Example usage for org.apache.hadoop.mapred.jobcontrol Job setJobConf

List of usage examples for org.apache.hadoop.mapred.jobcontrol Job setJobConf


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.hadoop.mapred.jobcontrol Job setJobConf.


public synchronized void setJobConf(JobConf jobConf) 

Source Link


Set the mapred job conf for this job.


From source file:org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer.MapReduceLauncher.java

License:Apache License

public PigStats launchPig(PhysicalPlan php, String grpName, PigContext pc)
        throws PlanException, VisitorException, IOException, ExecException, JobCreationException, Exception {
    long sleepTime = 500;
    aggregateWarning = Boolean.valueOf(pc.getProperties().getProperty("aggregate.warning"));
    MROperPlan mrp = compile(php, pc);// ww w .ja v a 2 s.c  om

    Configuration conf = ConfigurationUtil.toConfiguration(pc.getProperties());

    MRExecutionEngine exe = (MRExecutionEngine) pc.getExecutionEngine();
    Properties defaultProperties = new Properties();
    JobConf defaultJobConf = exe.getLocalConf();
    Utils.recomputeProperties(defaultJobConf, defaultProperties);

    // This is a generic JobClient for checking progress of the jobs
    JobClient statsJobClient = new JobClient(exe.getJobConf());

    JobControlCompiler jcc = new JobControlCompiler(pc, conf,

    MRScriptState.get().addWorkflowAdjacenciesToConf(mrp, conf);

    // start collecting statistics
    MRPigStatsUtil.startCollection(pc, statsJobClient, jcc, mrp);

    // Find all the intermediate data stores. The plan will be destroyed during compile/execution
    // so this needs to be done before.
    MRIntermediateDataVisitor intermediateVisitor = new MRIntermediateDataVisitor(mrp);

    List<Job> failedJobs = new LinkedList<Job>();
    List<NativeMapReduceOper> failedNativeMR = new LinkedList<NativeMapReduceOper>();
    List<Job> completeFailedJobsInThisRun = new LinkedList<Job>();
    List<Job> succJobs = new LinkedList<Job>();
    int totalMRJobs = mrp.size();
    int numMRJobsCompl = 0;
    double lastProg = -1;
    long scriptSubmittedTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();

    //create the exception handler for the job control thread
    //and register the handler with the job control thread
    JobControlThreadExceptionHandler jctExceptionHandler = new JobControlThreadExceptionHandler();

    boolean stop_on_failure = Boolean.valueOf(pc.getProperties().getProperty("stop.on.failure", "false"));

    // jc is null only when mrp.size == 0
    while (mrp.size() != 0) {
        jc = jcc.compile(mrp, grpName);
        if (jc == null) {
            List<MapReduceOper> roots = new LinkedList<MapReduceOper>();

            // run the native mapreduce roots first then run the rest of the roots
            for (MapReduceOper mro : roots) {
                if (mro instanceof NativeMapReduceOper) {
                    NativeMapReduceOper natOp = (NativeMapReduceOper) mro;
                    try {
                    } catch (IOException e) {


                        String msg = "Error running native mapreduce" + " operator job :" + natOp.getJobId()
                                + e.getMessage();

                        String stackTrace = Utils.getStackStraceStr(e);
                        LogUtils.writeLog(msg, stackTrace, pc.getProperties().getProperty("pig.logfile"), log);

                        if (stop_on_failure) {
                            int errCode = 6017;

                            throw new ExecException(msg, errCode, PigException.REMOTE_ENVIRONMENT);

                    double prog = ((double) numMRJobsCompl) / totalMRJobs;
                    notifyProgress(prog, lastProg);
                    lastProg = prog;
        // Initially, all jobs are in wait state.
        List<Job> jobsWithoutIds = jc.getWaitingJobs();
        log.info(jobsWithoutIds.size() + " map-reduce job(s) waiting for submission.");
        //notify listeners about jobs submitted

