Example usage for org.apache.hadoop.fs FileSystem makeQualified

List of usage examples for org.apache.hadoop.fs FileSystem makeQualified


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.hadoop.fs FileSystem makeQualified.


public Path makeQualified(Path path) 

Source Link


Qualify a path to one which uses this FileSystem and, if relative, made absolute.


From source file:org.apache.oozie.action.hadoop.GitMain.java

License:Apache License

 * Parse action configuration and set configuration variables
 * @param actionConf Oozie action configuration
 * @throws OozieActionConfiguratorException upon any required properties missing
 *//*from w w  w . j a v a  2s.  c  om*/
private void parseActionConfiguration(final Configuration actionConf) throws OozieActionConfiguratorException {

    nameNode = checkAndGetTrimmed(actionConf, GitActionExecutor.NAME_NODE);
    destinationUri = checkAndGetTrimmed(actionConf, GitActionExecutor.DESTINATION_URI);
    try {
        final FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(isValidUri(destinationUri), actionConf);
        destinationUri = fs.makeQualified(new Path(destinationUri)).toString();
    } catch (final IOException e) {
        throw new OozieActionConfiguratorException(
                "Action Configuration does not have " + "a valid filesystem for URI "
                        + GitActionExecutor.DESTINATION_URI + "exception " + e.toString());
    gitUri = isValidUri(checkAndGetTrimmed(actionConf, GitActionExecutor.GIT_URI)).toString();
    gitBranch = actionConf.get(GitActionExecutor.GIT_BRANCH);
    keyPath = actionConf.get(GitActionExecutor.KEY_PATH);

From source file:org.apache.oozie.service.TestAuthorizationService.java

License:Apache License

private void _testAuthorizationService(boolean useDefaultGroup) throws Exception {
    init(useDefaultGroup, true);/*from w ww . j a va 2 s.  co m*/
    Reader reader = IOUtils.getResourceAsReader("wf-ext-schema-valid.xml", -1);
    Writer writer = new FileWriter(new File(getTestCaseDir(), "workflow.xml"));
    IOUtils.copyCharStream(reader, writer);

    final DagEngine engine = new DagEngine(getTestUser());
    Configuration jobConf = new XConfiguration();
    jobConf.set(OozieClient.APP_PATH, getTestCaseFileUri("workflow.xml"));
    jobConf.set(OozieClient.USER_NAME, getTestUser());
    if (useDefaultGroup) {
        jobConf.set(OozieClient.GROUP_NAME, getTestGroup());
    } else {
        jobConf.set(OozieClient.GROUP_NAME, getTestGroup() + ",foo");

    jobConf.set(OozieClient.LOG_TOKEN, "t");

    jobConf.set("external-status", "ok");
    jobConf.set("signal-value", "based_on_action_status");

    final String jobId = engine.submitJob(jobConf, true);

    HadoopAccessorService has = Services.get().get(HadoopAccessorService.class);
    URI uri = getFileSystem().getUri();
    Configuration fsConf = has.createJobConf(uri.getAuthority());
    FileSystem fileSystem = has.createFileSystem(getTestUser(), uri, fsConf);

    Path path = new Path(fileSystem.getWorkingDirectory(), UUID.randomUUID().toString());
    Path fsTestDir = fileSystem.makeQualified(path);
    System.out.println(XLog.format("Setting FS testcase work dir[{0}]", fsTestDir));
    fileSystem.delete(fsTestDir, true);
    if (!fileSystem.mkdirs(path)) {
        throw new IOException(XLog.format("Could not create FS testcase dir [{0}]", fsTestDir));

    String appPath = fsTestDir.toString() + "/app";

    Path jobXmlPath = new Path(appPath, "workflow.xml");
    fileSystem.setOwner(jobXmlPath, getTestUser(), getTestGroup());

    FsPermission permissions = new FsPermission(FsAction.READ_WRITE, FsAction.READ, FsAction.NONE);
    fileSystem.setPermission(jobXmlPath, permissions);

    AuthorizationService as = services.get(AuthorizationService.class);
    as.authorizeForGroup(getTestUser(), getTestGroup());

    as.authorizeForApp(getTestUser2(), getTestGroup(), appPath, jobConf);

    try {
        as.authorizeForApp(getTestUser3(), getTestGroup(), appPath, jobConf);
    } catch (AuthorizationException ex) {

    as.authorizeForJob(getTestUser(), jobId, false);
    as.authorizeForJob(getTestUser(), jobId, true);
    if (!useDefaultGroup) {
        as.authorizeForJob("foo", jobId, true);
    try {
        as.authorizeForJob("bar", jobId, true);
    } catch (AuthorizationException ex) {

