Example usage for org.apache.hadoop.fs Path SEPARATOR_CHAR

List of usage examples for org.apache.hadoop.fs Path SEPARATOR_CHAR


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.hadoop.fs Path SEPARATOR_CHAR.



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The directory separator, a slash, as a character.


From source file:com.quest.orahive.Utilities.java

License:Apache License

public static String getOraHiveJarFile() {

    Path jarFilePath = new Path(Utilities.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().getPath());
    String result = jarFilePath.toUri().getPath();
    if (!result.endsWith(".jar"))
        result = result + Path.SEPARATOR_CHAR + Constants.ORAHIVE_JAR_FILENAME;
    return result;

From source file:com.talis.hadoop.rdf.ZipUtils.java

License:Apache License

 * Write a file to a zip output stream, removing leading path name components
 * from the actual file name when creating the zip file entry.
 * //from   w  w  w  .j av  a 2  s. c o m
 * The entry placed in the zip file is <code>baseName</code>/
 * <code>relativePath</code>, where <code>relativePath</code> is constructed
 * by removing a leading <code>root</code> from the path for
 * <code>itemToZip</code>.
 * If <code>itemToZip</code> is an empty directory, it is ignored. If
 * <code>itemToZip</code> is a directory, the contents of the directory are
 * added recursively.
 * @param zos The zip output stream
 * @param baseName The base name to use for the file name entry in the zip
 *        file
 * @param root The path to remove from <code>itemToZip</code> to make a
 *        relative path name
 * @param itemToZip The path to the file to be added to the zip file
 * @return the number of entries added
 * @throws IOException
static public int zipDirectory(final Configuration conf, final ZipOutputStream zos, final String baseName,
        final String root, final Path itemToZip) throws IOException {
    LOG.info("zipDirectory: {} {} {}", new Object[] { baseName, root, itemToZip });
    LocalFileSystem localFs = FileSystem.getLocal(conf);
    int count = 0;

    final FileStatus itemStatus = localFs.getFileStatus(itemToZip);
    if (itemStatus.isDir()) {
        final FileStatus[] statai = localFs.listStatus(itemToZip);

        // Add a directory entry to the zip file
        final String zipDirName = relativePathForZipEntry(itemToZip.toUri().getPath(), baseName, root);
        final ZipEntry dirZipEntry = new ZipEntry(zipDirName + Path.SEPARATOR_CHAR);
        LOG.info(String.format("Adding directory %s to zip", zipDirName));

        if (statai == null || statai.length == 0) {
            LOG.info(String.format("Skipping empty directory %s", itemToZip));
            return count;
        for (FileStatus status : statai) {
            count += zipDirectory(conf, zos, baseName, root, status.getPath());
        LOG.info(String.format("Wrote %d entries for directory %s", count, itemToZip));
        return count;

    final String inZipPath = relativePathForZipEntry(itemToZip.toUri().getPath(), baseName, root);

    if (inZipPath.length() == 0) {
        LOG.warn(String.format("Skipping empty zip file path for %s (%s %s)", itemToZip, root, baseName));
        return 0;

    // Take empty files in case the place holder is needed
    FSDataInputStream in = null;
    try {
        in = localFs.open(itemToZip);
        final ZipEntry ze = new ZipEntry(inZipPath);
        // Comments confuse looking at the zip file
        // ze.setComment(itemToZip.toString());

        IOUtils.copyBytes(in, zos, conf, false);
        LOG.info(String.format("Wrote %d entries for file %s", count, itemToZip));
        return 1;
    } finally {


From source file:fr.ens.biologie.genomique.eoulsan.modules.mgmt.hadoop.DistCp.java


static private boolean isAncestorPath(final String x, final String y) {
    if (!y.startsWith(x)) {
        return false;
    }//from   www.  j  a v  a2  s . c  om
    final int len = x.length();
    return y.length() == len || y.charAt(len) == Path.SEPARATOR_CHAR;

From source file:ml.shifu.dtrain.NNUtils.java

License:Apache License

public static String getTmpNNModelName(String tmpModelsFolder, String trainerId, int iteration) {
    return new StringBuilder(200).append(tmpModelsFolder).append(Path.SEPARATOR_CHAR).append("model")

From source file:ml.shifu.shifu.core.dtrain.DTrainUtils.java

License:Apache License

public static String getTmpModelName(String tmpModelsFolder, String trainerId, int iteration,
        String modelPost) {//from   ww w.j a v  a  2s.c om
    return new StringBuilder(200).append(tmpModelsFolder).append(Path.SEPARATOR_CHAR).append("model")

