Example usage for org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records ApplicationAttemptId getAttemptId

List of usage examples for org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records ApplicationAttemptId getAttemptId


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records ApplicationAttemptId getAttemptId.


public abstract int getAttemptId();

Source Link


Get the attempt id of the Application.


From source file:de.huberlin.wbi.hiway.am.WorkflowDriver.java

License:Apache License

/** Parse command line arguments, initialize HDFS, manage environment variables. */
public boolean init(String[] args) throws ParseException, IOException, JSONException {


    Options opts = new Options();
    opts.addOption("app_attempt_id", true, "App Attempt ID. Not to be used unless for testing purposes");
    opts.addOption("u", "summary", true,
            "The name of the json summary file. No file is created if this parameter is not specified.");
    opts.addOption("m", "memory", true,
            "The amount of memory (in MB) to be allocated per worker container. Overrides settings in hiway-site.xml.");
    opts.addOption("c", "custom", true,
            "The name of an (optional) JSON file, in which custom amounts of memory can be specified per task.");
    opts.addOption("s", "scheduler", true,
            "The scheduling policy that is to be employed. Valid arguments: "
                    + Arrays.toString(HiWayConfiguration.HIWAY_SCHEDULERS.values())
                    + ". Overrides settings in hiway-site.xml.");
    opts.addOption("d", "debug", false, "Provide additional logs and information for debugging");
    opts.addOption("v", "verbose", false, "Increase verbosity of output / reporting.");
    opts.addOption("appid", true, "Id of this Application Master.");

    opts.addOption("h", "help", false, "Print usage");
    CommandLine cliParser = new GnuParser().parse(opts, args);

    if (args.length == 0) {
        Logger.printUsage(opts);// ww  w . j a  va2 s . c  o m
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("No args specified for application master to initialize");

    if (cliParser.getArgs().length == 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("No workflow file specified.");

    if (!cliParser.hasOption("appid")) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("No id of Application Master specified");

    if (cliParser.hasOption("verbose")) {
        HiWayConfiguration.verbose = true;

    appId = cliParser.getOptionValue("appid");
    try {
        logger.statLog = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(appId + ".log"));
    } catch (IOException e) {

    if (cliParser.hasOption("help")) {
        return false;

    if (cliParser.hasOption("debug")) {
        HiWayConfiguration.debug = true;

    if (cliParser.hasOption("summary")) {
        summaryPath = new Path(cliParser.getOptionValue("summary"));

    String hdfsBaseDirectoryName = conf.get(HiWayConfiguration.HIWAY_AM_DIRECTORY_BASE,
    String hdfsSandboxDirectoryName = conf.get(HiWayConfiguration.HIWAY_AM_DIRECTORY_CACHE,
    Path hdfsBaseDirectory = new Path(new Path(hdfs.getUri()), hdfsBaseDirectoryName);
    Path hdfsSandboxDirectory = new Path(hdfsBaseDirectory, hdfsSandboxDirectoryName);
    hdfsApplicationDirectory = new Path(hdfsSandboxDirectory, appId);

    if (cliParser.hasOption("custom")) {
        Data customMemPath = new Data(cliParser.getOptionValue("custom"));
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        try (BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(customMemPath.getLocalPath().toString()))) {
            String line;
            while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
        JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(sb.toString());
        Iterator<?> keys = obj.keys();
        while (keys.hasNext()) {
            String key = (String) keys.next();
            int minMem = conf.getInt(YarnConfiguration.RM_SCHEDULER_MINIMUM_ALLOCATION_MB,
            int desiredMem = obj.getInt(key);
                    (desiredMem % minMem) == 0 ? desiredMem : (desiredMem / minMem + 1) * minMem);

    Map<String, String> envs = System.getenv();

    /* this application's attempt id (combination of attemptId and fail count) */
    ApplicationAttemptId appAttemptID;
    if (!envs.containsKey(Environment.CONTAINER_ID.name())) {
        if (cliParser.hasOption("app_attempt_id")) {
            String appIdStr = cliParser.getOptionValue("app_attempt_id", "");
            appAttemptID = ConverterUtils.toApplicationAttemptId(appIdStr);
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Application Attempt Id not set in the environment");
    } else {
        ContainerId containerId = ConverterUtils.toContainerId(envs.get(Environment.CONTAINER_ID.name()));
        appAttemptID = containerId.getApplicationAttemptId();

    if (!envs.containsKey(ApplicationConstants.APP_SUBMIT_TIME_ENV)) {
        throw new RuntimeException(ApplicationConstants.APP_SUBMIT_TIME_ENV + " not set in the environment");
    if (!envs.containsKey(Environment.NM_HOST.name())) {
        throw new RuntimeException(Environment.NM_HOST.name() + " not set in the environment");
    if (!envs.containsKey(Environment.NM_HTTP_PORT.name())) {
        throw new RuntimeException(Environment.NM_HTTP_PORT + " not set in the environment");
    if (!envs.containsKey(Environment.NM_PORT.name())) {
        throw new RuntimeException(Environment.NM_PORT.name() + " not set in the environment");

