Example usage for org.apache.hadoop.mapred Merger merge

List of usage examples for org.apache.hadoop.mapred Merger merge


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.hadoop.mapred Merger merge.


public static <K extends Object, V extends Object> RawKeyValueIterator merge(Configuration conf, FileSystem fs,
            Class<K> keyClass, Class<V> valueClass, CompressionCodec codec, List<Segment<K, V>> segments,
            int mergeFactor, int inMemSegments, Path tmpDir, RawComparator<K> comparator, Progressable reporter,
            boolean sortSegments, Counters.Counter readsCounter, Counters.Counter writesCounter,
            Progress mergePhase) throws IOException 

Source Link


From source file:sg.edu.astar.dsi.mergespill.App.java

public synchronized static void doProcess(String directory, int spillNumber)
        throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    // TODO code application logic here
    System.out.println("directory: " + directory);
    System.out.println("numberOfSpill: " + spillNumber);
    //SETUP/*from   w w  w. ja va  2s . co  m*/
    JobConf job = new JobConf();
    //Class<Text> keyClass = (Class<Text>)job.getMapOutputKeyClass();
    Class<TextDsi> keyClass = (Class<TextDsi>) job.getMapOutputKeyClass();
    Class<IntWritable> valClass = (Class<IntWritable>) job.getMapOutputValueClass();
    FileSystem rfs;
    CompressionCodec codec = null;
    Counters.Counter spilledRecordsCounter = null;
    rfs = ((LocalFileSystem) FileSystem.getLocal(job)).getRaw();

    while (!new File(directory).isDirectory()) {

    if (new File(directory).isDirectory()) {
        ArrayList<Path> spillFile = new ArrayList();
        ArrayList<Path> spillFileIndex = new ArrayList();

        App myApp;
        myApp = new App();

        myApp.getSpillFilesAndIndices(new File(directory), spillFile, spillFileIndex, spillNumber);

        ArrayList<SpillRecord> indexCacheList = new ArrayList<>();
        int numSpills = 0;

        Iterator itrSpillFileIndex = spillFileIndex.iterator();
        while (itrSpillFileIndex.hasNext()) {
            Path temp = (Path) itrSpillFileIndex.next();
            SpillRecord sr = new SpillRecord(temp, job);

            System.out.println("indexFile partition size: " + sr.size());
            long startOffset = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < sr.size(); i++) { //sr.size is the number of partitions
                IndexRecord ir = sr.getIndex(i);
                System.out.println("index[" + i + "] rawLength = " + ir.rawLength);
                System.out.println("index[" + i + "] partLength = " + ir.partLength);
                System.out.println("index[" + i + "] startOffset= " + ir.startOffset);
                startOffset = ir.startOffset;
        System.out.println("Number of spills: " + numSpills);
        Path finalOutputFile = new Path(directory + File.separator + "FINALOUTPUTFILE");
        FSDataOutputStream finalOut = rfs.create(finalOutputFile, true, 4096);
        System.out.println("GOT HERE 1");
        Path finalIndexFile = new Path(directory + File.separator + "FINALOUTPUTFILE.index");

        List<Segment<TextDsi, IntWritable>> segmentList = new ArrayList<>(numSpills);
        for (int i = 0; i < numSpills; i++) {
            IndexRecord theIndexRecord = indexCacheList.get(i).getIndex(0);
            Path temp = spillFileIndex.get(i);
            String temp1 = temp.toString();
            String temp2 = temp1.substring(0, temp1.length() - 6);
            //System.out.println(new Path(temp2).getParent());
            //File myFile = new File(temp2);
            Segment<TextDsi, IntWritable> s = new Segment<>(job, rfs, new Path(temp2),
                    theIndexRecord.startOffset, theIndexRecord.partLength, codec, true);
            segmentList.add(i, s);
        System.out.println("GOT HERE 2");
        RawKeyValueIterator kvIter = Merger.merge(job, rfs, keyClass, valClass, null, segmentList, 4,
                new Path("/home/hduser/spillSample2/My"), job.getOutputKeyComparator(), null, false, null,
                spilledRecordsCounter, null, TaskType.MAP);
        System.out.println("GOT HERE 3");
        //write merged output to disk
        long segmentStart = finalOut.getPos();
        FSDataOutputStream finalPartitionOut = CryptoUtils.wrapIfNecessary(job, finalOut);
        Writer<TextDsi, IntWritable> writer = new Writer<TextDsi, IntWritable>(job, finalPartitionOut,
                TextDsi.class, IntWritable.class, codec, spilledRecordsCounter);
        System.out.println("GOT HERE 4");
        Merger.writeFile(kvIter, writer, null, job);
        System.out.println("GOT HERE 5");

        IndexRecord rec = new IndexRecord();
        final SpillRecord spillRec = new SpillRecord(1);
        rec.startOffset = segmentStart;
        rec.rawLength = writer.getRawLength() + CryptoUtils.cryptoPadding(job);
        rec.partLength = writer.getCompressedLength() + CryptoUtils.cryptoPadding(job);
        System.out.println("rec.startOffset: " + rec.startOffset);
        System.out.println("rec.rawLength  : " + rec.rawLength);
        System.out.println("rec.partLength : " + rec.partLength);
        spillRec.putIndex(rec, 0);
        spillRec.writeToFile(finalIndexFile, job);
        System.out.println("GOT HERE 6");

    } else {
        System.out.println("argument is not a directory! : " + directory);
