Example usage for org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records FinalApplicationStatus SUCCEEDED

List of usage examples for org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records FinalApplicationStatus SUCCEEDED


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records FinalApplicationStatus SUCCEEDED.


FinalApplicationStatus SUCCEEDED

To view the source code for org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records FinalApplicationStatus SUCCEEDED.

Click Source Link


Application which finished successfully.


From source file:runtime.starter.MPJYarnClient.java

License:Open Source License

public void run() throws Exception {

    Map<String, String> map = System.getenv();

    try {//from  w w w.jav  a 2  s  .  c  om
        mpjHomeDir = map.get("MPJ_HOME");

        if (mpjHomeDir == null) {
            throw new Exception("[MPJRun.java]:MPJ_HOME environment found..");
    } catch (Exception exc) {
        System.out.println("[MPJRun.java]:" + exc.getMessage());

    // Copy the application master jar to HDFS
    // Create a local resource to point to the destination jar path
    FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf);
          Path dataset = new Path(fs.getHomeDirectory(),"/dataset");
          FileStatus datasetFile = fs.getFileStatus(dataset);
          BlockLocation myBlocks [] = fs.getFileBlockLocations(datasetFile,0,datasetFile.getLen());
          for(BlockLocation b : myBlocks){
            System.out.println("Length "+b.getLength());
            for(String host : b.getHosts()){
              System.out.println("host "+host);
    Path source = new Path(mpjHomeDir + "/lib/mpj-app-master.jar");
    String pathSuffix = hdfsFolder + "mpj-app-master.jar";
    Path dest = new Path(fs.getHomeDirectory(), pathSuffix);

    if (debugYarn) {
        logger.info("Uploading mpj-app-master.jar to: " + dest.toString());

    fs.copyFromLocalFile(false, true, source, dest);
    FileStatus destStatus = fs.getFileStatus(dest);

    Path wrapperSource = new Path(mpjHomeDir + "/lib/mpj-yarn-wrapper.jar");
    String wrapperSuffix = hdfsFolder + "mpj-yarn-wrapper.jar";
    Path wrapperDest = new Path(fs.getHomeDirectory(), wrapperSuffix);

    if (debugYarn) {
        logger.info("Uploading mpj-yarn-wrapper.jar to: " + wrapperDest.toString());

    fs.copyFromLocalFile(false, true, wrapperSource, wrapperDest);

    Path userJar = new Path(jarPath);
    String userJarSuffix = hdfsFolder + "user-code.jar";
    Path userJarDest = new Path(fs.getHomeDirectory(), userJarSuffix);

    if (debugYarn) {
        logger.info("Uploading user-code.jar to: " + userJarDest.toString());

    fs.copyFromLocalFile(false, true, userJar, userJarDest);

    YarnConfiguration conf = new YarnConfiguration();
    YarnClient yarnClient = YarnClient.createYarnClient();

    if (debugYarn) {
        YarnClusterMetrics metrics = yarnClient.getYarnClusterMetrics();
        logger.info("\nNodes Information");
        logger.info("Number of NM: " + metrics.getNumNodeManagers() + "\n");

        List<NodeReport> nodeReports = yarnClient.getNodeReports(NodeState.RUNNING);
        for (NodeReport n : nodeReports) {
            logger.info("NodeId: " + n.getNodeId());
            logger.info("RackName: " + n.getRackName());
            logger.info("Total Memory: " + n.getCapability().getMemory());
            logger.info("Used Memory: " + n.getUsed().getMemory());
            logger.info("Total vCores: " + n.getCapability().getVirtualCores());
            logger.info("Used vCores: " + n.getUsed().getVirtualCores() + "\n");

    logger.info("Creating server socket at HOST " + serverName + " PORT " + serverPort + " \nWaiting for " + np
            + " processes to connect...");

    // Creating a server socket for incoming connections
    try {
        servSock = new ServerSocket(serverPort);
        infoSock = new ServerSocket();
        TEMP_PORT = findPort(infoSock);
    } catch (Exception e) {

