Example usage for org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce OutputFormat subclass-usage

List of usage examples for org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce OutputFormat subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce OutputFormat subclass-usage.


From source file com.cloudera.sqoop.mapreduce.db.DBOutputFormat.java

 * A OutputFormat that sends the reduce output to a SQL table.
 * <p>
 * {@link DBOutputFormat} accepts &lt;key,value&gt; pairs, where
 * key has a type extending DBWritable. Returned {@link RecordWriter}
 * writes <b>only the key</b> to the database with a batch SQL query.

From source file com.cloudera.sqoop.mapreduce.DelegatingOutputFormat.java

 * OutputFormat that produces a RecordReader which instantiates
 * a FieldMapProcessor which will process FieldMappable
 * output keys.
 * <p>The output value is ignored.</p>

From source file com.couchbase.sqoop.mapreduce.db.CouchbaseOutputFormat.java

 * A OutputFormat that sends the reduce output to a Couchbase server.
 * <p>
 * {@link CocuhbaseOutputFormat} accepts &lt;key,value&gt; pairs, where key has a type extending DBWritable. Returned
 * {@link RecordWriter} writes <b>only the key</b> to the database with a batch tap stream.

From source file com.david.mos.out.FileOutputFormat.java

/** A base class for {@link OutputFormat}s that read from {@link FileSystem}s.*/
public abstract class FileOutputFormat<K, V> extends OutputFormat<K, V> {

    /** Construct output file names so that, when an output directory listing is

From source file com.ery.hadoop.mrddx.hbase.HbaseOutputFormat.java

 * A OutputFormat that sends the reduce output to a SQL table.

From source file com.facebook.hiveio.output.HiveApiOutputFormat.java

 * Hadoop compatible OutputFormat for writing to Hive.
public class HiveApiOutputFormat extends OutputFormat<WritableComparable, HiveWritableRecord> {
    /** Default profile if none given */
    public static final String DEFAULT_PROFILE_ID = "output-profile";

From source file com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.hdfs.internal.hoplog.mapreduce.GFOutputFormat.java

 * Output format for gemfire. The records provided to writers created by this
 * output format are PUT in a live gemfire cluster.
 * @author ashvina

From source file com.gravity.hadoop.GravityTableOutputFormat.java

 * This is called the GravityTableOutputFormat because it does not call
 *       HConnectionManager.deleteAllConnections(true);
 * when the job is complete (which makes it impossible to unit test workflows)
 * Convert Map/Reduce output and write it to an HBase table. The KEY is ignored

From source file com.ikanow.aleph2.analytics.hadoop.assets.BeFileOutputFormat.java

/** Output Format specific to batch enrichment
 *  (Note it's actually in here that the calls to the batch enrichment module implementation live)
 *  TODO (ALEPH-12): not sure if we actually use any element of the FileOutputFormat here?
 * @author jfreydank
public class BeFileOutputFormat extends OutputFormat<String, Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>> {

From source file com.ikanow.aleph2.analytics.r.assets.BeFileOutputFormat.java

/** Output Format specific to batch enrichment
 *  (Note it's actually in here that the calls to the batch enrichment module implementation live)
 *  TODO (ALEPH-12): not sure if we actually use any element of the FileOutputFormat here?
 * @author jfreydank
public class BeFileOutputFormat extends OutputFormat<String, Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>> {