Example usage for org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce MRJobConfig TASK_ATTEMPT_ID

List of usage examples for org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce MRJobConfig TASK_ATTEMPT_ID


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce MRJobConfig TASK_ATTEMPT_ID.



To view the source code for org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce MRJobConfig TASK_ATTEMPT_ID.

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From source file:it.crs4.pydoop.mapreduce.pipes.TestPipeApplication.java

License:Apache License

 * test PipesMapRunner    test the transfer data from reader
 * @throws Exception/*from  w w w .j  ava  2  s  . c o m*/
public void testRunner() throws Exception {
    // clean old password files
    File[] psw = cleanTokenPasswordFile();
    try {
        JobID jobId = new JobID("201408272347", 0);
        TaskID taskId = new TaskID(jobId, TaskType.MAP, 0);
        TaskAttemptID taskAttemptid = new TaskAttemptID(taskId, 0);

        Job job = new Job(new Configuration());
        Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration();
        conf.set(Submitter.IS_JAVA_RR, "true");
        conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, taskAttemptid.toString());
        FileSystem fs = new RawLocalFileSystem();

        DummyInputFormat input_format = new DummyInputFormat();
        List<InputSplit> isplits = input_format.getSplits(job);

        InputSplit isplit = isplits.get(0);

        TaskAttemptContextImpl tcontext = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskAttemptid);

        RecordReader<FloatWritable, NullWritable> rReader = input_format.createRecordReader(isplit, tcontext);

        TestMapContext context = new TestMapContext(conf, taskAttemptid, rReader, null, null, null, isplit);
        // stub for client
        File fCommand = getFileCommand("it.crs4.pydoop.mapreduce.pipes.PipeApplicationRunnableStub");
        conf.set(MRJobConfig.CACHE_LOCALFILES, fCommand.getAbsolutePath());
        // token for authorization
        Token<AMRMTokenIdentifier> token = new Token<AMRMTokenIdentifier>("user".getBytes(),
                "password".getBytes(), new Text("kind"), new Text("service"));
        TokenCache.setJobToken(token, job.getCredentials());
        conf.setBoolean(MRJobConfig.SKIP_RECORDS, true);
        PipesMapper<FloatWritable, NullWritable, IntWritable, Text> mapper = new PipesMapper<FloatWritable, NullWritable, IntWritable, Text>(

        String stdOut = readStdOut(conf);

        // test part of translated data. As common file for client and test -
        // clients stdOut
        // check version
        // check key and value classes
        assertTrue(stdOut.contains("Key class:org.apache.hadoop.io.FloatWritable"));
        assertTrue(stdOut.contains("Value class:org.apache.hadoop.io.NullWritable"));
        // test have sent all data from reader

    } finally {
        if (psw != null) {
            // remove password files
            for (File file : psw) {

From source file:it.crs4.pydoop.mapreduce.pipes.TestPipeApplication.java

License:Apache License

 * test org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.pipes.Application
 * test a internal functions: //  ww  w . j a v a  2  s. co  m
 * @throws Throwable

public void testApplication() throws Throwable {


    File[] psw = cleanTokenPasswordFile();
    try {
        JobID jobId = new JobID("201408272347", 0);
        TaskID taskId = new TaskID(jobId, TaskType.MAP, 0);
        TaskAttemptID taskAttemptid = new TaskAttemptID(taskId, 0);

        Job job = new Job(new Configuration());
        Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration();
        conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, taskAttemptid.toString());
        FileSystem fs = new RawLocalFileSystem();

        File fCommand = getFileCommand("it.crs4.pydoop.mapreduce.pipes.PipeApplicationStub");
        conf.set(MRJobConfig.CACHE_LOCALFILES, fCommand.getAbsolutePath());
        System.err.println("fCommand" + fCommand.getAbsolutePath());

