Example usage for org.apache.http.client ClientProtocolException getLocalizedMessage

List of usage examples for org.apache.http.client ClientProtocolException getLocalizedMessage


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.http.client ClientProtocolException getLocalizedMessage.


public String getLocalizedMessage() 

Source Link


Creates a localized description of this throwable.


From source file:com.nononsenseapps.notepad.sync.SyncAdapter.java

@Override/*ww w.ja va 2s .  c o  m*/
public void onPerformSync(Account account, Bundle extras, String authority, ContentProviderClient provider,
        SyncResult syncResult) {
    final SharedPreferences settings = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(mContext);

    // Only sync if it has been enabled by the user, and account is selected
    // Issue on reinstall where account approval is remembered by system
    if (settings.getBoolean(SyncPrefs.KEY_SYNC_ENABLE, false)
            && !settings.getString(SyncPrefs.KEY_ACCOUNT, "").isEmpty()
            && account.name.equals(settings.getString(SyncPrefs.KEY_ACCOUNT, ""))) {

        if (SYNC_DEBUG_PRINTS)
            Log.d(TAG, "onPerformSync");
        Intent i = new Intent(SYNC_STARTED);
        // For later
        Intent doneIntent = new Intent(SYNC_FINISHED);
        doneIntent.putExtra(SYNC_RESULT, ERROR);

        // Initialize necessary stuff
        GoogleDBTalker dbTalker = new GoogleDBTalker(account.name, provider);
        GoogleAPITalker apiTalker = new GoogleAPITalker();

        try {
            boolean connected = apiTalker.initialize(accountManager, account, AUTH_TOKEN_TYPE,

            if (connected) {
                if (SYNC_DEBUG_PRINTS)
                    Log.d(TAG, "We got an authToken atleast");

                try {
                    // FIrst of all, we need the latest updated time later.
                    // So
                    // save
                    // that for now.
                    // This is the latest time we synced
                    String lastUpdate = dbTalker.getLastUpdated(account.name);
                    //String lastUpdate = settings.getString(PREFS_LAST_SYNC_DATE, null);
                    // Get the latest hash value we saw on the server
                    String localEtag = settings.getString(PREFS_LAST_SYNC_ETAG, "");

                    // Prepare lists for items
                    ArrayList<GoogleTaskList> listsToSaveToDB = new ArrayList<GoogleTaskList>();
                    HashMap<GoogleTaskList, ArrayList<GoogleTask>> tasksInListToSaveToDB = new HashMap<GoogleTaskList, ArrayList<GoogleTask>>();

                    HashMap<Long, ArrayList<GoogleTask>> tasksInListToUpload = new HashMap<Long, ArrayList<GoogleTask>>();
                    HashMap<Long, ArrayList<GoogleTask>> allTasksInList = new HashMap<Long, ArrayList<GoogleTask>>();

                    // gets all tasks in one query
                    ArrayList<GoogleTask> allTasks = dbTalker.getAllTasks(allTasksInList, tasksInListToUpload);

                    ArrayList<GoogleTaskList> listsToUpload = new ArrayList<GoogleTaskList>();
                    ArrayList<GoogleTaskList> allLocalLists = new ArrayList<GoogleTaskList>();

                    // gets all lists in one query
                    dbTalker.getAllLists(allLocalLists, listsToUpload);

                    // Get the current hash value on the server and all
                    // remote
                    // lists if upload is not true

                    String serverEtag = apiTalker.getModifiedLists(localEtag, allLocalLists, listsToSaveToDB);

                    // IF the tags match, then nothing has changed on
                    // server.
                    if (localEtag.equals(serverEtag)) {
                        if (SYNC_DEBUG_PRINTS)
                            Log.d(TAG, "Etags match, nothing to download");
                    } else {
                        if (SYNC_DEBUG_PRINTS)
                            Log.d(TAG, "Etags dont match, downloading new tasks");
                        // Download tasks which have been updated since last
                        // time
                        for (GoogleTaskList list : listsToSaveToDB) {
                            if (list.id != null && !list.id.isEmpty()) {
                                if (SYNC_DEBUG_PRINTS)
                                    Log.d(TAG, "Saving remote modified tasks for: " + list.id);
                                        list.downloadModifiedTasks(apiTalker, allTasks, lastUpdate));