        // update Pig stats' job DAG with just compiled jobs

        // determine job tracker url
        String jobTrackerLoc;
        JobConf jobConf = jobsWithoutIds.get(0).getJobConf();
        try {
            String port = jobConf.get(MRConfiguration.JOB_TRACKER_HTTP_ADDRESS);
            String jobTrackerAdd = jobConf.get(MRConfiguration.JOB_TRACKER);

            jobTrackerLoc = jobTrackerAdd.substring(0, jobTrackerAdd.indexOf(":"))
                    + port.substring(port.indexOf(":"));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // Could not get the job tracker location, most probably we are running in local mode.
            // If it is the case, we don't print out job tracker location,
            // because it is meaningless for local mode.
            jobTrackerLoc = null;
            log.debug("Failed to get job tracker location.");


        // Set the thread UDFContext so registered classes are available.
        final UDFContext udfContext = UDFContext.getUDFContext();
        Thread jcThread = new Thread(jc, "JobControl") {
            public void run() {
                UDFContext.setUdfContext(udfContext.clone()); //PIG-2576



        // mark the times that the jobs were submitted so it's reflected in job history props
        for (Job job : jc.getWaitingJobs()) {
            JobConf jobConfCopy = job.getJobConf();
            jobConfCopy.set("pig.script.submitted.timestamp", Long.toString(scriptSubmittedTimestamp));
            jobConfCopy.set("pig.job.submitted.timestamp", Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis()));

        //All the setup done, now lets launch the jobs.

        try {
            // a flag whether to warn failure during the loop below, so users can notice failure earlier.
            boolean warn_failure = true;

            // Now wait, till we are finished.
            while (!jc.allFinished()) {

                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {

                List<Job> jobsAssignedIdInThisRun = new ArrayList<Job>();

                for (Job job : jobsWithoutIds) {
                    if (job.getAssignedJobID() != null) {

                        log.info("HadoopJobId: " + job.getAssignedJobID());

                        // display the aliases being processed
                        MapReduceOper mro = jcc.getJobMroMap().get(job);
                        if (mro != null) {
                            String alias = MRScriptState.get().getAlias(mro);
                            log.info("Processing aliases " + alias);
                            String aliasLocation = MRScriptState.get().getAliasLocation(mro);
                            log.info("detailed locations: " + aliasLocation);

                        if (!HadoopShims.isHadoopYARN() && jobTrackerLoc != null) {
                            log.info("More information at: http://" + jobTrackerLoc + "/jobdetails.jsp?jobid="
                                    + job.getAssignedJobID());

                        // update statistics for this job so jobId is set
                    } else {
                        // This job is not assigned an id yet.

                double prog = (numMRJobsCompl + calculateProgress(jc)) / totalMRJobs;
                if (notifyProgress(prog, lastProg)) {
                    List<Job> runnJobs = jc.getRunningJobs();
                    if (runnJobs != null) {
                        StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder();
                        for (Object object : runnJobs) {
                            Job j = (Job) object;
                            if (j != null) {
                        if (msg.length() > 0) {
                            msg.setCharAt(msg.length() - 1, ']');
                            log.info("Running jobs are [" + msg);
                    lastProg = prog;

                // collect job stats by frequently polling of completed jobs (PIG-1829)

                // if stop_on_failure is enabled, we need to stop immediately when any job has failed
                // otherwise, we just display a warning message if there's any failure
                if (warn_failure && !jc.getFailedJobs().isEmpty()) {
                    // we don't warn again for this group of jobs
                    warn_failure = false;
                    log.warn("Ooops! Some job has failed! Specify -stop_on_failure if you "
                            + "want Pig to stop immediately on failure.");

