Example usage for org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce OutputCommitter needsTaskCommit

List of usage examples for org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce OutputCommitter needsTaskCommit


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce OutputCommitter needsTaskCommit.


public abstract boolean needsTaskCommit(TaskAttemptContext taskContext) throws IOException;

Source Link


Check whether task needs a commit.


From source file:com.asakusafw.runtime.mapreduce.simple.SimpleJobRunner.java

License:Apache License

private void doCommitTask(TaskAttemptContext context, OutputCommitter committer) throws IOException {
    if (committer.needsTaskCommit(context)) {
        committer.commitTask(context);/*from ww w .j a v  a2 s  . co m*/

From source file:org.apache.flink.api.java.hadoop.mapreduce.HadoopOutputFormatTest.java

License:Apache License

private OutputCommitter setupOutputCommitter(boolean needsTaskCommit) throws IOException {
    OutputCommitter outputCommitter = Mockito.mock(OutputCommitter.class);

    return outputCommitter;

From source file:org.apache.giraph.io.internal.WrappedEdgeOutputFormat.java

License:Apache License

public OutputCommitter getOutputCommitter(TaskAttemptContext context) throws IOException, InterruptedException {

    final OutputCommitter outputCommitter = originalOutputFormat
            .getOutputCommitter(HadoopUtils.makeTaskAttemptContext(getConf(), context));

    return new OutputCommitter() {
        @Override/*  w w w  .ja  v  a 2  s.c o m*/
        public void setupJob(JobContext context) throws IOException {
            outputCommitter.setupJob(HadoopUtils.makeJobContext(getConf(), context));

        public void setupTask(TaskAttemptContext context) throws IOException {
            outputCommitter.setupTask(HadoopUtils.makeTaskAttemptContext(getConf(), context));

        public boolean needsTaskCommit(TaskAttemptContext context) throws IOException {
            return outputCommitter.needsTaskCommit(HadoopUtils.makeTaskAttemptContext(getConf(), context));

        public void commitTask(TaskAttemptContext context) throws IOException {
            outputCommitter.commitTask(HadoopUtils.makeTaskAttemptContext(getConf(), context));

        public void abortTask(TaskAttemptContext context) throws IOException {
            outputCommitter.abortTask(HadoopUtils.makeTaskAttemptContext(getConf(), context));

        public void cleanupJob(JobContext context) throws IOException {
            outputCommitter.cleanupJob(HadoopUtils.makeJobContext(getConf(), context));

        public void commitJob(JobContext context) throws IOException {
            outputCommitter.commitJob(HadoopUtils.makeJobContext(getConf(), context));

        public void abortJob(JobContext context, JobStatus.State state) throws IOException {
            outputCommitter.abortJob(HadoopUtils.makeJobContext(getConf(), context), state);

From source file:org.apache.giraph.io.internal.WrappedVertexOutputFormat.java

License:Apache License

public OutputCommitter getOutputCommitter(TaskAttemptContext context) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    final OutputCommitter outputCommitter = originalOutputFormat
            .getOutputCommitter(HadoopUtils.makeTaskAttemptContext(getConf(), context));
    return new OutputCommitter() {
        @Override/*  www . ja v  a 2s .c  om*/
        public void setupJob(JobContext context) throws IOException {
            outputCommitter.setupJob(HadoopUtils.makeJobContext(getConf(), context));

        public void setupTask(TaskAttemptContext context) throws IOException {
            outputCommitter.setupTask(HadoopUtils.makeTaskAttemptContext(getConf(), context));

        public boolean needsTaskCommit(TaskAttemptContext context) throws IOException {
            return outputCommitter.needsTaskCommit(HadoopUtils.makeTaskAttemptContext(getConf(), context));

        public void commitTask(TaskAttemptContext context) throws IOException {
            outputCommitter.commitTask(HadoopUtils.makeTaskAttemptContext(getConf(), context));

        public void abortTask(TaskAttemptContext context) throws IOException {
            outputCommitter.abortTask(HadoopUtils.makeTaskAttemptContext(getConf(), context));

        public void cleanupJob(JobContext context) throws IOException {
            outputCommitter.cleanupJob(HadoopUtils.makeJobContext(getConf(), context));

        public void commitJob(JobContext context) throws IOException {
            outputCommitter.commitJob(HadoopUtils.makeJobContext(getConf(), context));

        public void abortJob(JobContext context, JobStatus.State state) throws IOException {
            outputCommitter.abortJob(HadoopUtils.makeJobContext(getConf(), context), state);

