Example usage for org.apache.hadoop.fs FileSystem initialize

List of usage examples for org.apache.hadoop.fs FileSystem initialize


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.hadoop.fs FileSystem initialize.


public void initialize(URI name, Configuration conf) throws IOException 

Source Link


Initialize a FileSystem.


From source file:com.datatorrent.stram.debug.TupleRecorderTest.java

License:Apache License

public void testRecorder() throws IOException {
    FileSystem fs = new LocalFileSystem();
    try {//from w  ww .  ja  v a 2 s  .c o m
        TupleRecorder recorder = new TupleRecorder(null, "application_test_id_1");
        recorder.getStorage().setBasePath("file://" + testWorkDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/recordings");

        recorder.addInputPortInfo("ip1", "str1");
        recorder.addInputPortInfo("ip2", "str2");
        recorder.addInputPortInfo("ip3", "str3");
        recorder.addOutputPortInfo("op1", "str4");
        recorder.setup(null, null);


        Tuple t1 = new Tuple();
        t1.key = "speed";
        t1.value = "5m/h";
        recorder.writeTuple(t1, "ip1");
        Tuple t2 = new Tuple();
        t2.key = "speed";
        t2.value = "4m/h";
        recorder.writeTuple(t2, "ip3");
        Tuple t3 = new Tuple();
        t3.key = "speed";
        t3.value = "6m/h";
        recorder.writeTuple(t3, "ip2");

        Tuple t4 = new Tuple();
        t4.key = "speed";
        t4.value = "2m/h";
        recorder.writeTuple(t4, "op1");

        fs.initialize((new Path(recorder.getStorage().getBasePath()).toUri()), new Configuration());
        Path path;
        FSDataInputStream is;
        String line;
        BufferedReader br;

        path = new Path(recorder.getStorage().getBasePath(), FSPartFileCollection.INDEX_FILE);
        is = fs.open(path);
        br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));

        line = br.readLine();
        //    Assert.assertEquals("check index", "B:1000:T:0:part0.txt", line);
        Assert.assertTrue("check index", line.matches(

        path = new Path(recorder.getStorage().getBasePath(), FSPartFileCollection.META_FILE);
        is = fs.open(path);
        br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));

        ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
        line = br.readLine();
        Assert.assertEquals("check version", "1.2", line);
        br.readLine(); // RecordInfo
        //RecordInfo ri = mapper.readValue(line, RecordInfo.class);
        line = br.readLine();
        PortInfo pi = mapper.readValue(line, PortInfo.class);
        Assert.assertEquals("port1", recorder.getPortInfoMap().get(pi.name).id, pi.id);
        Assert.assertEquals("port1", recorder.getPortInfoMap().get(pi.name).type, pi.type);
        line = br.readLine();
        pi = mapper.readValue(line, PortInfo.class);
        Assert.assertEquals("port2", recorder.getPortInfoMap().get(pi.name).id, pi.id);
        Assert.assertEquals("port2", recorder.getPortInfoMap().get(pi.name).type, pi.type);
        line = br.readLine();
        pi = mapper.readValue(line, PortInfo.class);
        Assert.assertEquals("port3", recorder.getPortInfoMap().get(pi.name).id, pi.id);
        Assert.assertEquals("port3", recorder.getPortInfoMap().get(pi.name).type, pi.type);
        line = br.readLine();
        pi = mapper.readValue(line, PortInfo.class);
        Assert.assertEquals("port4", recorder.getPortInfoMap().get(pi.name).id, pi.id);
        Assert.assertEquals("port4", recorder.getPortInfoMap().get(pi.name).type, pi.type);
        Assert.assertEquals("port size", 4, recorder.getPortInfoMap().size());
        //line = br.readLine();

        path = new Path(recorder.getStorage().getBasePath(), "part0.txt");
        is = fs.open(path);
        br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));

        line = br.readLine();
        Assert.assertTrue("check part0", line.startsWith("B:"));
        Assert.assertTrue("check part0", line.endsWith(":1000"));

        line = br.readLine();
        Assert.assertTrue("check part0 1", line.startsWith("T:"));
        Assert.assertTrue("check part0 1", line.endsWith(":0:30:{\"key\":\"speed\",\"value\":\"5m/h\"}"));

        line = br.readLine();
        Assert.assertTrue("check part0 2", line.startsWith("T:"));
        Assert.assertTrue("check part0 2", line.endsWith(":2:30:{\"key\":\"speed\",\"value\":\"4m/h\"}"));

        line = br.readLine();
        Assert.assertTrue("check part0 3", line.startsWith("T:"));
        Assert.assertTrue("check part0 3", line.endsWith(":1:30:{\"key\":\"speed\",\"value\":\"6m/h\"}"));

        line = br.readLine();
        Assert.assertTrue("check part0 4", line.startsWith("T:"));
        Assert.assertTrue("check part0 4", line.endsWith(":3:30:{\"key\":\"speed\",\"value\":\"2m/h\"}"));

        line = br.readLine();
        Assert.assertTrue("check part0 5", line.startsWith("E:"));
        Assert.assertTrue("check part0 5", line.endsWith(":1000"));
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        throw new RuntimeException(ex);
    } finally {

