Example usage for org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce JobSubmissionFiles getStagingDir

List of usage examples for org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce JobSubmissionFiles getStagingDir


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce JobSubmissionFiles getStagingDir.


public static Path getStagingDir(Cluster cluster, Configuration conf) throws IOException, InterruptedException 

Source Link


Initializes the staging directory and returns the path.


From source file:com.kadwa.hadoop.DistExec.java

License:Open Source License

 * Initialize ExecFilesMapper specific job-configuration.
 * @param conf    : The dfs/mapred configuration.
 * @param jobConf : The handle to the jobConf object to be initialized.
 * @param args    Arguments//from   ww w .  j a  va2s . c  om
 * @return true if it is necessary to launch a job.
private static boolean setup(Configuration conf, JobConf jobConf, final Arguments args) throws IOException {
    jobConf.set(DST_DIR_LABEL, args.dst.toUri().toString());
    jobConf.set(EXEC_CMD_LABEL, args.execCmd);

    //set boolean values

    final String randomId = getRandomId();
    JobClient jClient = new JobClient(jobConf);
    Path stagingArea;
    try {
        stagingArea = JobSubmissionFiles.getStagingDir(jClient, conf);
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        throw new IOException(e);

    Path jobDirectory = new Path(stagingArea + NAME + "_" + randomId);
    FsPermission mapredSysPerms = new FsPermission(JobSubmissionFiles.JOB_DIR_PERMISSION);
    FileSystem.mkdirs(FileSystem.get(jobDirectory.toUri(), conf), jobDirectory, mapredSysPerms);
    jobConf.set(JOB_DIR_LABEL, jobDirectory.toString());

    FileSystem dstfs = args.dst.getFileSystem(conf);

    // get tokens for all the required FileSystems..
    TokenCache.obtainTokensForNamenodes(jobConf.getCredentials(), new Path[] { args.dst }, conf);

    boolean dstExists = dstfs.exists(args.dst);
    boolean dstIsDir = false;
    if (dstExists) {
        dstIsDir = dstfs.getFileStatus(args.dst).isDir();

    // default logPath
    Path logPath = args.log;
    if (logPath == null) {
        String filename = "_" + NAME + "_logs_" + randomId;
        if (!dstExists || !dstIsDir) {
            Path parent = args.dst.getParent();
            if (!dstfs.exists(parent)) {
            logPath = new Path(parent, filename);
        } else {
            logPath = new Path(args.dst, filename);
    FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(jobConf, logPath);

    // create src list, dst list
    FileSystem jobfs = jobDirectory.getFileSystem(jobConf);

    Path srcfilelist = new Path(jobDirectory, "_" + NAME + "_src_files");
    jobConf.set(SRC_LIST_LABEL, srcfilelist.toString());
    SequenceFile.Writer src_writer = SequenceFile.createWriter(jobfs, jobConf, srcfilelist, LongWritable.class,
            FilePair.class, SequenceFile.CompressionType.NONE);

    Path dstfilelist = new Path(jobDirectory, "_" + NAME + "_dst_files");
    SequenceFile.Writer dst_writer = SequenceFile.createWriter(jobfs, jobConf, dstfilelist, Text.class,
            Text.class, SequenceFile.CompressionType.NONE);

    Path dstdirlist = new Path(jobDirectory, "_" + NAME + "_dst_dirs");
    jobConf.set(DST_DIR_LIST_LABEL, dstdirlist.toString());
    SequenceFile.Writer dir_writer = SequenceFile.createWriter(jobfs, jobConf, dstdirlist, Text.class,
            FilePair.class, SequenceFile.CompressionType.NONE);

    // handle the case where the destination directory doesn't exist
    // and we've only a single src directory.
    final boolean special = (args.srcs.size() == 1 && !dstExists);
    int srcCount = 0, cnsyncf = 0, dirsyn = 0;
    long fileCount = 0L, byteCount = 0L, cbsyncs = 0L;
    try {
        for (Iterator<Path> srcItr = args.srcs.iterator(); srcItr.hasNext();) {
            final Path src = srcItr.next();
            FileSystem srcfs = src.getFileSystem(conf);
            FileStatus srcfilestat = srcfs.getFileStatus(src);
            Path root = special && srcfilestat.isDir() ? src : src.getParent();
            if (srcfilestat.isDir()) {

            Stack<FileStatus> pathstack = new Stack<FileStatus>();
            for (pathstack.push(srcfilestat); !pathstack.empty();) {
                FileStatus cur = pathstack.pop();
                FileStatus[] children = srcfs.listStatus(cur.getPath());
                for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
                    boolean skipfile = false;
                    final FileStatus child = children[i];
                    final String dst = makeRelative(root, child.getPath());

                    if (child.isDir()) {
                    } else {

                        if (!skipfile) {
                            byteCount += child.getLen();

                            if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
                                LOG.trace("adding file " + child.getPath());

