Example usage for org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output FileOutputCommitter FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION

List of usage examples for org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output FileOutputCommitter FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output FileOutputCommitter FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION.



To view the source code for org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output FileOutputCommitter FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION.

Click Source Link


From source file:org.schedoscope.export.ftp.outputformat.FtpUploadOutputFormat.java

License:Apache License

 * A method to configure the output format.
 * @param job          The job object./*from  ww  w .ja v  a 2s  .  c om*/
 * @param tableName    The Hive input table name
 * @param printHeader  A flag indicating to print a csv header or not.
 * @param delimiter    The delimiter to use for separating the records (CSV)
 * @param fileType     The file type (csv / json)
 * @param codec        The compresson codec (none / gzip / bzip2)
 * @param ftpEndpoint  The (s)ftp endpoint.
 * @param ftpUser      The (s)ftp user
 * @param ftpPass      The (s)ftp password or sftp passphrase
 * @param keyFile      The private ssh key file
 * @param filePrefix   An optional file prefix
 * @param passiveMode  Passive mode or not (only ftp)
 * @param userIsRoot   User dir is root or not
 * @param cleanHdfsDir Clean up HDFS temporary files.
 * @throws Exception Is thrown if an error occurs.
public static void setOutput(Job job, String tableName, boolean printHeader, String delimiter,
        FileOutputType fileType, FileCompressionCodec codec, String ftpEndpoint, String ftpUser, String ftpPass,
        String keyFile, String filePrefix, boolean passiveMode, boolean userIsRoot, boolean cleanHdfsDir)
        throws Exception {

    Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration();
    String tmpDir = conf.get("hadoop.tmp.dir");
    String localTmpDir = RandomStringUtils.randomNumeric(10);
    setOutputPath(job, new Path(tmpDir, FTP_EXPORT_TMP_OUTPUT_PATH + localTmpDir));

    conf.setInt(FileOutputCommitter.FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION, 2);

    conf.set(FTP_EXPORT_TABLE_NAME, tableName);

    conf.set(FTP_EXPORT_ENDPOINT, ftpEndpoint);
    conf.set(FTP_EXPORT_USER, ftpUser);

    if (ftpPass != null) {
        conf.set(FTP_EXPORT_PASS, ftpPass);

    if (delimiter != null) {
        if (delimiter.length() != 1) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("delimiter must be exactly 1 char");
        conf.set(FTP_EXPORT_CVS_DELIMITER, delimiter);

    if (keyFile != null && Files.exists(Paths.get(keyFile))) {

        // Uploader.checkPrivateKey(keyFile);
        String privateKey = new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(keyFile)), StandardCharsets.US_ASCII);
        conf.set(FTP_EXPORT_KEY_FILE_CONTENT, privateKey);

    conf.setBoolean(FTP_EXPORT_PASSIVE_MODE, passiveMode);
    conf.setBoolean(FTP_EXPORT_USER_IS_ROOT, userIsRoot);
    conf.setBoolean(FTP_EXPORT_CLEAN_HDFS_DIR, cleanHdfsDir);

    DateTimeFormatter fmt = ISODateTimeFormat.basicDateTimeNoMillis();
    String timestamp = fmt.print(DateTime.now(DateTimeZone.UTC));
    conf.set(FTP_EXPORT_FILE_PREFIX, filePrefix + "-" + timestamp + "-");

    if (printHeader) {
        conf.setStrings(FTP_EXPORT_HEADER_COLUMNS, setCSVHeader(conf));

    conf.set(FTP_EXPORT_FILE_TYPE, fileType.toString());

    if (codec.equals(FileCompressionCodec.gzip)) {
        setOutputCompressorClass(job, GzipCodec.class);
    } else if (codec.equals(FileCompressionCodec.bzip2)) {
        setOutputCompressorClass(job, BZip2Codec.class);
    } else if (codec.equals(FileCompressionCodec.none)) {
        extension = "";

From source file:org.zuinnote.hadoop.office.format.mapreduce.OfficeFormatHadoopExcelLowFootPrintSAXTest.java

License:Apache License

public void writeExcelOutputFormatExcel2013SingleSheetLowFootprint() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    // one row string and three columns ("test1","test2","test3")
    // (String formattedValue, String comment, String formula, String address,String
    // sheetName)
    SpreadSheetCellDAO a1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test1", "", "", "A1", "Sheet1");
    SpreadSheetCellDAO b1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test2", "", "", "B1", "Sheet1");
    SpreadSheetCellDAO c1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test3", "", "", "C1", "Sheet1");
    // empty row => nothing todo
    // one row numbers (1,2,3)
    SpreadSheetCellDAO a3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "1", "A3", "Sheet1");
    SpreadSheetCellDAO b3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "2", "B3", "Sheet1");
    SpreadSheetCellDAO c3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "3", "C3", "Sheet1");
    // one row formulas (=A3+B3)
    SpreadSheetCellDAO a4 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "A3+B3", "A4", "Sheet1");
    // write//from w  w  w . ja va 2s.  com
    Job job = Job.getInstance();
    Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration();

    String fileName = "excel2013singlesheettestout";
    String tmpDir = tmpPath.toString();
    Path outputPath = new Path(tmpDir);
    conf.set("mapreduce.output.basename", fileName);

