Example usage for org.apache.hadoop.hdfs DistributedFileSystem isDirectory

List of usage examples for org.apache.hadoop.hdfs DistributedFileSystem isDirectory


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.hadoop.hdfs DistributedFileSystem isDirectory.


public boolean isDirectory(Path f) throws IOException 

Source Link


True iff the named path is a directory.


From source file:com.cloudera.impala.analysis.LoadDataStmt.java

License:Apache License

private void analyzePaths(Analyzer analyzer, HdfsTable hdfsTable) throws AnalysisException {
    // The user must have permission to access the source location. Since the files will
    // be moved from this location, the user needs to have all permission.
    sourceDataPath_.analyze(analyzer, Privilege.ALL);

    try {//ww  w.  ja v a 2s.c  o  m
        Path source = sourceDataPath_.getPath();
        FileSystem fs = source.getFileSystem(FileSystemUtil.getConfiguration());
        // sourceDataPath_.analyze() ensured that path is on an HDFS filesystem.
        Preconditions.checkState(fs instanceof DistributedFileSystem);
        DistributedFileSystem dfs = (DistributedFileSystem) fs;
        if (!dfs.exists(source)) {
            throw new AnalysisException(String.format("INPATH location '%s' does not exist.", sourceDataPath_));

        if (dfs.isDirectory(source)) {
            if (FileSystemUtil.getTotalNumVisibleFiles(source) == 0) {
                throw new AnalysisException(
                        String.format("INPATH location '%s' contains no visible files.", sourceDataPath_));
            if (FileSystemUtil.containsSubdirectory(source)) {
                throw new AnalysisException(
                        String.format("INPATH location '%s' cannot contain subdirectories.", sourceDataPath_));
        } else { // INPATH points to a file.
            if (FileSystemUtil.isHiddenFile(source.getName())) {
                throw new AnalysisException(
                        String.format("INPATH location '%s' points to a hidden file.", source));

        String noWriteAccessErrorMsg = String.format(
                "Unable to LOAD DATA into "
                        + "target table (%s) because Impala does not have WRITE access to HDFS " + "location: ",

        HdfsPartition partition;
        String location;
        if (partitionSpec_ != null) {
            partition = hdfsTable.getPartition(partitionSpec_.getPartitionSpecKeyValues());
            location = partition.getLocation();
            if (!TAccessLevelUtil.impliesWriteAccess(partition.getAccessLevel())) {
                throw new AnalysisException(noWriteAccessErrorMsg + partition.getLocation());
        } else {
            // "default" partition
            partition = hdfsTable.getPartitions().get(0);
            location = hdfsTable.getLocation();
            if (!hdfsTable.hasWriteAccess()) {
                throw new AnalysisException(noWriteAccessErrorMsg + hdfsTable.getLocation());

        // Until Frontend.loadTableData() can handle cross-filesystem and filesystems
        // that aren't HDFS, require that source and dest are on the same HDFS.
        if (!FileSystemUtil.isPathOnFileSystem(new Path(location), fs)) {
            throw new AnalysisException(String.format(
                    "Unable to LOAD DATA into target table (%s) because source path (%s) and "
                            + "destination %s (%s) are on different file-systems.",
                    hdfsTable.getFullName(), source, partitionSpec_ == null ? "table" : "partition",
        // Verify the files being loaded are supported.
        for (FileStatus fStatus : fs.listStatus(source)) {
            if (fs.isDirectory(fStatus.getPath()))
            StringBuilder errorMsg = new StringBuilder();
            HdfsFileFormat fileFormat = partition.getInputFormatDescriptor().getFileFormat();
            if (!fileFormat.isFileCompressionTypeSupported(fStatus.getPath().toString(), errorMsg)) {
                throw new AnalysisException(errorMsg.toString());
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        throw new AnalysisException("File not found: " + e.getMessage(), e);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new AnalysisException("Error accessing file system: " + e.getMessage(), e);

From source file:com.cloudera.impala.service.Frontend.java

License:Apache License

 * Loads a table or partition with one or more data files. If the "overwrite" flag
 * in the request is true, all existing data in the table/partition will be replaced.
 * If the "overwrite" flag is false, the files will be added alongside any existing
 * data files.//  w w  w .  j a v a 2  s . c  o m
public TLoadDataResp loadTableData(TLoadDataReq request) throws ImpalaException, IOException {
    TableName tableName = TableName.fromThrift(request.getTable_name());

    // Get the destination for the load. If the load is targeting a partition,
    // this the partition location. Otherwise this is the table location.
    String destPathString = null;
    if (request.isSetPartition_spec()) {
        destPathString = impaladCatalog_
                .getHdfsPartition(tableName.getDb(), tableName.getTbl(), request.getPartition_spec())
    } else {
        destPathString = impaladCatalog_.getTable(tableName.getDb(), tableName.getTbl()).getMetaStoreTable()

    Path destPath = new Path(destPathString);
    DistributedFileSystem dfs = FileSystemUtil.getDistributedFileSystem(destPath);

    // Create a temporary directory within the final destination directory to stage the
    // file move.
    Path tmpDestPath = FileSystemUtil.makeTmpSubdirectory(destPath);

    Path sourcePath = new Path(request.source_path);
    int filesLoaded = 0;
    if (dfs.isDirectory(sourcePath)) {
        filesLoaded = FileSystemUtil.moveAllVisibleFiles(sourcePath, tmpDestPath);
    } else {
        FileSystemUtil.moveFile(sourcePath, tmpDestPath, true);
        filesLoaded = 1;

    // If this is an OVERWRITE, delete all files in the destination.
    if (request.isOverwrite()) {

    // Move the files from the temporary location to the final destination.
    FileSystemUtil.moveAllVisibleFiles(tmpDestPath, destPath);
    // Cleanup the tmp directory.
    dfs.delete(tmpDestPath, true);
    TLoadDataResp response = new TLoadDataResp();
    TColumnValue col = new TColumnValue();
    String loadMsg = String.format("Loaded %d file(s). Total files in destination location: %d", filesLoaded,
    response.setLoad_summary(new TResultRow(Lists.newArrayList(col)));
    return response;

From source file:se.sics.gvod.stream.system.hops.SetupExperiment.java

License:Open Source License

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, HashUtil.HashBuilderException {
    String hopsURL = "bbc1.sics.se:26801";
    Configuration conf = new Configuration();
    conf.set("fs.defaultFS", hopsURL);
    DistributedFileSystem fs = (DistributedFileSystem) FileSystem.get(conf);

    String path = "/experiment";
    if (!fs.isDirectory(new Path(path))) {
        fs.mkdirs(new Path(path));
    } else {// w ww. jav  a 2s .c  o m
        fs.delete(new Path(path), true);
        fs.mkdirs(new Path(path));
    String uploadDirPath = path + "/upload";
    fs.mkdirs(new Path(uploadDirPath));
    String downloadDirPath = path + "/download";
    fs.mkdirs(new Path(downloadDirPath));

    String dataFile = uploadDirPath + "/file";
    Random rand = new Random(1234);
    try (FSDataOutputStream out = fs.create(new Path(dataFile))) {
        for (int i = 0; i < fileSize / pieceSize; i++) {
            byte[] data = new byte[1024];
        System.err.println("created file - expected:" + fileSize + " created:" + out.size());
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        throw new RuntimeException(ex);