                            cbsyncs += child.getLen();
                            if (cnsyncf > SYNC_FILE_MAX || cbsyncs > BYTES_PER_MAP) {
                                cnsyncf = 0;
                                cbsyncs = 0L;

                    if (!skipfile) {
                        src_writer.append(new LongWritable(child.isDir() ? 0 : child.getLen()),
                                new FilePair(child, dst));

                    dst_writer.append(new Text(dst), new Text(child.getPath().toString()));

                if (cur.isDir()) {
                    String dst = makeRelative(root, cur.getPath());
                    dir_writer.append(new Text(dst), new FilePair(cur, dst));
                    if (++dirsyn > SYNC_FILE_MAX) {
                        dirsyn = 0;
    } finally {

    FileStatus dststatus = null;
    try {
        dststatus = dstfs.getFileStatus(args.dst);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
        LOG.info(args.dst + " does not exist.");

    // create dest path dir if copying > 1 file
    if (dststatus == null) {
        if (srcCount > 1 && !dstfs.mkdirs(args.dst)) {
            throw new IOException("Failed to create" + args.dst);

    final Path sorted = new Path(jobDirectory, "_" + NAME + "_sorted");
    checkDuplication(jobfs, dstfilelist, sorted, conf);

    Path tmpDir = new Path(
            (dstExists && !dstIsDir) || (!dstExists && srcCount == 1) ? args.dst.getParent() : args.dst,
            "_" + NAME + "_tmp_" + randomId);
    jobConf.set(TMP_DIR_LABEL, tmpDir.toUri().toString());
    LOG.info("sourcePathsCount=" + srcCount);
    LOG.info("filesToExecCount=" + fileCount);
    LOG.info("bytesToExecCount=" + StringUtils.humanReadableInt(byteCount));
    jobConf.setInt(SRC_COUNT_LABEL, srcCount);
    jobConf.setLong(TOTAL_SIZE_LABEL, byteCount);
    setMapCount(fileCount, jobConf);
    return fileCount > 0;

From source file:org.jd.copier.mapred.DistCp.java

License:Apache License

 * Initialize DFSCopyFileMapper specific job-configuration.
 * @param conf : The dfs/mapred configuration.
 * @param jobConf : The handle to the jobConf object to be initialized.
 * @param args Arguments/*w  w w .  j a  v a 2 s.  co  m*/
 * @return true if it is necessary to launch a job.
private static boolean setup(Configuration conf, JobConf jobConf, final Arguments args) throws IOException {
    jobConf.set(DST_DIR_LABEL, args.dst.toUri().toString());

    //set boolean values
    final boolean update = args.flags.contains(Options.UPDATE);
    final boolean skipCRCCheck = args.flags.contains(Options.SKIPCRC);
    final boolean overwrite = !update && args.flags.contains(Options.OVERWRITE);
    jobConf.setBoolean(Options.UPDATE.propertyname, update);
    jobConf.setBoolean(Options.SKIPCRC.propertyname, skipCRCCheck);
    jobConf.setBoolean(Options.OVERWRITE.propertyname, overwrite);
    jobConf.setBoolean(Options.PRESERVE_STATUS.propertyname, args.flags.contains(Options.PRESERVE_STATUS));

    final String randomId = getRandomId();
    JobClient jClient = new JobClient(jobConf);
    Path stagingArea;
    try {
        stagingArea = JobSubmissionFiles.getStagingDir(jClient, conf);
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        throw new IOException(e);

    Path jobDirectory = new Path(stagingArea + NAME + "_" + randomId);
    FsPermission mapredSysPerms = new FsPermission(JobSubmissionFiles.JOB_DIR_PERMISSION);
    FileSystem.mkdirs(jClient.getFs(), jobDirectory, mapredSysPerms);
    jobConf.set(JOB_DIR_LABEL, jobDirectory.toString());

    long maxBytesPerMap = conf.getLong(BYTES_PER_MAP_LABEL, BYTES_PER_MAP);

    FileSystem dstfs = args.dst.getFileSystem(conf);

    // get tokens for all the required FileSystems..
    TokenCache.obtainTokensForNamenodes(jobConf.getCredentials(), new Path[] { args.dst }, conf);

    boolean dstExists = dstfs.exists(args.dst);
    boolean dstIsDir = false;
    if (dstExists) {
        dstIsDir = dstfs.getFileStatus(args.dst).isDir();

    // default logPath
    Path logPath = args.log;
    if (logPath == null) {
        String filename = "_distcp_logs_" + randomId;
        if (!dstExists || !dstIsDir) {
            Path parent = args.dst.getParent();
            if (null == parent) {
                // If dst is '/' on S3, it might not exist yet, but dst.getParent()
                // will return null. In this case, use '/' as its own parent to prevent
                // NPE errors below.
                parent = args.dst;
            if (!dstfs.exists(parent)) {
            logPath = new Path(parent, filename);
        } else {
            logPath = new Path(args.dst, filename);
    FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(jobConf, logPath);

    // create src list, dst list
    FileSystem jobfs = jobDirectory.getFileSystem(jobConf);

