Example usage for org.apache.hadoop.security.token Token Token

List of usage examples for org.apache.hadoop.security.token Token Token


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.hadoop.security.token Token Token.


public Token(byte[] identifier, byte[] password, Text kind, Text service) 

Source Link


Construct a token from the components.


From source file:co.cask.cdap.app.runtime.spark.SparkCredentialsUpdaterTest.java

License:Apache License

public void testUpdater() throws Exception {
    Location credentialsDir = Locations.toLocation(TEMPORARY_FOLDER.newFolder());

    // Create a updater that don't do any auto-update within the test time and don't cleanup
    SparkCredentialsUpdater updater = new SparkCredentialsUpdater(createCredentialsSupplier(), credentialsDir,
            "credentials", TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(1), TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(1), Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
        @Override//from   ww  w  .  j a v  a  2 s  .  c  o m
        long getNextUpdateDelay(Credentials credentials) throws IOException {
            return TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(1);

    // Before the updater starts, the directory is empty

            new Token<>(Bytes.toBytes("id"), Bytes.toBytes("pass"), new Text("kind"), new Text("service")));

    try {
        List<Location> expectedFiles = new ArrayList<>();

        for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
            Assert.assertEquals(expectedFiles, listAndSort(credentialsDir));

            // Read the credentials from the last file
            Credentials newCredentials = new Credentials();
            try (DataInputStream is = new DataInputStream(
                    expectedFiles.get(expectedFiles.size() - 1).getInputStream())) {

            // Should contains all tokens of the current user
            Credentials userCredentials = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser().getCredentials();
            for (Token<? extends TokenIdentifier> token : userCredentials.getAllTokens()) {
                Assert.assertEquals(token, newCredentials.getToken(token.getService()));

            UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser().addToken(new Token<>(Bytes.toBytes("id" + i),
                    Bytes.toBytes("pass" + i), new Text("kind" + i), new Text("service" + i)));
            expectedFiles.add(credentialsDir.append("credentials-" + (i + 1)));
    } finally {

From source file:com.continuuity.weave.internal.yarn.Hadoop20YarnAppClient.java

License:Apache License

private <T extends TokenIdentifier> Token<T> convertToken(DelegationToken protoToken,
        InetSocketAddress serviceAddr) {
    Token<T> token = new Token<T>(protoToken.getIdentifier().array(), protoToken.getPassword().array(),
            new Text(protoToken.getKind()), new Text(protoToken.getService()));
    if (serviceAddr != null) {
        SecurityUtil.setTokenService(token, serviceAddr);
    }//from  w w  w  .ja va  2 s  . c o  m
    return token;

From source file:com.datatorrent.stram.StramClient.java

License:Apache License

private Token<RMDelegationTokenIdentifier> getRMHAToken(
        org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Token rmDelegationToken) {
    // Build a list of service addresses to form the service name
    ArrayList<String> services = new ArrayList<String>();
    for (String rmId : conf.getStringCollection(RM_HA_IDS)) {
        LOG.info("Yarn Resource Manager id: {}", rmId);
        // Set RM_ID to get the corresponding RM_ADDRESS
        services.add(//from ww w .  j  av  a  2s . c  o m
                SecurityUtil.buildTokenService(NetUtils.createSocketAddr(conf.get(RM_HOSTNAME_PREFIX + rmId),
                        YarnConfiguration.DEFAULT_RM_PORT, RM_HOSTNAME_PREFIX + rmId)).toString());
    Text rmTokenService = new Text(Joiner.on(',').join(services));

    return new Token<RMDelegationTokenIdentifier>(rmDelegationToken.getIdentifier().array(),
            rmDelegationToken.getPassword().array(), new Text(rmDelegationToken.getKind()), rmTokenService);

From source file:it.crs4.pydoop.mapreduce.pipes.TestPipeApplication.java

License:Apache License

 * test PipesMapRunner    test the transfer data from reader
 * @throws Exception/*from w ww  . j  ava  2s.  c o m*/
public void testRunner() throws Exception {
    // clean old password files
    File[] psw = cleanTokenPasswordFile();
    try {
        JobID jobId = new JobID("201408272347", 0);
        TaskID taskId = new TaskID(jobId, TaskType.MAP, 0);
        TaskAttemptID taskAttemptid = new TaskAttemptID(taskId, 0);