    // set locale to the one of the test data
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.read.locale.bcp47", "de");

    // low footprint
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.lowFootprint", "true");
            "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"); // new
    // Excel
    // format,
    // anyway
    // default,
    // but
    // here
    // for
    // illustrative
    // purposes
    conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, attempt);
    conf.setInt(MRJobConfig.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID, 0);
    conf.setInt(FileOutputCommitter.FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION, 1);
    FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
    JobContext jContext = new JobContextImpl(conf, taskID.getJobID());

    TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskID);
    FileOutputCommitter committer = new FileOutputCommitter(outputPath, context);
    // setup
    // set generic outputformat settings
    ExcelFileOutputFormat outputFormat = new ExcelFileOutputFormat();
    RecordWriter<NullWritable, SpreadSheetCellDAO> writer = outputFormat.getRecordWriter(context);
    assertNotNull(writer, "Format returned  null RecordWriter");
    writer.write(null, a1);
    writer.write(null, b1);
    writer.write(null, c1);
    writer.write(null, a3);
    writer.write(null, b3);
    writer.write(null, c3);
    writer.write(null, a4);
    // try to read it again
    conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
    job = Job.getInstance(conf);
    fileName = fileName + this.outputbaseAppendix;
    Path inputFile = new Path(tmpDir + File.separator + "_temporary" + File.separator + "0" + File.separator
            + taskAttempt + File.separator + fileName + ".xlsx");
    FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputFile);
    // set locale to the one of the test data
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.read.locale.bcp47", "de");
    ExcelFileInputFormat inputFormat = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
    FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputFile);
    context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
    List<InputSplit> splits = inputFormat.getSplits(job);
    assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
    RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = inputFormat.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);
    assertNotNull(reader, "Format returned  null RecordReader");
    reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context);
    Text spreadSheetKey = new Text();
    ArrayWritable spreadSheetValue = new ArrayWritable(SpreadSheetCellDAO.class);
    assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1");
    spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
    spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
    assertEquals("[" + fileName + ".xlsx]Sheet1!A1", spreadSheetKey.toString(),
            "Input Split for Excel file has keyname == \"[" + fileName + ".xlsx]Sheet1!A1\"");
    assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with 3 columns");
    assertEquals("test1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 == \"test1\"");
    assertEquals("test2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 2 == \"test2\"");
    assertEquals("test3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 3 == \"test3\"");
    assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 2");
    spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
    spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
    assertEquals(0, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contain row 2 and is empty");
    assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3");
    spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
    spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
    assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contain row 3 with 3 columns");
    assertEquals("1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 1 == \"1\"");
    assertEquals("2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 2 == \"2\"");
    assertEquals("3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 3 == \"3\"");
    assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 4");
    spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
    spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
    assertEquals(1, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contain row 4 with 1 column");
    assertEquals("3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 1 == \"3\"");

From source file:org.zuinnote.hadoop.office.format.mapreduce.OfficeFormatHadoopExcelLowFootPrintSAXTest.java

License:Apache License

public void writeExcelOutputFormatExcel2013SingleSheetEncryptedPositiveLowFootprint()
        throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    // one row string and three columns ("test1","test2","test3")
    // (String formattedValue, String comment, String formula, String address,String
    // sheetName)
    SpreadSheetCellDAO a1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test1", "", "", "A1", "Sheet1");
    SpreadSheetCellDAO b1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test2", "", "", "B1", "Sheet1");
    SpreadSheetCellDAO c1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test3", "", "", "C1", "Sheet1");
    // empty row => nothing todo
    // one row numbers (1,2,3)
    SpreadSheetCellDAO a3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "1", "A3", "Sheet1");
    SpreadSheetCellDAO b3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "2", "B3", "Sheet1");
    SpreadSheetCellDAO c3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "3", "C3", "Sheet1");
    // one row formulas (=A3+B3)
    SpreadSheetCellDAO a4 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "A3+B3", "A4", "Sheet1");
    // write/*from w  w  w . j  a va 2  s  . c om*/
    Job job = Job.getInstance();
    Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration();

    String fileName = "excel2013singlesheettestoutencryptedpositivelowfootprint";
    String tmpDir = tmpPath.toString();
    Path outputPath = new Path(tmpDir);
    conf.set("mapreduce.output.basename", fileName);
    // set generic outputformat settings
    // set locale to the one of the test data
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.read.locale.bcp47", "de");

    // low footprint
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.lowFootprint", "true");
            "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"); // new
    // excel
    // format
    // security
    // for the new Excel format you need to decide on your own which algorithms are
    // secure
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.security.crypt.encrypt.mode", "agile");
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.security.crypt.encrypt.algorithm", "aes256");
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.security.crypt.chain.mode", "cbc");
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.security.crypt.hash.algorithm", "sha512");
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.security.crypt.password", "test");
    conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, attempt);
    conf.setInt(MRJobConfig.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID, 0);
    conf.setInt(FileOutputCommitter.FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION, 1);
    FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
    JobContext jContext = new JobContextImpl(conf, taskID.getJobID());

    TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskID);
    FileOutputCommitter committer = new FileOutputCommitter(outputPath, context);
    // setup
    ExcelFileOutputFormat outputFormat = new ExcelFileOutputFormat();
    RecordWriter<NullWritable, SpreadSheetCellDAO> writer = outputFormat.getRecordWriter(context);
    assertNotNull(writer, "Format returned  null RecordWriter");
    writer.write(null, a1);
    writer.write(null, b1);
    writer.write(null, c1);
    writer.write(null, a3);
    writer.write(null, b3);
    writer.write(null, c3);
    writer.write(null, a4);
    // try to read it again
    conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
    job = Job.getInstance(conf);
    fileName = fileName + this.outputbaseAppendix;
    Path inputFile = new Path(tmpDir + File.separator + "_temporary" + File.separator + "0" + File.separator
            + taskAttempt + File.separator + fileName + ".xlsx");
    // set locale to the one of the test data
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.read.locale.bcp47", "de");
    // you just need to provide the password to read encrypted data
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.read.security.crypt.password", "test");
    ExcelFileInputFormat inputFormat = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
    FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputFile);
    context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
    List<InputSplit> splits = inputFormat.getSplits(job);
    assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
    RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = inputFormat.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);
    assertNotNull(reader, "Format returned  null RecordReader");
    reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context);
    Text spreadSheetKey = new Text();
    ArrayWritable spreadSheetValue = new ArrayWritable(SpreadSheetCellDAO.class);
    assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1");
    spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
    spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
    assertEquals("[" + fileName + ".xlsx]Sheet1!A1", spreadSheetKey.toString(),
            "Input Split for Excel file has keyname == \"[" + fileName + ".xlsx]Sheet1!A1\"");
    assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with 3 columns");
    assertEquals("test1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 == \"test1\"");
    assertEquals("test2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 2 == \"test2\"");
    assertEquals("test3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 3 == \"test3\"");
    assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 2");
    spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
    spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
    assertEquals(0, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contain row 2 and is empty");
    assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3");
    spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
    spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
    assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contain row 3 with 3 columns");
    assertEquals("1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 1 == \"1\"");
    assertEquals("2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 2 == \"2\"");
    assertEquals("3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 3 == \"3\"");
    assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 4");
    spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
    spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
    assertEquals(1, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contain row 4 with 1 column");
    assertEquals("3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 1 == \"3\"");

From source file:org.zuinnote.hadoop.office.format.mapreduce.OfficeFormatHadoopExcelLowFootPrintSAXTest.java

License:Apache License

public void writeExcelOutputFormatExcel2013SingleSheetEncryptedNegativeLowFootprint()
        throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    // one row string and three columns ("test1","test2","test3")
    // (String formattedValue, String comment, String formula, String address,String
    // sheetName)
    SpreadSheetCellDAO a1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test1", "", "", "A1", "Sheet1");
    SpreadSheetCellDAO b1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test2", "", "", "B1", "Sheet1");
    SpreadSheetCellDAO c1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test3", "", "", "C1", "Sheet1");
    // empty row => nothing todo
    // one row numbers (1,2,3)
    SpreadSheetCellDAO a3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "1", "A3", "Sheet1");
    SpreadSheetCellDAO b3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "2", "B3", "Sheet1");
    SpreadSheetCellDAO c3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "3", "C3", "Sheet1");
    // one row formulas (=A3+B3)
    SpreadSheetCellDAO a4 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "A3+B3", "A4", "Sheet1");
    // write//from w w  w. j a  va2s.c  om
    Job job = Job.getInstance();
    Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration();
    String fileName = "excel2013singlesheettestoutencryptednegativelowfootprint";
    String tmpDir = tmpPath.toString();
    Path outputPath = new Path(tmpDir);
    FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
    conf.set("mapreduce.output.basename", fileName);
    // set locale to the one of the test data
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.read.locale.bcp47", "de");

    // low footprint
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.lowFootprint", "true");
            "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"); // new
    // excel
    // format
    // security
    // for the new Excel format you need to decide on your own which algorithms are
    // secure
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.security.crypt.encrypt.mode", "agile");
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.security.crypt.encrypt.algorithm", "aes256");
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.security.crypt.chain.mode", "cbc");
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.security.crypt.hash.algorithm", "sha512");
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.security.crypt.password", "test");
    conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, attempt);
    conf.setInt(MRJobConfig.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID, 0);
    conf.setInt(FileOutputCommitter.FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION, 1);
    FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
    JobContext jContext = new JobContextImpl(conf, taskID.getJobID());

    TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskID);
    FileOutputCommitter committer = new FileOutputCommitter(outputPath, context);
    // setup
    ExcelFileOutputFormat outputFormat = new ExcelFileOutputFormat();
    RecordWriter<NullWritable, SpreadSheetCellDAO> writer = outputFormat.getRecordWriter(context);
    assertNotNull(writer, "Format returned  null RecordWriter");
    writer.write(null, a1);
    writer.write(null, b1);
    writer.write(null, c1);
    writer.write(null, a3);
    writer.write(null, b3);
    writer.write(null, c3);
    writer.write(null, a4);
    // try to read it again
    conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
    job = Job.getInstance(conf);
    fileName = fileName + this.outputbaseAppendix;
    Path inputFile = new Path(tmpDir + File.separator + "_temporary" + File.separator + "0" + File.separator
            + taskAttempt + File.separator + fileName + ".xlsx");
    FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputFile);
    // set locale to the one of the test data
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.read.locale.bcp47", "de");
    // you just need to provide the password to read encrypted data
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.read.security.crypt.password", "test2");
    ExcelFileInputFormat inputFormat = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
    TaskAttemptContext context2 = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
    List<InputSplit> splits = inputFormat.getSplits(job);
    assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
    RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = inputFormat.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context2);