            //check for the jobControlException first
            //if the job controller fails before launching the jobs then there are
            //no jobs to check for failure
            if (jobControlException != null) {
                if (jobControlException instanceof PigException) {
                    if (jobControlExceptionStackTrace != null) {
                        LogUtils.writeLog("Error message from job controller", jobControlExceptionStackTrace,
                                pc.getProperties().getProperty("pig.logfile"), log);
                    throw jobControlException;
                } else {
                    int errCode = 2117;
                    String msg = "Unexpected error when launching map reduce job.";
                    throw new ExecException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, jobControlException);

            if (!jc.getFailedJobs().isEmpty()) {
                // stop if stop_on_failure is enabled

                // If we only have one store and that job fail, then we sure
                // that the job completely fail, and we shall stop dependent jobs
                for (Job job : jc.getFailedJobs()) {
                    log.info("job " + job.getAssignedJobID() + " has failed! Stop running all dependent jobs");

            int removedMROp = jcc.updateMROpPlan(completeFailedJobsInThisRun);

            numMRJobsCompl += removedMROp;

            List<Job> jobs = jc.getSuccessfulJobs();

            // collecting final statistics

        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw e;
        } finally {


    log.info("100% complete");

    boolean failed = false;

    if (failedNativeMR.size() > 0) {
        failed = true;

    if (Boolean.valueOf(pc.getProperties().getProperty(PigConfiguration.PIG_DELETE_TEMP_FILE, "true"))) {
        // Clean up all the intermediate data
        for (String path : intermediateVisitor.getIntermediate()) {
            // Skip non-file system paths such as hbase, see PIG-3617
            if (HadoopShims.hasFileSystemImpl(new Path(path), conf)) {
                FileLocalizer.delete(path, pc);

    // Look to see if any jobs failed.  If so, we need to report that.
    if (failedJobs != null && failedJobs.size() > 0) {

        Exception backendException = null;
        for (Job fj : failedJobs) {
            try {
                getStats(fj, true, pc);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                backendException = e;
            List<POStore> sts = jcc.getStores(fj);
            for (POStore st : sts) {
                failureMap.put(st.getSFile(), backendException);
            MRPigStatsUtil.setBackendException(fj, backendException);
        failed = true;

    // stats collection is done, log the results

    // PigStatsUtil.stopCollection also computes the return code based on
    // total jobs to run, jobs successful and jobs failed
    failed = failed || !PigStats.get().isSuccessful();

    Map<Enum, Long> warningAggMap = new HashMap<Enum, Long>();

    if (succJobs != null) {
        for (Job job : succJobs) {
            List<POStore> sts = jcc.getStores(job);
            for (POStore st : sts) {
                if (Utils.isLocal(pc, job.getJobConf())) {
                    HadoopShims.storeSchemaForLocal(job, st);

                if (!st.isTmpStore()) {
                    // create an "_SUCCESS" file in output location if
                    // output location is a filesystem dir
                    createSuccessFile(job, st);
                } else {
                    log.debug("Successfully stored result in: \"" + st.getSFile().getFileName() + "\"");

            getStats(job, false, pc);
            if (aggregateWarning) {
                computeWarningAggregate(job, warningAggMap);


    if (aggregateWarning) {
        CompilationMessageCollector.logAggregate(warningAggMap, MessageType.Warning, log);

    if (!failed) {
    } else {
        if (succJobs != null && succJobs.size() > 0) {
            log.info("Some jobs have failed! Stop running all dependent jobs");
        } else {

    int ret = failed
            ? ((succJobs != null && succJobs.size() > 0) ? ReturnCode.PARTIAL_FAILURE : ReturnCode.FAILURE)
            : ReturnCode.SUCCESS;

    PigStats pigStats = PigStatsUtil.getPigStats(ret);
    // run cleanup for all of the stores
    for (OutputStats output : pigStats.getOutputStats()) {
        POStore store = output.getPOStore();
        try {
            if (!output.isSuccessful()) {
                        new org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job(output.getConf()));
            } else {
                        new org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job(output.getConf()));
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new ExecException(e);
        } catch (AbstractMethodError nsme) {
            // Just swallow it.  This means we're running against an
            // older instance of a StoreFunc that doesn't implement
            // this method.
    return pigStats;