        Job job = new Job(new Configuration());
        Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration();
        conf.set(Submitter.IS_JAVA_RR, "true");
        conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, taskAttemptid.toString());
        FileSystem fs = new RawLocalFileSystem();

        DummyInputFormat input_format = new DummyInputFormat();
        List<InputSplit> isplits = input_format.getSplits(job);

        InputSplit isplit = isplits.get(0);

        TaskAttemptContextImpl tcontext = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskAttemptid);

        RecordReader<FloatWritable, NullWritable> rReader = input_format.createRecordReader(isplit, tcontext);

        TestMapContext context = new TestMapContext(conf, taskAttemptid, rReader, null, null, null, isplit);
        // stub for client
        File fCommand = getFileCommand("it.crs4.pydoop.mapreduce.pipes.PipeApplicationRunnableStub");
        conf.set(MRJobConfig.CACHE_LOCALFILES, fCommand.getAbsolutePath());
        // token for authorization
        Token<AMRMTokenIdentifier> token = new Token<AMRMTokenIdentifier>("user".getBytes(),
                "password".getBytes(), new Text("kind"), new Text("service"));
        TokenCache.setJobToken(token, job.getCredentials());
        conf.setBoolean(MRJobConfig.SKIP_RECORDS, true);
        PipesMapper<FloatWritable, NullWritable, IntWritable, Text> mapper = new PipesMapper<FloatWritable, NullWritable, IntWritable, Text>(

        String stdOut = readStdOut(conf);

        // test part of translated data. As common file for client and test -
        // clients stdOut
        // check version
        // check key and value classes
        assertTrue(stdOut.contains("Key class:org.apache.hadoop.io.FloatWritable"));
        assertTrue(stdOut.contains("Value class:org.apache.hadoop.io.NullWritable"));
        // test have sent all data from reader

    } finally {
        if (psw != null) {
            // remove password files
            for (File file : psw) {

From source file:it.crs4.pydoop.mapreduce.pipes.TestPipeApplication.java

License:Apache License

 * test org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.pipes.Application
 * test a internal functions: //ww w  . java 2s.  c  om
 * @throws Throwable

public void testApplication() throws Throwable {


    File[] psw = cleanTokenPasswordFile();
    try {
        JobID jobId = new JobID("201408272347", 0);
        TaskID taskId = new TaskID(jobId, TaskType.MAP, 0);
        TaskAttemptID taskAttemptid = new TaskAttemptID(taskId, 0);

        Job job = new Job(new Configuration());
        Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration();
        conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, taskAttemptid.toString());
        FileSystem fs = new RawLocalFileSystem();

        File fCommand = getFileCommand("it.crs4.pydoop.mapreduce.pipes.PipeApplicationStub");
        conf.set(MRJobConfig.CACHE_LOCALFILES, fCommand.getAbsolutePath());
        System.err.println("fCommand" + fCommand.getAbsolutePath());

        Token<AMRMTokenIdentifier> token = new Token<AMRMTokenIdentifier>("user".getBytes(),
                "password".getBytes(), new Text("kind"), new Text("service"));
        TokenCache.setJobToken(token, job.getCredentials());
        conf.setBoolean(MRJobConfig.SKIP_RECORDS, true);

        TestReporter reporter = new TestReporter();
        DummyInputFormat input_format = new DummyInputFormat();
        List<InputSplit> isplits = input_format.getSplits(job);
        InputSplit isplit = isplits.get(0);
        TaskAttemptContextImpl tcontext = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskAttemptid);

        DummyRecordReader reader = (DummyRecordReader) input_format.createRecordReader(isplit, tcontext);


        RecordWriter<IntWritable, Text> writer = new TestRecordWriter(
                new FileOutputStream(workSpace.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + "outfile"));

        MapContextImpl<IntWritable, Text, IntWritable, Text> context = new MapContextImpl<IntWritable, Text, IntWritable, Text>(
                conf, taskAttemptid, null, writer, null, reporter, null);

        System.err.println("ready to launch application");
        Application<IntWritable, Text, IntWritable, Text> application = new Application<IntWritable, Text, IntWritable, Text>(
                context, reader);

        application.getDownlink().mapItem(new IntWritable(3), new Text("txt"));

