Example usage for org.apache.hadoop.jmx JMXJsonServlet JMXJsonServlet

List of usage examples for org.apache.hadoop.jmx JMXJsonServlet JMXJsonServlet


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.hadoop.jmx JMXJsonServlet JMXJsonServlet.



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From source file:uk.ac.gla.terrier.probos.controller.ControllerServer.java

License:Open Source License

public ControllerServer(Configuration _hconf) throws IOException {
    this.yConf = new YarnConfiguration(_hconf);

    this.pConf = new PConfiguration(_hconf);

    //do the Kerberos authentication
    if (UserGroupInformation.isSecurityEnabled()) {
        final String principal = pConf.get(PConfiguration.KEY_CONTROLLER_PRINCIPAL);
        String keytab = pConf.get(PConfiguration.KEY_CONTROLLER_KEYTAB);
        File fKeytab = new File(keytab);
        if (!fKeytab.exists()) {
            if (!fKeytab.isAbsolute()) {
                keytab = System.getProperty("probos.conf") + '/' + keytab;
                fKeytab = new File(keytab);
                pConf.set(PConfiguration.KEY_CONTROLLER_KEYTAB, keytab);
            }//from w  w  w.ja v a2s  . c  o  m
            if (!fKeytab.exists())
                throw new FileNotFoundException("Could not find keytab file " + keytab);

        LOG.debug("Starting login for " + principal + " using keytab " + keytab);
        SecurityUtil.login(pConf, PConfiguration.KEY_CONTROLLER_KEYTAB, PConfiguration.KEY_CONTROLLER_PRINCIPAL,
        LOG.info("Switched principal to " + UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser().getUserName());

    this.mClient = MailClient.getMailClient(this.pConf);
    final String bindAddress = pConf.get(PConfiguration.KEY_CONTROLLER_BIND_ADDRESS);
    if (bindAddress == null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(PConfiguration.KEY_CONTROLLER_BIND_ADDRESS + " cannot be null");

    secretManager = new ControllerAPISecretManager(
            //renewal interval for delegation token
            7 * 24 * 3600 * 1000, //Yarn default is 7 day

            //delegationTokenMaxLifetime -- maximum lifetime for which a delegation token is valid
            //i.e. how long can we keep renewing the token for?
            14 * 24 * 3600 * 1000, //Yarn default is 14 days

            //delegationTokenRenewInterval -- how long should a token last?
            7 * 24 * 3600 * 1000, //Yarn default is 7 day

            //delegationTokenRemoverScanInterval -- how often are expired keys removed?
            3600 * 1000); //Yarn default is 1 hour

    //build the client rpc server: 8027
    int port = pConf.getInt(PConfiguration.KEY_CONTROLLER_PORT, 8027);
    LOG.info("Starting RPC server for " + PBSClient.class.getSimpleName() + " on port " + port);
    clientRpcserver = new RPC.Builder(yConf).setInstance(this).setBindAddress(bindAddress)
    System.setProperty("hadoop.policy.file", Constants.PRODUCT_NAME + "-policy.xml");
    clientRpcserver.refreshServiceAclWithLoadedConfiguration(yConf, new ControllerPolicyProvider());

    //build the master rpc server: 8028
    port = Constants.CONTROLLER_MASTER_PORT_OFFSET + pConf.getInt(PConfiguration.KEY_CONTROLLER_PORT, 8027);
    LOG.info("Starting RPC server for " + PBSMasterClient.class.getSimpleName() + " on port " + port);
    masterRpcserver = new RPC.Builder(yConf).setInstance(new ApplicationMasterAPI()).setBindAddress(bindAddress)
    masterRpcserver.refreshServiceAclWithLoadedConfiguration(yConf, new ControllerPolicyProvider());

            + pConf.getInt(PConfiguration.KEY_CONTROLLER_PORT, 8027);
    LOG.info("Starting RPC server for " + PBSInteractiveClient.class.getSimpleName() + " on port " + port);
    //build the interactive rpc server: 8026
    interactiveRpcserver = new RPC.Builder(yConf).setInstance(new InteractiveTaskAPI())
    interactiveRpcserver.refreshServiceAclWithLoadedConfiguration(yConf, new ControllerPolicyProvider());

    //build the webapp UI server
    final List<Entry<String, HttpServlet>> controllerServlets = new ArrayList<>();
            .add(new MapEntry<String, HttpServlet>("/", new QstatServlet("/", controllerServlets, this)));
            new MapEntry<String, HttpServlet>("/pbsnodes", new PbsnodesServlet("/", controllerServlets, this)));
    //metrics is the Servlet from metrics.dropwizard for accessing metrics
    controllerServlets.add(new MapEntry<String, HttpServlet>("/metrics", new MetricsServlet(metrics)));
    //this is the hadoop servlet for accessing anything defined in JMX
    controllerServlets.add(new MapEntry<String, HttpServlet>("/jmx", new JMXJsonServlet()));
    final int httpport = pConf.getInt(PConfiguration.KEY_CONTROLLER_HTTP_PORT,
    LOG.info("Starting Jetty ProbosControllerHttp on port " + httpport);
    webServer = new WebServer("ProbosControllerHttp", controllerServlets, httpport);

    //this thread detects yarn jobs that have ended
    watcherThread = new Thread(new ControllerWatcher());

    //ensure we have the directory
    Path _probosFolder = new Path(pConf.get(PConfiguration.KEY_CONTROLLER_JOBDIR));
    FileSystem controllerFS = FileSystem.get(yConf);
    if (!_probosFolder.isUriPathAbsolute()) {
        _probosFolder = _probosFolder.makeQualified(controllerFS.getUri(), controllerFS.getWorkingDirectory());
        assert _probosFolder.isUriPathAbsolute();
    probosFolder = _probosFolder;
    if (!controllerFS.exists(probosFolder)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(probosFolder.toString() + " does not exist");

    //now initialise the metrics

    metrics.register(MetricRegistry.name(ControllerServer.class, "jobs", "queued.size"), new Gauge<Integer>() {
        public Integer getValue() {
            int sum = 0;
            for (int i : user2QueuedCount.values())
                sum += i;
            return sum;
    metrics.register(MetricRegistry.name(ControllerServer.class, "jobs", "size"), new Gauge<Integer>() {
        public Integer getValue() {
            return jobArray.size();
    metrics.register(MetricRegistry.name(ControllerServer.class, "jobs", "held.size"), new Gauge<Integer>() {
        public Integer getValue() {
            return jobHolds.size();

    metrics.register(MetricRegistry.name(ControllerServer.class, "nodes", "size"), new Gauge<Integer>() {
        public Integer getValue() {
            try {
                return getNodesStatus().length;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return 0;

    metrics.register(MetricRegistry.name(ControllerServer.class, "nodes", "free.size"), new Gauge<Integer>() {
        public Integer getValue() {
            try {
                PBSNodeStatus[] nodes = getNodesStatus();
                int count = 0;
                for (PBSNodeStatus n : nodes)
                    if ("free".equals(n.getState()))
                return count;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return 0;

    runningJobs = metrics.counter(MetricRegistry.name(ControllerServer.class, "jobs", "running.counter"));
    rejectedJobs = metrics.counter(MetricRegistry.name(ControllerServer.class, "jobs", "rejected.counter"));
    killedJobs = metrics.counter(MetricRegistry.name(ControllerServer.class, "jobs", "killed.counter"));
    mailEvents = metrics.counter(MetricRegistry.name(ControllerServer.class, "mails", "counter"));
    mailFailures = metrics.counter(MetricRegistry.name(ControllerServer.class, "mails", "failure.counter"));