        Token<AMRMTokenIdentifier> token = new Token<AMRMTokenIdentifier>("user".getBytes(),
                "password".getBytes(), new Text("kind"), new Text("service"));
        TokenCache.setJobToken(token, job.getCredentials());
        conf.setBoolean(MRJobConfig.SKIP_RECORDS, true);

        TestReporter reporter = new TestReporter();
        DummyInputFormat input_format = new DummyInputFormat();
        List<InputSplit> isplits = input_format.getSplits(job);
        InputSplit isplit = isplits.get(0);
        TaskAttemptContextImpl tcontext = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskAttemptid);

        DummyRecordReader reader = (DummyRecordReader) input_format.createRecordReader(isplit, tcontext);


        RecordWriter<IntWritable, Text> writer = new TestRecordWriter(
                new FileOutputStream(workSpace.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + "outfile"));

        MapContextImpl<IntWritable, Text, IntWritable, Text> context = new MapContextImpl<IntWritable, Text, IntWritable, Text>(
                conf, taskAttemptid, null, writer, null, reporter, null);

        System.err.println("ready to launch application");
        Application<IntWritable, Text, IntWritable, Text> application = new Application<IntWritable, Text, IntWritable, Text>(
                context, reader);

        application.getDownlink().mapItem(new IntWritable(3), new Text("txt"));

        // test getDownlink().mapItem();
        String stdOut = readStdOut(conf);

        assertEquals(0.0, context.getProgress(), 0.01);
        assertNotNull(context.getCounter("group", "name"));

        // test status MessageType.STATUS
        assertEquals(context.getStatus(), "PROGRESS");
        // check MessageType.PROGRESS
        assertEquals(0.55f, reader.getProgress(), 0.001);
        // test MessageType.OUTPUT
        stdOut = readFile(new File(workSpace.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + "outfile"));
        try {
            // try to abort
            application.abort(new Throwable());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // abort works ?
            assertEquals("pipe child exception", e.getMessage());
    } finally {
        if (psw != null) {
            // remove password files
            for (File file : psw) {

From source file:it.crs4.pydoop.mapreduce.pipes.TestPipeApplication.java

License:Apache License

 * test org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.pipes.PipesReducer
 * test the transfer of data: key and value
 * @throws Exception/*from www  .j av a  2 s .c om*/
public void testPipesReducer() throws Exception {

    File[] psw = cleanTokenPasswordFile();
    try {
        JobID jobId = new JobID("201408272347", 0);
        TaskID taskId = new TaskID(jobId, TaskType.MAP, 0);
        TaskAttemptID taskAttemptid = new TaskAttemptID(taskId, 0);

        Job job = new Job(new Configuration());
        Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration();
        conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, taskAttemptid.toString());
        FileSystem fs = new RawLocalFileSystem();

        File fCommand = getFileCommand("it.crs4.pydoop.mapreduce.pipes.PipeReducerStub");
        conf.set(MRJobConfig.CACHE_LOCALFILES, fCommand.getAbsolutePath());
        System.err.println("fCommand" + fCommand.getAbsolutePath());

        Token<AMRMTokenIdentifier> token = new Token<AMRMTokenIdentifier>("user".getBytes(),
                "password".getBytes(), new Text("kind"), new Text("service"));
        TokenCache.setJobToken(token, job.getCredentials());
        conf.setBoolean(MRJobConfig.SKIP_RECORDS, true);

        TestReporter reporter = new TestReporter();
        DummyInputFormat input_format = new DummyInputFormat();
        List<InputSplit> isplits = input_format.getSplits(job);
        InputSplit isplit = isplits.get(0);
        TaskAttemptContextImpl tcontext = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskAttemptid);

        RecordWriter<IntWritable, Text> writer = new TestRecordWriter(
                new FileOutputStream(workSpace.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + "outfile"));

        BooleanWritable bw = new BooleanWritable(true);
        List<Text> texts = new ArrayList<Text>();
        texts.add(new Text("first"));
        texts.add(new Text("second"));
        texts.add(new Text("third"));

