Example usage for org.apache.hadoop.fs Path SEPARATOR

List of usage examples for org.apache.hadoop.fs Path SEPARATOR


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.hadoop.fs Path SEPARATOR.



To view the source code for org.apache.hadoop.fs Path SEPARATOR.

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The directory separator, a slash.


From source file:skewtune.mapreduce.STJobTracker.java

License:Apache License

public static String getLocalSplitFile(String user, String jobid) {
    return getLocalJobDir(user, jobid) + Path.SEPARATOR + LOCAL_SPLIT_FILE;

From source file:skewtune.mapreduce.STJobTracker.java

License:Apache License

public static String getLocalSplitMetaFile(String user, String jobid) {
    return getLocalJobDir(user, jobid) + Path.SEPARATOR + LOCAL_SPLIT_META_FILE;

From source file:tajo.engine.planner.physical.ExternalSortExec.java

License:Apache License

public ExternalSortExec(final TaskAttemptContext context, final StorageManager sm, final SortNode plan,
        final PhysicalExec child) throws IOException {
    super(context, plan.getInSchema(), plan.getOutSchema(), child);
    this.annotation = plan;
    this.sm = sm;

    this.SORT_BUFFER_SIZE = context.getConf().getIntVar(ConfVars.EXT_SORT_BUFFER);

    this.comparator = new TupleComparator(inSchema, plan.getSortKeys());
    this.tupleSlots = new ArrayList<>(SORT_BUFFER_SIZE);

    this.workDir = new Path(context.getWorkDir().toURI() + Path.SEPARATOR + UUID.randomUUID());
    this.localFS = FileSystem.getLocal(context.getConf());
    meta = TCatUtil.newTableMeta(inSchema, StoreType.ROWFILE);

From source file:test.hiveserver.parse.SemanticAnalyzer.java

License:Apache License

private void setupStats(TableScanDesc tsDesc, QBParseInfo qbp, Table tab, String alias, RowResolver rwsch)
        throws SemanticException {

    if (!qbp.isAnalyzeCommand()) {
        tsDesc.setGatherStats(false);//from w w  w. j av a 2 s.  c  om
    } else {

        // append additional virtual columns for storing statistics
        Iterator<VirtualColumn> vcs = VirtualColumn.getStatsRegistry(conf).iterator();
        List<VirtualColumn> vcList = new ArrayList<VirtualColumn>();
        while (vcs.hasNext()) {
            VirtualColumn vc = vcs.next();
            rwsch.put(alias, vc.getName(),
                    new ColumnInfo(vc.getName(), vc.getTypeInfo(), alias, true, vc.getIsHidden()));

        String tblName = tab.getTableName();
        org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.BaseSemanticAnalyzer.tableSpec tblSpec = qbp.getTableSpec(alias);
        Map<String, String> partSpec = tblSpec.getPartSpec();

        if (partSpec != null) {
            List<String> cols = new ArrayList<String>();

        // Theoretically the key prefix could be any unique string shared
        // between TableScanOperator (when publishing) and StatsTask (when aggregating).
        // Here we use
        //       table_name + partitionSec
        // as the prefix for easy of read during explain and debugging.
        // Currently, partition spec can only be static partition.
        String k = tblName + Path.SEPARATOR;

        // set up WritenEntity for replication
        outputs.add(new WriteEntity(tab, true));

        // add WriteEntity for each matching partition
        if (tab.isPartitioned()) {
            if (partSpec == null) {
                throw new SemanticException(ErrorMsg.NEED_PARTITION_SPECIFICATION.getMsg());
            List<Partition> partitions = qbp.getTableSpec().partitions;
            if (partitions != null) {
                for (Partition partn : partitions) {
                    // inputs.add(new ReadEntity(partn)); // is this needed at all?
                    outputs.add(new WriteEntity(partn, true));

From source file:testjar.GenerateTaskChildProcess.java

License:Apache License

 * It uses for creating the child processes for a task.
 * @param conf configuration for a job.//from ww w  .  ja  va2 s  .c  o  m
 * @param jobName the name of the mapper job.
 * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs.
private static void createChildProcess(JobConf conf, String jobName) throws IOException {
    FileSystem fs = FileSystem.getLocal(conf);
    File TMP_ROOT_DIR = new File("/tmp");
    String TEST_ROOT_DIR = TMP_ROOT_DIR.getAbsolutePath() + Path.SEPARATOR + "ChildProc_" + jobName;
    Path scriptDir = new Path(TEST_ROOT_DIR);
    int numOfChildProcesses = 2;

    if (fs.exists(scriptDir)) {
        fs.delete(scriptDir, true);
    fs.setPermission(scriptDir, new FsPermission(FsAction.ALL, FsAction.ALL, FsAction.ALL));