From source file:org.apache.oozie.util.JobUtils.java

License:Apache License

 * This method provides a wrapper around hadoop 0.20/1.x and 0.23/2.x implementations.
 * TODO: Remove the workaround when we drop the support for hadoop 0.20.
 * @param file Path of the file to be added
 * @param conf Configuration that contains the classpath setting
 * @param fs FileSystem with respect to which path should be interpreted (may be null)
 * @throws IOException/* w w w.j  av  a 2s .  co  m*/
public static void addFileToClassPath(Path file, Configuration conf, FileSystem fs) throws IOException {
    if (fs == null) {
        Configuration defaultConf = Services.get().get(HadoopAccessorService.class)
        XConfiguration.copy(conf, defaultConf);
        // it fails with conf, therefore we pass defaultConf instead
        fs = file.getFileSystem(defaultConf);
    // Hadoop 0.20/1.x.
    if (Services.get().get(HadoopAccessorService.class).getCachedConf()
            .get("yarn.resourcemanager.webapp.address") == null) {
        // Duplicate hadoop 1.x code to workaround MAPREDUCE-2361 in Hadoop 0.20
        // Refer OOZIE-1806.
        String filepath = file.toUri().getPath();
        String classpath = conf.get("mapred.job.classpath.files");
                classpath == null ? filepath : classpath + System.getProperty("path.separator") + filepath);
        URI uri = fs.makeQualified(file).toUri();
        DistributedCache.addCacheFile(uri, conf);
    } else { // Hadoop 0.23/2.x
        DistributedCache.addFileToClassPath(file, conf, fs);

From source file:org.apache.parquet.hadoop.TestParquetFileWriter.java

License:Apache License

 * {@link ParquetFileWriter#mergeFooters(Path, List)} expects a fully-qualified
 * path for the root and crashes if a relative one is provided.
 *//*from   www. j  av a 2 s .c o m*/
public void testWriteMetadataFileWithRelativeOutputPath() throws IOException {
    Configuration conf = new Configuration();
    FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf);
    Path relativeRoot = new Path("target/_test_relative");
    Path qualifiedRoot = fs.makeQualified(relativeRoot);

    ParquetMetadata mock = Mockito.mock(ParquetMetadata.class);
    FileMetaData fileMetaData = new FileMetaData(
            new MessageType("root1", new PrimitiveType(REPEATED, BINARY, "a")), new HashMap<String, String>(),

    List<Footer> footers = new ArrayList<Footer>();
    Footer footer = new Footer(new Path(qualifiedRoot, "one"), mock);

    // This should not throw an exception
    ParquetFileWriter.writeMetadataFile(conf, relativeRoot, footers, JobSummaryLevel.ALL);

From source file:org.apache.parquet.hadoop.util.HadoopOutputFile.java

License:Apache License

public static HadoopOutputFile fromPath(Path path, Configuration conf) throws IOException {
    FileSystem fs = path.getFileSystem(conf);
    return new HadoopOutputFile(fs, fs.makeQualified(path), conf);

From source file:org.apache.phoenix.mapreduce.MultiHfileOutputFormat.java

License:Apache License

 * Configure <code>job</code> with a TotalOrderPartitioner, partitioning against
 * <code>splitPoints</code>. Cleans up the partitions file after job exists.
 *//*from   ww w  .j  av a2s .  com*/
static void configurePartitioner(Job job, Set<TableRowkeyPair> tablesStartKeys) throws IOException {

    Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration();
    // create the partitions file
    Path partitionsPath = new Path(conf.get("hadoop.tmp.dir"), "partitions_" + UUID.randomUUID());
    FileSystem fs = partitionsPath.getFileSystem(conf);
    writePartitions(conf, partitionsPath, tablesStartKeys);

    // configure job to use it
    TotalOrderPartitioner.setPartitionFile(conf, partitionsPath);

From source file:org.apache.pirk.schema.data.DataSchemaLoader.java

License:Apache License

private static DataSchema readSchemaFile(String schemaFile, FileSystem fs, boolean hdfs)
        throws IOException, PIRException {
    logger.info("Loading data schemaFile = " + schemaFile + " hdfs = " + hdfs);