        DummyRawKeyValueIterator kvit = new DummyRawKeyValueIterator();

        ReduceContextImpl<BooleanWritable, Text, IntWritable, Text> context = new ReduceContextImpl<BooleanWritable, Text, IntWritable, Text>(
                conf, taskAttemptid, kvit, null, null, writer, null, null, null, BooleanWritable.class,

        PipesReducer<BooleanWritable, Text, IntWritable, Text> reducer = new PipesReducer<BooleanWritable, Text, IntWritable, Text>();

        reducer.reduce(bw, texts, context);
        String stdOut = readStdOut(conf);

        // test data: key
        assertTrue(stdOut.contains("reducer key :true"));
        // and values
        assertTrue(stdOut.contains("reduce value  :first"));
        assertTrue(stdOut.contains("reduce value  :second"));
        assertTrue(stdOut.contains("reduce value  :third"));

    } finally {
        if (psw != null) {
            // remove password files
            for (File file : psw) {


From source file:it.crs4.pydoop.mapreduce.pipes.TestPipeApplication.java

License:Apache License

 * clean previous std error and outs// www.  j  a va 2  s . c  om

private void initStdOut(Configuration configuration) {
    TaskAttemptID taskId = TaskAttemptID.forName(configuration.get(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID));
    File stdOut = TaskLog.getTaskLogFile(taskId, false, TaskLog.LogName.STDOUT);
    File stdErr = TaskLog.getTaskLogFile(taskId, false, TaskLog.LogName.STDERR);
    // prepare folder
    if (!stdOut.getParentFile().exists()) {
    } else { // clean logs

From source file:it.crs4.pydoop.mapreduce.pipes.TestPipeApplication.java

License:Apache License

private String readStdOut(Configuration conf) throws Exception {
    TaskAttemptID taskId = TaskAttemptID.forName(conf.get(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID));
    File stdOut = TaskLog.getTaskLogFile(taskId, false, TaskLog.LogName.STDOUT);

    return readFile(stdOut);


From source file:it.crs4.pydoop.pipes.Application.java

License:Apache License

 * Start the child process to handle the task for us.
 * @param conf the task's configuration//from  ww w.  jav a2 s .  c  o m
 * @param recordReader the fake record reader to update progress with
 * @param output the collector to send output to
 * @param reporter the reporter for the task
 * @param outputKeyClass the class of the output keys
 * @param outputValueClass the class of the output values
 * @throws IOException
 * @throws InterruptedException
Application(JobConf conf, RecordReader<FloatWritable, NullWritable> recordReader,
        OutputCollector<K2, V2> output, Reporter reporter, Class<? extends K2> outputKeyClass,
        Class<? extends V2> outputValueClass) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    serverSocket = new ServerSocket(0);
    Map<String, String> env = new HashMap<String, String>();
    // add TMPDIR environment variable with the value of java.io.tmpdir
    env.put("TMPDIR", System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir"));
    env.put(Submitter.PORT, Integer.toString(serverSocket.getLocalPort()));

    TaskAttemptID taskid = TaskAttemptID.forName(conf.get(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID));

    // get the task's working directory
    String workDir = LocalJobRunner.getLocalTaskDir(conf.getUser(), taskid.getJobID().toString(),
            taskid.getTaskID().toString(), false);

    //Add token to the environment if security is enabled
    Token<JobTokenIdentifier> jobToken = TokenCache.getJobToken(conf.getCredentials());
    // This password is used as shared secret key between this application and
    // child pipes process
    byte[] password = jobToken.getPassword();

    String localPasswordFile = new File(workDir, "jobTokenPassword").getAbsolutePath();
    writePasswordToLocalFile(localPasswordFile, password, conf);
    env.put("hadoop.pipes.shared.secret.location", localPasswordFile);