    InterruptedException ex = assertThrows(InterruptedException.class,
            () -> reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context2), "Exception is thrown in case of wrong password");

From source file:org.zuinnote.hadoop.office.format.mapreduce.OfficeFormatHadoopExcelLowFootPrintSAXTest.java

License:Apache License

public void writeExcelOutputFormatExcel2013SingleSheetSignedPositive()
        throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    // one row string and three columns ("test1","test2","test3")
    // (String formattedValue, String comment, String formula, String address,String
    // sheetName)
    SpreadSheetCellDAO a1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test1", "", "", "A1", "Sheet1");
    SpreadSheetCellDAO b1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test2", "", "", "B1", "Sheet1");
    SpreadSheetCellDAO c1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test3", "", "", "C1", "Sheet1");
    // empty row => nothing todo
    // one row numbers (1,2,3)
    SpreadSheetCellDAO a3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "1", "A3", "Sheet1");
    SpreadSheetCellDAO b3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "2", "B3", "Sheet1");
    SpreadSheetCellDAO c3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "3", "C3", "Sheet1");
    // one row formulas (=A3+B3)
    SpreadSheetCellDAO a4 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "A3+B3", "A4", "Sheet1");
    // write/*from w  ww .j  ava 2s  . c o m*/
    Job job = Job.getInstance();
    Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration();

    String fileName = "excel2013singlesheettestoutsignedpositive";
    String tmpDir = tmpPath.toString();
    Path outputPath = new Path(tmpDir);
    conf.set("mapreduce.output.basename", fileName);

    // set locale to the one of the test data
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.read.locale.bcp47", "de");
            "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"); // new
    // Excel
    // format,
    // anyway
    // default,
    // but
    // here
    // for
    // illustrative
    // purposes
    /// signature
    String pkFileName = "testsigning.pfx"; // private key
    ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
    String fileNameKeyStore = classLoader.getResource(pkFileName).getFile();

    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.security.sign.keystore.file", fileNameKeyStore);
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.security.sign.keystore.type", "PKCS12");
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.security.sign.keystore.password", "changeit");
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.security.sign.keystore.alias", "testalias");
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.security.sign.hash.algorithm", "sha512");
    conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, attempt);
    conf.setInt(MRJobConfig.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID, 0);
    conf.setInt(FileOutputCommitter.FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION, 1);
    FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
    JobContext jContext = new JobContextImpl(conf, taskID.getJobID());

    TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskID);
    FileOutputCommitter committer = new FileOutputCommitter(outputPath, context);
    // setup
    // set generic outputformat settings
    ExcelFileOutputFormat outputFormat = new ExcelFileOutputFormat();
    RecordWriter<NullWritable, SpreadSheetCellDAO> writer = outputFormat.getRecordWriter(context);
    assertNotNull(writer, "Format returned  null RecordWriter");
    writer.write(null, a1);
    writer.write(null, b1);
    writer.write(null, c1);
    writer.write(null, a3);
    writer.write(null, b3);
    writer.write(null, c3);
    writer.write(null, a4);
    // try to read it again
    conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
    job = Job.getInstance(conf);
    fileName = fileName + this.outputbaseAppendix;
    Path inputFile = new Path(tmpDir + File.separator + "_temporary" + File.separator + "0" + File.separator
            + taskAttempt + File.separator + fileName + ".xlsx");
    FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputFile);
    // set locale to the one of the test data
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.read.locale.bcp47", "de");
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.read.security.sign.verifysignature", "true");
    ExcelFileInputFormat inputFormat = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
    FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputFile);
    context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
    List<InputSplit> splits = inputFormat.getSplits(job);
    assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
    RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = inputFormat.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);
    assertNotNull(reader, "Format returned  null RecordReader");
    reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context);
    Text spreadSheetKey = new Text();
    ArrayWritable spreadSheetValue = new ArrayWritable(SpreadSheetCellDAO.class);
    assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1");
    spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
    spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
    assertEquals("[" + fileName + ".xlsx]Sheet1!A1", spreadSheetKey.toString(),
            "Input Split for Excel file has keyname == \"[" + fileName + ".xlsx]Sheet1!A1\"");
    assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with 3 columns");
    assertEquals("test1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 == \"test1\"");
    assertEquals("test2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 2 == \"test2\"");
    assertEquals("test3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 3 == \"test3\"");
    assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 2");
    spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
    spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
    assertEquals(0, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contain row 2 and is empty");
    assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3");
    spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
    spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
    assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contain row 3 with 3 columns");
    assertEquals("1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 1 == \"1\"");
    assertEquals("2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 2 == \"2\"");
    assertEquals("3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 3 == \"3\"");
    assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 4");
    spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
    spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
    assertEquals(1, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contain row 4 with 1 column");
    assertEquals("3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 1 == \"3\"");