    // Create application via yarnClient
    YarnClientApplication app = yarnClient.createApplication();
    GetNewApplicationResponse appResponse = app.getNewApplicationResponse();

    int maxMem = appResponse.getMaximumResourceCapability().getMemory();

    if (debugYarn) {
        logger.info("Max memory capability resources in cluster: " + maxMem);

    if (amMem > maxMem) {
        amMem = maxMem;
        logger.info("AM memory specified above threshold of cluster "
                + "Using maximum memory for AM container: " + amMem);
    int maxVcores = appResponse.getMaximumResourceCapability().getVirtualCores();

    if (debugYarn) {
        logger.info("Max vCores capability resources in cluster: " + maxVcores);

    if (amCores > maxVcores) {
        amCores = maxVcores;
        logger.info("AM virtual cores specified above threshold of cluster "
                + "Using maximum virtual cores for AM container: " + amCores);

    // Set up the container launch context for the application master
    ContainerLaunchContext amContainer = Records.newRecord(ContainerLaunchContext.class);

    List<String> commands = new ArrayList<String>();
    commands.add("-Xmx" + amMem + "m");
    commands.add(serverName); //server name
    commands.add(Integer.toString(serverPort)); //server port
    commands.add(deviceName); //device name
    commands.add(className); //class name
    commands.add(workingDirectory); //wdir
    commands.add(Integer.toString(psl)); //protocol switch limit
    commands.add(String.valueOf(TEMP_PORT)); //for sharing ports & rank
    commands.add(wrapperDest.toString());//MPJYarnWrapper.jar HDFS path
    commands.add(userJarDest.toString());//User Jar File HDFS path
    commands.add(mpjContainerPriority);// priority for mpj containers 

    if (debugYarn) {

    if (appArgs != null) {


        for (int i = 0; i < appArgs.length; i++) {

    amContainer.setCommands(commands); //set commands

    // Setup local Resource for ApplicationMaster
    LocalResource appMasterJar = Records.newRecord(LocalResource.class);


    amContainer.setLocalResources(Collections.singletonMap("mpj-app-master.jar", appMasterJar));

    // Setup CLASSPATH for ApplicationMaster
    // Setting up the environment
    Map<String, String> appMasterEnv = new HashMap<String, String>();

    // Set up resource type requirements for ApplicationMaster
    Resource capability = Records.newRecord(Resource.class);

    // Finally, set-up ApplicationSubmissionContext for the application
    ApplicationSubmissionContext appContext = app.getApplicationSubmissionContext();

    appContext.setQueue(yarnQueue); // queue

    Priority priority = Priority.newInstance(amPriority);

    ApplicationId appId = appContext.getApplicationId();

    //Adding ShutDown Hook
    Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new KillYarnApp(appId, yarnClient));

    // Submit application
    System.out.println("Submitting Application: " + appContext.getApplicationName() + "\n");

    try {
        isRunning = true;
    } catch (Exception exp) {
        System.err.println("Error Submitting Application");

    // np = number of processes , + 1 for Application Master container
    IOMessagesThread[] ioThreads = new IOMessagesThread[np + 1];

    peers = new String[np];
    socketList = new Vector<Socket>();
    int wport = 0;
    int rport = 0;
    int rank = 0;

    // np + 1 IOThreads
    for (int i = 0; i < (np + 1); i++) {
        try {
            sock = servSock.accept();

            //start IO thread to read STDOUT and STDERR from wrappers
            IOMessagesThread io = new IOMessagesThread(sock);
            ioThreads[i] = io;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.err.println("Error accepting connection from peer socket..");

    // Loop to read port numbers from Wrapper.java processes
    // and to create WRAPPER_INFO (containing all IPs and ports)
    String WRAPPER_INFO = "#Peer Information";
    for (int i = np; i > 0; i--) {
        try {
            sock = infoSock.accept();

            DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(sock.getOutputStream());
            DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(sock.getInputStream());
            if (in.readUTF().startsWith("Sending Info")) {
                wport = in.readInt();
                rport = in.readInt();
                rank = in.readInt();
                peers[rank] = ";" + sock.getInetAddress().getHostAddress() + "@" + rport + "@" + wport + "@"
                        + rank;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.err.println("[MPJYarnClient.java]: Error accepting" + " connection from peer socket!");

    for (int i = 0; i < np; i++) {
        WRAPPER_INFO += peers[i];
    // Loop to broadcast WRAPPER_INFO to all Wrappers
    for (int i = np; i > 0; i--) {
        try {
            sock = socketList.get(np - i);
            DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(sock.getOutputStream());


        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.err.println("[MPJYarnClient.java]: Error closing" + " connection from peer socket..");

    try {
    } catch (IOException exp) {

    // wait for all IO Threads to complete 
    for (int i = 0; i < (np + 1); i++) {
    isRunning = true;

    System.out.println("\nApplication Statistics!");
    while (true) {
        appReport = yarnClient.getApplicationReport(appId);
        appState = appReport.getYarnApplicationState();
        fStatus = appReport.getFinalApplicationStatus();
        if (appState == YarnApplicationState.FINISHED) {
            isRunning = false;
            if (fStatus == FinalApplicationStatus.SUCCEEDED) {
                System.out.println("State: " + fStatus);
            } else {
                System.out.println("State: " + fStatus);
        } else if (appState == YarnApplicationState.KILLED) {
            isRunning = false;
            System.out.println("State: " + appState);
        } else if (appState == YarnApplicationState.FAILED) {
            isRunning = false;
            System.out.println("State: " + appState);

    try {

        if (debugYarn) {
            logger.info("Cleaning the files from hdfs: ");
            logger.info("1) " + dest.toString());
            logger.info("2) " + wrapperDest.toString());
            logger.info("3) " + userJarDest.toString());

    } catch (IOException exp) {
    System.out.println("Application ID: " + appId + "\n" + "Application User: " + appReport.getUser() + "\n"
            + "RM Queue: " + appReport.getQueue() + "\n" + "Start Time: " + appReport.getStartTime() + "\n"
            + "Finish Time: " + appReport.getFinishTime());

From source file:tachyon.yarn.ApplicationMaster.java

License:Apache License

public void stop() {
    try {//from   w ww  .  jav  a  2s.c o  m
        mRMClient.unregisterApplicationMaster(FinalApplicationStatus.SUCCEEDED, "", "");
    } catch (YarnException yex) {
        LOG.error("Failed to unregister application " + yex);
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
        LOG.error("Failed to unregister application " + ioe);

From source file:tachyon.yarn.Client.java

License:Apache License

 * Monitors the submitted application for completion.
 * @return true if application completed successfully
 * @throws YarnException if errors occur when obtaining application report from ResourceManager
 * @throws IOException if errors occur when obtaining application report from ResourceManager
 *///  w ww  .  j a  v a  2  s. co  m
private boolean monitorApplication() throws YarnException, IOException {
    DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");
    while (true) {
        // Check app status every 10 second.
        CommonUtils.sleepMs(10 * Constants.SECOND_MS);
        Date date = new Date();
        String timeDateStr = dateFormat.format(date);

        // Get application report for the appId we are interested in
        ApplicationReport report = mYarnClient.getApplicationReport(mAppId);

        System.out.println(timeDateStr + " Got application report from ASM for appId=" + mAppId.getId()
                + ", clientToAMToken=" + report.getClientToAMToken() + ", appDiagnostics="
                + report.getDiagnostics() + ", appMasterHost=" + report.getHost() + ", appQueue="
                + report.getQueue() + ", appMasterRpcPort=" + report.getRpcPort() + ", appStartTime="
                + report.getStartTime() + ", yarnAppState=" + report.getYarnApplicationState().toString()
                + ", distributedFinalState=" + report.getFinalApplicationStatus().toString()
                + ", appTrackingUrl=" + report.getTrackingUrl() + ", appUser=" + report.getUser());