                    if (SYNC_DEBUG_PRINTS)
                        Log.d(TAG, "Getting stuff we want to upload");
                    // Get stuff we would like to upload to server
                    // In case of lists, locally modified versions always
                    // wins
                    // in
                    // conflict, so nothing more to do

                    for (GoogleTaskList list : allLocalLists) {
                        ArrayList<GoogleTask> moddedTasks = tasksInListToUpload.get(list.dbId);
                        if (moddedTasks != null && !moddedTasks.isEmpty()) {
                            // There are some tasks here which we want to
                            // upload
                            if (SYNC_DEBUG_PRINTS)
                                Log.d(TAG, "List id " + list.dbId + ", Locally modified tasks found: "
                                        + moddedTasks.size());

                            // Now we need to handle possible conflicts in
                            // the
                            // tasks. But this has already been sorted when
                            // we
                            // downloaded them
                            // For any task which exists in stuffToSaveToDB,
                            // we
                            // should not upload it
                            // Iterate over a clone to avoid concurrency
                            // problems since we will be modifying
                            // the list during iteration
                            for (GoogleTask moddedTask : (ArrayList<GoogleTask>) moddedTasks.clone()) {
                                ArrayList<GoogleTask> tasksToBeSaved = tasksInListToSaveToDB.get(list);
                                if (tasksToBeSaved != null && tasksToBeSaved.contains(moddedTask)) {
                                    if (SYNC_DEBUG_PRINTS)
                                                "This modified task was newer on server, removing from upload list: "
                                                        + moddedTask.title);
                                // In the case that a task has been deleted
                                // before it was synced the first time
                                // We should definitely not sync it. Only
                                // delete
                                // it later
                                if (moddedTask.deleted == 1
                                        && (moddedTask.id == null || moddedTask.id.isEmpty())) {

                    if (SYNC_DEBUG_PRINTS)
                        Log.d(TAG, "Uploading lists");
                    // First thing we want to do is upload stuff, because
                    // some
                    // values are updated then
                    boolean uploadedStuff = false;
                    // Start with lists
                    for (GoogleTaskList list : listsToUpload) {
                        GoogleTaskList result = apiTalker.uploadList(list);
                        uploadedStuff = true;
                        if (result != null) {
                            // Make sure that local version is the same as
                            // server's
                            for (GoogleTaskList localList : allLocalLists) {
                                if (result.equals(localList)) {
                                    localList.title = result.title;
                                    localList.id = result.id;
                                    result.dbId = localList.dbId;

                    if (SYNC_DEBUG_PRINTS)
                        Log.d(TAG, "Uploading tasks");
                    // Right, now upload tasks
                    for (GoogleTaskList list : allLocalLists) {
                        ArrayList<GoogleTask> tasksToUpload = tasksInListToUpload.get(list.dbId);
                        if (tasksToUpload != null) {
                            for (GoogleTask task : tasksToUpload) {
                                GoogleTask result = apiTalker.uploadTask(task, list);
                                uploadedStuff = true;
                                // Task now has relevant fields set. Add to
                                // DB-list
                                if (tasksInListToSaveToDB.get(list) == null)
                                    tasksInListToSaveToDB.put(list, new ArrayList<GoogleTask>());

                    // Finally, get the updated etag from the server and
                    // save.
                    // Only worth doing if we actually uploaded anything
                    // Also, only do this if we are doing a full sync
                    String currentEtag = serverEtag;
                    if (uploadedStuff) {
                        currentEtag = apiTalker.getEtag();
                        //lastUpdate = dbTalker.getLastUpdated(account.name);

                    settings.edit().putString(PREFS_LAST_SYNC_ETAG, currentEtag)
                            //.putString(PREFS_LAST_SYNC_DATE, lastUpdate)

                    // Now, set sorting values.
                    for (GoogleTaskList list : tasksInListToSaveToDB.keySet()) {
                        if (SYNC_DEBUG_PRINTS)
                            Log.d(TAG, "Setting position values in: " + list.id);
                        ArrayList<GoogleTask> tasks = tasksInListToSaveToDB.get(list);
                        if (tasks != null) {
                            if (SYNC_DEBUG_PRINTS)
                                Log.d(TAG, "Setting position values for #tasks: " + tasks.size());
                            ArrayList<GoogleTask> allListTasks = allTasksInList.get(list.dbId);
                            list.setSortingValues(tasks, allListTasks);

