Example usage for org.apache.hadoop.net NetworkTopology getNode

List of usage examples for org.apache.hadoop.net NetworkTopology getNode


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.hadoop.net NetworkTopology getNode.


public Node getNode(String loc) 

Source Link


Given a string representation of a node, return its reference


From source file:com.bianfeng.bfas.hive.io.RealtimeInputFormat2.java

License:Apache License

 * This function identifies and returns the hosts that contribute 
 * most for a given split. For calculating the contribution, rack
 * locality is treated on par with host locality, so hosts from racks
 * that contribute the most are preferred over hosts on racks that 
 * contribute less// ww  w . j  av a2s .  c  o  m
 * @param blkLocations The list of block locations
 * @param offset 
 * @param splitSize 
 * @return array of hosts that contribute most to this split
 * @throws IOException
protected String[] getSplitHosts(BlockLocation[] blkLocations, long offset, long splitSize,
        NetworkTopology clusterMap) throws IOException {

    int startIndex = getBlockIndex(blkLocations, offset);

    long bytesInThisBlock = blkLocations[startIndex].getOffset() + blkLocations[startIndex].getLength()
            - offset;

    //If this is the only block, just return
    if (bytesInThisBlock >= splitSize) {
        return blkLocations[startIndex].getHosts();

    long bytesInFirstBlock = bytesInThisBlock;
    int index = startIndex + 1;
    splitSize -= bytesInThisBlock;

    while (splitSize > 0) {
        bytesInThisBlock = Math.min(splitSize, blkLocations[index++].getLength());
        splitSize -= bytesInThisBlock;

    long bytesInLastBlock = bytesInThisBlock;
    int endIndex = index - 1;

    Map<Node, NodeInfo> hostsMap = new IdentityHashMap<Node, NodeInfo>();
    Map<Node, NodeInfo> racksMap = new IdentityHashMap<Node, NodeInfo>();
    String[] allTopos = new String[0];

    // Build the hierarchy and aggregate the contribution of 
    // bytes at each level. See TestGetSplitHosts.java 

    for (index = startIndex; index <= endIndex; index++) {

        // Establish the bytes in this block
        if (index == startIndex) {
            bytesInThisBlock = bytesInFirstBlock;
        } else if (index == endIndex) {
            bytesInThisBlock = bytesInLastBlock;
        } else {
            bytesInThisBlock = blkLocations[index].getLength();

        allTopos = blkLocations[index].getTopologyPaths();

        // If no topology information is available, just
        // prefix a fakeRack
        if (allTopos.length == 0) {
            allTopos = fakeRacks(blkLocations, index);

        // NOTE: This code currently works only for one level of
        // hierarchy (rack/host). However, it is relatively easy
        // to extend this to support aggregation at different
        // levels 

        for (String topo : allTopos) {

            Node node, parentNode;
            NodeInfo nodeInfo, parentNodeInfo;

            node = clusterMap.getNode(topo);

            if (node == null) {
                node = new NodeBase(topo);

            nodeInfo = hostsMap.get(node);

            if (nodeInfo == null) {
                nodeInfo = new NodeInfo(node);
                hostsMap.put(node, nodeInfo);
                parentNode = node.getParent();
                parentNodeInfo = racksMap.get(parentNode);
                if (parentNodeInfo == null) {
                    parentNodeInfo = new NodeInfo(parentNode);
                    racksMap.put(parentNode, parentNodeInfo);
            } else {
                nodeInfo = hostsMap.get(node);
                parentNode = node.getParent();
                parentNodeInfo = racksMap.get(parentNode);

            nodeInfo.addValue(index, bytesInThisBlock);
            parentNodeInfo.addValue(index, bytesInThisBlock);

        } // for all topos

    } // for all indices

    return identifyHosts(allTopos.length, racksMap);

From source file:edu.ucsb.cs.hadoop.CustomFileInputFormat.java

License:Apache License

 * This function identifies and returns the hosts that contribute most for a
 * given split. For calculating the contribution, rack locality is treated
 * on par with host locality, so hosts from racks that contribute the most
 * are preferred over hosts on racks that contribute less
 * @param blkLocations The list of block locations
 * @param offset//  ww w .  j  av  a  2  s.  c o m
 * @param splitSize
 * @return array of hosts that contribute most to this split
 * @throws IOException
protected String[] getSplitHosts(BlockLocation[] blkLocations, long offset, long splitSize,
        NetworkTopology clusterMap) throws IOException {

    int startIndex = getBlockIndex(blkLocations, offset);

    long bytesInThisBlock = blkLocations[startIndex].getOffset() + blkLocations[startIndex].getLength()
            - offset;

    // If this is the only block, just return
    if (bytesInThisBlock >= splitSize) {
        return blkLocations[startIndex].getHosts();

    long bytesInFirstBlock = bytesInThisBlock;
    int index = startIndex + 1;
    splitSize -= bytesInThisBlock;

    while (splitSize > 0) {
        bytesInThisBlock = Math.min(splitSize, blkLocations[index++].getLength());
        splitSize -= bytesInThisBlock;

    long bytesInLastBlock = bytesInThisBlock;
    int endIndex = index - 1;

    Map<Node, NodeInfo> hostsMap = new IdentityHashMap<Node, NodeInfo>();
    Map<Node, NodeInfo> racksMap = new IdentityHashMap<Node, NodeInfo>();
    String[] allTopos = new String[0];