    String scriptDirName = scriptDir.toUri().getPath();
    Random rm = new Random();
    String scriptName = "ShellScript_" + jobName + "_" + rm.nextInt() + ".sh";
    Path scriptPath = new Path(scriptDirName, scriptName);
    String shellScript = scriptPath.toString();
    String script = null;
    if (jobName.equals("AppendStr")) {
        script = "#!/bin/sh\n" + "umask 000\n" + "StrVal=\"Hadoop is framework for data intensive "
                + "distributed applications.\"\n" + "StrVal=\"${StrVal}Hadoop enables applications to work "
                + "with thousands of nodes.\"\n" + "echo $StrVal\n" + "if [ \"X$1\" != \"X0\" ]\nthen\n"
                + "  sh " + shellScript + " $(($1-1))\n" + "else\n" + "  while(true)\n" + "  do\n"
                + "    StrVal=\"$StrVal Hadoop \"\n" + "  done\n" + "fi";
    } else if (jobName.equals("DispStr")) {
        script = "#!/bin/sh\n" + "umask 000\n" + "msg=Welcome\n" + "echo $msg\n"
                + " if [ \"X$1\" != \"X0\" ]\nthen\n" + "  sh " + shellScript + " $(($1-1))\n" + "else\n"
                + "  while(true)\n" + "  do\n" + "    sleep 2 \n" + "  done\n" + "fi";
    } else {
        script = "#!/bin/sh\n" + "umask 000\n" + "msg=Welcome\n" + "echo $msg\n"
                + " if [ \"X$1\" != \"X0\" ]\nthen\n" + "  sh " + shellScript + " $(($1-1))\n" + "else\n"
                + "  for count in {1..1000}\n" + "  do\n" + "    echo \"$msg_$count\" \n" + "  done\n" + "fi";
    DataOutputStream file = fs.create(scriptPath);
    File scriptFile = new File(scriptDirName, scriptName);
    LOG.info("script absolute path:" + scriptFile.getAbsolutePath());
    String[] cmd = new String[] { scriptFile.getAbsolutePath(), String.valueOf(numOfChildProcesses) };
    ShellCommandExecutor shellExec = new ShellCommandExecutor(cmd);

From source file:voldemort.store.readonly.mr.azkaban.VoldemortMultiStoreBuildAndPushJob.java

License:Apache License

public void run() throws Exception {

    // Mapping of Pair [ cluster url, store name ] to List of previous node
    // directories.
    // Required for rollback...
    Multimap<Pair<String, String>, Pair<Integer, String>> previousNodeDirPerClusterStore = HashMultimap
            .create();//from  w  w  w.  j a  v a2  s . co  m

    // Retrieve filesystem information for checking if folder exists
    final FileSystem fs = outputDir.getFileSystem(new Configuration());

    // Step 1 ) Order the stores depending on the size of the store
    TreeMap<Long, String> storeNameSortedBySize = Maps.newTreeMap();
    for (String storeName : storeNames) {
        storeNameSortedBySize.put(sizeOfPath(fs, inputDirsPerStore.get(storeName)), storeName);

    log.info("Store names along with their input file sizes - " + storeNameSortedBySize);

    // This will collect it in ascending order of size
    this.storeNames = Lists.newArrayList(storeNameSortedBySize.values());

    // Reverse it such that is in descending order of size

    log.info("Store names in the order of which we'll run build and push - " + this.storeNames);

    // Step 2 ) Get the push version if set
    final long pushVersion = props.containsKey("push.version.timestamp")
            ? Long.parseLong(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss").format(new Date()))
            : props.getLong("push.version", -1L);

    // Mapping of Pair [ cluster url, store name ] to Future with list of
    // node dirs
    HashMap<Pair<String, String>, Future<List<String>>> fetchDirsPerStoreCluster = Maps.newHashMap();

    // Store mapping of url to cluster metadata
    final ConcurrentHashMap<String, Cluster> urlToCluster = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Cluster>();

    // Mapping of Pair [ cluster url, store name ] to List of node
    // directories
    final HashMap<Pair<String, String>, List<String>> nodeDirPerClusterStore = new HashMap<Pair<String, String>, List<String>>();

    // Iterate over all of them and check if they are complete
    final HashMap<Pair<String, String>, Exception> exceptions = Maps.newHashMap();

    ExecutorService executor = null;
    try {
        executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(props.getInt("build.push.parallel", 1));