From source file:org.apache.accumulo.gc.SimpleGarbageCollector.java

License:Apache License

 * Move a file, that would otherwise be deleted, to the archive directory for files
 * @param fileToArchive//from  ww  w.  j  av a  2s  .c  o  m
 *          Path to file that is to be archived
 * @return True if the file was successfully moved to the file archive directory, false otherwise
boolean archiveFile(Path fileToArchive) throws IOException {
    // Figure out what the base path this volume uses on this FileSystem
    Volume sourceVolume = fs.getVolumeByPath(fileToArchive);
    String sourceVolumeBasePath = sourceVolume.getBasePath();

    log.debug("Base path for volume: " + sourceVolumeBasePath);

    // Get the path for the file we want to archive
    String sourcePathBasePath = fileToArchive.toUri().getPath();

    // Strip off the common base path for the file to archive
    String relativeVolumePath = sourcePathBasePath.substring(sourceVolumeBasePath.length());
    if (Path.SEPARATOR_CHAR == relativeVolumePath.charAt(0)) {
        if (relativeVolumePath.length() > 1) {
            relativeVolumePath = relativeVolumePath.substring(1);
        } else {
            relativeVolumePath = "";

    log.debug("Computed relative path for file to archive: " + relativeVolumePath);

    // The file archive path on this volume (we can't archive this file to a different volume)
    Path archivePath = new Path(sourceVolumeBasePath, ServerConstants.FILE_ARCHIVE_DIR);

    log.debug("File archive path: " + archivePath);


    // Preserve the path beneath the Volume's base directory (e.g. tables/1/A_0000001.rf)
    Path fileArchivePath = new Path(archivePath, relativeVolumePath);

    log.debug("Create full path of " + fileArchivePath + " from " + archivePath + " and " + relativeVolumePath);

    // Make sure that it doesn't already exist, something is wrong.
    if (fs.exists(fileArchivePath)) {
        log.warn("Tried to archive file, but it already exists: " + fileArchivePath);
        return false;

    log.debug("Moving " + fileToArchive + " to " + fileArchivePath);
    return fs.rename(fileToArchive, fileArchivePath);

From source file:org.apache.accumulo.master.tableOps.CleanUp.java

License:Apache License

protected void archiveFile(VolumeManager fs, String dir, String tableId) throws IOException {
    Path tableDirectory = new Path(dir, tableId);
    Volume v = fs.getVolumeByPath(tableDirectory);
    String basePath = v.getBasePath();

    // Path component of URI
    String tableDirPath = tableDirectory.toUri().getPath();

    // Just the suffix of the path (after the Volume's base path)
    String tableDirSuffix = tableDirPath.substring(basePath.length());

    // Remove a leading path separator char because Path will treat the "child" as an absolute path with it
    if (Path.SEPARATOR_CHAR == tableDirSuffix.charAt(0)) {
        if (tableDirSuffix.length() > 1) {
            tableDirSuffix = tableDirSuffix.substring(1);
        } else {//from   w  ww .  ja va2 s .  c om
            tableDirSuffix = "";

    // Get the file archive directory on this volume
    final Path fileArchiveDir = new Path(basePath, ServerConstants.FILE_ARCHIVE_DIR);

    // Make sure it exists just to be safe

    // The destination to archive this table to
    final Path destTableDir = new Path(fileArchiveDir, tableDirSuffix);

    log.debug("Archiving " + tableDirectory + " to " + tableDirectory);

    if (fs.exists(destTableDir)) {
        merge(fs, tableDirectory, destTableDir);
    } else {
        fs.rename(tableDirectory, destTableDir);

From source file:org.apache.accumulo.server.fs.VolumeManagerImpl.java

License:Apache License

public Path getFullPath(FileType fileType, String path) {
    int colon = path.indexOf(':');
    if (colon > -1) {
        // Check if this is really an absolute path or if this is a 1.4 style relative path for a WAL
        if (fileType == FileType.WAL && path.charAt(colon + 1) != '/') {
            path = path.substring(path.indexOf('/'));
        } else {//from   www. j av  a 2s .  co m
            return new Path(path);

    if (path.startsWith("/"))
        path = path.substring(1);