        YarnApplicationState state = report.getYarnApplicationState();
        FinalApplicationStatus dsStatus = report.getFinalApplicationStatus();
        if (YarnApplicationState.FINISHED == state) {
            if (FinalApplicationStatus.SUCCEEDED == dsStatus) {
                System.out.println("Application has completed successfully. Breaking monitoring loop");
                return true;
            System.out.println("Application did finished unsuccessfully. YarnState=" + state.toString()
                    + ", DSFinalStatus=" + dsStatus.toString() + ". Breaking monitoring loop");
            return false;

        if (YarnApplicationState.KILLED == state || YarnApplicationState.FAILED == state) {
            System.out.println("Application did not finish. YarnState=" + state.toString() + ", DSFinalStatus="
                    + dsStatus.toString() + ". Breaking monitoring loop");
            return false;

From source file:timo.yarn_app_call_java_app.Client.java

License:Apache License

 * Monitor the submitted application for completion.
 * Kill application if time expires./* w  w w .  ja va2 s  . c om*/
 * @param appId
 *          Application Id of application to be monitored
 * @return true if application completed successfully
 * @throws YarnException
 * @throws IOException
private boolean monitorApplication(ApplicationId appId) throws YarnException, IOException {

    while (true) {

        // Check app status every 1 second.
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            LOG.debug("Thread sleep in monitoring loop interrupted");

        // Get application report for the appId we are interested in 
        ApplicationReport report = yarnClient.getApplicationReport(appId);

        LOG.info("Got application report from ASM for" + ", appId=" + appId.getId() + ", clientToAMToken="
                + report.getClientToAMToken() + ", appDiagnostics=" + report.getDiagnostics()
                + ", appMasterHost=" + report.getHost() + ", appQueue=" + report.getQueue()
                + ", appMasterRpcPort=" + report.getRpcPort() + ", appStartTime=" + report.getStartTime()
                + ", yarnAppState=" + report.getYarnApplicationState().toString() + ", distributedFinalState="
                + report.getFinalApplicationStatus().toString() + ", appTrackingUrl=" + report.getTrackingUrl()
                + ", appUser=" + report.getUser());

        YarnApplicationState state = report.getYarnApplicationState();
        FinalApplicationStatus dsStatus = report.getFinalApplicationStatus();
        if (YarnApplicationState.FINISHED == state) {
            if (FinalApplicationStatus.SUCCEEDED == dsStatus) {
                LOG.info("Application has completed successfully. Breaking monitoring loop");
                return true;
            } else {
                LOG.info("Application did finished unsuccessfully." + " YarnState=" + state.toString()
                        + ", DSFinalStatus=" + dsStatus.toString() + ". Breaking monitoring loop");
                return false;
        } else if (YarnApplicationState.KILLED == state || YarnApplicationState.FAILED == state) {
            LOG.info("Application did not finish." + " YarnState=" + state.toString() + ", DSFinalStatus="
                    + dsStatus.toString() + ". Breaking monitoring loop");
            return false;

        // Client timeout
        if (System.currentTimeMillis() > (clientStartTime + clientTimeout)) {
            LOG.info("Reached client specified timeout for application. Killing application");
            return false;


From source file:timo.yarn_app_call_java_daemon.Client.java

License:Apache License

 * Monitor the submitted application for completion.
 * Kill application if time expires./* w w w  .jav a  2 s .  c  o m*/
 * @param appId
 *          Application Id of application to be monitored
 * @return true if application completed successfully
 * @throws YarnException
 * @throws IOException
private boolean monitorApplication(ApplicationId appId) throws YarnException, IOException {

    while (true) {

        // Check app status every 1 second.
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            LOG.debug("Thread sleep in monitoring loop interrupted");

        // Get application report for the appId we are interested in 
        ApplicationReport report = yarnClient.getApplicationReport(appId);

        LOG.info("Got application report from ASM for" + ", appId=" + appId.getId() + ", clientToAMToken="
                + report.getClientToAMToken() + ", appDiagnostics=" + report.getDiagnostics()
                + ", appMasterHost=" + report.getHost() + ", appQueue=" + report.getQueue()
                + ", appMasterRpcPort=" + report.getRpcPort() + ", appStartTime=" + report.getStartTime()
                + ", yarnAppState=" + report.getYarnApplicationState().toString() + ", distributedFinalState="
                + report.getFinalApplicationStatus().toString() + ", appTrackingUrl=" + report.getTrackingUrl()
                + ", appUser=" + report.getUser());