From source file:org.apache.giraph.worker.BspServiceSource.java

License:Apache License

 * Save the vertices using the user-defined VertexOutputFormat from our
 * vertexArray based on the split.//from w  w  w  .j  a  v a 2 s . c o m
 * @param numLocalVertices Number of local vertices
 * @throws InterruptedException
private void saveVertices(long numLocalVertices) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    ImmutableClassesGiraphConfiguration<I, V, E> conf = getConfiguration();

    if (conf.getVertexOutputFormatClass() == null) {
        LOG.warn("saveVertices: " + GiraphConstants.VERTEX_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CLASS
                + " not specified -- there will be no saved output");
    if (conf.doOutputDuringComputation()) {
        if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {
            LOG.info("saveVertices: The option for doing output during "
                    + "computation is selected, so there will be no saving of the "
                    + "output in the end of application");

    final int numPartitions = getPartitionStore().getNumPartitions();
    int numThreads = Math.min(getConfiguration().getNumOutputThreads(), numPartitions);
    LoggerUtils.setStatusAndLog(getContext(), LOG, Level.INFO, "saveVertices: Starting to save "
            + numLocalVertices + " vertices " + "using " + numThreads + " threads");
    final VertexOutputFormat<I, V, E> vertexOutputFormat = getConfiguration().createWrappedVertexOutputFormat();

    final Queue<Integer> partitionIdQueue = (numPartitions == 0) ? new LinkedList<Integer>()
            : new ArrayBlockingQueue<Integer>(numPartitions);
    Iterables.addAll(partitionIdQueue, getPartitionStore().getPartitionIds());

    long verticesToStore = 0;
    PartitionStore<I, V, E> partitionStore = getPartitionStore();
    for (int partitionId : partitionStore.getPartitionIds()) {
        Partition<I, V, E> partition = partitionStore.getOrCreatePartition(partitionId);
        verticesToStore += partition.getVertexCount();
    WorkerProgress.get().startStoring(verticesToStore, getPartitionStore().getNumPartitions());

    CallableFactory<Void> callableFactory = new CallableFactory<Void>() {
        public Callable<Void> newCallable(int callableId) {
            return new Callable<Void>() {
                /** How often to update WorkerProgress */
                private static final long VERTICES_TO_UPDATE_PROGRESS = 100000;

                public Void call() throws Exception {
                    VertexWriter<I, V, E> vertexWriter = vertexOutputFormat.createVertexWriter(getContext());
                    long nextPrintVertices = 0;
                    long nextUpdateProgressVertices = VERTICES_TO_UPDATE_PROGRESS;
                    long nextPrintMsecs = System.currentTimeMillis() + 15000;
                    int partitionIndex = 0;
                    int numPartitions = getPartitionStore().getNumPartitions();
                    while (!partitionIdQueue.isEmpty()) {
                        Integer partitionId = partitionIdQueue.poll();
                        if (partitionId == null) {

                        Partition<I, V, E> partition = getPartitionStore().getOrCreatePartition(partitionId);
                        long verticesWritten = 0;
                        for (Vertex<I, V, E> vertex : partition) {

                            // Update status at most every 250k vertices or 15 seconds
                            if (verticesWritten > nextPrintVertices
                                    && System.currentTimeMillis() > nextPrintMsecs) {
                                LoggerUtils.setStatusAndLog(getContext(), LOG, Level.INFO,
                                        "saveVertices: Saved " + verticesWritten + " out of "
                                                + partition.getVertexCount() + " partition vertices, "
                                                + "on partition " + partitionIndex + " out of "
                                                + numPartitions);
                                nextPrintMsecs = System.currentTimeMillis() + 15000;
                                nextPrintVertices = verticesWritten + 250000;

                            if (verticesWritten >= nextUpdateProgressVertices) {
                                nextUpdateProgressVertices += VERTICES_TO_UPDATE_PROGRESS;
                        WorkerProgress.get().addVerticesStored(verticesWritten % VERTICES_TO_UPDATE_PROGRESS);
                    vertexWriter.close(getContext()); // the temp results are saved now
                    return null;
    ProgressableUtils.getResultsWithNCallables(callableFactory, numThreads, "save-vertices-%d", getContext());