From source file:com.google.cloud.hadoop.fs.gcs.GoogleHadoopFileSystemTestHelper.java

License:Open Source License

 * Helper for plumbing through an initUri and creating the proper Configuration object.
 * Calls FileSystem.initialize on {@code ghfs}.
 *///from   w  ww.  j a  va2s .co  m
private static void initializeInMemoryFileSystem(FileSystem ghfs, String initUriString) throws IOException {
    URI initUri;
    try {
        initUri = new URI(initUriString);
    } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
    String systemBucketName = "fake-test-system-bucket";
    Configuration config = new Configuration();
    config.set(GoogleHadoopFileSystemBase.GCS_SYSTEM_BUCKET_KEY, systemBucketName);
    config.setBoolean(GoogleHadoopFileSystemBase.GCS_CREATE_SYSTEM_BUCKET_KEY, true);
    ghfs.initialize(initUri, config);

From source file:com.ibm.stocator.fs.swift2d.systemtests.StreamingSwiftTest.java

License:Open Source License

public void accessPublicSwiftContainerWithSpaceTest() throws Exception {
    FileSystem fs = new ObjectStoreFileSystem();
    Configuration conf = new Configuration();
    String uriString = conf.get("fs.swift2d.test.uri");
    Assume.assumeNotNull(uriString);/*from w  w w .  jav a2s  .  c  om*/
    // adding suffix with space to the container name
    String scheme = "swift2d";
    String host = getHost(URI.create(uriString));
    // String origContainerName = getContainerName(host);
    // String newContainerName = origContainerName + " t";
    // uriString = uriString.replace(origContainerName, newContainerName);
    // use URI ctor that encodes authority according to the rules specified
    // in RFC 2396, section 5.2, step 7
    URI publicContainerURI = new URI(scheme, getHost(URI.create(uriString)), "/", null, null);
    fs.initialize(publicContainerURI, conf);
    FileStatus objectFS = null;
    try {
        objectFS = fs.getFileStatus(new Path(publicContainerURI));
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Assert.assertNotNull("Unable to access public object ", objectFS);

From source file:com.ibm.stocator.fs.swift2d.systemtests.StreamingSwiftTest.java

License:Open Source License

public void accessObjectWithSpaceTest() throws Exception {
    FileSystem fs = new ObjectStoreFileSystem();
    Configuration conf = new Configuration();
    String uriString = conf.get("fs.swift2d.test.uri");
    Assume.assumeNotNull(uriString);//from   www.ja  v  a2 s. com
    // adding suffix with space to the container name
    String scheme = "swift2d";
    String objectName = "/a/testObject.txt";
    URI publicContainerURI = new URI(uriString + objectName);
    // initialize file system
    fs.initialize(publicContainerURI, conf);
    FileStatus objectFS = null;
    Path f = null;
    try {
        FSDataOutputStream fsDataOutputStream = null;
        String currObjName = null;
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
            currObjName = objectName + String.valueOf(i);
            // create timer
            createObjectTimer(90000.0, currObjName);
            publicContainerURI = new URI(scheme + "://" + getHost(URI.create(uriString)) + "/" + currObjName);
            f = new Path(publicContainerURI.toString());
            fsDataOutputStream = fs.create(f);
            String line = null;
            while (!objectExpired) {
                // generates input
                byte[] bytes = new byte[0];
                line = "\"2017-7-15 3:6:43\"," + String.valueOf(Math.random()) + ",6,18" + "\n";
                ByteBuffer linesBB = ByteBuffer.wrap(line.getBytes());
                bytes = new byte[linesBB.limit()];

                // writes to output

                // simulate delays in input
            objectExpired = false;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Assert.assertNotNull("Unable to access public object.", objectFS);
    } finally {
        fs.delete(f, true);

From source file:com.taobao.datax.plugins.common.DFSUtils.java

License:Open Source License

 * Initialize handle of {@link FileSystem}.
 * /*from   www .j a  v  a2s.  c  o  m*/
 * @param uri
 *            URI
 * @param conf
 *            {@link Configuration}
 * @return an FileSystem instance

public static FileSystem createFileSystem(URI uri, Configuration conf) throws IOException {
    Class<?> clazz = conf.getClass("fs." + uri.getScheme() + ".impl", null);
    if (clazz == null) {
        throw new IOException("No FileSystem for scheme: " + uri.getScheme());
    FileSystem fs = (FileSystem) ReflectionUtils.newInstance(clazz, conf);
    fs.initialize(uri, conf);
    return fs;

From source file:gobblin.yarn.GobblinYarnAppLauncher.java

License:Apache License

private LogCopier buildLogCopier(Config config, Path sinkLogDir, Path appWorkDir) throws IOException {
    FileSystem rawLocalFs = this.closer.register(new RawLocalFileSystem());
    rawLocalFs.initialize(URI.create(ConfigurationKeys.LOCAL_FS_URI), new Configuration());