        YarnApplicationState state = report.getYarnApplicationState();
        FinalApplicationStatus dsStatus = report.getFinalApplicationStatus();
        if (YarnApplicationState.FINISHED == state) {
            if (FinalApplicationStatus.SUCCEEDED == dsStatus) {
                LOG.info("Application has completed successfully. Breaking monitoring loop");
                return true;
            } else {
                LOG.info("Application did finished unsuccessfully." + " YarnState=" + state.toString()
                        + ", DSFinalStatus=" + dsStatus.toString() + ". Breaking monitoring loop");
                return false;
        } else if (YarnApplicationState.KILLED == state || YarnApplicationState.FAILED == state) {
            LOG.info("Application did not finish." + " YarnState=" + state.toString() + ", DSFinalStatus="
                    + dsStatus.toString() + ". Breaking monitoring loop");
            return false;

        // Running
        if (YarnApplicationState.RUNNING == state) {
            LOG.info("Application is running. Breaking monitoring loop.");
            return true;

        // Client timeout
        if (System.currentTimeMillis() > (clientStartTime + clientTimeout)) {
            LOG.info("Reached client specified timeout for application. Killing application");
            return false;

From source file:x10.x10rt.yarn.ApplicationMaster.java

License:Open Source License

protected boolean shutdown() {

    // close selector, and any remaining links to places
    try {//w ww  .  ja v a  2 s.co m
    } catch (IOException e1) {
        // shutting down... ignore

    // When the application completes, it should stop all running containers
    LOG.info("X10 program " + appName + " completed. Stopping running containers");
    // When the application completes, it should send a finish application
    // signal to the RM
    LOG.info("Signalling finish to RM");
    FinalApplicationStatus appStatus;
    String appMessage = null;
    boolean success = true;
    if (numFailedContainers.get() == 0) {
        appStatus = FinalApplicationStatus.SUCCEEDED;
    } else {
        appStatus = FinalApplicationStatus.FAILED;
        appMessage = "Diagnostics." + ", total=" + numRequestedContainers.get() + ", completed="
                + numCompletedContainers.get() + ", allocated=" + numAllocatedContainers.get() + ", failed="
                + numFailedContainers.get() + ", extra=" + numExtraContainers.get();
        success = false;
    try {
        resourceManager.unregisterApplicationMaster(appStatus, appMessage, null);
    } catch (YarnException ex) {
        LOG.error("Failed to unregister application", ex);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        LOG.error("Failed to unregister application", e);
    return success;

From source file:x10.x10rt.yarn.Client.java

License:Open Source License

 * Monitor the submitted application for completion.
 * Kill application if time expires./*  w  w w  .j  ava 2  s .co  m*/
 * @param appId Application Id of application to be monitored
 * @return true if application completed successfully
 * @throws YarnException
 * @throws IOException
private boolean monitorApplication(ApplicationId appId) throws YarnException, IOException {
    YarnApplicationState previousState = null;
    while (true) {
        // Check app status every 1 second.
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            LOG.debug("Thread sleep in monitoring loop interrupted");
        // Get application report for the appId we are interested in
        ApplicationReport report = yarnClient.getApplicationReport(appId);
        YarnApplicationState state = report.getYarnApplicationState();
        if (!state.equals(previousState)) {
            previousState = state;
            LOG.info("Got application report from ASM for" + ", appId=" + appId.getId() + ", clientToAMToken="
                    + report.getClientToAMToken() + ", appDiagnostics=" + report.getDiagnostics()
                    + ", appMasterHost=" + report.getHost() + ", appQueue=" + report.getQueue()
                    + ", appMasterRpcPort=" + report.getRpcPort() + ", appStartTime=" + report.getStartTime()
                    + ", yarnAppState=" + report.getYarnApplicationState().toString()
                    + ", distributedFinalState=" + report.getFinalApplicationStatus().toString()
                    + ", appTrackingUrl=" + report.getTrackingUrl() + ", appUser=" + report.getUser());
        FinalApplicationStatus dsStatus = report.getFinalApplicationStatus();
        if (YarnApplicationState.FINISHED == state) {
            if (FinalApplicationStatus.SUCCEEDED == dsStatus) {
                LOG.info("Application has completed successfully. Breaking monitoring loop");
                return true;
            } else {
                LOG.info("Application finished unsuccessfully." + " YarnState=" + state.toString()
                        + ", DSFinalStatus=" + dsStatus.toString() + ". Breaking monitoring loop");
                return false;
        } else if (YarnApplicationState.KILLED == state || YarnApplicationState.FAILED == state) {
            LOG.info("Application did not finish." + " YarnState=" + state.toString() + ", DSFinalStatus="
                    + dsStatus.toString() + ". Breaking monitoring loop");
            return false;