From source file:org.zuinnote.hadoop.office.format.mapreduce.OfficeFormatHadoopExcelLowFootPrintSAXTest.java

License:Apache License

public void writeExcelOutputFormatExcel2013SingleSheetLowFootprintSignedPositive()
        throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    // one row string and three columns ("test1","test2","test3")
    // (String formattedValue, String comment, String formula, String address,String
    // sheetName)
    SpreadSheetCellDAO a1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test1", "", "", "A1", "Sheet1");
    SpreadSheetCellDAO b1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test2", "", "", "B1", "Sheet1");
    SpreadSheetCellDAO c1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test3", "", "", "C1", "Sheet1");
    // empty row => nothing todo
    // one row numbers (1,2,3)
    SpreadSheetCellDAO a3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "1", "A3", "Sheet1");
    SpreadSheetCellDAO b3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "2", "B3", "Sheet1");
    SpreadSheetCellDAO c3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "3", "C3", "Sheet1");
    // one row formulas (=A3+B3)
    SpreadSheetCellDAO a4 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "A3+B3", "A4", "Sheet1");
    // write//from w  w  w.j  a  v  a  2 s .  c  o m
    Job job = Job.getInstance();
    Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration();

    String fileName = "excel2013singlesheettestoutsignedpositive";
    String tmpDir = tmpPath.toString();
    Path outputPath = new Path(tmpDir);
    conf.set("mapreduce.output.basename", fileName);

    // set locale to the one of the test data
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.read.locale.bcp47", "de");

    // low footprint
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.lowFootprint", "true");
            "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"); // new
    // Excel
    // format,
    // anyway
    // default,
    // but
    // here
    // for
    // illustrative
    // purposes
    /// signature
    String pkFileName = "testsigning.pfx"; // private key
    ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
    String fileNameKeyStore = classLoader.getResource(pkFileName).getFile();

    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.security.sign.keystore.file", fileNameKeyStore);
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.security.sign.keystore.type", "PKCS12");
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.security.sign.keystore.password", "changeit");
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.security.sign.keystore.alias", "testalias");
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.security.sign.hash.algorithm", "sha512");
    conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, attempt);
    conf.setInt(MRJobConfig.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID, 0);
    conf.setInt(FileOutputCommitter.FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION, 1);
    FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
    JobContext jContext = new JobContextImpl(conf, taskID.getJobID());

    TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskID);
    FileOutputCommitter committer = new FileOutputCommitter(outputPath, context);
    // setup
    // set generic outputformat settings
    ExcelFileOutputFormat outputFormat = new ExcelFileOutputFormat();
    RecordWriter<NullWritable, SpreadSheetCellDAO> writer = outputFormat.getRecordWriter(context);
    assertNotNull(writer, "Format returned  null RecordWriter");
    writer.write(null, a1);
    writer.write(null, b1);
    writer.write(null, c1);
    writer.write(null, a3);
    writer.write(null, b3);
    writer.write(null, c3);
    writer.write(null, a4);
    // try to read it again
    conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
    job = Job.getInstance(conf);
    fileName = fileName + this.outputbaseAppendix;
    Path inputFile = new Path(tmpDir + File.separator + "_temporary" + File.separator + "0" + File.separator
            + taskAttempt + File.separator + fileName + ".xlsx");
    FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputFile);
    // set locale to the one of the test data
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.read.locale.bcp47", "de");
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.read.security.sign.verifysignature", "true");
    ExcelFileInputFormat inputFormat = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
    FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputFile);
    context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
    List<InputSplit> splits = inputFormat.getSplits(job);
    assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
    RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = inputFormat.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);
    assertNotNull(reader, "Format returned  null RecordReader");
    reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context);
    Text spreadSheetKey = new Text();
    ArrayWritable spreadSheetValue = new ArrayWritable(SpreadSheetCellDAO.class);
    assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1");
    spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
    spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
    assertEquals("[" + fileName + ".xlsx]Sheet1!A1", spreadSheetKey.toString(),
            "Input Split for Excel file has keyname == \"[" + fileName + ".xlsx]Sheet1!A1\"");
    assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with 3 columns");
    assertEquals("test1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 == \"test1\"");
    assertEquals("test2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 2 == \"test2\"");
    assertEquals("test3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 3 == \"test3\"");
    assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 2");
    spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
    spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
    assertEquals(0, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contain row 2 and is empty");
    assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3");
    spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
    spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
    assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contain row 3 with 3 columns");
    assertEquals("1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 1 == \"1\"");
    assertEquals("2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 2 == \"2\"");
    assertEquals("3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 3 == \"3\"");
    assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 4");
    spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
    spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
    assertEquals(1, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contain row 4 with 1 column");
    assertEquals("3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 1 == \"3\"");

From source file:org.zuinnote.hadoop.office.format.mapreduce.OfficeFormatHadoopExcelLowFootPrintSAXTest.java