        // Step 3 ) Start the building + pushing of all stores in parallel
        for (final String storeName : storeNames) {
            // Go over every cluster and do the build phase
            for (int index = 0; index < clusterUrls.size(); index++) {
                final String url = clusterUrls.get(index);
                fetchDirsPerStoreCluster.put(Pair.create(url, storeName),
                        executor.submit(new Callable<List<String>>() {

                            public List<String> call() throws Exception {

                                log.info("========= Working on build + push phase for store '" + storeName
                                        + "' and cluster '" + url + "' ==========");

                                // Create an admin
                                // client which will be
                                // used by
                                // everyone
                                AdminClient adminClient = null;

                                // Executor inside
                                // executor - your mind
                                // just
                                // exploded!
                                ExecutorService internalExecutor = null;

                                try {
                                    // Retrieve admin
                                    // client for
                                    // verification of
                                    // schema + pushing
                                    adminClient = new AdminClient(url, new AdminClientConfig());

                                    // Verify the store
                                    // exists ( If not,
                                    // add it
                                    // the
                                    // store )
                                    Pair<StoreDefinition, Cluster> metadata = verifySchema(storeName, url,
                                            inputDirsPerStore.get(storeName), adminClient);

                                    // Populate the url
                                    // to cluster
                                    // metadata
                                    urlToCluster.put(url, metadata.getSecond());

                                    // Create output
                                    // directory path
                                    URI uri = new URI(url);

                                    Path outputDirPath = new Path(outputDir + Path.SEPARATOR + storeName,

                                    log.info("Running build phase for store '" + storeName + "' and url '" + url
                                            + "'. Reading from input directory '"
                                            + inputDirsPerStore.get(storeName) + "' and writing to "
                                            + outputDirPath);

                                    runBuildStore(metadata.getSecond(), metadata.getFirst(),
                                            inputDirsPerStore.get(storeName), outputDirPath);

                                    log.info("Finished running build phase for store " + storeName
                                            + " and url '" + url + "'. Written to directory " + outputDirPath);

                                    long storePushVersion = pushVersion;
                                    if (storePushVersion == -1L) {
                                        log.info("Retrieving version number for store '" + storeName
                                                + "' and cluster '" + url + "'");

                                        Map<String, Long> pushVersions = adminClient

                                        if (pushVersions == null || !pushVersions.containsKey(storeName)) {
                                            throw new RuntimeException(
                                                    "Could not retrieve version for store '" + storeName + "'");

                                        storePushVersion = pushVersions.get(storeName);

                                        log.info("Retrieved max version number for store '" + storeName
                                                + "' and cluster '" + url + "' = " + storePushVersion);

                                    log.info("Running push for cluster url " + url);

                                    // Used for
                                    // parallel pushing
                                    internalExecutor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();

                                    AdminStoreSwapper swapper = new AdminStoreSwapper(metadata.getSecond(),
                                            internalExecutor, adminClient,
                                            1000 * props.getInt("timeout.seconds", 24 * 60 * 60), true, true);

                                    // Convert to
                                    // hadoop specific
                                    // path
                                    String outputDirPathString = outputDirPath.makeQualified(fs).toString();

                                    if (!fs.exists(outputDirPath)) {
                                        throw new RuntimeException("Output directory for store " + storeName
                                                + " and cluster '" + url + "' - " + outputDirPathString
                                                + " does not exist");

                                    log.info("Pushing data to store '" + storeName + "' on cluster " + url
                                            + " from path  " + outputDirPathString + " with version "
                                            + storePushVersion);

                                    List<String> nodeDirs = swapper.invokeFetch(storeName, outputDirPathString,

                                    log.info("Successfully pushed data to store '" + storeName + "' on cluster "
                                            + url + " from path  " + outputDirPathString + " with version "
                                            + storePushVersion);

                                    return nodeDirs;
                                } finally {
                                    if (internalExecutor != null) {
                                        internalExecutor.awaitTermination(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
                                    if (adminClient != null) {




        for (final String storeName : storeNames) {
            for (int index = 0; index < clusterUrls.size(); index++) {
                Pair<String, String> key = Pair.create(clusterUrls.get(index), storeName);
                Future<List<String>> nodeDirs = fetchDirsPerStoreCluster.get(key);
                try {
                    nodeDirPerClusterStore.put(key, nodeDirs.get());
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    exceptions.put(key, e);

    } finally {
        if (executor != null) {
            executor.awaitTermination(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

    // ===== If we got exceptions during the build + push, delete data from
    // successful
    // nodes ======
    if (!exceptions.isEmpty()) {

        log.error("Got an exception during pushes. Deleting data already pushed on successful nodes");

        for (int index = 0; index < clusterUrls.size(); index++) {
            String clusterUrl = clusterUrls.get(index);
            Cluster cluster = urlToCluster.get(clusterUrl);