                    // Save to database in a single transaction
                    if (SYNC_DEBUG_PRINTS)
                        Log.d(TAG, "Save stuff to DB");
                    dbTalker.SaveToDatabase(listsToSaveToDB, tasksInListToSaveToDB);
                    // Commit it
                    ContentProviderResult[] result = dbTalker.apply();

                    if (SYNC_DEBUG_PRINTS)
                        Log.d(TAG, "Sync Complete!");
                    doneIntent.putExtra(SYNC_RESULT, SUCCESS);

                } catch (ClientProtocolException e) {
                    if (SYNC_DEBUG_PRINTS)
                        Log.d(TAG, "ClientProtocolException: " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
                } catch (JSONException e) {
                    if (SYNC_DEBUG_PRINTS)
                        Log.d(TAG, "JSONException: " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    if (SYNC_DEBUG_PRINTS)
                        Log.d(TAG, "IOException: " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
                } catch (RemoteException e) {
                    if (SYNC_DEBUG_PRINTS)
                        Log.d(TAG, "RemoteException: " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
                } catch (OperationApplicationException e) {
                    Log.d(TAG, "Joined operation failed: " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
                } catch (ClassCastException e) {
                    // GetListofLists will cast this if it returns a string. It should not return a string
                    // but it did...
                    Log.d(TAG, "ClassCastException: " + e.getLocalizedMessage());

            } else {
                // return real failure
                if (SYNC_DEBUG_PRINTS)
                    Log.d(TAG, "Could not get authToken. Reporting authException");
                doneIntent.putExtra(SYNC_RESULT, LOGIN_FAIL);

        } finally {
            // This must always be called or we will leak resources
            if (apiTalker != null) {


            if (SYNC_DEBUG_PRINTS)
                Log.d(TAG, "SyncResult: " + syncResult.toDebugString());

From source file:com.evolveum.polygon.scim.StandardScimHandlingStrategy.java

public void delete(Uid uid, String resourceEndPoint, ScimConnectorConfiguration conf) {

    ServiceAccessManager accessManager = new ServiceAccessManager(conf);

    Header authHeader = accessManager.getAuthHeader();
    String scimBaseUri = accessManager.getBaseUri();

    if (authHeader == null || scimBaseUri.isEmpty()) {

        throw new ConnectorException(
                "The data needed for authorization of request to the provider was not found.");
    }/*from  w  ww  .  j  a v a2 s  . c o m*/

    HttpClient httpClient = initHttpClient(conf);

    String uri = new StringBuilder(scimBaseUri).append(SLASH).append(resourceEndPoint).append(SLASH)

    LOGGER.info("The uri for the delete request: {0}", uri);
    HttpDelete httpDelete = buildHttpDelete(uri, authHeader);

    try (CloseableHttpResponse response = (CloseableHttpResponse) httpClient.execute(httpDelete)) {
        int statusCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();

        if (statusCode == 204 || statusCode == 200) {
            LOGGER.info("Deletion of resource was succesfull");
        } else {

            String responseString;
            HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();

            if (entity != null) {
                responseString = EntityUtils.toString(entity);
            } else {
                responseString = "";

            handleInvalidStatus("while deleting resource. ", responseString, "deleting object", statusCode);

    } catch (ClientProtocolException e) {
                "An protocol exception has occurred while in the process of deleting a resource object. Possible mismatch in the interpretation of the HTTP specification: {0}",
                "An protocol exception has occurred while in the process of deleting a resource object. Possible mismatch in the interpretation of the HTTP specification: {0}",
        throw new ConnectionFailedException(
                "An protocol exception has occurred while in the process of deleting a resource object. Possible mismatch in the interpretation of the HTTP specification.",
    } catch (IOException e) {

        StringBuilder errorBuilder = new StringBuilder(
                "An error has occurred while processing the http response. Occurrence in the process of deleting a resource object with the Uid:  ");


        if ((e instanceof SocketTimeoutException || e instanceof NoRouteToHostException)) {

            errorBuilder.insert(0, "Connection timed out. ");

            throw new OperationTimeoutException(errorBuilder.toString(), e);
        } else {