    List<String> cmd = new ArrayList<String>();
    String interpretor = conf.get(Submitter.INTERPRETOR);
    if (interpretor != null) {
    String executable = DistributedCache.getLocalCacheFiles(conf)[0].toString();
    if (!(new File(executable).canExecute())) {
        // LinuxTaskController sets +x permissions on all distcache files already.
        // In case of DefaultTaskController, set permissions here.
        FileUtil.chmod(executable, "u+x");
    // wrap the command in a stdout/stderr capture
    // we are starting map/reduce task of the pipes job. this is not a cleanup
    // attempt. 
    File stdout = TaskLog.getTaskLogFile(taskid, false, TaskLog.LogName.STDOUT);
    File stderr = TaskLog.getTaskLogFile(taskid, false, TaskLog.LogName.STDERR);
    long logLength = TaskLog.getTaskLogLength(conf);
    cmd = TaskLog.captureOutAndError(null, cmd, stdout, stderr, logLength, false);

    process = runClient(cmd, env);
    clientSocket = serverSocket.accept();

    String challenge = getSecurityChallenge();
    String digestToSend = createDigest(password, challenge);
    String digestExpected = createDigest(password, digestToSend);

    handler = new OutputHandler<K2, V2>(output, reporter, recordReader, digestExpected);
    K2 outputKey = (K2) ReflectionUtils.newInstance(outputKeyClass, conf);
    V2 outputValue = (V2) ReflectionUtils.newInstance(outputValueClass, conf);
    downlink = new BinaryProtocol<K1, V1, K2, V2>(clientSocket, handler, outputKey, outputValue, conf);

    downlink.authenticate(digestToSend, challenge);
    LOG.debug("Authentication succeeded");

From source file:org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.hadoop.impl.v2.HadoopV2Context.java

License:Apache License

 * @param ctx Context for IO operations.
 *//* w w  w.java 2s  . c om*/
public HadoopV2Context(HadoopV2TaskContext ctx) {
    super(ctx.jobConf(), ctx.jobContext().getJobID());

    taskAttemptID = ctx.attemptId();

    conf.set(MRJobConfig.ID, taskAttemptID.getJobID().toString());
    conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ID, taskAttemptID.getTaskID().toString());
    conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, taskAttemptID.toString());

    output = ctx.output();
    input = ctx.input();

    this.ctx = ctx;

From source file:org.zuinnote.hadoop.office.format.mapreduce.OfficeFormatHadoopExcelLowFootPrintSAXTest.java

License:Apache License

public void writeExcelOutputFormatExcel2013SingleSheetLowFootprint() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    // one row string and three columns ("test1","test2","test3")
    // (String formattedValue, String comment, String formula, String address,String
    // sheetName)
    SpreadSheetCellDAO a1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test1", "", "", "A1", "Sheet1");
    SpreadSheetCellDAO b1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test2", "", "", "B1", "Sheet1");
    SpreadSheetCellDAO c1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test3", "", "", "C1", "Sheet1");
    // empty row => nothing todo
    // one row numbers (1,2,3)
    SpreadSheetCellDAO a3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "1", "A3", "Sheet1");
    SpreadSheetCellDAO b3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "2", "B3", "Sheet1");
    SpreadSheetCellDAO c3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "3", "C3", "Sheet1");
    // one row formulas (=A3+B3)
    SpreadSheetCellDAO a4 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "A3+B3", "A4", "Sheet1");
    // write//  w ww  .  j a  v a2s.c o  m
    Job job = Job.getInstance();
    Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration();

    String fileName = "excel2013singlesheettestout";
    String tmpDir = tmpPath.toString();
    Path outputPath = new Path(tmpDir);
    conf.set("mapreduce.output.basename", fileName);

    // set locale to the one of the test data
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.read.locale.bcp47", "de");