            AdminClient adminClient = null;
            try {
                adminClient = new AdminClient(cluster, new AdminClientConfig());
                for (final String storeName : storeNames) {
                    // Check if the [ cluster , store name ] succeeded. We
                    // need to roll it back
                    Pair<String, String> key = Pair.create(clusterUrl, storeName);

                    if (nodeDirPerClusterStore.containsKey(key)) {
                        List<String> nodeDirs = nodeDirPerClusterStore.get(key);

                        log.info("Deleting data for successful pushes to " + clusterUrl + " and store "
                                + storeName);
                        int nodeId = 0;
                        for (String nodeDir : nodeDirs) {
                            try {
                                log.info("Deleting data ( " + nodeDir + " ) for successful pushes to '"
                                        + clusterUrl + "' and store '" + storeName + "' and node " + nodeId);
                                adminClient.failedFetchStore(nodeId, storeName, nodeDir);
                                log.info("Successfully deleted data for successful pushes to '" + clusterUrl
                                        + "' and store '" + storeName + "' and node " + nodeId);

                            } catch (Exception e) {
                                log.error("Failure while deleting data on node " + nodeId + " for store '"
                                        + storeName + "' and url '" + clusterUrl + "'");
            } finally {
                if (adminClient != null) {

        int errorNo = 1;
        for (Pair<String, String> key : exceptions.keySet()) {
            log.error("Error no " + errorNo + "] Error pushing for cluster '" + key.getFirst() + "' and store '"
                    + key.getSecond() + "' :", exceptions.get(key));

        throw new VoldemortException("Exception during build + push");

    // ====== Delete the temporary directory since we don't require it
    // ======
    if (!props.getBoolean("build.output.keep", false)) {
        JobConf jobConf = new JobConf();

        if (props.containsKey("hadoop.job.ugi")) {
            jobConf.set("hadoop.job.ugi", props.getString("hadoop.job.ugi"));

        log.info("Deleting output directory since we have finished the pushes " + outputDir);
        HadoopUtils.deletePathIfExists(jobConf, outputDir.toString());
        log.info("Successfully deleted output directory since we have finished the pushes" + outputDir);

    // ====== Time to swap the stores one node at a time ========
    try {
        for (int index = 0; index < clusterUrls.size(); index++) {
            String url = clusterUrls.get(index);
            Cluster cluster = urlToCluster.get(url);

            AdminClient adminClient = new AdminClient(cluster, new AdminClientConfig());

            log.info("Swapping all stores on cluster " + url);
            try {
                // Go over every node and swap
                for (Node node : cluster.getNodes()) {

                    log.info("Swapping all stores on cluster " + url + " and node " + node.getId());

                    // Go over every store and swap
                    for (String storeName : storeNames) {

                        Pair<String, String> key = Pair.create(url, storeName);
                        log.info("Swapping '" + storeName + "' store on cluster " + url + " and node "
                                + node.getId() + " - " + nodeDirPerClusterStore.get(key).get(node.getId()));

                                Pair.create(node.getId(), adminClient.swapStore(node.getId(), storeName,
                        log.info("Successfully swapped '" + storeName + "' store on cluster " + url
                                + " and node " + node.getId());


            } finally {
                if (adminClient != null) {
    } catch (Exception e) {

        log.error("Got an exception during swaps. Rolling back data already pushed on successful nodes");

        for (Pair<String, String> clusterStoreTuple : previousNodeDirPerClusterStore.keySet()) {
            Collection<Pair<Integer, String>> nodeToPreviousDirs = previousNodeDirPerClusterStore
            String url = clusterStoreTuple.getFirst();
            Cluster cluster = urlToCluster.get(url);

            log.info("Rolling back for cluster " + url + " and store  " + clusterStoreTuple.getSecond());

            AdminClient adminClient = new AdminClient(cluster, new AdminClientConfig());
            try {
                for (Pair<Integer, String> nodeToPreviousDir : nodeToPreviousDirs) {
                    log.info("Rolling back for cluster " + url + " and store " + clusterStoreTuple.getSecond()
                            + " and node " + nodeToPreviousDir.getFirst() + " to dir "
                            + nodeToPreviousDir.getSecond());
                    adminClient.rollbackStore(nodeToPreviousDir.getFirst(), nodeToPreviousDir.getSecond(),
                            ReadOnlyUtils.getVersionId(new File(nodeToPreviousDir.getSecond())));
                    log.info("Successfully rolled back for cluster " + url + " and store "
                            + clusterStoreTuple.getSecond() + " and node " + nodeToPreviousDir.getFirst()
                            + " to dir " + nodeToPreviousDir.getSecond());

            } finally {
                if (adminClient != null) {
        throw e;