Java org.apache.hadoop.mapred JobConf fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java org.apache.hadoop.mapred JobConf fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for org.apache.hadoop.mapred JobConf.

The text is from its open source code.


org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf has subclasses.
Click this link to see all its subclasses.


Configuration key to set the java command line options for the child map and reduce tasks.
Configuration key to set the environment of the child map tasks.
Configuration key to set the environment of the child reduce tasks.
Default logging level for map/reduce tasks.


JobConf(Configuration conf, Class exampleClass)
Construct a map/reduce job configuration.
JobConf(Class exampleClass)
Construct a map/reduce job configuration.
JobConf(Configuration conf)
Construct a map/reduce job configuration.
JobConf(String config)
Construct a map/reduce configuration.
JobConf(Path config)
Construct a map/reduce configuration.
JobConf(boolean loadDefaults)
A new map/reduce configuration where the behavior of reading from the default resources can be turned off.
Construct a map/reduce job configuration.


voidaddResource(String name)
Add a configuration resource.
Clears all keys from the configuration.
StringfindContainingJar(Class my_class)
Find a jar that contains a class of the same name, if any.
Stringget(String name)
Get the value of the name property, null if no such property exists.
Stringget(String name, String defaultValue)
Get the value of the name.
booleangetBoolean(String name, boolean defaultValue)
Get the value of the name property as a boolean.
ClassgetClass(String name, Class defaultValue, Class xface)
Get the value of the name property as a Class implementing the interface specified by xface.
ClassgetClass(String name, Class defaultValue)
Get the value of the name property as a Class.
ClassgetClassByName(String name)
Load a class by name.
Get the ClassLoader for this job.
Get the user-defined combiner class used to combine map-outputs before being sent to the reducers.
Are the outputs of the maps be compressed?
Get credentials for the job.
doublegetDouble(String name, double defaultValue)
Get the value of the name property as a double.
floatgetFloat(String name, float defaultValue)
Get the value of the name property as a float.
Get the InputFormat implementation for the map-reduce job, defaults to TextInputFormat if not specified explicity.
intgetInt(String name, int defaultValue)
Get the value of the name property as an int.
Get the user jar for the map-reduce job.
Get job-specific shared directory for use as scratch space

When a job starts, a shared directory is created at location ${mapreduce.cluster.local.dir}/taskTracker/$user/jobcache/$jobid/work/ .

