Example usage for org.apache.hadoop.metrics2 MetricsSink interface-usage

List of usage examples for org.apache.hadoop.metrics2 MetricsSink interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.hadoop.metrics2 MetricsSink interface-usage.


From source file com.chocolatefactory.newrelic.plugins.hadoop.NewRelicSink.java

public class NewRelicSink implements MetricsSink {

    private boolean debugEnabled, getGroupings;
    private char div;
    private String hadoopProcType, categoryName, deltaName, overviewName, nrLicenseKey, nrInsightsKey, nrAccountId; // insHostName, insPort;
    private static Logger logger;

From source file io.warp10.sensision.hadoop.SensisionSink.java

public class SensisionSink implements MetricsSink {

    public static String HADOOP_SENSISION_TTL = "hadoop.sensision.ttl";

    private static final String SENSISION_SINK_PREFIX = "sensision.sink.prefix";

From source file org.apache.phoenix.metrics.LoggingSink.java

 * Simple sink that just logs the output of all the metrics that start with
 * {@link org.apache.phoenix.trace.TracingUtils#METRIC_SOURCE_KEY}
public class LoggingSink implements MetricsSink {

From source file org.apache.phoenix.monitoring.GlobalPhoenixMetricsTestSink.java

public class GlobalPhoenixMetricsTestSink implements MetricsSink {

    public static final String PHOENIX_METRICS_RECORD_NAME = "PHOENIX";
    // PhoenixMetricsIT tests verifies these metrics from this sink in a separate thread
    // GlobalPhoenixMetricsTestSink is invoked based on time defined in hadoop-metrics2.properties
    // This lock is to prevent concurrent access to metrics Iterable for these threads

From source file org.apache.phoenix.trace.DisableableMetricsWriter.java

public class DisableableMetricsWriter implements MetricsSink {

    private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(DisableableMetricsWriter.class);

From source file org.apache.phoenix.trace.PhoenixMetricsSink.java

 * Write the metrics to a phoenix table.
 * Generally, this class is instantiated via hadoop-metrics2 property files.
 * Specifically, you would create this class by adding the following to
 * by
 * This would actually be set as: <code>