From source file:yarnkit.appmaster.ApplicationMasterService.java

License:Apache License

protected void shutDown() throws Exception {
    LOG.info("Stopping Containers");

    // stop containers
    tracker.kill();/*from w w w  .j a  v  a2 s.c om*/
    this.hasRunningContainers = false;

    // unregister application master
    final FinalApplicationStatus status;
    String message = null;
    if (state() == State.FAILED || totalFailures.get() > parameters.getAllowedFailures()) {
        status = FinalApplicationStatus.FAILED;
        if (throwable != null) {
            message = throwable.getLocalizedMessage();
    } else {
        status = FinalApplicationStatus.SUCCEEDED;
    LOG.info("Sending a finish request to Resource Manager: " + status);
    try {
        resourceManager.unregisterApplicationMaster(status, message, null);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        LOG.error("Error finishing Application Master", e);

From source file:yarnkit.client.YarnClientService.java

License:Apache License

protected void shutDown() {
    if (finalReport != null) {
        YarnApplicationState state = finalReport.getYarnApplicationState();
        FinalApplicationStatus status = finalReport.getFinalApplicationStatus();
        String diagnostics = finalReport.getDiagnostics();
        if (YarnApplicationState.FINISHED == state) {
            if (FinalApplicationStatus.SUCCEEDED == status) {
                LOG.info("Application completed successfully.");
            } else {
                LOG.info("Application finished unsuccessfully." + " State = " + state.toString()
                        + ", FinalStatus = " + status.toString());
            }// ww  w. ja v  a 2 s . co m
        } else if (YarnApplicationState.KILLED == state || YarnApplicationState.FAILED == state) {
            LOG.info("Application did not complete successfully." + " State = " + state.toString()
                    + ", FinalStatus = " + status.toString());
            if (diagnostics != null) {
                LOG.info("Diagnostics = " + diagnostics);
    } else {
        // Otherwise, we need to kill the application, if it was created.
        if (applicationId != null) {
            LOG.info("Killing application id = " + applicationId);
            try {
            } catch (YarnException e) {
                LOG.error("Exception thrown killing application", e);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                LOG.error("IOException thrown killing application", e);
            LOG.info("Application was killed.");

From source file:yarnkit.client.YarnkitClient.java

License:Apache License

private int handle(@Nonnull YarnClientService service) throws Exception {
    service.startAndWait();/*  w w w.  java  2s  . c  om*/
    if (!service.isRunning()) {
        LOG.error("Service failed to startup");
        return 1;

    String trackingUrl = null;
    while (service.isRunning()) {
        if (trackingUrl == null) {
            ApplicationReport report = service.getApplicationReport();
            YarnApplicationState yarnAppState = report.getYarnApplicationState();
            if (yarnAppState == YarnApplicationState.RUNNING) {
                trackingUrl = report.getTrackingUrl();
                if (trackingUrl == null || trackingUrl.isEmpty()) {
                    LOG.info("Application is running, but did not specify a tracking URL");
                    trackingUrl = "";
                } else {
                    LOG.info("Master Tracking URL: " + trackingUrl);

    ApplicationReport report = service.getFinalReport();
    if (report == null) {
        LOG.error("No final report");
        return 1;
    } else if (report.getFinalApplicationStatus() != FinalApplicationStatus.SUCCEEDED) {
        return 1;
    } else {
        LOG.info("Final report: \n" + report);
        return 0;