Get the user-specified job name.
PathgetLocalPath(String pathString)
Constructs a local file name.
longgetLong(String name, long defaultValue)
Get the value of the name property as a long.
Get the key class for the map output data.
Get the value class for the map output data.
Get the Mapper class for the job.
Get the MapRunnable class for the job.
Get the configured number of maximum attempts that will be made to run a map task, as specified by the property.
Get memory required to run a map task of the job, in MB.
Get memory required to run a reduce task of the job, in MB.
Get the configured number of map tasks for this job.
Get the configured number of reduce tasks for this job.
Get the OutputCommitter implementation for the map-reduce job, defaults to FileOutputCommitter if not specified explicitly.
Get the OutputFormat implementation for the map-reduce job, defaults to TextOutputFormat if not specified explicity.
Get the key class for the job output data.
Get the RawComparator comparator used to compare keys.
Get the value class for job outputs.
Get the Partitioner used to partition Mapper -outputs to be sent to the Reducer s.
StringgetRaw(String name)
Get the value of the name property, without doing variable expansion.If the key is deprecated, it returns the value of the first key which replaces the deprecated key and is not null.
Get the Reducer class for the job.
URLgetResource(String name)
Get the URL for the named resource.
Should speculative execution be used for this job?
CollectiongetStringCollection(String name)
Get the comma delimited values of the name property as a collection of Strings.
String[]getStrings(String name)
Get the comma delimited values of the name property as an array of Strings.
StringgetTrimmed(String name)
Get the value of the name property as a trimmed String, null if no such property exists.
Should the framework use the new context-object code for running the mapper?
Should the framework use the new context-object code for running the reducer?
Get the reported username for this job.
Get the current working directory for the default file system.
Get an Iterator to go through the list of String key-value pairs in the configuration.
voidreadFields(DataInput in)
Reload configuration from previously added resources.
voidset(String name, String value)
Set the value of the name property.
voidset(String name, String value, String source)
Set the value of the name property.
voidsetBoolean(String name, boolean value)
Set the value of the name property to a boolean.
voidsetBooleanIfUnset(String name, boolean value)
Set the given property, if it is currently unset.
voidsetClass(String name, Class theClass, Class xface)
Set the value of the name property to the name of a theClass implementing the given interface xface.
voidsetClassLoader(ClassLoader classLoader)
Set the class loader that will be used to load the various objects.
voidsetCombinerClass(Class theClass)
Set the user-defined combiner class used to combine map-outputs before being sent to the reducers.
voidsetCompressMapOutput(boolean compress)
Should the map outputs be compressed before transfer?
voidsetCredentials(Credentials credentials)
voidsetEnum(String name, T value)
Set the value of the name property to the given type.
voidsetFloat(String name, float value)
Set the value of the name property to a float.
voidsetInputFormat(Class theClass)
Set the InputFormat implementation for the map-reduce job.
voidsetInt(String name, int value)
Set the value of the name property to an int.
voidsetJar(String jar)
Set the user jar for the map-reduce job.
voidsetJarByClass(Class cls)
Set the job's jar file by finding an example class location.
voidsetJobName(String name)
Set the user-specified job name.
voidsetJobPriority(JobPriority prio)
Set JobPriority for this job.
voidsetKeepFailedTaskFiles(boolean keep)
Set whether the framework should keep the intermediate files for failed tasks.
voidsetKeyFieldComparatorOptions(String keySpec)
Set the KeyFieldBasedComparator options used to compare keys.
voidsetKeyFieldPartitionerOptions(String keySpec)
Set the KeyFieldBasedPartitioner options used for Partitioner
voidsetLong(String name, long value)
Set the value of the name property to a long.
voidsetMapOutputCompressorClass(Class codecClass)
Set the given class as the CompressionCodec for the map outputs.
voidsetMapOutputKeyClass(Class theClass)
Set the key class for the map output data.
voidsetMapOutputValueClass(Class theClass)
Set the value class for the map output data.
voidsetMapperClass(Class theClass)
Set the Mapper class for the job.
voidsetMapRunnerClass(Class theClass)
Expert: Set the MapRunnable class for the job.
voidsetMapSpeculativeExecution(boolean speculativeExecution)
Turn speculative execution on or off for this job for map tasks.
voidsetMaxMapAttempts(int n)
Expert: Set the number of maximum attempts that will be made to run a map task.
voidsetMaxReduceAttempts(int n)
Expert: Set the number of maximum attempts that will be made to run a reduce task.
voidsetMemoryForMapTask(long mem)
voidsetMemoryForReduceTask(long mem)
voidsetNumMapTasks(int n)
Set the number of map tasks for this job.
voidsetNumReduceTasks(int n)
Set the requisite number of reduce tasks for this job.
voidsetNumTasksToExecutePerJvm(int numTasks)
Sets the number of tasks that a spawned task JVM should run before it exits
voidsetOutputCommitter(Class theClass)
Set the OutputCommitter implementation for the map-reduce job.
voidsetOutputFormat(Class theClass)
Set the OutputFormat implementation for the map-reduce job.
voidsetOutputKeyClass(Class theClass)
Set the key class for the job output data.
voidsetOutputKeyComparatorClass(Class theClass)
Set the RawComparator comparator used to compare keys.
voidsetOutputValueClass(Class theClass)
Set the value class for job outputs.
voidsetOutputValueGroupingComparator(Class theClass)
Set the user defined RawComparator comparator for grouping keys in the input to the reduce.
voidsetPartitionerClass(Class theClass)
Set the Partitioner class used to partition Mapper -outputs to be sent to the Reducer s.
voidsetReducerClass(Class theClass)
Set the Reducer class for the job.
voidsetReduceSpeculativeExecution(boolean speculativeExecution)
Turn speculative execution on or off for this job for reduce tasks.
voidsetSpeculativeExecution(boolean speculativeExecution)
Turn speculative execution on or off for this job.
voidsetStrings(String name, String... values)
Set the array of string values for the name property as as comma delimited values.
voidsetUseNewMapper(boolean flag)
Set whether the framework should use the new api for the mapper.
voidsetUseNewReducer(boolean flag)
Set whether the framework should use the new api for the reducer.
voidsetUser(String user)
Set the reported username for this job.
voidsetWorkingDirectory(Path dir)
Set the current working directory for the default file system.
voidunset(String name)
Unset a previously set property.
voidwrite(DataOutput out)
voidwriteXml(OutputStream out)
Write out the non-default properties in this configuration to the given OutputStream using UTF-8 encoding.