Example usage for org.apache.hadoop.mapred FileSplit subclass-usage

List of usage examples for org.apache.hadoop.mapred FileSplit subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.hadoop.mapred FileSplit subclass-usage.


From source file cascading.tap.hadoop.ZipSplit.java

 * A section of an input file in zip format. Returned by
 * {@link ZipInputFormat#getSplits(JobConf , int)} and passed to
 * {@link ZipInputFormat#getRecordReader(InputSplit , JobConf , Reporter)}.
public class ZipSplit extends FileSplit {

From source file co.cask.cdap.hive.stream.StreamInputSplit.java

 * Represents a mapred InputSplit for stream. This class must extends from {@link FileSplit}, since Hive expected so.
 * For Stream, since we have all the knowledge in the storage handler about the stream
 * location (and is dynamic due to advancement in stream generation id due to truncation), there is no point to
 * use LOCATION in the table. However, for external table in Hive, if LOCATION was not set during table creation
 * time, Hive will assume the location to be some internally managed path and will fail the query job if

From source file com.aliyun.openservices.tablestore.hive.TableStoreInputSplit.java

public class TableStoreInputSplit extends FileSplit implements InputSplit, Writable {
    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TableStoreInputSplit.class);
    private com.aliyun.openservices.tablestore.hadoop.TableStoreInputSplit delegated;

    public TableStoreInputSplit() {
        super(null, 0, 0, (String[]) null);

From source file com.blm.orc.OrcSplit.java

 * OrcFileSplit. Holds file meta info
public class OrcSplit extends FileSplit {
    private ReaderImpl.FileMetaInfo fileMetaInfo;

From source file com.github.dryangkun.hbase.tidx.hive.HBaseSplit.java

 * HBaseSplit augments FileSplit with HBase column mapping.
public class HBaseSplit extends FileSplit implements InputSplit {

    private final TableSplit tableSplit;

From source file com.ibm.bi.dml.runtime.controlprogram.parfor.RemoteParForColocatedFileSplit.java

 * Wrapper for arbitrary input split in order to attach our co-location information.
public class RemoteParForColocatedFileSplit extends FileSplit {

From source file com.moz.fiji.hive.FijiTableInputSplit.java

 * There is a bug in Hive that causes an IllegalArgumentException to
 * be thrown if this is not an instance of FileSplit. So even though
 * there are no files involved, we need to extend FileSplit.
public class FijiTableInputSplit extends FileSplit {

From source file com.scaleoutsoftware.soss.hserver.BucketSplitMapred.java

 * A wrapper for {@link BucketSplit}, so it could be used with the
 * "mapred" API.
class BucketSplitMapred extends FileSplit implements GridSplit {
    private static final String[] EMPTY_ARRAY = new String[] {};

From source file com.splicemachine.mrio.api.hive.SMHiveSplit.java

public class SMHiveSplit extends FileSplit implements InputSplit {
    protected SMSplit split;

    public SMHiveSplit() throws IOException {
        super((Path) null, 0, 0, (String[]) null);
        split = new SMSplit();

From source file com.uber.hoodie.hadoop.realtime.HoodieRealtimeFileSplit.java

 * Filesplit that wraps the base split and a list of log files to merge deltas from.
public class HoodieRealtimeFileSplit extends FileSplit {

    private List<String> deltaFilePaths;