    // Parse and load the schema file into a DataSchema object; place in the schemaMap
    DataSchemaLoader loader = new DataSchemaLoader();
    InputStream is;//  w  ww  . jav  a 2s.  c  om
    if (hdfs) {
        logger.info("hdfs: filePath = " + schemaFile);
        is = fs.open(fs.makeQualified(new Path(schemaFile)));
    } else {
        logger.info("localFS: inputFile = " + schemaFile);
        is = new FileInputStream(schemaFile);

    try {
        return loader.loadSchema(is);
    } finally {

From source file:org.apache.solr.hadoop.MorphlineBasicMiniMRTest.java

License:Apache License

public void mrRun() throws Exception {
    FileSystem fs = dfsCluster.getFileSystem();
    Path inDir = fs.makeQualified(new Path("/user/testing/testMapperReducer/input"));
    fs.delete(inDir, true);/*from www  .  ja va2s  . c om*/
    String DATADIR = "/user/testing/testMapperReducer/data";
    Path dataDir = fs.makeQualified(new Path(DATADIR));
    fs.delete(dataDir, true);
    Path outDir = fs.makeQualified(new Path("/user/testing/testMapperReducer/output"));
    fs.delete(outDir, true);

    Path INPATH = new Path(inDir, "input.txt");
    OutputStream os = fs.create(INPATH);
    Writer wr = new OutputStreamWriter(os, "UTF-8");
    wr.write(DATADIR + "/" + inputAvroFile);

    fs.copyFromLocalFile(new Path(DOCUMENTS_DIR, inputAvroFile), dataDir);

    JobConf jobConf = getJobConf();
    if (ENABLE_LOCAL_JOB_RUNNER) { // enable Hadoop LocalJobRunner; this enables to run in debugger and set breakpoints
        jobConf.set("mapred.job.tracker", "local");
    jobConf.setBoolean(ExtractingParams.IGNORE_TIKA_EXCEPTION, false);

    int shards = 2;
    int maxReducers = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        // local job runner has a couple of limitations: only one reducer is supported and the DistributedCache doesn't work.
        // see http://blog.cloudera.com/blog/2009/07/advice-on-qa-testing-your-mapreduce-jobs/
        maxReducers = 1;
        shards = 1;

    String[] args = new String[] {
            "--morphline-file=" + RESOURCES_DIR + "/test-morphlines/solrCellDocumentTypes.conf",
            "--morphline-id=morphline1", "--solr-home-dir=" + MINIMR_CONF_DIR.getAbsolutePath(),
            "--output-dir=" + outDir.toString(), "--shards=" + shards, "--verbose",
            numRuns % 2 == 0 ? "--input-list=" + INPATH.toString() : dataDir.toString(),
            numRuns % 3 == 0 ? "--reducers=" + shards
                    : (numRuns % 3 == 1 ? "--reducers=-1" : "--reducers=" + Math.min(8, maxReducers)) };
    if (numRuns % 3 == 2) {
        args = concat(args, new String[] { "--fanout=2" });
    if (numRuns == 0) {
        // force (slow) MapReduce based randomization to get coverage for that as well
        args = concat(new String[] { "-D", MapReduceIndexerTool.MAIN_MEMORY_RANDOMIZATION_THRESHOLD + "=-1" },
    MapReduceIndexerTool tool = createTool();
    int res = ToolRunner.run(jobConf, tool, args);
    assertEquals(0, res);
    Job job = tool.job;

    if (numRuns % 3 != 2) {
        // Only run this check if mtree merge is disabled.
        // With mtree merge enabled the BatchWriter counters aren't available anymore because 
        // variable "job" now refers to the merge job rather than the indexing job
                "Invalid counter " + SolrRecordWriter.class.getName() + "." + SolrCounters.DOCUMENTS_WRITTEN,
                        .findCounter(SolrCounters.class.getName(), SolrCounters.DOCUMENTS_WRITTEN.toString())

    // Check the output is as expected
    outDir = new Path(outDir, MapReduceIndexerTool.RESULTS_DIR);
    Path[] outputFiles = FileUtil.stat2Paths(fs.listStatus(outDir));

    System.out.println("outputfiles:" + Arrays.toString(outputFiles));

    TestUtils.validateSolrServerDocumentCount(MINIMR_CONF_DIR, fs, outDir, count, shards);

    // run again with --dryrun mode:  
    tool = createTool();
    args = concat(args, new String[] { "--dry-run" });
    res = ToolRunner.run(jobConf, tool, args);
    assertEquals(0, res);