    // Build the hierarchy and aggregate the contribution of
    // bytes at each level. See TestGetSplitHosts.java

    for (index = startIndex; index <= endIndex; index++) {

        // Establish the bytes in this block
        if (index == startIndex) {
            bytesInThisBlock = bytesInFirstBlock;
        } else if (index == endIndex) {
            bytesInThisBlock = bytesInLastBlock;
        } else {
            bytesInThisBlock = blkLocations[index].getLength();

        allTopos = blkLocations[index].getTopologyPaths();

        // If no topology information is available, just
        // prefix a fakeRack
        if (allTopos.length == 0) {
            allTopos = fakeRacks(blkLocations, index);

        // NOTE: This code currently works only for one level of
        // hierarchy (rack/host). However, it is relatively easy
        // to extend this to support aggregation at different
        // levels

        for (String topo : allTopos) {

            Node node, parentNode;
            NodeInfo nodeInfo, parentNodeInfo;

            node = clusterMap.getNode(topo);

            if (node == null) {
                node = new NodeBase(topo);

            nodeInfo = hostsMap.get(node);

            if (nodeInfo == null) {
                nodeInfo = new NodeInfo(node);
                hostsMap.put(node, nodeInfo);
                parentNode = node.getParent();
                parentNodeInfo = racksMap.get(parentNode);
                if (parentNodeInfo == null) {
                    parentNodeInfo = new NodeInfo(parentNode);
                    racksMap.put(parentNode, parentNodeInfo);
            } else {
                nodeInfo = hostsMap.get(node);
                parentNode = node.getParent();
                parentNodeInfo = racksMap.get(parentNode);

            nodeInfo.addValue(index, bytesInThisBlock);
            parentNodeInfo.addValue(index, bytesInThisBlock);

        } // for all topos

    } // for all indices

    return identifyHosts(allTopos.length, racksMap);

From source file:org.apache.hama.bsp.FileInputFormat.java

License:Apache License

 * This function identifies and returns the hosts that contribute most for a
 * given split. For calculating the contribution, rack locality is treated on
 * par with host locality, so hosts from racks that contribute the most are
 * preferred over hosts on racks that contribute less
 * //w  w  w  .ja  v  a  2  s  .com
 * @param blkLocations The list of block locations
 * @param offset
 * @param pSplitSize
 * @return array of hosts that contribute most to this split
 * @throws IOException
protected String[] getSplitHosts(BlockLocation[] blkLocations, long offset, long pSplitSize,
        NetworkTopology clusterMap) throws IOException {
    long splitSize = pSplitSize;
    int startIndex = getBlockIndex(blkLocations, offset);

    long bytesInThisBlock = blkLocations[startIndex].getOffset() + blkLocations[startIndex].getLength()
            - offset;

    // If this is the only block, just return
    if (bytesInThisBlock >= splitSize) {
        return blkLocations[startIndex].getHosts();

    long bytesInFirstBlock = bytesInThisBlock;
    int index = startIndex + 1;
    splitSize -= bytesInThisBlock;

    while (splitSize > 0) {
        bytesInThisBlock = Math.min(splitSize, blkLocations[index++].getLength());
        splitSize -= bytesInThisBlock;

    long bytesInLastBlock = bytesInThisBlock;
    int endIndex = index - 1;

    Map<Node, NodeInfo> hostsMap = new IdentityHashMap<Node, NodeInfo>();
    Map<Node, NodeInfo> racksMap = new IdentityHashMap<Node, NodeInfo>();
    String[] allTopos = new String[0];

    // Build the hierarchy and aggregate the contribution of
    // bytes at each level. See TestGetSplitHosts.java

    for (index = startIndex; index <= endIndex; index++) {

        // Establish the bytes in this block
        if (index == startIndex) {
            bytesInThisBlock = bytesInFirstBlock;
        } else if (index == endIndex) {
            bytesInThisBlock = bytesInLastBlock;
        } else {
            bytesInThisBlock = blkLocations[index].getLength();

        allTopos = blkLocations[index].getTopologyPaths();

        // If no topology information is available, just
        // prefix a fakeRack
        if (allTopos.length == 0) {
            allTopos = fakeRacks(blkLocations, index);

        // NOTE: This code currently works only for one level of
        // hierarchy (rack/host). However, it is relatively easy
        // to extend this to support aggregation at different
        // levels

        for (String topo : allTopos) {

            Node node, parentNode;
            NodeInfo nodeInfo, parentNodeInfo;

            node = clusterMap.getNode(topo);

            if (node == null) {
                node = new NodeBase(topo);

            nodeInfo = hostsMap.get(node);

            if (nodeInfo == null) {
                nodeInfo = new NodeInfo(node);
                hostsMap.put(node, nodeInfo);
                parentNode = node.getParent();
                parentNodeInfo = racksMap.get(parentNode);
                if (parentNodeInfo == null) {
                    parentNodeInfo = new NodeInfo(parentNode);
                    racksMap.put(parentNode, parentNodeInfo);
            } else {
                nodeInfo = hostsMap.get(node);
                parentNode = node.getParent();
                parentNodeInfo = racksMap.get(parentNode);

            nodeInfo.addValue(index, bytesInThisBlock);
            parentNodeInfo.addValue(index, bytesInThisBlock);

        } // for all topos

    } // for all indices

    return identifyHosts(allTopos.length, racksMap);