Example usage for org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce MRJobConfig MAPREDUCE_APPLICATION_CLASSPATH

List of usage examples for org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce MRJobConfig MAPREDUCE_APPLICATION_CLASSPATH


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce MRJobConfig MAPREDUCE_APPLICATION_CLASSPATH.



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CLASSPATH for all YARN MapReduce applications.


From source file:co.cask.cdap.explore.service.ExploreServiceUtils.java

License:Apache License

 * Change mapred-site.xml file, and return a temp copy of it to which are added
 * necessary options./*from  ww w.j  a  v  a  2s  . co m*/
private static File updateMapredConfFile(File confFile, File tempDir) {
    Configuration conf = new Configuration(false);
    try {
    } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
        LOG.error("File {} is malformed.", confFile, e);
        throw Throwables.propagate(e);

    String mrAppClassPath = conf.get(MRJobConfig.MAPREDUCE_APPLICATION_CLASSPATH,

    // Add the pwd/* at the beginning of classpath. Without this change, old jars from mr framework classpath
    // get into classpath.
    mrAppClassPath = "$PWD/*," + mrAppClassPath;

    conf.set(MRJobConfig.MAPREDUCE_APPLICATION_CLASSPATH, mrAppClassPath);

    File newMapredConfFile = new File(tempDir, "mapred-site.xml");
    try (FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(newMapredConfFile)) {
    } catch (IOException e) {
        LOG.error("Problem creating and writing to temporary mapred-site.xml conf file at {}",
                newMapredConfFile, e);
        throw Throwables.propagate(e);

    return newMapredConfFile;

From source file:co.cask.cdap.explore.service.ExploreServiceUtilsTest.java

License:Apache License

public void hijackConfFileTest() throws Exception {
    Configuration conf = new Configuration(false);
    conf.set("foo", "bar");
    Assert.assertEquals(1, conf.size());

    File tempDir = tmpFolder.newFolder();

    File confFile = tmpFolder.newFile("hive-site.xml");

    try (FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(confFile)) {
        conf.writeXml(os);//from  w  w w  .j  a  v  a 2 s  .co  m

    File newConfFile = ExploreServiceUtils.updateConfFileForExplore(confFile, tempDir);

    conf = new Configuration(false);

    Assert.assertEquals(3, conf.size());
    Assert.assertEquals("false", conf.get(Job.MAPREDUCE_JOB_USER_CLASSPATH_FIRST));
    Assert.assertEquals("false", conf.get(Job.MAPREDUCE_JOB_CLASSLOADER));
    Assert.assertEquals("bar", conf.get("foo"));

    // check yarn-site changes
    confFile = tmpFolder.newFile("yarn-site.xml");
    conf = new YarnConfiguration();

    try (FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(confFile)) {

    String yarnApplicationClassPath = "$PWD/*," + conf.get(YarnConfiguration.YARN_APPLICATION_CLASSPATH,

    newConfFile = ExploreServiceUtils.updateConfFileForExplore(confFile, tempDir);

    conf = new Configuration(false);

    Assert.assertEquals(yarnApplicationClassPath, conf.get(YarnConfiguration.YARN_APPLICATION_CLASSPATH));

    // check mapred-site changes
    confFile = tmpFolder.newFile("mapred-site.xml");
    conf = new YarnConfiguration();

    try (FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(confFile)) {

    String mapredApplicationClassPath = "$PWD/*," + conf.get(MRJobConfig.MAPREDUCE_APPLICATION_CLASSPATH,

    newConfFile = ExploreServiceUtils.updateConfFileForExplore(confFile, tempDir);

    conf = new Configuration(false);

    Assert.assertEquals(mapredApplicationClassPath, conf.get(MRJobConfig.MAPREDUCE_APPLICATION_CLASSPATH));

    // Ensure conf files that are not hive-site.xml/mapred-site.xml/yarn-site.xml are unchanged
    confFile = tmpFolder.newFile("core-site.xml");
    Assert.assertEquals(confFile, ExploreServiceUtils.updateConfFileForExplore(confFile, tempDir));

From source file:co.cask.cdap.internal.app.runtime.batch.distributed.MapReduceContainerHelper.java

License:Apache License

 * Returns a list of path to be used for the MapReduce framework classpath.
 * @param hConf the configuration for the job.
 * @param result a list for appending MR framework classpath
 * @return the same {@code result} list from the argument
 *//*from   ww w.  j  a v  a2s.c  o m*/
public static List<String> getMapReduceClassPath(Configuration hConf, List<String> result) {
    String framework = hConf.get(MRJobConfig.MAPREDUCE_APPLICATION_FRAMEWORK_PATH);