    LoggerUtils.setStatusAndLog(getContext(), LOG, Level.INFO, "saveVertices: Done saving vertices.");
    // YARN: must complete the commit the "task" output, Hadoop isn't there.
    if (getConfiguration().isPureYarnJob() && getConfiguration().getVertexOutputFormatClass() != null) {
        try {
            OutputCommitter outputCommitter = vertexOutputFormat.getOutputCommitter(getContext());
            if (outputCommitter.needsTaskCommit(getContext())) {
                LoggerUtils.setStatusAndLog(getContext(), LOG, Level.INFO,
                        "OutputCommitter: committing task output.");
                // transfer from temp dirs to "task commit" dirs to prep for
                // the master's OutputCommitter#commitJob(context) call to finish.
        } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
            LOG.error("Interrupted while attempting to obtain " + "OutputCommitter.", ie);
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            LOG.error("Master task's attempt to commit output has " + "FAILED.", ioe);

From source file:org.apache.giraph.worker.BspServiceSource.java

License:Apache License

 * Save the edges using the user-defined EdgeOutputFormat from our
 * vertexArray based on the split./* ww  w.  java 2 s.  c  o m*/
 * @throws InterruptedException
private void saveEdges() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    final ImmutableClassesGiraphConfiguration<I, V, E> conf = getConfiguration();

    if (conf.getEdgeOutputFormatClass() == null) {
        LOG.warn("saveEdges: " + GiraphConstants.EDGE_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CLASS
                + "Make sure that the EdgeOutputFormat is not required.");

    final int numPartitions = getPartitionStore().getNumPartitions();
    int numThreads = Math.min(conf.getNumOutputThreads(), numPartitions);
    LoggerUtils.setStatusAndLog(getContext(), LOG, Level.INFO,
            "saveEdges: Starting to save the edges using " + numThreads + " threads");
    final EdgeOutputFormat<I, V, E> edgeOutputFormat = conf.createWrappedEdgeOutputFormat();

    final Queue<Integer> partitionIdQueue = (numPartitions == 0) ? new LinkedList<Integer>()
            : new ArrayBlockingQueue<Integer>(numPartitions);
    Iterables.addAll(partitionIdQueue, getPartitionStore().getPartitionIds());

    CallableFactory<Void> callableFactory = new CallableFactory<Void>() {
        public Callable<Void> newCallable(int callableId) {
            return new Callable<Void>() {
                public Void call() throws Exception {
                    EdgeWriter<I, V, E> edgeWriter = edgeOutputFormat.createEdgeWriter(getContext());

                    long nextPrintVertices = 0;
                    long nextPrintMsecs = System.currentTimeMillis() + 15000;
                    int partitionIndex = 0;
                    int numPartitions = getPartitionStore().getNumPartitions();
                    while (!partitionIdQueue.isEmpty()) {
                        Integer partitionId = partitionIdQueue.poll();
                        if (partitionId == null) {

                        Partition<I, V, E> partition = getPartitionStore().getOrCreatePartition(partitionId);
                        long vertices = 0;
                        long edges = 0;
                        long partitionEdgeCount = partition.getEdgeCount();
                        for (Vertex<I, V, E> vertex : partition) {
                            for (Edge<I, E> edge : vertex.getEdges()) {
                                edgeWriter.writeEdge(vertex.getId(), vertex.getValue(), edge);

                            // Update status at most every 250k vertices or 15 seconds
                            if (vertices > nextPrintVertices && System.currentTimeMillis() > nextPrintMsecs) {
                                LoggerUtils.setStatusAndLog(getContext(), LOG, Level.INFO,
                                        "saveEdges: Saved " + edges + " edges out of " + partitionEdgeCount
                                                + " partition edges, on partition " + partitionIndex
                                                + " out of " + numPartitions);
                                nextPrintMsecs = System.currentTimeMillis() + 15000;
                                nextPrintVertices = vertices + 250000;
                    edgeWriter.close(getContext()); // the temp results are saved now
                    return null;
    ProgressableUtils.getResultsWithNCallables(callableFactory, numThreads, "save-vertices-%d", getContext());

    LoggerUtils.setStatusAndLog(getContext(), LOG, Level.INFO, "saveEdges: Done saving edges.");
    // YARN: must complete the commit the "task" output, Hadoop isn't there.
    if (conf.isPureYarnJob() && conf.getVertexOutputFormatClass() != null) {
        try {
            OutputCommitter outputCommitter = edgeOutputFormat.getOutputCommitter(getContext());
            if (outputCommitter.needsTaskCommit(getContext())) {
                LoggerUtils.setStatusAndLog(getContext(), LOG, Level.INFO,
                        "OutputCommitter: committing task output.");
                // transfer from temp dirs to "task commit" dirs to prep for
                // the master's OutputCommitter#commitJob(context) call to finish.
        } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
            LOG.error("Interrupted while attempting to obtain " + "OutputCommitter.", ie);
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            LOG.error("Master task's attempt to commit output has " + "FAILED.", ioe);