        // test getDownlink().mapItem();
        String stdOut = readStdOut(conf);

        assertEquals(0.0, context.getProgress(), 0.01);
        assertNotNull(context.getCounter("group", "name"));

        // test status MessageType.STATUS
        assertEquals(context.getStatus(), "PROGRESS");
        // check MessageType.PROGRESS
        assertEquals(0.55f, reader.getProgress(), 0.001);
        // test MessageType.OUTPUT
        stdOut = readFile(new File(workSpace.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + "outfile"));
        try {
            // try to abort
            application.abort(new Throwable());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // abort works ?
            assertEquals("pipe child exception", e.getMessage());
    } finally {
        if (psw != null) {
            // remove password files
            for (File file : psw) {

From source file:it.crs4.pydoop.mapreduce.pipes.TestPipeApplication.java

License:Apache License

 * test org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.pipes.PipesReducer
 * test the transfer of data: key and value
 * @throws Exception//from w  w w .j  av a 2  s .  co m
public void testPipesReducer() throws Exception {

    File[] psw = cleanTokenPasswordFile();
    try {
        JobID jobId = new JobID("201408272347", 0);
        TaskID taskId = new TaskID(jobId, TaskType.MAP, 0);
        TaskAttemptID taskAttemptid = new TaskAttemptID(taskId, 0);

        Job job = new Job(new Configuration());
        Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration();
        conf.set(MRJobConfig.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, taskAttemptid.toString());
        FileSystem fs = new RawLocalFileSystem();

        File fCommand = getFileCommand("it.crs4.pydoop.mapreduce.pipes.PipeReducerStub");
        conf.set(MRJobConfig.CACHE_LOCALFILES, fCommand.getAbsolutePath());
        System.err.println("fCommand" + fCommand.getAbsolutePath());

        Token<AMRMTokenIdentifier> token = new Token<AMRMTokenIdentifier>("user".getBytes(),
                "password".getBytes(), new Text("kind"), new Text("service"));
        TokenCache.setJobToken(token, job.getCredentials());
        conf.setBoolean(MRJobConfig.SKIP_RECORDS, true);

        TestReporter reporter = new TestReporter();
        DummyInputFormat input_format = new DummyInputFormat();
        List<InputSplit> isplits = input_format.getSplits(job);
        InputSplit isplit = isplits.get(0);
        TaskAttemptContextImpl tcontext = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskAttemptid);

        RecordWriter<IntWritable, Text> writer = new TestRecordWriter(
                new FileOutputStream(workSpace.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + "outfile"));

        BooleanWritable bw = new BooleanWritable(true);
        List<Text> texts = new ArrayList<Text>();
        texts.add(new Text("first"));
        texts.add(new Text("second"));
        texts.add(new Text("third"));

        DummyRawKeyValueIterator kvit = new DummyRawKeyValueIterator();

        ReduceContextImpl<BooleanWritable, Text, IntWritable, Text> context = new ReduceContextImpl<BooleanWritable, Text, IntWritable, Text>(
                conf, taskAttemptid, kvit, null, null, writer, null, null, null, BooleanWritable.class,

        PipesReducer<BooleanWritable, Text, IntWritable, Text> reducer = new PipesReducer<BooleanWritable, Text, IntWritable, Text>();

        reducer.reduce(bw, texts, context);
        String stdOut = readStdOut(conf);

        // test data: key
        assertTrue(stdOut.contains("reducer key :true"));
        // and values
        assertTrue(stdOut.contains("reduce value  :first"));
        assertTrue(stdOut.contains("reduce value  :second"));
        assertTrue(stdOut.contains("reduce value  :third"));

    } finally {
        if (psw != null) {
            // remove password files
            for (File file : psw) {