                    "An error has occurred while processing the http response. Occurrence in the process of deleting a resource object: : {0}",
                    "An error has occurred while processing the http response. Occurrence in the process of deleting a resource object: : {0}",

            throw new ConnectorIOException(errorBuilder.toString(), e);

From source file:com.evolveum.polygon.scim.StandardScimHandlingStrategy.java

public Uid create(String resourceEndPoint, ObjectTranslator objectTranslator, Set<Attribute> attributes,
        Set<Attribute> injectedAttributeSet, ScimConnectorConfiguration conf) {

    ServiceAccessManager accessManager = new ServiceAccessManager(conf);

    Header authHeader = accessManager.getAuthHeader();
    String scimBaseUri = accessManager.getBaseUri();

    if (authHeader == null || scimBaseUri.isEmpty()) {

        throw new ConnectorException(
                "The data needed for authorization of request to the provider was not found.");
    }//from   w  w  w  .j  a  v a2s . c om

    injectedAttributeSet = attributeInjection(injectedAttributeSet, accessManager.getLoginJson());

    JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();

    jsonObject = objectTranslator.translateSetToJson(attributes, injectedAttributeSet, resourceEndPoint);

    HttpClient httpClient = initHttpClient(conf);

    String uri = new StringBuilder(scimBaseUri).append(SLASH).append(resourceEndPoint).append(SLASH).toString();
    LOGGER.info("Query url: {0}", uri);
    try {

        // LOGGER.info("Json object to be send: {0}",
        // jsonObject.toString(1));

        HttpPost httpPost = buildHttpPost(uri, authHeader, jsonObject);
        String responseString = null;
        try (CloseableHttpResponse response = (CloseableHttpResponse) httpClient.execute(httpPost)) {

            HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();

            if (entity != null) {
                responseString = EntityUtils.toString(entity);
            } else {
                responseString = "";

            int statusCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
            LOGGER.info("Status code: {0}", statusCode);

            if (statusCode == 201) {
                // LOGGER.info("Creation of resource was successful");

                if (!responseString.isEmpty()) {
                    JSONObject json = new JSONObject(responseString);

                    Uid uid = new Uid(json.getString(ID));

                    // LOGGER.info("Json response: {0}", json.toString(1));
                    return uid;
                } else {
                    return null;
            } else {
                handleInvalidStatus(" while resource creation, please check if credentials are valid. ",
                        responseString, "creating a new object", statusCode);

        } catch (ClientProtocolException e) {
                    "An protocol exception has occurred while in the process of creating a new resource object. Possible mismatch in interpretation of the HTTP specification: {0}",
                    "An protocol exception has occurred while in the process of creating a new resource object. Possible mismatch in interpretation of the HTTP specification: {0}",
            throw new ConnectionFailedException(
                    "An protocol exception has occurred while in the process of creating a new resource object. Possible mismatch in interpretation of the HTTP specification: {0}",

        } catch (IOException e) {

            if ((e instanceof SocketTimeoutException || e instanceof NoRouteToHostException)) {

                throw new OperationTimeoutException(
                        "The connection timed out. Occurrence in the process of creating a new resource object",
            } else {

                        "An error has occurred while processing the http response. Occurrence in the process of creating a new resource object: {0}",
                        "An error has occurred while processing the http response. Occurrence in the process of creating a new resource object: {0}",

                throw new ConnectorIOException(
                        "An error has occurred while processing the http response. Occurrence in the process of creating a new resource object",

    } catch (JSONException e) {

                "An exception has occurred while processing an json object. Occurrence in the process of creating a new resource object: {0}",
                "An exception has occurred while processing an json object. Occurrence in the process of creating a new resource object: {0}",

        throw new ConnectorException(
                "An exception has occurred while processing an json object. Occurrence in the process of creating a new resource objec",
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
        LOGGER.error("Unsupported encoding: {0}. Occurrence in the process of creating a new resource object ",
        LOGGER.info("Unsupported encoding: {0}. Occurrence in the process of creating a new resource object ",

        throw new ConnectorException(
                "Unsupported encoding, Occurrence in the process of creating a new resource object ", e);
    return null;

From source file:com.evolveum.polygon.scim.StandardScimHandlingStrategy.java

public ParserSchemaScim querySchemas(String providerName, String resourceEndPoint,
        ScimConnectorConfiguration conf) {