    // For classpath config get from the hConf, we splits it with both "," and ":" because one can set
    // the conf with something like "path1,path2:path3" and
    // it should become "path1:path2:path3" in the target JVM process
    Splitter splitter = Splitter.on(Pattern.compile(",|" + File.pathSeparatorChar)).trimResults()

    // If MR framework is non specified, use yarn.application.classpath and mapreduce.application.classpath
    // Otherwise, only use the mapreduce.application.classpath
    if (framework == null) {
        String yarnClassPath = hConf.get(YarnConfiguration.YARN_APPLICATION_CLASSPATH,
        Iterables.addAll(result, splitter.split(yarnClassPath));

    // Add MR application classpath
    Iterables.addAll(result, splitter.split(hConf.get(MRJobConfig.MAPREDUCE_APPLICATION_CLASSPATH,
    return result;

From source file:co.cask.cdap.internal.app.runtime.batch.MapReduceRuntimeService.java

License:Apache License

protected void startUp() throws Exception {
    // Creates a temporary directory locally for storing all generated files.
    File tempDir = createTempDirectory();
    cleanupTask = createCleanupTask(tempDir);

    try {/*from   ww  w. j a  v a 2  s .c  o m*/
        Job job = createJob(new File(tempDir, "mapreduce"));
        Configuration mapredConf = job.getConfiguration();

        classLoader = new MapReduceClassLoader(injector, cConf, mapredConf,
                context.getProgram().getClassLoader(), context.getPlugins(), context.getPluginInstantiator());
        cleanupTask = createCleanupTask(cleanupTask, classLoader);

        mapredConf.setClassLoader(new WeakReferenceDelegatorClassLoader(classLoader));



        // Localize additional resources that users have requested via BasicMapReduceContext.localize methods
        Map<String, String> localizedUserResources = localizeUserResources(job, tempDir);

        // Override user-defined job name, since we set it and depend on the name.
        // https://issues.cask.co/browse/CDAP-2441
        String jobName = job.getJobName();
        if (!jobName.isEmpty()) {
            LOG.warn("Job name {} is being overridden.", jobName);

        // Create a temporary location for storing all generated files through the LocationFactory.
        Location tempLocation = createTempLocationDirectory();
        cleanupTask = createCleanupTask(cleanupTask, tempLocation);

        // For local mode, everything is in the configuration classloader already, hence no need to create new jar
        if (!MapReduceTaskContextProvider.isLocal(mapredConf)) {
            // After calling beforeSubmit, we know what plugins are needed for the program, hence construct the proper
            // ClassLoader from here and use it for setting up the job
            Location pluginArchive = createPluginArchive(tempLocation);
            if (pluginArchive != null) {
                mapredConf.set(Constants.Plugin.ARCHIVE, pluginArchive.getName());

        // set resources for the job
        TaskType.MAP.setResources(mapredConf, context.getMapperResources());
        TaskType.REDUCE.setResources(mapredConf, context.getReducerResources());

        // replace user's Mapper & Reducer's with our wrappers in job config

        // packaging job jar which includes cdap classes with dependencies
        File jobJar = buildJobJar(job, tempDir);

        Location programJar = programJarLocation;
        if (!MapReduceTaskContextProvider.isLocal(mapredConf)) {
            // Copy and localize the program jar in distributed mode
            programJar = copyProgramJar(tempLocation);

            List<String> classpath = new ArrayList<>();

            // Localize logback.xml
            Location logbackLocation = createLogbackJar(tempLocation);
            if (logbackLocation != null) {

            // Generate and localize the launcher jar to control the classloader of MapReduce containers processes
            Location launcherJar = createLauncherJar(
                    Joiner.on(",").join(MapReduceContainerHelper.getMapReduceClassPath(mapredConf, classpath)),

            // The only thing in the container classpath is the launcher.jar
            // The MapReduceContainerLauncher inside the launcher.jar will creates a MapReduceClassLoader and launch
            // the actual MapReduce AM/Task from that
            // We explicitly localize the mr-framwork, but not use it with the classpath
            URI frameworkURI = MapReduceContainerHelper.getFrameworkURI(mapredConf);
            if (frameworkURI != null) {

            mapredConf.set(MRJobConfig.MAPREDUCE_APPLICATION_CLASSPATH, launcherJar.getName());
            mapredConf.set(YarnConfiguration.YARN_APPLICATION_CLASSPATH, launcherJar.getName());

        MapReduceContextConfig contextConfig = new MapReduceContextConfig(mapredConf);
        // We start long-running tx to be used by mapreduce job tasks.
        Transaction tx = txClient.startLong();
        try {
            // We remember tx, so that we can re-use it in mapreduce tasks
            CConfiguration cConfCopy = cConf;
            contextConfig.set(context, cConfCopy, tx, programJar.toURI(), localizedUserResources);