From source file:org.apache.solr.hadoop.MorphlineGoLiveMiniMRTest.java

License:Apache License

public void doTest() throws Exception {

    waitForRecoveriesToFinish(false);//from  w  ww  .ja va  2 s  .c  om

    FileSystem fs = dfsCluster.getFileSystem();
    Path inDir = fs.makeQualified(new Path("/user/testing/testMapperReducer/input"));
    fs.delete(inDir, true);
    String DATADIR = "/user/testing/testMapperReducer/data";
    Path dataDir = fs.makeQualified(new Path(DATADIR));
    fs.delete(dataDir, true);
    Path outDir = fs.makeQualified(new Path("/user/testing/testMapperReducer/output"));
    fs.delete(outDir, true);

    Path INPATH = upAvroFile(fs, inDir, DATADIR, dataDir, inputAvroFile1);

    JobConf jobConf = getJobConf();
    // enable mapred.job.tracker = local to run in debugger and set breakpoints
    // jobConf.set("mapred.job.tracker", "local");
    jobConf.setBoolean(ExtractingParams.IGNORE_TIKA_EXCEPTION, false);

    MapReduceIndexerTool tool;
    int res;
    QueryResponse results;
    HttpSolrServer server = new HttpSolrServer(cloudJettys.get(0).url);

    String[] args = new String[] { "--solr-home-dir=" + MINIMR_CONF_DIR.getAbsolutePath(),
            "--output-dir=" + outDir.toString(), "--mappers=3",
            ++numRuns % 2 == 0 ? "--input-list=" + INPATH.toString() : dataDir.toString(), "--shard-url",
            cloudJettys.get(0).url, "--shard-url", cloudJettys.get(1).url, "--shard-url",
            cloudJettys.get(2).url, "--go-live-threads", Integer.toString(random().nextInt(15) + 1),
            "--verbose", "--go-live" };
    args = prependInitialArgs(args);

    if (true) {
        tool = new MapReduceIndexerTool();
        res = ToolRunner.run(jobConf, tool, args);
        assertEquals(0, res);
        results = server.query(new SolrQuery("*:*"));
        assertEquals(20, results.getResults().getNumFound());

    fs.delete(inDir, true);
    fs.delete(outDir, true);
    fs.delete(dataDir, true);
    INPATH = upAvroFile(fs, inDir, DATADIR, dataDir, inputAvroFile2);

    args = new String[] { "--solr-home-dir=" + MINIMR_CONF_DIR.getAbsolutePath(),
            "--output-dir=" + outDir.toString(), "--mappers=3", "--verbose", "--go-live",
            ++numRuns % 2 == 0 ? "--input-list=" + INPATH.toString() : dataDir.toString(), "--shard-url",
            cloudJettys.get(0).url, "--shard-url", cloudJettys.get(1).url, "--shard-url",
            cloudJettys.get(2).url, "--go-live-threads", Integer.toString(random().nextInt(15) + 1) };
    args = prependInitialArgs(args);

    if (true) {
        tool = new MapReduceIndexerTool();
        res = ToolRunner.run(jobConf, tool, args);
        assertEquals(0, res);
        results = server.query(new SolrQuery("*:*"));

        assertEquals(22, results.getResults().getNumFound());

    // try using zookeeper
    String collection = "collection1";
    if (random().nextBoolean()) {
        // sometimes, use an alias
        createAlias("updatealias", "collection1");
        collection = "updatealias";

    fs.delete(inDir, true);
    fs.delete(outDir, true);
    fs.delete(dataDir, true);
    INPATH = upAvroFile(fs, inDir, DATADIR, dataDir, inputAvroFile3);

    args = new String[] { "--output-dir=" + outDir.toString(), "--mappers=3", "--reducers=6", "--verbose",
            "--go-live", ++numRuns % 2 == 0 ? "--input-list=" + INPATH.toString() : dataDir.toString(),
            "--zk-host", zkServer.getZkAddress(), "--collection", collection };
    args = prependInitialArgs(args);

    if (true) {
        tool = new MapReduceIndexerTool();
        res = ToolRunner.run(jobConf, tool, args);
        assertEquals(0, res);

        results = server.query(new SolrQuery("*:*"));
        assertEquals(2126, results.getResults().getNumFound());


    // try using zookeeper with replication
    String replicatedCollection = "replicated_collection";
    createCollection(replicatedCollection, 2, 3, 2);
    fs.delete(inDir, true);
    fs.delete(outDir, true);
    fs.delete(dataDir, true);
    INPATH = upAvroFile(fs, inDir, DATADIR, dataDir, inputAvroFile3);

    args = new String[] { "--solr-home-dir=" + MINIMR_CONF_DIR.getAbsolutePath(),
            "--output-dir=" + outDir.toString(), "--mappers=3", "--reducers=6", "--verbose", "--go-live",
            "--zk-host", zkServer.getZkAddress(), "--collection", replicatedCollection, dataDir.toString() };
    args = prependInitialArgs(args);

    if (true) {
        tool = new MapReduceIndexerTool();
        res = ToolRunner.run(jobConf, tool, args);
        assertEquals(0, res);

        results = cloudClient.query(new SolrQuery("*:*"));
        assertEquals(2104, results.getResults().getNumFound());