    List<String> excludedAttrs = new ArrayList<String>();
    ServiceAccessManager accessManager = new ServiceAccessManager(conf);

    Header authHeader = accessManager.getAuthHeader();
    String scimBaseUri = accessManager.getBaseUri();

    if (authHeader == null || scimBaseUri.isEmpty()) {

        throw new ConnectorException(
                "The data needed for authorization of request to the provider was not found.");
    }/*from  ww w.j av a  2  s. c o  m*/

    HttpClient httpClient = initHttpClient(conf);

    String uri = new StringBuilder(scimBaseUri).append(SLASH).append(resourceEndPoint).toString();

    LOGGER.info("Qeury url: {0}", uri);
    HttpGet httpGet = buildHttpGet(uri, authHeader);
    try (CloseableHttpResponse response = (CloseableHttpResponse) httpClient.execute(httpGet)) {
        HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
        String responseString;
        if (entity != null) {
            responseString = EntityUtils.toString(entity);
        } else {
            responseString = "";

        int statusCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
        LOGGER.info("Schema query status code: {0} ", statusCode);
        if (statusCode == 200) {

            if (!responseString.isEmpty()) {

                //LOGGER.warn("The returned response string for the \"schemas/\" endpoint");

                JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(responseString);

                ParserSchemaScim schemaParser = processSchemaResponse(jsonObject);

                excludedAttrs = excludeFromAssembly(excludedAttrs);

                for (String attr : excludedAttrs) {
                    LOGGER.info("The attribute \"{0}\" will be omitted from the connId object build.", attr);

                return schemaParser;

            } else {

                LOGGER.warn("Response string for the \"schemas/\" endpoint returned empty ");

                String resources[] = { USERS, GROUPS };
                JSONObject responseObject = new JSONObject();
                JSONArray responseArray = new JSONArray();
                for (String resourceName : resources) {
                    uri = new StringBuilder(scimBaseUri).append(SLASH).append(resourceEndPoint)
                    LOGGER.info("Additional query url: {0}", uri);

                    httpGet = buildHttpGet(uri, authHeader);

                    try (CloseableHttpResponse secondaryResponse = (CloseableHttpResponse) httpClient
                            .execute(httpGet)) {

                        statusCode = secondaryResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
                        responseString = EntityUtils.toString(secondaryResponse.getEntity());

                        if (statusCode == 200) {
                            JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(responseString);
                            jsonObject = injectMissingSchemaAttributes(resourceName, jsonObject);

                        } else {

                                    "No definition for provided shcemas was found, the connector will switch to default core schema configuration!");
                            return null;
                    responseObject.put(RESOURCES, responseArray);

                if (responseObject == JSONObject.NULL) {

                    return null;

                } else {

                    excludedAttrs = excludeFromAssembly(excludedAttrs);

                    for (String attr : excludedAttrs) {
                        LOGGER.info("The attribute \"{0}\" will be omitted from the connId object build.",

                    return processSchemaResponse(responseObject);

        } else {

            handleInvalidStatus("while querying for schema. ", responseString, "schema", statusCode);
    } catch (ClientProtocolException e) {
                "An protocol exception has occurred while in the process of querying the provider Schemas resource object. Possible mismatch in interpretation of the HTTP specification: {0}",
                "An protocol exception has occurred while in the process of querying the provider Schemas resource object. Possible mismatch in interpretation of the HTTP specification: {0}",
        throw new ConnectorException(
                "An protocol exception has occurred while in the process of querying the provider Schemas resource object. Possible mismatch in interpretation of the HTTP specification",
    } catch (IOException e) {

        StringBuilder errorBuilder = new StringBuilder(
                "An error has occurred while processing the http response. Occurrence in the process of querying the provider Schemas resource object");

        if ((e instanceof SocketTimeoutException || e instanceof NoRouteToHostException)) {

            errorBuilder.insert(0, "The connection timed out. ");

            throw new OperationTimeoutException(errorBuilder.toString(), e);
        } else {

                    "An error has occurred while processing the http response. Occurrence in the process of querying the provider Schemas resource object: {0}",
                    "An error has occurred while processing the http response. Occurrence in the process of querying the provider Schemas resource object: {0}",

            throw new ConnectorIOException(errorBuilder.toString(), e);

    return null;