Example usage for org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records ContainerId equals

List of usage examples for org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records ContainerId equals


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records ContainerId equals.


    public boolean equals(Object obj) 

Source Link


From source file:org.apache.tez.dag.app.TaskAttemptListenerImpTezDag.java

License:Apache License

public TezHeartbeatResponse heartbeat(TezHeartbeatRequest request) throws IOException, TezException {
    ContainerId containerId = ConverterUtils.toContainerId(request.getContainerIdentifier());
    long requestId = request.getRequestId();
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("Received heartbeat from container" + ", request=" + request);
    }/*from   ww  w .  j av a  2 s. c  o  m*/

    ContainerInfo containerInfo = registeredContainers.get(containerId);
    if (containerInfo == null) {
        LOG.warn("Received task heartbeat from unknown container with id: " + containerId
                + ", asking it to die");
        TezHeartbeatResponse response = new TezHeartbeatResponse();
        return response;

    synchronized (containerInfo) {

        if (containerInfo.lastRequestId == requestId) {
            LOG.warn("Old sequenceId received: " + requestId + ", Re-sending last response to client");
            return containerInfo.lastReponse;

        TezHeartbeatResponse response = new TezHeartbeatResponse();

        TezTaskAttemptID taskAttemptID = request.getCurrentTaskAttemptID();
        if (taskAttemptID != null) {
            ContainerId containerIdFromMap = attemptToInfoMap.get(taskAttemptID);
            if (containerIdFromMap == null || !containerIdFromMap.equals(containerId)) {
                throw new TezException("Attempt " + taskAttemptID + " is not recognized for heartbeat");

            if (containerInfo.lastRequestId + 1 != requestId) {
                throw new TezException("Container " + containerId + " has invalid request id. Expected: "
                        + containerInfo.lastRequestId + 1 + " and actual: " + requestId);

            List<TezEvent> inEvents = request.getEvents();
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug("Ping from " + taskAttemptID.toString() + " events: "
                        + (inEvents != null ? inEvents.size() : -1));
            if (inEvents != null && !inEvents.isEmpty()) {
                TezVertexID vertexId = taskAttemptID.getTaskID().getVertexID();
                context.getEventHandler().handle(new VertexEventRouteEvent(vertexId, inEvents));
            List<TezEvent> outEvents = context.getCurrentDAG()
                    .getTaskAttemptTezEvents(taskAttemptID, request.getStartIndex(), request.getMaxEvents());
        containerInfo.lastRequestId = requestId;
        containerInfo.lastReponse = response;
        return response;

From source file:org.apache.tez.dag.app.TaskCommunicatorManager.java

License:Apache License

public TaskHeartbeatResponse heartbeat(TaskHeartbeatRequest request) throws IOException, TezException {
    ContainerId containerId = ConverterUtils.toContainerId(request.getContainerIdentifier());
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("Received heartbeat from container" + ", request=" + request);
    }/*from w  w  w.  j a  v  a2s . c  o m*/

    if (!registeredContainers.containsKey(containerId)) {
        LOG.warn("Received task heartbeat from unknown container with id: " + containerId
                + ", asking it to die");
        return RESPONSE_SHOULD_DIE;

    // A heartbeat can come in anytime. The AM may have made a decision to kill a running task/container
    // meanwhile. If the decision is processed through the pipeline before the heartbeat is processed,
    // the heartbeat will be dropped. Otherwise the heartbeat will be processed - and the system
    // know how to handle this - via FailedInputEvents for example (relevant only if the heartbeat has events).
    // So - avoiding synchronization.

    TaskAttemptEventInfo eventInfo = new TaskAttemptEventInfo(0, null, 0);
    TezTaskAttemptID taskAttemptID = request.getTaskAttemptId();
    if (taskAttemptID != null) {
        ContainerId containerIdFromMap = registeredAttempts.get(taskAttemptID);
        if (containerIdFromMap == null || !containerIdFromMap.equals(containerId)) {
            // This can happen when a task heartbeats. Meanwhile the container is unregistered.
            // The information will eventually make it through to the plugin via a corresponding unregister.
            // There's a race in that case between the unregister making it through, and this method returning.
            // TODO TEZ-2003 (post) TEZ-2666. An exception back is likely a better approach than sending a shouldDie = true,
            // so that the plugin can handle the scenario. Alternately augment the response with error codes.
            // Error codes would be better than exceptions.
            LOG.info("Attempt: " + taskAttemptID + " is not recognized for heartbeats");
            return RESPONSE_SHOULD_DIE;