    LogCopier.Builder builder = LogCopier.newBuilder().useSrcFileSystem(this.fs).useDestFileSystem(rawLocalFs)
                    ImmutableSet.of(ApplicationConstants.STDOUT, ApplicationConstants.STDERR));
    if (config.hasPath(GobblinYarnConfigurationKeys.LOG_COPIER_MAX_FILE_SIZE)) {
    }//w  w w  . j  a v  a2 s  . c  o m
    if (config.hasPath(GobblinYarnConfigurationKeys.LOG_COPIER_SCHEDULER)) {
    return builder.build();

From source file:org.apache.ambari.fast_hdfs_resource.Runner.java

License:Apache License

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, URISyntaxException {
    // 1 - Check arguments
    if (args.length != 1) {
        System.err.println(//from w  w w  .j  a va  2  s.c  om
                "Incorrect number of arguments. Please provide:\n" + "1) Path to json file\n" + "Exiting...");

    // 2 - Check if json-file exists
    final String jsonFilePath = args[0];
    File file = new File(jsonFilePath);

    if (!file.isFile()) {
        System.err.println("File " + jsonFilePath + " doesn't exist.\nExiting...");

    Gson gson = new Gson();
    Resource[] resources = null;
    FileSystem dfs = null;

    try {
        Configuration conf = new Configuration();
        dfs = FileSystem.get(conf);

        // 3 - Load data from JSON
        resources = (Resource[]) gson.fromJson(new FileReader(jsonFilePath), Resource[].class);

        // 4 - Connect to HDFS
        System.out.println("Using filesystem uri: " + FileSystem.getDefaultUri(conf).toString());
        dfs.initialize(FileSystem.getDefaultUri(conf), conf);

        for (Resource resource : resources) {
            System.out.println("Creating: " + resource);

            Resource.checkResourceParameters(resource, dfs);

            Path pathHadoop = new Path(resource.getTarget());
            if (!resource.isManageIfExists() && dfs.exists(pathHadoop)) {
                System.out.println("Skipping the operation for not managed DFS directory "
                        + resource.getTarget() + " since immutable_paths contains it.");

            if (resource.getAction().equals("create")) {
                // 5 - Create
                Resource.createResource(resource, dfs, pathHadoop);
                Resource.setMode(resource, dfs, pathHadoop);
                Resource.setOwner(resource, dfs, pathHadoop);
            } else if (resource.getAction().equals("delete")) {
                // 6 - Delete
                dfs.delete(pathHadoop, true);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        System.out.println("Exception occurred, Reason: " + e.getMessage());
    } finally {

    System.out.println("All resources created.");

From source file:org.apache.gobblin.yarn.GobblinYarnAppLauncher.java

License:Apache License

private LogCopier buildLogCopier(Config config, Path sinkLogDir, Path appWorkDir) throws IOException {
    FileSystem rawLocalFs = this.closer.register(new RawLocalFileSystem());
    rawLocalFs.initialize(URI.create(ConfigurationKeys.LOCAL_FS_URI), new Configuration());

    LogCopier.Builder builder = LogCopier.newBuilder().useSrcFileSystem(this.fs).useDestFileSystem(rawLocalFs)
                    ImmutableSet.of(ApplicationConstants.STDOUT, ApplicationConstants.STDERR));
    return builder.build();

From source file:org.hypertable.DfsBroker.hadoop.HadoopBroker.java

License:Open Source License

 * Returns a brand new instance of the FileSystem
 * //from w  ww.j  a  v  a2 s .  c  o m
 * @return A new instance of the filesystem
private FileSystem newInstanceFileSystem() throws IOException {
    URI uri = FileSystem.getDefaultUri(mConf);
    Class<?> clazz = FileSystem.getFileSystemClass(uri.getScheme(), mConf);
    if (clazz == null)
        throw new IOException("HdfsBroker: No FileSystem for scheme: " + uri.getScheme());
    FileSystem fs = (FileSystem) ReflectionUtils.newInstance(clazz, mConf);
    fs.initialize(uri, mConf);
    return fs;

From source file:org.hypertable.FsBroker.hadoop.HadoopBroker.java

License:Open Source License

 * Returns a brand new instance of the FileSystem. It does not use
 * the FileSystem.Cache. In newer versions of HDFS, we can directly
 * invoke FileSystem.newInstance(Configuration).
 * //  ww w.  j  ava  2 s. c  o  m
 * @param conf Configuration
 * @return A new instance of the filesystem
private static FileSystem newInstanceFileSystem(Configuration conf) throws IOException {
    URI uri = FileSystem.getDefaultUri(conf);
    Class<?> clazz = conf.getClass("fs." + uri.getScheme() + ".impl", null);
    if (clazz == null) {
        throw new IOException("No FileSystem for scheme: " + uri.getScheme());
    FileSystem fs = (FileSystem) ReflectionUtils.newInstance(clazz, conf);
    fs.initialize(uri, conf);
    return fs;