Example usage for org.apache.hadoop.yarn.webapp.util WebAppUtils HTTP_PREFIX

List of usage examples for org.apache.hadoop.yarn.webapp.util WebAppUtils HTTP_PREFIX


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.hadoop.yarn.webapp.util WebAppUtils HTTP_PREFIX.



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From source file:org.apache.slider.server.appmaster.SliderAppMaster.java

License:Apache License

 * Create and run the cluster./* w  w  w .j  a  v a 2  s. c o m*/
 * @return exit code
 * @throws Throwable on a failure
private int createAndRunCluster(String clustername) throws Throwable {

    //load the cluster description from the cd argument
    String sliderClusterDir = serviceArgs.getSliderClusterURI();
    URI sliderClusterURI = new URI(sliderClusterDir);
    Path clusterDirPath = new Path(sliderClusterURI);
    log.info("Application defined at {}", sliderClusterURI);
    SliderFileSystem fs = getClusterFS();

    // build up information about the running application -this
    // will be passed down to the cluster status
    MapOperations appInformation = new MapOperations();

    AggregateConf instanceDefinition = InstanceIO.loadInstanceDefinitionUnresolved(fs, clusterDirPath);

    log.info("Deploying cluster {}:", instanceDefinition);


    Configuration serviceConf = getConfig();

    SecurityConfiguration securityConfiguration = new SecurityConfiguration(serviceConf, instanceDefinition,
    // obtain security state
    boolean securityEnabled = securityConfiguration.isSecurityEnabled();
    // set the global security flag for the instance definition
    instanceDefinition.getAppConfOperations().set(KEY_SECURITY_ENABLED, securityEnabled);

    // triggers resolution and snapshotting in agent

    File confDir = getLocalConfDir();
    if (!confDir.exists() || !confDir.isDirectory()) {
        log.info("Conf dir {} does not exist.", confDir);
        File parentFile = confDir.getParentFile();
        log.info("Parent dir {}:\n{}", parentFile, SliderUtils.listDir(parentFile));

    // IP filtering

    //get our provider
    MapOperations globalInternalOptions = getGlobalInternalOptions();
    String providerType = globalInternalOptions.getMandatoryOption(InternalKeys.INTERNAL_PROVIDER_NAME);
    log.info("Cluster provider type is {}", providerType);
    SliderProviderFactory factory = SliderProviderFactory.createSliderProviderFactory(providerType);
    providerService = factory.createServerProvider();
    // init the provider BUT DO NOT START IT YET
    providerRMOperationHandler = new ProviderNotifyingOperationHandler(providerService);

    // create a slider AM provider
    sliderAMProvider = new SliderAMProviderService();

    InetSocketAddress address = SliderUtils.getRmSchedulerAddress(serviceConf);
    log.info("RM is at {}", address);
    yarnRPC = YarnRPC.create(serviceConf);

     * Extract the container ID. This is then
     * turned into an (incompete) container
    appMasterContainerID = ConverterUtils.toContainerId(
    appAttemptID = appMasterContainerID.getApplicationAttemptId();

    ApplicationId appid = appAttemptID.getApplicationId();
    log.info("AM for ID {}", appid.getId());

    appInformation.put(StatusKeys.INFO_AM_CONTAINER_ID, appMasterContainerID.toString());
    appInformation.put(StatusKeys.INFO_AM_APP_ID, appid.toString());
    appInformation.put(StatusKeys.INFO_AM_ATTEMPT_ID, appAttemptID.toString());

    Map<String, String> envVars;
    List<Container> liveContainers;
     * It is critical this section is synchronized, to stop async AM events
     * arriving while registering a restarting AM.
    synchronized (appState) {
        int heartbeatInterval = HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL;

        //add the RM client -this brings the callbacks in
        asyncRMClient = AMRMClientAsync.createAMRMClientAsync(heartbeatInterval, this);
        //now bring it up

        //nmclient relays callbacks back to this class
        nmClientAsync = new NMClientAsyncImpl("nmclient", this);