        List<TezEvent> inEvents = request.getEvents();
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("Ping from " + taskAttemptID.toString() + " events: "
                    + (inEvents != null ? inEvents.size() : -1));

        long currTime = context.getClock().getTime();
        // taFinishedEvents - means the TaskAttemptFinishedEvent
        // taGeneratedEvents - for recovery, means the events generated by this task attempt and is needed by its downstream vertices
        // eventsForVertex - including all the taGeneratedEvents and other events such as INPUT_READ_ERROR_EVENT/INPUT_FAILED_EVENT
        // taGeneratedEvents is routed both to TaskAttempt & Vertex. Route to Vertex is for performance consideration
        // taFinishedEvents must be routed before taGeneratedEvents
        List<TezEvent> taFinishedEvents = new ArrayList<TezEvent>();
        List<TezEvent> taGeneratedEvents = new ArrayList<TezEvent>();
        List<TezEvent> eventsForVertex = new ArrayList<TezEvent>();
        TaskAttemptEventStatusUpdate taskAttemptEvent = null;
        boolean readErrorReported = false;
        for (TezEvent tezEvent : ListUtils.emptyIfNull(inEvents)) {
            // for now, set the event time on the AM when it is received.
            // this avoids any time disparity between machines.
            final EventType eventType = tezEvent.getEventType();
            if (eventType == EventType.TASK_STATUS_UPDATE_EVENT) {
                // send TA_STATUS_UPDATE before TA_DONE/TA_FAILED/TA_KILLED otherwise Status may be missed
                taskAttemptEvent = new TaskAttemptEventStatusUpdate(taskAttemptID,
                        (TaskStatusUpdateEvent) tezEvent.getEvent());
            } else if (eventType == EventType.TASK_ATTEMPT_COMPLETED_EVENT
                    || eventType == EventType.TASK_ATTEMPT_FAILED_EVENT
                    || eventType == EventType.TASK_ATTEMPT_KILLED_EVENT) {
            } else {
                if (eventType == EventType.INPUT_READ_ERROR_EVENT) {
                    readErrorReported = true;
                if (eventType == EventType.DATA_MOVEMENT_EVENT
                        || eventType == EventType.COMPOSITE_DATA_MOVEMENT_EVENT
                        || eventType == EventType.ROOT_INPUT_INITIALIZER_EVENT
                        || eventType == EventType.VERTEX_MANAGER_EVENT) {
        if (taskAttemptEvent != null) {
        // route taGeneratedEvents to TaskAttempt
        if (!taGeneratedEvents.isEmpty()) {
            sendEvent(new TaskAttemptEventTezEventUpdate(taskAttemptID, taGeneratedEvents));
        // route events to TaskAttempt
        Preconditions.checkArgument(taFinishedEvents.size() <= 1, "Multiple TaskAttemptFinishedEvent");
        for (TezEvent e : taFinishedEvents) {
            EventMetaData sourceMeta = e.getSourceInfo();
            switch (e.getEventType()) {
                TaskAttemptTerminationCause errCause = null;
                switch (sourceMeta.getEventGenerator()) {
                case INPUT:
                    errCause = TaskAttemptTerminationCause.INPUT_READ_ERROR;
                case PROCESSOR:
                    errCause = TaskAttemptTerminationCause.APPLICATION_ERROR;
                case OUTPUT:
                    errCause = TaskAttemptTerminationCause.OUTPUT_WRITE_ERROR;
                case SYSTEM:
                    errCause = TaskAttemptTerminationCause.FRAMEWORK_ERROR;
                    throw new TezUncheckedException(
                            "Unknown EventProducerConsumerType: " + sourceMeta.getEventGenerator());
                if (e.getEventType() == EventType.TASK_ATTEMPT_FAILED_EVENT) {
                    TaskAttemptFailedEvent taskFailedEvent = (TaskAttemptFailedEvent) e.getEvent();
                    sendEvent(new TaskAttemptEventAttemptFailed(sourceMeta.getTaskAttemptID(),
                            TaskAttemptEventType.TA_FAILED, taskFailedEvent.getTaskFailureType(),
                            "Error: " + taskFailedEvent.getDiagnostics(), errCause));
                } else { // Killed
                    TaskAttemptKilledEvent taskKilledEvent = (TaskAttemptKilledEvent) e.getEvent();
                    sendEvent(new TaskAttemptEventAttemptKilled(sourceMeta.getTaskAttemptID(),
                            "Error: " + taskKilledEvent.getDiagnostics(), errCause));
                sendEvent(new TaskAttemptEvent(sourceMeta.getTaskAttemptID(), TaskAttemptEventType.TA_DONE));
                throw new TezUncheckedException("Unhandled tez event type: " + e.getEventType());
        if (!eventsForVertex.isEmpty()) {
            TezVertexID vertexId = taskAttemptID.getTaskID().getVertexID();
            sendEvent(new VertexEventRouteEvent(vertexId, Collections.unmodifiableList(eventsForVertex)));
        eventInfo = context.getCurrentDAG().getVertex(taskAttemptID.getTaskID().getVertexID())
                .getTaskAttemptTezEvents(taskAttemptID, request.getStartIndex(),
                        request.getPreRoutedStartIndex(), request.getMaxEvents());
    return new TaskHeartbeatResponse(false, eventInfo.getEvents(), eventInfo.getNextFromEventId(),