet<Integer> startRows = new TreeSet<>();
    while (startRows.size() < parts)

    List<String> printRows = new ArrayList<>(startRows.size());
    for (Integer row : startRows)
        printRows.add(String.format(FMT, row));

    String markerColumnQualifier = String.format("%07d", counter.incrementAndGet());
    log.debug("preparing bulk files with start rows " + printRows + " last row " + String.format(FMT, LOTS - 1)
            + " marker " + markerColumnQualifier);

    List<Integer> rows = new ArrayList<>(startRows);

    for (int i = 0; i < parts; i++) {
        String fileName = dir + "/" + String.format("part_%d.", i) + RFile.EXTENSION;
        FileSKVWriter f = FileOperations.getInstance().newWriterBuilder().forFile(fileName, fs, fs.getConf())
        int start = rows.get(i);
        int end = rows.get(i + 1);
        for (int j = start; j < end; j++) {
            Text row = new Text(String.format(FMT, j));
            for (Column col : COLNAMES) {
                f.append(new Key(row, col.getColumnFamily(), col.getColumnQualifier()), value);
            f.append(new Key(row, MARKER_CF, new Text(markerColumnQualifier)), ONE);
    env.getConnector().tableOperations().importDirectory(Setup.getTableName(), dir.toString(), fail.toString(),
    fs.delete(dir, true);
    FileStatus[] failures = fs.listStatus(fail);
    if (failures != null && failures.length > 0) {
        state.set("bulkImportSuccess", "false");
        throw new Exception(failures.length + " failure files found importing files from " + dir);
    fs.delete(fail, true);
    log.debug("Finished bulk import, start rows " + printRows + " last row " + String.format(FMT, LOTS - 1)
            + " marker " + markerColumnQualifier);