    // low footprint
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.lowFootprint", "true");
            "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"); // new
    // Excel
    // format,
    // anyway
    // default,
    // but
    // here
    // for
    // illustrative
    // purposes
    conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, attempt);
    conf.setInt(MRJobConfig.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID, 0);
    conf.setInt(FileOutputCommitter.FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION, 1);
    FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
    JobContext jContext = new JobContextImpl(conf, taskID.getJobID());

    TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskID);
    FileOutputCommitter committer = new FileOutputCommitter(outputPath, context);
    // setup
    // set generic outputformat settings
    ExcelFileOutputFormat outputFormat = new ExcelFileOutputFormat();
    RecordWriter<NullWritable, SpreadSheetCellDAO> writer = outputFormat.getRecordWriter(context);
    assertNotNull(writer, "Format returned  null RecordWriter");
    writer.write(null, a1);
    writer.write(null, b1);
    writer.write(null, c1);
    writer.write(null, a3);
    writer.write(null, b3);
    writer.write(null, c3);
    writer.write(null, a4);
    // try to read it again
    conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
    job = Job.getInstance(conf);
    fileName = fileName + this.outputbaseAppendix;
    Path inputFile = new Path(tmpDir + File.separator + "_temporary" + File.separator + "0" + File.separator
            + taskAttempt + File.separator + fileName + ".xlsx");
    FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputFile);
    // set locale to the one of the test data
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.read.locale.bcp47", "de");
    ExcelFileInputFormat inputFormat = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
    FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputFile);
    context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
    List<InputSplit> splits = inputFormat.getSplits(job);
    assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
    RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = inputFormat.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);
    assertNotNull(reader, "Format returned  null RecordReader");
    reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context);
    Text spreadSheetKey = new Text();
    ArrayWritable spreadSheetValue = new ArrayWritable(SpreadSheetCellDAO.class);
    assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1");
    spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
    spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
    assertEquals("[" + fileName + ".xlsx]Sheet1!A1", spreadSheetKey.toString(),
            "Input Split for Excel file has keyname == \"[" + fileName + ".xlsx]Sheet1!A1\"");
    assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with 3 columns");
    assertEquals("test1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 == \"test1\"");
    assertEquals("test2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 2 == \"test2\"");
    assertEquals("test3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 3 == \"test3\"");
    assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 2");
    spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
    spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
    assertEquals(0, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contain row 2 and is empty");
    assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3");
    spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
    spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
    assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contain row 3 with 3 columns");
    assertEquals("1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 1 == \"1\"");
    assertEquals("2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 2 == \"2\"");
    assertEquals("3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 3 == \"3\"");
    assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 4");
    spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
    spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
    assertEquals(1, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contain row 4 with 1 column");
    assertEquals("3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 1 == \"3\"");

From source file:org.zuinnote.hadoop.office.format.mapreduce.OfficeFormatHadoopExcelLowFootPrintSAXTest.java

License:Apache License

public void writeExcelOutputFormatExcel2013SingleSheetEncryptedPositiveLowFootprint()
        throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    // one row string and three columns ("test1","test2","test3")
    // (String formattedValue, String comment, String formula, String address,String
    // sheetName)
    SpreadSheetCellDAO a1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test1", "", "", "A1", "Sheet1");
    SpreadSheetCellDAO b1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test2", "", "", "B1", "Sheet1");
    SpreadSheetCellDAO c1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test3", "", "", "C1", "Sheet1");
    // empty row => nothing todo
    // one row numbers (1,2,3)
    SpreadSheetCellDAO a3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "1", "A3", "Sheet1");
    SpreadSheetCellDAO b3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "2", "B3", "Sheet1");
    SpreadSheetCellDAO c3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "3", "C3", "Sheet1");
    // one row formulas (=A3+B3)
    SpreadSheetCellDAO a4 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "A3+B3", "A4", "Sheet1");
    // write//w  w  w  .  j av  a  2  s .  c o m
    Job job = Job.getInstance();
    Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration();