License:Apache License

public void writeExcelOutputFormatExcel2013SingleSheetLowFootprintSignedNegative()
        throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    // one row string and three columns ("test1","test2","test3")
    // (String formattedValue, String comment, String formula, String address,String
    // sheetName)
    SpreadSheetCellDAO a1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test1", "", "", "A1", "Sheet1");
    SpreadSheetCellDAO b1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test2", "", "", "B1", "Sheet1");
    SpreadSheetCellDAO c1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test3", "", "", "C1", "Sheet1");
    // empty row => nothing todo
    // one row numbers (1,2,3)
    SpreadSheetCellDAO a3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "1", "A3", "Sheet1");
    SpreadSheetCellDAO b3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "2", "B3", "Sheet1");
    SpreadSheetCellDAO c3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "3", "C3", "Sheet1");
    // one row formulas (=A3+B3)
    SpreadSheetCellDAO a4 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "A3+B3", "A4", "Sheet1");
    // write/*from  ww  w  .  ja v  a2 s  . c  om*/
    Job job = Job.getInstance();
    Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration();

    String fileName = "excel2013singlesheettestoutsignednegative";
    String tmpDir = tmpPath.toString();
    Path outputPath = new Path(tmpDir);
    conf.set("mapreduce.output.basename", fileName);

    // set locale to the one of the test data
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.read.locale.bcp47", "de");

    // low footprint
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.lowFootprint", "true");
            "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"); // new
    // Excel
    // format,
    // anyway
    // default,
    // but
    // here
    // for
    // illustrative
    // purposes

    conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, attempt);
    conf.setInt(MRJobConfig.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID, 0);
    conf.setInt(FileOutputCommitter.FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION, 1);
    FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
    JobContext jContext = new JobContextImpl(conf, taskID.getJobID());

    TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskID);
    FileOutputCommitter committer = new FileOutputCommitter(outputPath, context);
    // setup
    // set generic outputformat settings
    ExcelFileOutputFormat outputFormat = new ExcelFileOutputFormat();
    RecordWriter<NullWritable, SpreadSheetCellDAO> writer = outputFormat.getRecordWriter(context);
    assertNotNull(writer, "Format returned  null RecordWriter");
    writer.write(null, a1);
    writer.write(null, b1);
    writer.write(null, c1);
    writer.write(null, a3);
    writer.write(null, b3);
    writer.write(null, c3);
    writer.write(null, a4);
    // try to read it again
    conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
    job = Job.getInstance(conf);
    fileName = fileName + this.outputbaseAppendix;
    Path inputFile = new Path(tmpDir + File.separator + "_temporary" + File.separator + "0" + File.separator
            + taskAttempt + File.separator + fileName + ".xlsx");
    FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputFile);
    // set locale to the one of the test data
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.read.locale.bcp47", "de");
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.read.security.sign.verifysignature", "true"); // will fail no signature present
    ExcelFileInputFormat inputFormat = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
    FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputFile);
    TaskAttemptContext context2 = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
    List<InputSplit> splits = inputFormat.getSplits(job);
    assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
    RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = inputFormat.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context2);
    InterruptedException ex = assertThrows(InterruptedException.class,
            () -> reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context2),
            "Exception is thrown in case signature cannot be verified");


From source file:org.zuinnote.hadoop.office.format.mapreduce.OfficeFormatHadoopExcelLowFootPrintSAXTest.java

License:Apache License

public void writeExcelOutputFormatExcel2013SingleSheetEncryptedPositiveLowFootprintSignedPositive()
        throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    // one row string and three columns ("test1","test2","test3")
    // (String formattedValue, String comment, String formula, String address,String
    // sheetName)
    SpreadSheetCellDAO a1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test1", "", "", "A1", "Sheet1");
    SpreadSheetCellDAO b1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test2", "", "", "B1", "Sheet1");
    SpreadSheetCellDAO c1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test3", "", "", "C1", "Sheet1");
    // empty row => nothing todo
    // one row numbers (1,2,3)
    SpreadSheetCellDAO a3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "1", "A3", "Sheet1");
    SpreadSheetCellDAO b3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "2", "B3", "Sheet1");
    SpreadSheetCellDAO c3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "3", "C3", "Sheet1");
    // one row formulas (=A3+B3)
    SpreadSheetCellDAO a4 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "A3+B3", "A4", "Sheet1");
    // write//www . j a v a  2 s .co  m
    Job job = Job.getInstance();
    Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration();

    String fileName = "excel2013singlesheettestoutencryptedpositivelowfootprintsignedpositive";
    String tmpDir = tmpPath.toString();
    Path outputPath = new Path(tmpDir);
    conf.set("mapreduce.output.basename", fileName);
    // set generic outputformat settings
    // set locale to the one of the test data
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.read.locale.bcp47", "de");

    // low footprint
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.lowFootprint", "true");
            "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"); // new
    // excel
    // format
    // security
    // for the new Excel format you need to decide on your own which algorithms are
    // secure
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.security.crypt.encrypt.mode", "agile");
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.security.crypt.encrypt.algorithm", "aes256");
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.security.crypt.chain.mode", "cbc");
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.security.crypt.hash.algorithm", "sha512");
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.security.crypt.password", "test");
    /// signature
    String pkFileName = "testsigning.pfx"; // private key
    ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
    String fileNameKeyStore = classLoader.getResource(pkFileName).getFile();