            LOG.info("Submitting MapReduce Job: {}", context);
            // submits job and returns immediately. Shouldn't need to set context ClassLoader.

            this.job = job;
            this.transaction = tx;
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            Transactions.invalidateQuietly(txClient, tx);
            throw t;
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        LOG.error("Exception when submitting MapReduce Job: {}", context, t);
        throw t;

From source file:ml.shifu.guagua.yarn.util.YarnUtils.java

License:Apache License

 * Populate the environment string map to be added to the environment vars in a remote execution container.
 * //from   www . j a v  a 2s. c  o m
 * @param env
 *            the map of env var values.
 * @param conf
 *            the Configuration to pull values from.
public static void addLocalClasspathToEnv(final Map<String, String> env, final Configuration conf) {
    StringBuilder classPathEnv = new StringBuilder(Environment.CLASSPATH.$());

    // add current folder

    // add yarn app classpath
    for (String cpEntry : conf.getStrings(YarnConfiguration.YARN_APPLICATION_CLASSPATH,
            YarnConfiguration.DEFAULT_YARN_APPLICATION_CLASSPATH)) {

    for (String jar : conf.getStrings(MRJobConfig.MAPREDUCE_APPLICATION_CLASSPATH,
                    .getStrings(MRJobConfig.DEFAULT_MAPREDUCE_APPLICATION_CLASSPATH))) {

    // add the runtime classpath needed for tests to work
    if (conf.getBoolean(YarnConfiguration.IS_MINI_YARN_CLUSTER, false)) {

    // add guagua app jar file
    String path = getFileName(conf.get(GuaguaYarnConstants.GUAGUA_YARN_APP_JAR));

    // Any libraries we may have copied over?
    String libs = conf.get(GuaguaYarnConstants.GUAGUA_YARN_APP_LIB_JAR);
    if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(libs)) {
        for (String jar : Splitter.on(GuaguaYarnConstants.GUAGUA_APP_LIBS_SEPERATOR).split(libs)) {

    // add log4j

    // add guagua-conf.xml

    env.put(Environment.CLASSPATH.toString(), classPathEnv.toString());

From source file:org.apache.giraph.yarn.YarnUtils.java

License:Apache License

 * Popuate the environment string map to be added to the environment vars
 * in a remote execution container. Adds the local classpath to pick up
 * "yarn-site.xml" and "mapred-site.xml" stuff.
 * @param env the map of env var values.
 * @param giraphConf the GiraphConfiguration to pull values from.
 *///from  www. ja v  a  2s  .c o m
public static void addLocalClasspathToEnv(final Map<String, String> env, final GiraphConfiguration giraphConf) {
    StringBuilder classPathEnv = new StringBuilder("${CLASSPATH}:./*");
    for (String cpEntry : giraphConf.getStrings(YarnConfiguration.YARN_APPLICATION_CLASSPATH,
            YarnConfiguration.DEFAULT_YARN_APPLICATION_CLASSPATH)) {
        classPathEnv.append(':').append(cpEntry.trim()); //TODO: Separator
    for (String cpEntry : giraphConf.getStrings(MRJobConfig.MAPREDUCE_APPLICATION_CLASSPATH,
            StringUtils.getStrings(MRJobConfig.DEFAULT_MAPREDUCE_APPLICATION_CLASSPATH))) {
    // add the runtime classpath needed for tests to work
    if (giraphConf.getBoolean(YarnConfiguration.IS_MINI_YARN_CLUSTER, false)) {
    env.put("CLASSPATH", classPathEnv.toString());

From source file:org.apache.oozie.util.ClasspathUtils.java

License:Apache License

public static void addMapReduceToClasspath(Map<String, String> env, Configuration conf) {
    boolean crossPlatform = conf.getBoolean(MRConfig.MAPREDUCE_APP_SUBMISSION_CROSS_PLATFORM,

    for (String c : conf.getStrings(MRJobConfig.MAPREDUCE_APPLICATION_CLASSPATH,
            crossPlatform//from   ww  w.j a  va2 s.com
                    ? StringUtils.getStrings(MRJobConfig.DEFAULT_MAPREDUCE_CROSS_PLATFORM_APPLICATION_CLASSPATH)
                    : StringUtils.getStrings(MRJobConfig.DEFAULT_MAPREDUCE_APPLICATION_CLASSPATH))) {
        MRApps.addToEnvironment(env, ApplicationConstants.Environment.CLASSPATH.name(), c.trim(), conf);