        // set up secret manager
        secretManager = new ClientToAMTokenSecretManager(appAttemptID, null);

        if (securityEnabled) {
            // fix up the ACLs if they are not set
            String acls = getConfig().get(SliderXmlConfKeys.KEY_PROTOCOL_ACL);
            if (acls == null) {
                getConfig().set(SliderXmlConfKeys.KEY_PROTOCOL_ACL, "*");
        //bring up the Slider RPC service

        rpcServiceAddress = rpcService.getConnectAddress();
        appMasterHostname = rpcServiceAddress.getHostName();
        appMasterRpcPort = rpcServiceAddress.getPort();
        appMasterTrackingUrl = null;
        log.info("AM Server is listening at {}:{}", appMasterHostname, appMasterRpcPort);
        appInformation.put(StatusKeys.INFO_AM_HOSTNAME, appMasterHostname);
        appInformation.set(StatusKeys.INFO_AM_RPC_PORT, appMasterRpcPort);

        log.info("Starting Yarn registry");
        registryOperations = startRegistryOperationsService();

        //build the role map
        List<ProviderRole> providerRoles = new ArrayList<ProviderRole>(providerService.getRoles());

        // Start up the WebApp and track the URL for it
        certificateManager = new CertificateManager();
        MapOperations component = instanceDefinition.getAppConfOperations()

        if (component.getOptionBool(AgentKeys.KEY_AGENT_TWO_WAY_SSL_ENABLED, false)) {
            uploadServerCertForLocalization(clustername, fs);

        startAgentWebApp(appInformation, serviceConf);

        int port = getPortToRequest(instanceDefinition);

        webApp = new SliderAMWebApp(registryOperations);
        WebApps.$for(SliderAMWebApp.BASE_PATH, WebAppApi.class,
                new WebAppApiImpl(this, stateForProviders, providerService, certificateManager,
                RestPaths.WS_CONTEXT).withHttpPolicy(serviceConf, HttpConfig.Policy.HTTP_ONLY).at(port)
        String scheme = WebAppUtils.HTTP_PREFIX;
        appMasterTrackingUrl = scheme + appMasterHostname + ":" + webApp.port();
        WebAppService<SliderAMWebApp> webAppService = new WebAppService<SliderAMWebApp>("slider", webApp);


        appInformation.put(StatusKeys.INFO_AM_WEB_URL, appMasterTrackingUrl + "/");
        appInformation.set(StatusKeys.INFO_AM_WEB_PORT, webApp.port());

        // Register self with ResourceManager
        // This will start heartbeating to the RM
        // address = SliderUtils.getRmSchedulerAddress(asyncRMClient.getConfig());
        log.info("Connecting to RM at {},address tracking URL={}", appMasterRpcPort, appMasterTrackingUrl);
        amRegistrationData = asyncRMClient.registerApplicationMaster(appMasterHostname, appMasterRpcPort,
        Resource maxResources = amRegistrationData.getMaximumResourceCapability();
        containerMaxMemory = maxResources.getMemory();
        containerMaxCores = maxResources.getVirtualCores();
        appState.setContainerLimits(maxResources.getMemory(), maxResources.getVirtualCores());

        // build the handler for RM request/release operations; this uses
        // the max value as part of its lookup
        rmOperationHandler = new AsyncRMOperationHandler(asyncRMClient, maxResources);

        // set the RM-defined maximum cluster values
        appInformation.put(ResourceKeys.YARN_CORES, Integer.toString(containerMaxCores));
        appInformation.put(ResourceKeys.YARN_MEMORY, Integer.toString(containerMaxMemory));

        // process the initial user to obtain the set of user
        // supplied credentials (tokens were passed in by client). Remove AMRM
        // token and HDFS delegation token, the latter because we will provide an
        // up to date token for container launches (getContainerCredentials()).
        UserGroupInformation currentUser = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser();
        Credentials credentials = currentUser.getCredentials();
        Iterator<Token<? extends TokenIdentifier>> iter = credentials.getAllTokens().iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            Token<? extends TokenIdentifier> token = iter.next();
            log.info("Token {}", token.getKind());
            if (token.getKind().equals(AMRMTokenIdentifier.KIND_NAME)
                    || token.getKind().equals(DelegationTokenIdentifier.HDFS_DELEGATION_KIND)) {
        // at this point this credentials map is probably clear, but leaving this
        // code to allow for future tokens...
        containerCredentials = credentials;

        if (securityEnabled) {
            applicationACLs = amRegistrationData.getApplicationACLs();