    String fileName = "excel2013singlesheettestoutencryptedpositivelowfootprint";
    String tmpDir = tmpPath.toString();
    Path outputPath = new Path(tmpDir);
    conf.set("mapreduce.output.basename", fileName);
    // set generic outputformat settings
    // set locale to the one of the test data
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.read.locale.bcp47", "de");

    // low footprint
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.lowFootprint", "true");
            "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"); // new
    // excel
    // format
    // security
    // for the new Excel format you need to decide on your own which algorithms are
    // secure
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.security.crypt.encrypt.mode", "agile");
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.security.crypt.encrypt.algorithm", "aes256");
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.security.crypt.chain.mode", "cbc");
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.security.crypt.hash.algorithm", "sha512");
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.security.crypt.password", "test");
    conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, attempt);
    conf.setInt(MRJobConfig.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID, 0);
    conf.setInt(FileOutputCommitter.FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION, 1);
    FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
    JobContext jContext = new JobContextImpl(conf, taskID.getJobID());

    TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskID);
    FileOutputCommitter committer = new FileOutputCommitter(outputPath, context);
    // setup
    ExcelFileOutputFormat outputFormat = new ExcelFileOutputFormat();
    RecordWriter<NullWritable, SpreadSheetCellDAO> writer = outputFormat.getRecordWriter(context);
    assertNotNull(writer, "Format returned  null RecordWriter");
    writer.write(null, a1);
    writer.write(null, b1);
    writer.write(null, c1);
    writer.write(null, a3);
    writer.write(null, b3);
    writer.write(null, c3);
    writer.write(null, a4);
    // try to read it again
    conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
    job = Job.getInstance(conf);
    fileName = fileName + this.outputbaseAppendix;
    Path inputFile = new Path(tmpDir + File.separator + "_temporary" + File.separator + "0" + File.separator
            + taskAttempt + File.separator + fileName + ".xlsx");
    // set locale to the one of the test data
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.read.locale.bcp47", "de");
    // you just need to provide the password to read encrypted data
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.read.security.crypt.password", "test");
    ExcelFileInputFormat inputFormat = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
    FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputFile);
    context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
    List<InputSplit> splits = inputFormat.getSplits(job);
    assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
    RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = inputFormat.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context);
    assertNotNull(reader, "Format returned  null RecordReader");
    reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context);
    Text spreadSheetKey = new Text();
    ArrayWritable spreadSheetValue = new ArrayWritable(SpreadSheetCellDAO.class);
    assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1");
    spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
    spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
    assertEquals("[" + fileName + ".xlsx]Sheet1!A1", spreadSheetKey.toString(),
            "Input Split for Excel file has keyname == \"[" + fileName + ".xlsx]Sheet1!A1\"");
    assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with 3 columns");
    assertEquals("test1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 1 == \"test1\"");
    assertEquals("test2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 2 == \"test2\"");
    assertEquals("test3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 1 with cell 3 == \"test3\"");
    assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 2");
    spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
    spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
    assertEquals(0, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contain row 2 and is empty");
    assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3");
    spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
    spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
    assertEquals(3, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contain row 3 with 3 columns");
    assertEquals("1", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 1 == \"1\"");
    assertEquals("2", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[1]).getFormattedValue(),
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 2 == \"2\"");
    assertEquals("3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[2]).getFormattedValue(),
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 3 == \"3\"");
    assertTrue(reader.nextKeyValue(), "Input Split for Excel file contains row 4");
    spreadSheetKey = reader.getCurrentKey();
    spreadSheetValue = reader.getCurrentValue();
    assertEquals(1, spreadSheetValue.get().length, "Input Split for Excel file contain row 4 with 1 column");
    assertEquals("3", ((SpreadSheetCellDAO) spreadSheetValue.get()[0]).getFormattedValue(),
            "Input Split for Excel file contains row 3 with cell 1 == \"3\"");