From source file:org.apache.giraph.worker.BspServiceWorkerForCohesiveSubgraph.java

License:Apache License

 * Save the vertices using the user-defined VertexOutputFormat from our
 * vertexArray based on the split.// ww w . ja va 2 s.co  m
 * @param numLocalVertices Number of local vertices
 * @throws InterruptedException
private void saveVertices(long numLocalVertices) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    if (getConfiguration().getVertexOutputFormatClass() == null) {
        LOG.warn("saveVertices: " + GiraphConstants.VERTEX_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CLASS
                + " not specified -- there will be no saved output");
    if (getConfiguration().doOutputDuringComputation()) {
        if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {
            LOG.info("saveVertices: The option for doing output during "
                    + "computation is selected, so there will be no saving of the "
                    + "output in the end of application");

    int numThreads = Math.min(getConfiguration().getNumOutputThreads(), getPartitionStore().getNumPartitions());
    LoggerUtils.setStatusAndLog(getContext(), LOG, Level.INFO, "saveVertices: Starting to save "
            + numLocalVertices + " vertices " + "using " + numThreads + " threads");
    final VertexOutputFormat<I, V, E> vertexOutputFormat = getConfiguration().createVertexOutputFormat();
    CallableFactory<Void> callableFactory = new CallableFactory<Void>() {
        public Callable<Void> newCallable(int callableId) {
            return new Callable<Void>() {
                public Void call() throws Exception {
                    VertexWriter<I, V, E> vertexWriter = vertexOutputFormat.createVertexWriter(getContext());
                            (ImmutableClassesGiraphConfiguration<I, V, E, Writable>) getConfiguration());
                    long verticesWritten = 0;
                    long nextPrintVertices = 0;
                    long nextPrintMsecs = System.currentTimeMillis() + 15000;
                    int partitionIndex = 0;
                    int numPartitions = getPartitionStore().getNumPartitions();
                    for (Integer partitionId : getPartitionStore().getPartitionIds()) {
                        Partition<I, V, E, M> partition = getPartitionStore().getPartition(partitionId);

                        if (getConfiguration().getBoolean("giraph.ktruss.subgraph", false)) {
                             * Special for the ktruss output
                            BasicGraphStoreInterface gs = (BasicGraphStoreInterface) (partition);
                            for (BasicVertex rv : gs.getLocalVertex()) {
                                Vertex<I, V, E, M> vertex = getConfiguration().createVertex();
                                List<Edge<I, E>> edges = Lists.newLinkedList();
                                for (BasicEdge nb : rv.getNeighbors()) {
                                    edges.add(EdgeFactory.create(((I) new IntWritable(nb.getTargetId())),
                                            ((E) NullWritable.get())));
                                vertex.initialize((I) (new IntWritable(rv.getId())), ((V) new IntWritable(0)),


                                // Update status at most every 250k vertices or 15 seconds
                                if (verticesWritten > nextPrintVertices
                                        && System.currentTimeMillis() > nextPrintMsecs) {
                                    LoggerUtils.setStatusAndLog(getContext(), LOG, Level.INFO,
                                            "saveVertices: Saved " + verticesWritten + " out of "
                                                    + partition.getVertexCount() + " partition vertices, "
                                                    + "on partition " + partitionIndex + " out of "
                                                    + numPartitions);
                                    nextPrintMsecs = System.currentTimeMillis() + 15000;
                                    nextPrintVertices = verticesWritten + 250000;
                        } else {
                            for (Vertex<I, V, E, M> vertex : partition) {

                                // Update status at most every 250k vertices or 15 seconds
                                if (verticesWritten > nextPrintVertices
                                        && System.currentTimeMillis() > nextPrintMsecs) {
                                    LoggerUtils.setStatusAndLog(getContext(), LOG, Level.INFO,
                                            "saveVertices: Saved " + verticesWritten + " out of "
                                                    + partition.getVertexCount() + " partition vertices, "
                                                    + "on partition " + partitionIndex + " out of "
                                                    + numPartitions);
                                    nextPrintMsecs = System.currentTimeMillis() + 15000;
                                    nextPrintVertices = verticesWritten + 250000;
                    vertexWriter.close(getContext()); // the temp results are saved now
                    return null;
    ProgressableUtils.getResultsWithNCallables(callableFactory, numThreads, "save-vertices-%d", getContext());