            //tell the server what the ACLs are
            rpcService.getServer().refreshServiceAcl(serviceConf, new SliderAMPolicyProvider());
            // perform keytab based login to establish kerberos authenticated
            // principal.  Can do so now since AM registration with RM above required
            // tokens associated to principal
            String principal = securityConfiguration.getPrincipal();
            File localKeytabFile = securityConfiguration.getKeytabFile(instanceDefinition);
            // Now log in...
            login(principal, localKeytabFile);
            // obtain new FS reference that should be kerberos based and different
            // than the previously cached reference
            fs = getClusterFS();

        // extract container list

        liveContainers = amRegistrationData.getContainersFromPreviousAttempts();

        //now validate the installation
        Configuration providerConf = providerService.loadProviderConfigurationInformation(confDir);

        providerService.initializeApplicationConfiguration(instanceDefinition, fs);

        providerService.validateApplicationConfiguration(instanceDefinition, confDir, securityEnabled);

        //determine the location for the role history data
        Path historyDir = new Path(clusterDirPath, HISTORY_DIR_NAME);

        //build the instance
        appState.buildInstance(instanceDefinition, serviceConf, providerConf, providerRoles, fs.getFileSystem(),
                historyDir, liveContainers, appInformation, new SimpleReleaseSelector());

        providerService.rebuildContainerDetails(liveContainers, instanceDefinition.getName(),

        // add the AM to the list of nodes in the cluster

        appState.buildAppMasterNode(appMasterContainerID, appMasterHostname, webApp.port(),
                appMasterHostname + ":" + webApp.port());

        // build up environment variables that the AM wants set in every container
        // irrespective of provider and role.
        envVars = new HashMap<String, String>();
        if (hadoop_user_name != null) {
            envVars.put(HADOOP_USER_NAME, hadoop_user_name);
    String rolesTmpSubdir = appMasterContainerID.toString() + "/roles";

    String amTmpDir = globalInternalOptions.getMandatoryOption(InternalKeys.INTERNAL_AM_TMP_DIR);

    Path tmpDirPath = new Path(amTmpDir);
    Path launcherTmpDirPath = new Path(tmpDirPath, rolesTmpSubdir);

    //launcher service
    launchService = new RoleLaunchService(actionQueues, providerService, fs, new Path(getGeneratedConfDir()),
            envVars, launcherTmpDirPath);



    //Give the provider access to the state, and AM
    providerService.bind(stateForProviders, actionQueues, liveContainers);
    sliderAMProvider.bind(stateForProviders, actionQueues, liveContainers);

    // chaos monkey

    // setup token renewal and expiry handling for long lived apps
    //    if (SliderUtils.isHadoopClusterSecure(getConfig())) {
    //      fsDelegationTokenManager = new FsDelegationTokenManager(actionQueues);
    //      fsDelegationTokenManager.acquireDelegationToken(getConfig());
    //    }

    // if not a secure cluster, extract the username -it will be
    // propagated to workers
    if (!UserGroupInformation.isSecurityEnabled()) {
        hadoop_user_name = System.getenv(HADOOP_USER_NAME);
        log.info(HADOOP_USER_NAME + "='{}'", hadoop_user_name);
    service_user_name = RegistryUtils.currentUser();
    log.info("Registry service username ={}", service_user_name);

    // now do the registration
    registerServiceInstance(clustername, appid);

    // log the YARN and web UIs
    log.info("RM Webapp address {}", serviceConf.get(YarnConfiguration.RM_WEBAPP_ADDRESS));
    log.info("slider Webapp address {}", appMasterTrackingUrl);

    // declare the cluster initialized
    log.info("Application Master Initialization Completed");

    try {
        // start handling any scheduled events


        // Start the Slider AM provider

        // launch the real provider; this is expected to trigger a callback that
        // starts the node review process
        launchProviderService(instanceDefinition, confDir);

        //now block waiting to be told to exit the process
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error("Exception : {}", e, e);
        onAMStop(new ActionStopSlider(e));
    //shutdown time
    return finish();