From source file:org.zuinnote.hadoop.office.format.mapreduce.OfficeFormatHadoopExcelLowFootPrintSAXTest.java

License:Apache License

public void writeExcelOutputFormatExcel2013SingleSheetEncryptedNegativeLowFootprint()
        throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    // one row string and three columns ("test1","test2","test3")
    // (String formattedValue, String comment, String formula, String address,String
    // sheetName)
    SpreadSheetCellDAO a1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test1", "", "", "A1", "Sheet1");
    SpreadSheetCellDAO b1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test2", "", "", "B1", "Sheet1");
    SpreadSheetCellDAO c1 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("test3", "", "", "C1", "Sheet1");
    // empty row => nothing todo
    // one row numbers (1,2,3)
    SpreadSheetCellDAO a3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "1", "A3", "Sheet1");
    SpreadSheetCellDAO b3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "2", "B3", "Sheet1");
    SpreadSheetCellDAO c3 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "3", "C3", "Sheet1");
    // one row formulas (=A3+B3)
    SpreadSheetCellDAO a4 = new SpreadSheetCellDAO("", "", "A3+B3", "A4", "Sheet1");
    // write//from w  ww .j a  v  a2 s  .co m
    Job job = Job.getInstance();
    Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration();
    String fileName = "excel2013singlesheettestoutencryptednegativelowfootprint";
    String tmpDir = tmpPath.toString();
    Path outputPath = new Path(tmpDir);
    FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
    conf.set("mapreduce.output.basename", fileName);
    // set locale to the one of the test data
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.read.locale.bcp47", "de");

    // low footprint
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.lowFootprint", "true");
            "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"); // new
    // excel
    // format
    // security
    // for the new Excel format you need to decide on your own which algorithms are
    // secure
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.security.crypt.encrypt.mode", "agile");
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.security.crypt.encrypt.algorithm", "aes256");
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.security.crypt.chain.mode", "cbc");
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.security.crypt.hash.algorithm", "sha512");
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.write.security.crypt.password", "test");
    conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, attempt);
    conf.setInt(MRJobConfig.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID, 0);
    conf.setInt(FileOutputCommitter.FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION, 1);
    FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
    JobContext jContext = new JobContextImpl(conf, taskID.getJobID());

    TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskID);
    FileOutputCommitter committer = new FileOutputCommitter(outputPath, context);
    // setup
    ExcelFileOutputFormat outputFormat = new ExcelFileOutputFormat();
    RecordWriter<NullWritable, SpreadSheetCellDAO> writer = outputFormat.getRecordWriter(context);
    assertNotNull(writer, "Format returned  null RecordWriter");
    writer.write(null, a1);
    writer.write(null, b1);
    writer.write(null, c1);
    writer.write(null, a3);
    writer.write(null, b3);
    writer.write(null, c3);
    writer.write(null, a4);
    // try to read it again
    conf = new Configuration(defaultConf);
    job = Job.getInstance(conf);
    fileName = fileName + this.outputbaseAppendix;
    Path inputFile = new Path(tmpDir + File.separator + "_temporary" + File.separator + "0" + File.separator
            + taskAttempt + File.separator + fileName + ".xlsx");
    FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputFile);
    // set locale to the one of the test data
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.read.locale.bcp47", "de");
    // you just need to provide the password to read encrypted data
    conf.set("hadoopoffice.read.security.crypt.password", "test2");
    ExcelFileInputFormat inputFormat = new ExcelFileInputFormat();
    TaskAttemptContext context2 = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, new TaskAttemptID());
    List<InputSplit> splits = inputFormat.getSplits(job);
    assertEquals(1, splits.size(), "Only one split generated for Excel file");
    RecordReader<Text, ArrayWritable> reader = inputFormat.createRecordReader(splits.get(0), context2);

    InterruptedException ex = assertThrows(InterruptedException.class,
            () -> reader.initialize(splits.get(0), context2), "Exception is thrown in case of wrong password");