    Logger.writeToStdout("Application master for app" + ", appId=" + appAttemptID.getApplicationId().getId()
            + ", clustertimestamp=" + appAttemptID.getApplicationId().getClusterTimestamp() + ", attemptId="
            + appAttemptID.getAttemptId());

    String shellEnvs[] = conf.getStrings(HiWayConfiguration.HIWAY_WORKER_SHELL_ENV,
    for (String env : shellEnvs) {
        env = env.trim();
        int index = env.indexOf('=');
        if (index == -1) {
            shellEnv.put(env, "");
        String key = env.substring(0, index);
        String val = "";
        if (index < (env.length() - 1)) {
            val = env.substring(index + 1);
        shellEnv.put(key, val);

    String workflowParam = cliParser.getArgs()[0];
    try {
        workflowPath = new Path(new URI(workflowParam).getPath());
    } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
        workflowPath = new Path(workflowParam);

    schedulerEnumValue = HiWayConfiguration.HIWAY_SCHEDULERS.valueOf(conf
            .get(HiWayConfiguration.HIWAY_SCHEDULER, HiWayConfiguration.HIWAY_SCHEDULER_DEFAULT.toString()));
    if (cliParser.hasOption("scheduler")) {
        schedulerEnumValue = HiWayConfiguration.HIWAY_SCHEDULERS.valueOf(cliParser.getOptionValue("scheduler"));

    containerMemory = conf.getInt(HiWayConfiguration.HIWAY_WORKER_MEMORY,
    if (cliParser.hasOption("memory")) {
        containerMemory = Integer.parseInt(cliParser.getOptionValue("memory"));

    containerCores = conf.getInt(HiWayConfiguration.HIWAY_WORKER_VCORES,
    requestPriority = conf.getInt(HiWayConfiguration.HIWAY_WORKER_PRIORITY,

    // Create and start the Timeline timelineClient
    if (conf.getBoolean("yarn.timeline-service.enabled", false)) {
        timelineClient = TimelineClient.createTimelineClient();
        Logger.writeToStdout("Started TimeLineClient.");
    } else {
        Logger.writeToStdErr("TimeLineClient disabled.");
    return true;

From source file:org.apache.reef.runtime.yarn.driver.YarnDriverRuntimeRestartManager.java

License:Apache License

 * Determines the number of times the Driver has been submitted based on the container ID environment
 * variable provided by YARN. If that fails, determine whether the application master is a restart
 * based on the number of previous containers reported by YARN. In the failure scenario, returns 1 if restart, 0
 * otherwise.//from   w w w . ja va 2s.co  m
 * @return positive value if the application master is a restarted instance, 0 otherwise.
public int getResubmissionAttempts() {
    final String containerIdString = getContainerIdString();
    final ApplicationAttemptId appAttemptID = getAppAttemptId(containerIdString);

    if (containerIdString == null || appAttemptID == null) {
                "Was not able to fetch application attempt, container ID is [" + containerIdString
                        + "] and application attempt is [" + appAttemptID
                        + "]. Determining restart based on previous containers.");

        if (this.isRestartByPreviousContainers()) {
                    "Driver is a restarted instance based on the number of previous containers. "
                            + "As returned by the Resource Manager. Returning default resubmission attempts "
                            + DEFAULT_RESTART_RESUBMISSION_ATTEMPTS + ".");

        return 0;

    int appAttempt = appAttemptID.getAttemptId();

    LOG.log(Level.FINE, "Application attempt: " + appAttempt);
    assert appAttempt > 0;
    return appAttempt - 1;

From source file:org.apache.tajo.util.TajoIdUtils.java

License:Apache License

public static QueryId createQueryId(ApplicationAttemptId appAttemptId) {
    QueryId queryId = new QueryId();
    return queryId;

From source file:org.apache.tajo.yarn.ApplicationMaster.java

License:Apache License

 * Parse command line options//  ww  w  . ja v a2  s  .  co m
 * @param args Command line args
 * @return Whether init successful and getLaunchContext should be invoked
 * @throws org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException
 * @throws java.io.IOException
public boolean init(String[] args) throws ParseException, IOException {