    // try using solr_url with replication
    fs.delete(inDir, true);
    fs.delete(dataDir, true);
    INPATH = upAvroFile(fs, inDir, DATADIR, dataDir, inputAvroFile3);

    args = new String[] { "--solr-home-dir=" + MINIMR_CONF_DIR.getAbsolutePath(),
            "--output-dir=" + outDir.toString(), "--shards", "2", "--mappers=3", "--verbose", "--go-live",
            "--go-live-threads", Integer.toString(random().nextInt(15) + 1), dataDir.toString() };
    args = prependInitialArgs(args);

    List<String> argList = new ArrayList<String>();
    getShardUrlArgs(argList, replicatedCollection);
    args = concat(args, argList.toArray(new String[0]));

    if (true) {
        tool = new MapReduceIndexerTool();
        res = ToolRunner.run(jobConf, tool, args);
        assertEquals(0, res);


        results = cloudClient.query(new SolrQuery("*:*"));
        assertEquals(2104, results.getResults().getNumFound());


From source file:org.apache.sqoop.mapreduce.CombineFileInputFormat.java

License:Apache License

public List<InputSplit> getSplits(JobContext job) throws IOException {

    long minSizeNode = 0;
    long minSizeRack = 0;
    long maxSize = 0;
    Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration();

    // the values specified by setxxxSplitSize() takes precedence over the
    // values that might have been specified in the config
    if (minSplitSizeNode != 0) {
        minSizeNode = minSplitSizeNode;//from  ww  w .  jav  a  2s. c  o  m
    } else {
        minSizeNode = conf.getLong(SPLIT_MINSIZE_PERNODE, 0);
    if (minSplitSizeRack != 0) {
        minSizeRack = minSplitSizeRack;
    } else {
        minSizeRack = conf.getLong(SPLIT_MINSIZE_PERRACK, 0);
    if (maxSplitSize != 0) {
        maxSize = maxSplitSize;
    } else {
        maxSize = conf.getLong("mapred.max.split.size", 0);
    if (minSizeNode != 0 && maxSize != 0 && minSizeNode > maxSize) {
        throw new IOException("Minimum split size pernode " + minSizeNode
                + " cannot be larger than maximum split size " + maxSize);
    if (minSizeRack != 0 && maxSize != 0 && minSizeRack > maxSize) {
        throw new IOException("Minimum split size per rack" + minSizeRack
                + " cannot be larger than maximum split size " + maxSize);
    if (minSizeRack != 0 && minSizeNode > minSizeRack) {
        throw new IOException("Minimum split size per node" + minSizeNode
                + " cannot be smaller than minimum split " + "size per rack " + minSizeRack);

    // all the files in input set
    Path[] paths = FileUtil.stat2Paths(listStatus(job).toArray(new FileStatus[0]));
    List<InputSplit> splits = new ArrayList<InputSplit>();
    if (paths.length == 0) {
        return splits;

    // Convert them to Paths first. This is a costly operation and
    // we should do it first, otherwise we will incur doing it multiple
    // times, one time each for each pool in the next loop.
    List<Path> newpaths = new LinkedList<Path>();
    for (int i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) {
        FileSystem fs = paths[i].getFileSystem(conf);

        //the scheme and authority will be kept if the path is
        //a valid path for a non-default file system
        Path p = fs.makeQualified(paths[i]);
    paths = null;

    // In one single iteration, process all the paths in a single pool.
    // Processing one pool at a time ensures that a split contains paths
    // from a single pool only.
    for (MultiPathFilter onepool : pools) {
        ArrayList<Path> myPaths = new ArrayList<Path>();

        // pick one input path. If it matches all the filters in a pool,
        // add it to the output set
        for (Iterator<Path> iter = newpaths.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
            Path p = iter.next();
            if (onepool.accept(p)) {
                myPaths.add(p); // add it to my output set
        // create splits for all files in this pool.
        getMoreSplits(job, myPaths.toArray(new Path[myPaths.size()]), maxSize, minSizeNode, minSizeRack,

    // create splits for all files that are not in any pool.
    getMoreSplits(job, newpaths.toArray(new Path[newpaths.size()]), maxSize, minSizeNode, minSizeRack, splits);

    // free up rackToNodes map
    return splits;