    LoggerUtils.setStatusAndLog(getContext(), LOG, Level.INFO, "saveVertices: Done saving vertices.");
    // YARN: must complete the commit the "task" output, Hadoop isn't there.
    if (getConfiguration().isPureYarnJob() && getConfiguration().getVertexOutputFormatClass() != null) {
        try {
            OutputCommitter outputCommitter = vertexOutputFormat.getOutputCommitter(getContext());
            if (outputCommitter.needsTaskCommit(getContext())) {
                LoggerUtils.setStatusAndLog(getContext(), LOG, Level.INFO,
                        "OutputCommitter: committing task output.");
                // transfer from temp dirs to "task commit" dirs to prep for
                // the master's OutputCommitter#commitJob(context) call to finish.
        } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
            LOG.error("Interrupted while attempting to obtain " + "OutputCommitter.", ie);
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            LOG.error("Master task's attempt to commit output has " + "FAILED.", ioe);

From source file:org.apache.hcatalog.data.transfer.impl.HCatOutputFormatWriter.java

License:Apache License

public void write(Iterator<HCatRecord> recordItr) throws HCatException {

    int id = sp.getId();
    setVarsInConf(id);/*  w  w w . j ava2s .  c  o m*/
    HCatOutputFormat outFormat = new HCatOutputFormat();
    TaskAttemptContext cntxt = HCatHadoopShims.Instance.get().createTaskAttemptContext(conf,
            new TaskAttemptID(HCatHadoopShims.Instance.get().createTaskID(), id));
    OutputCommitter committer = null;
    RecordWriter<WritableComparable<?>, HCatRecord> writer;
    try {
        committer = outFormat.getOutputCommitter(cntxt);
        writer = outFormat.getRecordWriter(cntxt);
        while (recordItr.hasNext()) {
            HCatRecord rec = recordItr.next();
            writer.write(null, rec);
        if (committer.needsTaskCommit(cntxt)) {
    } catch (IOException e) {
        if (null != committer) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e1) {
                throw new HCatException(ErrorType.ERROR_INTERNAL_EXCEPTION, e1);
        throw new HCatException("Failed while writing", e);
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        if (null != committer) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e1) {
                throw new HCatException(ErrorType.ERROR_INTERNAL_EXCEPTION, e1);
        throw new HCatException("Failed while writing", e);

From source file:org.apache.hcatalog.mapreduce.FileRecordWriterContainer.java

License:Apache License

public void close(TaskAttemptContext context) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    Reporter reporter = InternalUtil.createReporter(context);
    if (dynamicPartitioningUsed) {
        for (org.apache.hadoop.mapred.RecordWriter<? super WritableComparable<?>, ? super Writable> bwriter : baseDynamicWriters
                .values()) {//  ww  w  .  j  a  va  2s.  c  om
            //We are in RecordWriter.close() make sense that the context would be TaskInputOutput
        for (Map.Entry<String, org.apache.hadoop.mapred.OutputCommitter> entry : baseDynamicCommitters
                .entrySet()) {
            org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskAttemptContext currContext = dynamicContexts.get(entry.getKey());
            OutputCommitter baseOutputCommitter = entry.getValue();
            if (baseOutputCommitter.needsTaskCommit(currContext)) {
    } else {

From source file:org.apache.hive.hcatalog.data.transfer.impl.HCatOutputFormatWriter.java

License:Apache License

public void write(Iterator<HCatRecord> recordItr) throws HCatException {

    int id = sp.getId();
    setVarsInConf(id);//  w ww.  ja  v  a 2s  .  co  m
    HCatOutputFormat outFormat = new HCatOutputFormat();
    TaskAttemptContext cntxt = ShimLoader.getHadoopShims().getHCatShim().createTaskAttemptContext(conf,
            new TaskAttemptID(ShimLoader.getHadoopShims().getHCatShim().createTaskID(), id));
    OutputCommitter committer = null;
    RecordWriter<WritableComparable<?>, HCatRecord> writer;
    try {
        committer = outFormat.getOutputCommitter(cntxt);
        writer = outFormat.getRecordWriter(cntxt);
        while (recordItr.hasNext()) {
            HCatRecord rec = recordItr.next();
            writer.write(null, rec);
        if (committer.needsTaskCommit(cntxt)) {
    } catch (IOException e) {
        if (null != committer) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e1) {
                throw new HCatException(ErrorType.ERROR_INTERNAL_EXCEPTION, e1);
        throw new HCatException("Failed while writing", e);
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        if (null != committer) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e1) {
                throw new HCatException(ErrorType.ERROR_INTERNAL_EXCEPTION, e1);
        throw new HCatException("Failed while writing", e);