    Path srcfilelist = new Path(jobDirectory, "_distcp_src_files");
    jobConf.set(SRC_LIST_LABEL, srcfilelist.toString());
    SequenceFile.Writer src_writer = SequenceFile.createWriter(jobfs, jobConf, srcfilelist, LongWritable.class,
            FilePair.class, SequenceFile.CompressionType.NONE);

    Path dstfilelist = new Path(jobDirectory, "_distcp_dst_files");
    SequenceFile.Writer dst_writer = SequenceFile.createWriter(jobfs, jobConf, dstfilelist, Text.class,
            Text.class, SequenceFile.CompressionType.NONE);

    Path dstdirlist = new Path(jobDirectory, "_distcp_dst_dirs");
    jobConf.set(DST_DIR_LIST_LABEL, dstdirlist.toString());
    SequenceFile.Writer dir_writer = SequenceFile.createWriter(jobfs, jobConf, dstdirlist, Text.class,
            FilePair.class, SequenceFile.CompressionType.NONE);

    // handle the case where the destination directory doesn't exist
    // and we've only a single src directory OR we're updating/overwriting
    // the contents of the destination directory.
    final boolean special = (args.srcs.size() == 1 && !dstExists) || update || overwrite;
    int srcCount = 0, cnsyncf = 0, dirsyn = 0;
    long fileCount = 0L, byteCount = 0L, cbsyncs = 0L;
    try {
        for (Iterator<Path> srcItr = args.srcs.iterator(); srcItr.hasNext();) {
            final Path src = srcItr.next();
            FileSystem srcfs = src.getFileSystem(conf);
            FileStatus srcfilestat = srcfs.getFileStatus(src);
            Path root = special && srcfilestat.isDir() ? src : src.getParent();
            if (srcfilestat.isDir()) {

            Stack<FileStatus> pathstack = new Stack<FileStatus>();
            for (pathstack.push(srcfilestat); !pathstack.empty();) {
                FileStatus cur = pathstack.pop();
                FileStatus[] children = srcfs.listStatus(cur.getPath());
                for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
                    boolean skipfile = false;
                    final FileStatus child = children[i];
                    final String dst = makeRelative(root, child.getPath());

                    if (child.isDir()) {
                    } else {
                        //skip file if the src and the dst files are the same.
                        skipfile = update
                                && sameFile(srcfs, child, dstfs, new Path(args.dst, dst), skipCRCCheck);
                        //skip file if it exceed file limit or size limit
                        skipfile |= fileCount == args.filelimit || byteCount + child.getLen() > args.sizelimit;

                        if (!skipfile) {
                            byteCount += child.getLen();

                            if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
                                LOG.trace("adding file " + child.getPath());

                            cbsyncs += child.getLen();
                            if (cnsyncf > SYNC_FILE_MAX || cbsyncs > maxBytesPerMap) {
                                cnsyncf = 0;
                                cbsyncs = 0L;

                    if (!skipfile) {
                        src_writer.append(new LongWritable(child.isDir() ? 0 : child.getLen()),
                                new FilePair(child, dst));

                    dst_writer.append(new Text(dst), new Text(child.getPath().toString()));

                if (cur.isDir()) {
                    String dst = makeRelative(root, cur.getPath());
                    dir_writer.append(new Text(dst), new FilePair(cur, dst));
                    if (++dirsyn > SYNC_FILE_MAX) {
                        dirsyn = 0;
    } finally {

    FileStatus dststatus = null;
    try {
        dststatus = dstfs.getFileStatus(args.dst);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
        LOG.info(args.dst + " does not exist.");

    // create dest path dir if copying > 1 file
    if (dststatus == null) {
        if (srcCount > 1 && !dstfs.mkdirs(args.dst)) {
            throw new IOException("Failed to create" + args.dst);

    final Path sorted = new Path(jobDirectory, "_distcp_sorted");
    checkDuplication(jobfs, dstfilelist, sorted, conf);

    if (dststatus != null && args.flags.contains(Options.DELETE)) {
        deleteNonexisting(dstfs, dststatus, sorted, jobfs, jobDirectory, jobConf, conf);

    Path tmpDir = new Path(
            (dstExists && !dstIsDir) || (!dstExists && srcCount == 1) ? args.dst.getParent() : args.dst,
            "_distcp_tmp_" + randomId);
    jobConf.set(TMP_DIR_LABEL, tmpDir.toUri().toString());

    // Explicitly create the tmpDir to ensure that it can be cleaned
    // up by fullyDelete() later.

    LOG.info("sourcePathsCount=" + srcCount);
    LOG.info("filesToCopyCount=" + fileCount);
    LOG.info("bytesToCopyCount=" + StringUtils.humanReadableInt(byteCount));
    jobConf.setInt(SRC_COUNT_LABEL, srcCount);
    jobConf.setLong(TOTAL_SIZE_LABEL, byteCount);
    setMapCount(byteCount, jobConf);
    return fileCount > 0;