From source file:org.apache.accumulo.core.client.mapred.AbstractInputFormat.java

License:Apache License

 * Sets the connector information needed to communicate with Accumulo in this job.
 * <p>/*w ww.ja  va 2  s  .  co m*/
 * <b>WARNING:</b> Some tokens, when serialized, divulge sensitive information in the configuration as a means to pass the token to MapReduce tasks. This
 * information is BASE64 encoded to provide a charset safe conversion to a string, but this conversion is not intended to be secure. {@link PasswordToken} is
 * one example that is insecure in this way; however {@link DelegationToken}s, acquired using
 * {@link SecurityOperations#getDelegationToken(DelegationTokenConfig)}, is not subject to this concern.
 * @param job
 *          the Hadoop job instance to be configured
 * @param principal
 *          a valid Accumulo user name (user must have Table.CREATE permission)
 * @param token
 *          the user's password
 * @since 1.5.0
public static void setConnectorInfo(JobConf job, String principal, AuthenticationToken token)
        throws AccumuloSecurityException {
    if (token instanceof KerberosToken) {
        log.info("Received KerberosToken, attempting to fetch DelegationToken");
        try {
            Instance instance = getInstance(job);
            Connector conn = instance.getConnector(principal, token);
            token = conn.securityOperations().getDelegationToken(new DelegationTokenConfig());
        } catch (Exception e) {
                    "Failed to automatically obtain DelegationToken, Mappers/Reducers will likely fail to communicate with Accumulo",
    // DelegationTokens can be passed securely from user to task without serializing insecurely in the configuration
    if (token instanceof DelegationTokenImpl) {
        DelegationTokenImpl delegationToken = (DelegationTokenImpl) token;

        // Convert it into a Hadoop Token
        AuthenticationTokenIdentifier identifier = delegationToken.getIdentifier();
        Token<AuthenticationTokenIdentifier> hadoopToken = new Token<>(identifier.getBytes(),
                delegationToken.getPassword(), identifier.getKind(), delegationToken.getServiceName());

        // Add the Hadoop Token to the Job so it gets serialized and passed along.
        job.getCredentials().addToken(hadoopToken.getService(), hadoopToken);

    InputConfigurator.setConnectorInfo(CLASS, job, principal, token);

From source file:org.apache.accumulo.core.client.mapred.AccumuloOutputFormat.java

License:Apache License

 * Sets the connector information needed to communicate with Accumulo in this job.
 * <p>//w w  w. ja v  a  2 s .  c  o  m
 * <b>WARNING:</b> Some tokens, when serialized, divulge sensitive information in the configuration as a means to pass the token to MapReduce tasks. This
 * information is BASE64 encoded to provide a charset safe conversion to a string, but this conversion is not intended to be secure. {@link PasswordToken} is
 * one example that is insecure in this way; however {@link DelegationToken}s, acquired using
 * {@link SecurityOperations#getDelegationToken(DelegationTokenConfig)}, is not subject to this concern.
 * @param job
 *          the Hadoop job instance to be configured
 * @param principal
 *          a valid Accumulo user name (user must have Table.CREATE permission if {@link #setCreateTables(JobConf, boolean)} is set to true)
 * @param token
 *          the user's password
 * @since 1.5.0
public static void setConnectorInfo(JobConf job, String principal, AuthenticationToken token)
        throws AccumuloSecurityException {
    if (token instanceof KerberosToken) {
        log.info("Received KerberosToken, attempting to fetch DelegationToken");
        try {
            Instance instance = getInstance(job);
            Connector conn = instance.getConnector(principal, token);
            token = conn.securityOperations().getDelegationToken(new DelegationTokenConfig());
        } catch (Exception e) {
                    "Failed to automatically obtain DelegationToken, Mappers/Reducers will likely fail to communicate with Accumulo",
    // DelegationTokens can be passed securely from user to task without serializing insecurely in the configuration
    if (token instanceof DelegationTokenImpl) {
        DelegationTokenImpl delegationToken = (DelegationTokenImpl) token;

        // Convert it into a Hadoop Token
        AuthenticationTokenIdentifier identifier = delegationToken.getIdentifier();
        Token<AuthenticationTokenIdentifier> hadoopToken = new Token<>(identifier.getBytes(),
                delegationToken.getPassword(), identifier.getKind(), delegationToken.getServiceName());

        // Add the Hadoop Token to the Job so it gets serialized and passed along.
        job.getCredentials().addToken(hadoopToken.getService(), hadoopToken);

    OutputConfigurator.setConnectorInfo(CLASS, job, principal, token);

From source file:org.apache.accumulo.core.client.mapreduce.AbstractInputFormat.java