    Options opts = new Options();
    opts.addOption("app_attempt_id", true, "App Attempt ID. Not to be used unless for testing purposes");
    opts.addOption("qm_memory", true,
            "Amount of memory in MB to be requested to launch a QueryMaster. Default 512");
    opts.addOption("qm_vcores", true,
            "Amount of virtual cores to be requested to launch a QueryMaster. Default 2");
    opts.addOption("tr_memory", true,
            "Amount of memory in MB to be requested to launch a TaskRunner. Default 1024");
    opts.addOption("tr_vcores", true,
            "Amount of virtual cores to be requested to launch a TaskRunner. Default 4");
    opts.addOption("worker_memory", true,
            "Amount of memory in MB to be requested to launch a worker. Default 2048");
    opts.addOption("worker_vcores", true,
            "Amount of virtual cores to be requested to launch a worker. Default 4");
    opts.addOption("help", false, "Print usage");

    CommandLine cliParser = new GnuParser().parse(opts, args);

    // Check whether customer log4j.properties file exists
    if (fileExist(log4jPath)) {
        try {
            Log4jPropertyHelper.updateLog4jConfiguration(ApplicationMaster.class, log4jPath);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOG.warn("Can not set up custom log4j properties. " + e);

    if (cliParser.hasOption("help")) {
        return false;

    ApplicationAttemptId appAttemptID = null;
    Map<String, String> envs = System.getenv();

    if (!envs.containsKey(Environment.CONTAINER_ID.name())) {
        if (cliParser.hasOption("app_attempt_id")) {
            String appIdStr = cliParser.getOptionValue("app_attempt_id", "");
            appAttemptID = ConverterUtils.toApplicationAttemptId(appIdStr);
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Application Attempt Id not set in the environment");
    } else {
        ContainerId containerId = ConverterUtils.toContainerId(envs.get(Environment.CONTAINER_ID.name()));
        appAttemptID = containerId.getApplicationAttemptId();

    if (!envs.containsKey(ApplicationConstants.APP_SUBMIT_TIME_ENV)) {
        throw new RuntimeException(ApplicationConstants.APP_SUBMIT_TIME_ENV + " not set in the environment");
    if (!envs.containsKey(Environment.NM_HOST.name())) {
        throw new RuntimeException(Environment.NM_HOST.name() + " not set in the environment");
    if (!envs.containsKey(Environment.NM_HTTP_PORT.name())) {
        throw new RuntimeException(Environment.NM_HTTP_PORT + " not set in the environment");
    if (!envs.containsKey(Environment.NM_PORT.name())) {
        throw new RuntimeException(Environment.NM_PORT.name() + " not set in the environment");

    LOG.info("Application master for app" + ", appId=" + appAttemptID.getApplicationId().getId()
            + ", clustertimestamp=" + appAttemptID.getApplicationId().getClusterTimestamp() + ", attemptId="
            + appAttemptID.getAttemptId());

    int qmMemory = Integer.parseInt(cliParser.getOptionValue("qm_memory", "512"));
    int qmVCores = Integer.parseInt(cliParser.getOptionValue("qm_vcores", "2"));
    int trMemory = Integer.parseInt(cliParser.getOptionValue("tr_memory", "1024"));
    int trVCores = Integer.parseInt(cliParser.getOptionValue("tr_vcores", "4"));
    int workerMemory = Integer.parseInt(cliParser.getOptionValue("worker_memory", "2048"));
    int workerVCores = Integer.parseInt(cliParser.getOptionValue("worker_vcores", "4"));

    int requestPriority = Integer.parseInt(cliParser.getOptionValue("priority", "0"));

    String appMasterHostName = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName();

    this.appContext = new AppContext(conf, appAttemptID, workerMemory, workerVCores, requestPriority,

    return true;

From source file:org.apache.tez.dag.app.rm.ContainerFactory.java

License:Apache License

public ContainerFactory(ApplicationAttemptId appAttemptId, long appIdLong) {
    this.nextId = new AtomicLong(1);
    ApplicationId appId = ApplicationId.newInstance(appIdLong, appAttemptId.getApplicationId().getId());
    this.customAppAttemptId = ApplicationAttemptId.newInstance(appId, appAttemptId.getAttemptId());

From source file:org.springframework.yarn.am.monitor.DefaultContainerMonitorTests.java

License:Apache License

 * Mock {@link ApplicationAttemptId}//  w w  w . j ava2 s  . co  m
 * @param appId the app id
 * @param attemptId the app attempt id
 * @return mocked {@link ApplicationAttemptId}
public static ApplicationAttemptId getMockApplicationAttemptId(int appId, int attemptId) {
    ApplicationId applicationId = mock(ApplicationId.class);
    ApplicationAttemptId applicationAttemptId = mock(ApplicationAttemptId.class);
    return applicationAttemptId;

From source file:org.springframework.yarn.boot.MockUtils.java

License:Apache License

public static ApplicationAttemptId getMockApplicationAttemptId(int appId, int attemptId) {
    ApplicationId applicationId = mock(ApplicationId.class);
    ApplicationAttemptId applicationAttemptId = mock(ApplicationAttemptId.class);
    return applicationAttemptId;