    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.security.sign.keystore.file", fileNameKeyStore);
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.security.sign.keystore.type", "PKCS12");
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.security.sign.keystore.password", "changeit");
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.security.sign.keystore.alias", "testalias");
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.security.sign.hash.algorithm", "sha512");
    conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, attempt);
    conf.setInt(MRJobConfig.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID, 0);
    conf.setInt(FileOutputCommitter.FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION, 1);
    FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
    JobContext jContext = new JobContextImpl(conf, taskID.getJobID());

    TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskID);
    FileOutputCommitter committer = new FileOutputCommitter(outputPath, context);
    // setup
    ExcelFileOutputFormat outputFormat = new ExcelFileOutputFormat();
    RecordWriter<NullWritable, SpreadSheetCellDAO> writer = outputFormat.getRecordWriter(context);
    assertNotNull(writer, "Format returned  null RecordWriter");
    writer.write(null, a1);
    writer.write(null, b1);
    writer.write(null, c1);
    writer.write(null, a3);
    writer.write(null, b3);
    writer.write(null, c3);
    writer.write(null, a4);
    // try to read it again
    conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
    job = Job.getInstance(conf);
    fileName = fileName + this.outputbaseAppendix;
    Path inputFile = new Path(tmpDir + File.separator + "_temporary" + File.separator + "0" + File.separator
            + taskAttempt + File.separator + fileName + ".xlsx");
    // set locale to the one of the test data
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.read.locale.bcp47", "de");
    // you just need to provide the password to read encrypted data
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.read.security.crypt.password", "test");
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.read.security.sign.verifysignature", "true");
    ExcelFileInputFormat inputFormat = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
    FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputFile);
    context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
    List<InputSplit> splits = inputFormat.getSplits(job);
    assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
    RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = inputFormat.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);
    assertNotNull(reader, "Format returned  null RecordReader");
    reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context);
    Text spreadSheetKey = new Text();
    ArrayWritable spreadSheetValue = new ArrayWritable(SpreadSheetCellDAO.class);
    assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1");
    spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
    spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
    assertEquals("[" + fileName + ".xlsx]Sheet1!A1", spreadSheetKey.toString(),
            "Input Split for Excel file has keyname == \"[" + fileName + ".xlsx]Sheet1!A1\"");
    assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with 3 columns");
    assertEquals("test1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 == \"test1\"");
    assertEquals("test2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 2 == \"test2\"");
    assertEquals("test3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 3 == \"test3\"");
    assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 2");
    spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
    spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
    assertEquals(0, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contain row 2 and is empty");
    assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3");
    spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
    spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
    assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contain row 3 with 3 columns");
    assertEquals("1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 1 == \"1\"");
    assertEquals("2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 2 == \"2\"");
    assertEquals("3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 3 == \"3\"");
    assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 4");
    spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
    spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
    assertEquals(1, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contain row 4 with 1 column");
    assertEquals("3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 1 == \"3\"");

From source file:org.zuinnote.hadoop.office.format.mapreduce.OfficeFormatHadoopExcelLowFootPrintSAXTest.java

License:Apache License

public void writeExcelOutputFormatExcel2013SingleSheetEncryptedPositiveLowFootprintSignedNegative()
        throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    // one row string and three columns ("test1","test2","test3")
    // (String formattedValue, String comment, String formula, String address,String
    // sheetName)
    SpreadSheetCellDAO a1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test1", "", "", "A1", "Sheet1");
    SpreadSheetCellDAO b1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test2", "", "", "B1", "Sheet1");
    SpreadSheetCellDAO c1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test3", "", "", "C1", "Sheet1");
    // empty row => nothing todo
    // one row numbers (1,2,3)
    SpreadSheetCellDAO a3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "1", "A3", "Sheet1");
    SpreadSheetCellDAO b3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "2", "B3", "Sheet1");
    SpreadSheetCellDAO c3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "3", "C3", "Sheet1");
    // one row formulas (=A3+B3)
    SpreadSheetCellDAO a4 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "A3+B3", "A4", "Sheet1");
    // write//from w w  w  . j a  va  2s. c om
    Job job = Job.getInstance();
    Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration();

    String fileName = "excel2013singlesheettestoutencryptedpositivelowfootprintsignednegative";
    String tmpDir = tmpPath.toString();
    Path outputPath = new Path(tmpDir);
    conf.set("mapreduce.output.basename", fileName);
    // set generic outputformat settings
    // set locale to the one of the test data
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.read.locale.bcp47", "de");

    // low footprint
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.lowFootprint", "true");
            "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"); // new
    // excel
    // format
    // security
    // for the new Excel format you need to decide on your own which algorithms are
    // secure
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.security.crypt.encrypt.mode", "agile");
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.security.crypt.encrypt.algorithm", "aes256");
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.security.crypt.chain.mode", "cbc");
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.security.crypt.hash.algorithm", "sha512");
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.security.crypt.password", "test");

    conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, attempt);
    conf.setInt(MRJobConfig.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID, 0);
    conf.setInt(FileOutputCommitter.FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION, 1);
    FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
    JobContext jContext = new JobContextImpl(conf, taskID.getJobID());

    TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskID);
    FileOutputCommitter committer = new FileOutputCommitter(outputPath, context);
    // setup
    ExcelFileOutputFormat outputFormat = new ExcelFileOutputFormat();
    RecordWriter<NullWritable, SpreadSheetCellDAO> writer = outputFormat.getRecordWriter(context);
    assertNotNull(writer, "Format returned  null RecordWriter");
    writer.write(null, a1);
    writer.write(null, b1);
    writer.write(null, c1);
    writer.write(null, a3);
    writer.write(null, b3);
    writer.write(null, c3);
    writer.write(null, a4);
    // try to read it again
    conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
    job = Job.getInstance(conf);
    fileName = fileName + this.outputbaseAppendix;
    Path inputFile = new Path(tmpDir + File.separator + "_temporary" + File.separator + "0" + File.separator
            + taskAttempt + File.separator + fileName + ".xlsx");
    // set locale to the one of the test data
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.read.locale.bcp47", "de");
    // you just need to provide the password to read encrypted data
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.read.security.crypt.password", "test");
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.read.security.sign.verifysignature", "true"); // will fail because does not contain
    // signature
    ExcelFileInputFormat inputFormat = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
    FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputFile);
    TaskAttemptContext context2 = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
    List<InputSplit> splits = inputFormat.getSplits(job);
    assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
    RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = inputFormat.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context2);
    InterruptedException ex = assertThrows(InterruptedException.class,
            () -> reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context2),
            "Exception is thrown in case signature cannot be verified");

From source file:org.zuinnote.hadoop.office.format.mapreduce.OfficeFormatHadoopExcelLowFootPrintSAXTest.java

License:Apache License

public void writeExcelOutputFormatExcel2013SingleSheetLowFootprintSignedPositiveReadLowFootprint()
        throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    // one row string and three columns ("test1","test2","test3")
    // (String formattedValue, String comment, String formula, String address,String
    // sheetName)
    SpreadSheetCellDAO a1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test1", "", "", "A1", "Sheet1");
    SpreadSheetCellDAO b1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test2", "", "", "B1", "Sheet1");
    SpreadSheetCellDAO c1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test3", "", "", "C1", "Sheet1");

    // write//from www .  ja v  a  2  s . c  om
    Job job = Job.getInstance();
    Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration();

    String fileName = "excel2013singlesheettestoutsignedpositivereadlowfootprint";
    String tmpDir = tmpPath.toString();
    Path outputPath = new Path(tmpDir);
    conf.set("mapreduce.output.basename", fileName);

    // set locale to the one of the test data
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.read.locale.bcp47", "de");

    // low footprint
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.lowFootprint", "true");
            "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"); // new
    // Excel
    // format,
    // anyway
    // default,
    // but
    // here
    // for
    // illustrative
    // purposes
    /// signature
    String pkFileName = "testsigning.pfx"; // private key
    ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
    String fileNameKeyStore = classLoader.getResource(pkFileName).getFile();

    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.security.sign.keystore.file", fileNameKeyStore);
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.security.sign.keystore.type", "PKCS12");
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.security.sign.keystore.password", "changeit");
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.security.sign.keystore.alias", "testalias");
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.security.sign.hash.algorithm", "sha512");
    conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, attempt);
    conf.setInt(MRJobConfig.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID, 0);
    conf.setInt(FileOutputCommitter.FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION, 1);
    FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
    JobContext jContext = new JobContextImpl(conf, taskID.getJobID());

    TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskID);
    FileOutputCommitter committer = new FileOutputCommitter(outputPath, context);
    // setup
    // set generic outputformat settings
    ExcelFileOutputFormat outputFormat = new ExcelFileOutputFormat();
    RecordWriter<NullWritable, SpreadSheetCellDAO> writer = outputFormat.getRecordWriter(context);
    assertNotNull(writer, "Format returned  null RecordWriter");
    writer.write(null, a1);
    writer.write(null, b1);
    writer.write(null, c1);
    // try to read it again
    conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
    job = Job.getInstance(conf);
    fileName = fileName + this.outputbaseAppendix;
    Path inputFile = new Path(tmpDir + File.separator + "_temporary" + File.separator + "0" + File.separator
            + taskAttempt + File.separator + fileName + ".xlsx");
    FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputFile);
    // set locale to the one of the test data
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.read.locale.bcp47", "de");

    // low footprint
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.read.lowFootprint", "true");
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.read.lowFootprint.parser", "sax");
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.read.security.sign.verifysignature", "true");
    ExcelFileInputFormat inputFormat = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
    FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputFile);
    context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
    List<InputSplit> splits = inputFormat.getSplits(job);
    assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
    RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = inputFormat.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);
    assertNotNull(reader, "Format returned  null RecordReader");
    reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context);
    Text spreadSheetKey = new Text();
    ArrayWritable spreadSheetValue = new ArrayWritable(SpreadSheetCellDAO.class);
    assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1");
    spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
    spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
    assertEquals("[" + fileName + ".xlsx]Sheet1!A1", spreadSheetKey.toString(),
            "Input Split for Excel file has keyname == \"[" + fileName + ".xlsx]Sheet1!A1\"");
    assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with 3 columns");
    assertEquals("test1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 == \"test1\"");
    assertEquals("test2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 2 == \"test2\"");
    assertEquals("test3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 3 == \"test3\"");