License:Apache License

 * Sets the connector information needed to communicate with Accumulo in this job.
 * <p>/* w w  w. jav  a2  s. c om*/
 * <b>WARNING:</b> Some tokens, when serialized, divulge sensitive information in the configuration as a means to pass the token to MapReduce tasks. This
 * information is BASE64 encoded to provide a charset safe conversion to a string, but this conversion is not intended to be secure. {@link PasswordToken} is
 * one example that is insecure in this way; however {@link DelegationToken}s, acquired using
 * {@link SecurityOperations#getDelegationToken(DelegationTokenConfig)}, is not subject to this concern.
 * @param job
 *          the Hadoop job instance to be configured
 * @param principal
 *          a valid Accumulo user name (user must have Table.CREATE permission)
 * @param token
 *          the user's password
 * @since 1.5.0
public static void setConnectorInfo(Job job, String principal, AuthenticationToken token)
        throws AccumuloSecurityException {
    if (token instanceof KerberosToken) {
        log.info("Received KerberosToken, attempting to fetch DelegationToken");
        try {
            Instance instance = getInstance(job);
            Connector conn = instance.getConnector(principal, token);
            token = conn.securityOperations().getDelegationToken(new DelegationTokenConfig());
        } catch (Exception e) {
                    "Failed to automatically obtain DelegationToken, Mappers/Reducers will likely fail to communicate with Accumulo",
    // DelegationTokens can be passed securely from user to task without serializing insecurely in the configuration
    if (token instanceof DelegationTokenImpl) {
        DelegationTokenImpl delegationToken = (DelegationTokenImpl) token;

        // Convert it into a Hadoop Token
        AuthenticationTokenIdentifier identifier = delegationToken.getIdentifier();
        Token<AuthenticationTokenIdentifier> hadoopToken = new Token<>(identifier.getBytes(),
                delegationToken.getPassword(), identifier.getKind(), delegationToken.getServiceName());

        // Add the Hadoop Token to the Job so it gets serialized and passed along.
        job.getCredentials().addToken(hadoopToken.getService(), hadoopToken);

    InputConfigurator.setConnectorInfo(CLASS, job.getConfiguration(), principal, token);

From source file:org.apache.accumulo.core.client.mapreduce.AccumuloOutputFormat.java

License:Apache License

 * Sets the connector information needed to communicate with Accumulo in this job.
 * <p>//from w  ww. j  av  a 2 s. co m
 * <b>WARNING:</b> Some tokens, when serialized, divulge sensitive information in the configuration as a means to pass the token to MapReduce tasks. This
 * information is BASE64 encoded to provide a charset safe conversion to a string, but this conversion is not intended to be secure. {@link PasswordToken} is
 * one example that is insecure in this way; however {@link DelegationToken}s, acquired using
 * {@link SecurityOperations#getDelegationToken(DelegationTokenConfig)}, is not subject to this concern.
 * @param job
 *          the Hadoop job instance to be configured
 * @param principal
 *          a valid Accumulo user name (user must have Table.CREATE permission if {@link #setCreateTables(Job, boolean)} is set to true)
 * @param token
 *          the user's password
 * @since 1.5.0
public static void setConnectorInfo(Job job, String principal, AuthenticationToken token)
        throws AccumuloSecurityException {
    if (token instanceof KerberosToken) {
        log.info("Received KerberosToken, attempting to fetch DelegationToken");
        try {
            Instance instance = getInstance(job);
            Connector conn = instance.getConnector(principal, token);
            token = conn.securityOperations().getDelegationToken(new DelegationTokenConfig());
        } catch (Exception e) {
                    "Failed to automatically obtain DelegationToken, Mappers/Reducers will likely fail to communicate with Accumulo",
    // DelegationTokens can be passed securely from user to task without serializing insecurely in the configuration
    if (token instanceof DelegationTokenImpl) {
        DelegationTokenImpl delegationToken = (DelegationTokenImpl) token;

        // Convert it into a Hadoop Token
        AuthenticationTokenIdentifier identifier = delegationToken.getIdentifier();
        Token<AuthenticationTokenIdentifier> hadoopToken = new Token<>(identifier.getBytes(),
                delegationToken.getPassword(), identifier.getKind(), delegationToken.getServiceName());

        // Add the Hadoop Token to the Job so it gets serialized and passed along.
        job.getCredentials().addToken(hadoopToken.getService(), hadoopToken);

    OutputConfigurator.setConnectorInfo(CLASS, job.getConfiguration(), principal, token);