    // ACCUMULO-2974 To ensure that a proper absolute path is created, the caller needs to include the table ID
    // in the relative path. Fail when this doesn't appear to happen.
    if (FileType.TABLE == fileType) {
        // Trailing slash doesn't create an additional element
        String[] pathComponents = StringUtils.split(path, Path.SEPARATOR_CHAR);

        // Is an rfile
        if (path.endsWith(RFILE_SUFFIX)) {
            if (pathComponents.length < 3) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Fewer components in file path than expected");
        } else {
            // is a directory
            if (pathComponents.length < 2) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Fewer components in directory path than expected");

    // normalize the path
    Path fullPath = new Path(defaultVolume.getBasePath(), fileType.getDirectory());
    fullPath = new Path(fullPath, path);

    FileSystem fs = getVolumeByPath(fullPath).getFileSystem();
    return fs.makeQualified(fullPath);

From source file:org.apache.giraph.master.BspServiceMaster.java

License:Apache License

 * Write superstep metrics to own file in HDFS
 * /* w  ww.  j ava2  s .c o  m*/
 * @param superstep
 *            the current superstep
 * @param aggregatedMetrics
 *            the aggregated metrics to write
private void printAggregatedMetricsToHDFS(long superstep, AggregatedMetrics aggregatedMetrics) {
    ImmutableClassesGiraphConfiguration conf = getConfiguration();
    PrintStream out = null;
    Path dir = new Path(GiraphConstants.METRICS_DIRECTORY.get(conf));
    Path outFile = new Path(GiraphConstants.METRICS_DIRECTORY.get(conf) + Path.SEPARATOR_CHAR + "superstep_"
            + superstep + ".metrics");
    try {
        FileSystem fs;
        fs = FileSystem.get(conf);
        if (!fs.exists(dir)) {
        if (fs.exists(outFile)) {
            throw new RuntimeException("printAggregatedMetricsToHDFS: metrics file exists");
        out = new PrintStream(fs.create(outFile), false, Charset.defaultCharset().name());
        aggregatedMetrics.print(superstep, out);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("printAggregatedMetricsToHDFS: error creating metrics file", e);
    } finally {
        if (out != null) {

From source file:org.apache.hcatalog.har.HarOutputCommitterPostProcessor.java

License:Apache License

 * Creates a har file from the contents of a given directory, using that as root.
 * @param dir Directory to archive/*from   w  w  w  .  j a  v  a  2s.c o  m*/
 * @param harFile The HAR file to create
public static void makeHar(JobContext context, String dir, String harFile) throws IOException {
    //    Configuration conf = context.getConfiguration();
    //    Credentials creds = context.getCredentials();

    //    HCatUtil.logAllTokens(LOG,context);

    int lastSep = harFile.lastIndexOf(Path.SEPARATOR_CHAR);
    Path archivePath = new Path(harFile.substring(0, lastSep));
    final String[] args = { "-archiveName", harFile.substring(lastSep + 1, harFile.length()), "-p", dir, "*",
            archivePath.toString() };
    //    for (String arg : args){
    //      LOG.info("Args to har : "+ arg);
    //    }
    try {
        Configuration newConf = new Configuration();
        FileSystem fs = archivePath.getFileSystem(newConf);

        String hadoopTokenFileLocationEnvSetting = System
        if ((hadoopTokenFileLocationEnvSetting != null) && (!hadoopTokenFileLocationEnvSetting.isEmpty())) {
            newConf.set(HCatConstants.CONF_MAPREDUCE_JOB_CREDENTIALS_BINARY, hadoopTokenFileLocationEnvSetting);
            //      LOG.info("System.getenv(\"HADOOP_TOKEN_FILE_LOCATION\") =["+  System.getenv("HADOOP_TOKEN_FILE_LOCATION")+"]");
        //      for (FileStatus ds : fs.globStatus(new Path(dir, "*"))){
        //        LOG.info("src : "+ds.getPath().toUri().toString());
        //      }

        final HadoopArchives har = new HadoopArchives(newConf);
        int rc = ToolRunner.run(har, args);
        if (rc != 0) {
            throw new Exception("Har returned error code " + rc);

        //      for (FileStatus hs : fs.globStatus(new Path(harFile, "*"))){
        //        LOG.info("dest : "+hs.getPath().toUri().toString());
        //      }
        //      doHarCheck(fs,harFile);
        //      LOG.info("Nuking " + dir);
        fs.delete(new Path(dir), true);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new HCatException("Error creating Har [" + harFile + "] from [" + dir + "]", e);